
Self guilt might ruin my relationship, need to make a solid change

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    Hello everyone so I have had a very bad habit that Ive dealt with for most of my life. I am 27 and currently in a relationship with a wonderful guy who cares for me very deeply and I care for him a lot as well. We are in medical school together which is how we met. Something that has been a stressor from time to time in our relationship has been my insecurities. I have had issues with my appearance since I was in middle school and not only that but just mainly depression. Its something that comes and goes but there are times where the depression comes in which I feel that I become a burden on the people around me and feel that they would be better off if I wasn’t around. Thats when the self guilt and loathing comes in. Recently I went out with my boyfriend and a few of my friends. That side of me really came out in a way that I was so ashamed of. I had a friend visiting from back at home and we went out had a lot of drinks and she rboguht up a strip club that is near by and wanted to go since she has never been. I encouraged it even though deep inside I didn’t want to go because I honestly don’t find interest in that stuff. But I wanted her to have a good time and I also didn’t want to seem like the insecure lame girlfriend who refuses to go to a strip club with her boyfriend…granted my boyfriend really really didn’t want to go he had no interest whatsoever. But I was drunk and felt like I didn’t want to be “That girl” so I pushed it and we went. That night was horrible I cried all night I get angry said mean things to my boyfriend that I regret very much. I hated that he saw that side of me the weak side that I have been trying to work on for so many years. The next day I was feeling sick all day due to the guilt and even today I feel like that still. I just think to myself why would anyone want to be with someone like that. He said himself that he wants to help me work on it and help me as a couple to work on this issue we seem to have every now and then. I just want to be perfect I want to be this person that I am not and I guess no one can be perfect but if Im not perfect why would he want a future with me. I just would love some good advice from people who don’t know me who aren’t my friends who may be able to see something I can not or can relate to me. I just continue to hurt and feel guilty for everything that happens even the times when I don’t do anything I just feel like everything that ever happens is always my fault and its very tiring.


    Hi Misha. I know how it feels like to feel insecure and the feeling of being a burden on others whilst being a perfectionist. I think many of us here do as well. You’re right, nobody in this world is the most perfect person in the world, there is nobody in this world who doesnt make mistakes. But here’s the catch. YOU are the most perfect person you can ever be. With all your strengths, weaknesses and flaws, you are perfect just the way you are. No matter what kind of person you are, there’s always someone in the world who is willing to accept all of you. If you don’t want to go to the strip club, you should be able to tell your boyfriend about it. The next time it happens, Keep Calm and let him know. If he really loves you, he would respect your decision and act accordingly simply because we all have our limits.

    Remember: FEAR is a False Expectation Appearing Real. Would your insecurity actually lead to a breakup? You might fight over it, but I doubt you would actually break up. Even if it did (touchwood), then he simply isnt the one for you. We men have a wired inhibition to protect you princesses. So don’t worry about how insecure you are. The right guy will come along and just give you a hug and kiss you on the cheek and let you know its all gonna be alright.

    I strongly recommend a book called “The Pilgrimage” by Paulo Coelho. For now, you could still read it here: http://www.e-reading.ws/bookreader.php/146361/The_Pilgrimage.pdf

    On another note:
    It may seem like there are some really strong people in the world who can take anything the world throws at them, they know who they are, what they are capable and not capable of, but truth be told, they have their insecurities too. My best friends are leaders in their own right. You can never have a day out with each of them without bumping into at least 5 other friends of theirs. They would get the most beautiful, loving girlfriends. People look up to them. Yet, every once in awhile, they would confide in me about their relationships, their work, and their purposes. They get heartbroken, lose confidence and are insecure at times too.
    But the difference between them and the rest of us is that 1) they are true to themselves, 2) they respect themselves and others well, 3) they learn and adapt well, but never change who they are for the sake of others. Even if they have to slave their lives to their work at times or to a crazy boss, they never really change themselves nor their values. They simply learn and adapt.


    Hi Misha.

    I know it can be hard to deal with our insecurities at times. I think we all have insecurities -especially us girls- but deal with them differently. Whenever you feel like you are not good enough, just remember this: Your boyfriend is with YOU for a reason. You are perfect TO him and FOR him. He LOVES you for who YOU are. If you were different, he wouldn’t have been so attracted to you, your personality and your looks on the first place. He loves your qualities and your flaws. He accepts you just as you are. He wants to be with you and no one else. The person that you are is what makes him happy.

    You said, “I just want to be perfect I want to be this person that I am not and I guess no one can be perfect but if Im not perfect why would he want a future with me”.

    What is your definition of “perfect”? There is no such thing as perfection – we are all a work in progress and that is what makes us beautiful. Misha, do not be too hard on yourself. Your boyfriend said it himself, he WANTS to help you, which means he IS and WILL BE there for you, no matter what. He is ready to take this journey with you. It is a way for him to show you how much he loves you.

    And now, do not feel guilty about what happened – it belongs to the past. All you have to do now is learn from what you have experienced. Keep your goals in mind, repeat to yourself that you are beautiful and perfect and enough, and that your boyfriend LOVES YOU.


    I really appreciate the response and you guys are correct I guess I do need to stop being so hard on myself. I just hate making others feel bad or bringing them down when I feel that way. It hurts me more to hurt others than myself. He is a wonderful guy and I am very lucky that he does want to help me through these things…I guess sometimes when it seems so great you doubt that it should be that way since I am so used to be let down in the past with ex-boyfriends. We do communicate a lot and that has always helped us regarding anything he or I am upset about. Its nice to know that other people can feel that way too and its just not me.



