
Separating love and sex…deep ponderings…

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    This particular topic doesn’t apply to my relationship at this moment but it’s a subject I’ve struggled with and have mixed thoughts and feelings on in my own head. I’m in a relationship that I’ve been in for about 2 years. Before that I was married for 15 plus years. Both completely monogamous, healthy heterosexual relationships (yes, even the one that ended in divorce). But…I’m looking at being in this relationship for the forever future,knowing that’s not guaranteed, and I’ve thought about the possibility of unconventional arrangements as far as the sexual component. Maybe the occasional addition of another female. Not as a full time partner but just for “fun”.

    I will likely never pursue this as I’m not sure I can separate the sex from the “feelings”. And I definitely don’t want to set up a situation where my bf is put in the position to develop emotional feelings for another person.

    If anyone has experience or thoughts, please share.


    Dear HippieChick:

    My thoughts: I think that if you experimented with such an arrangement, it may be a short term success, an exhilaration in the very act of challenging and breaking a convention, a social rule. Social conventions or rules we follow along with (almost) everyone else can feel like a bondage (no pun intended) of sorts, a lack of freedom, and once you get the courage to break a rule, there is an exhilaration, a high of sorts in the bare (no pun intended) fact that you are breaking of a rule.

    Then there is the newness of it, the First Time Excitement Factor.

    Following this short term success are the long term consequences. Even if you terminate the experiment and re-establish good old monogamy, there will be the memories. Once you saw what you saw and heard what you heard and sensed what you sensed with up to your five senses during the experiment, those things will be stuck to your brain neurons like hair to soap. Here is your boyfriend acting passionate about you and you remember how he looked when he was passionate about her, in your presence and you compare. There is the glitter in his eye, why.. you remember he had that glitter with her!

    And you want to go back and undo the experiment but you can’t. And every time you see your boyfriend intimately, you see her. You can’t stand it anymore so you decide on a temporary separation. After he moves out, you wonder if he got together with her.

    Am I being carried away?



    I definitely do not think your scenerio is getting carried away. Those are the exact reasons I’ve never seriously considered going through with it. And I know that I tend to be a bit jealous and a bit insecure (both things I’m working on and things that have gotten much better thanks to this boyfriend). So I can only imagine the way I could potentially feel…especially if you add in my tendency to over think. I have a feeling that if there was a look or gesture or anything I’d assume it meant more than it did. Basically, I’m pretty sure I can’t separate the two and I’d end up in the situation you describe above. Even if he did nothing….


    Hi HippieChick,

    There’s another factor besides your feelings, or even your partner’s. It’s the other person you’d bring along for the ride! When a couple brings in a third, there is a TOTALLY (no guilt here) unconscious mindset that the couple is the one in control, the Primary. Well, human nature being what it is, even if the third party is “cool” s/he does have the potential to be emotional/insecure/attached/jealous as well!

    There’s nothing more boring than Convention, and yet, there is a reason why Monogamy is the way to go (for most people most of the time).

    I say download an app ~ “Shall We Date?” has a great line! 😉 And have fun THAT way!



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Inky.

    Yes, I had actually thought about that as well. Especially if that third person was someone we’d need to see again on a regular basis if we decided not to continue. If that person development feelings or an attachment, even if neither of us did, it would make things beyond awkward. It’s not so much about things being or getting boring (we’re both spontaneous, “weird” and creative people) but more about questioning is the “old way” the right way just because it’s the traditional way of having a relationship.

    It’s more of an intellectual discussion because I’m not sure I could evolve emotionally to the point I could be comfortable anyway.


    Dear HipppieCHick:

    I am glad you brought up this topic of questioning the “old ways” of doing things, the traditional ways. Many traditional ways of parenting, for example, including child abuse should be stopped. Arranged marriages still practiced where they are traditional and in practice… child labor and on and on. So questioning and challenging traditional ways of living, challenging social conventions, these are good things.

    The thing is we already absorbed so much of Do and Do Not from such an early age that it is impossible to ignore these teachings at will. So we question, challenge and choose what of those social conventions to keep and