    In addition to the other kindly advice, consider that all of us make mistakes, and feel crappy from time to time. The problem isn’t the icky feelings, those happen to us all. The problem is you think the icky feelings make you unlovable, such as “that part of me doesn’t deserve tenderness, I must stamp it out to be good enough for him.” False, garbage, old pain. Instead, consider that your boyfriend loves you, and when you feel crappy, rather than want to dump you, he wishes to hold you, help you remember that you’re loved. You poop and fart and sneeze, all lovable, all part of your beauty. You rise and fall, happy and sad, laughter and tears, all part of your beauty. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean he doesn’t.

    Consider a few different paths. One, consider reading some of Brene Brown’s work on vulnerability and shame. She really is a great light for those who become scared certain parts of themselves make them unlovable. Two, consider admitting you’re lost when you’re lost, such as “wow, dear boyfriend, I am feeling disconnected and unloved, would you reach out with your tender heart and comfort mine? Remind me of my beauty?” If he wants to help, but doesn’t know how or when, it can really help him help you if you own up to your feelings and submit them for healing into the relationship.

    Finally, often times we can begin to think there is something wrong with us when we’re just a little stressed. It creeps up on us,such as being fine for a few days, then a pair of late night caffeine driven study sessions, and low and behold we’re feeling unlovable again. All normal, part of learning how to take care of ourselves. When we sleep when we’re tired, eat when we’re hungry, laugh when we’re happy, and cry when we’re sad… the self-conflict drops. Said differently, if you push too hard at being happy, stable, “not crazy”, you’ll just be conflicted, self contentious. When we accept “sometimes I’m happy, sometimes I’m crazy, sometimes I’m hungry, sometimes I’m full”, then its no big deal. Sad? Cry, or ask for a hug. Hungry? Eat. Tired? Sleep. Not “why do I have to be hungry, it sucks” or “why do I have to feel so down, it sucks”. The former way sees our needs met, while the latter makes us feel guilty for being full of needs.

    Namaste, dear sister, may your contention unravel into self knowing.

    With warmth,


    Thank you for the response Matt, yes stress is usually what triggers these emotions in me and just makes me unbalanced in a sense. Especially being in medical school together him and I are both under enormous pressure all the time that even little things just add up and at some point causes one of us to explode. Most of my times of feeling unbalanced are related to my lack of self love. Im not sure where it came from seeing that I had a very loving family and good childhood so I have never had the lack of love from anyone but myself. I think if I can focus on myself and loving myself then I can better handle certain situations. I seem to have this habit of just getting very angry and hurt when there are other attractive women around. It isn’t all the time but I do compare myself a lot and see everyone else as perfection. And in those instances I lash out at him (I used to do this with other boyfriends as well so its not just him) and then again there is the guilt for reacting in that manner when he hasn’t done anything wrong like flirt or anything with them. I just assume the worst thinking that he would rather have that girl because in my eyes she so attractive and perfect and I don’t have the most beautiful skin, or biggest breasts , so on. Im very picky with myself which again like I said I am my own worst critic. I will look into reading those books I do tend to love books like that. Im glad that I joined this forum I already feel a new more positive mindset from all your responses. Maybe if any of you have ever dealt with any insecurities like that any advice on how you work on it daily I would glady welcome . I actually decided yesterday to do a 30 day challenge of not speaking down on anyone…like not seeing a girl and judging her or pointing out something negative in order to make myself feel better (defense mechanism I see it as). Oh and namaste Matt 🙂



    Yes, it makes sense why you’d be getting agitated, and its easier to let go of than you think. Those comparisons you make are very normal, we’re given these “icons” of beauty that people are supposed to be like,if they want love, dreams, etc. But oops, we’re different, therefore must be ugly, less, imperfect. All garbage. Consider a different view.

    Surface beauty is just that, surface. Like the peel of an apple, it rests at the outside, and means very little. Most of the shape of your true beauty comes from inside, such as your tenacity, passion, humility, and love. Much like it isn’t this season’s leaves that give a tree its shape, your beauty blossoms from the trunk, the way you dance with the world. As you dance with him, it sounds as though he’s seeing all of that… knowing you, holding you, wanting to comfort, assure. Said differently, do you really think your love and appreciation of his beauty would snuff out because he got a new pimple? Then why would you think his love is so weak?

    Consider that sometimes the reason why we’re left searching for self love isn’t because we’ve had an absence of love, but because we’ve not been helped to see why we’re lovable. “Oh, she’s so pretty”, “look at the size of those boobs!”, photoshopped perfectly plasticy looking skin, or hiding behind coverup, people pointing and saying “love that”. Sheesh, be free of that trash, dear sister. You have a spark, and that spark illumines your beauty… not the other way around. Unless the person is stuck looking at the surface, but those folks have enough issues without us bearing a grudge, or worse, adopting their view.

    If you can tell your troubling emotions and thoughts are tied to higher levels of stress, you might be able to drop the maze altogether if you begin a meditation practice. Its like turbo stress relief, making a pocket of stillness in a busy life so the mind can unwind, refuel, rest. A great place to start is metta meditation, which will also help erode the anger toward your sisters for their various qualities. Consider “Sharon Salzburg guided metta meditation” on YouTube, if interested.

    With warmth,

    Big blue

    Hi Misha,

    You story resonates with me. That is, the distorted thinking.

    Here is a straight forward path:

    1. Accept yourself 100% as of this second.
    2. Continue growing and learning.

    By accepting yourself you can be at peace and not have these distorted thoughts.

    By focusing on growing and learning each day, you will enjoy your life day by day.

    Now that you are thinking this way, compare yourself to yourself, past and future. You have no doubt had some great experiences in your past. What do you see for yourself in the future? If you see a calm, confident person, aspire each day to be like her. Also, pick some authentic roles models.

    Does this make sense?

    Big blue

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Big blue.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Big blue.
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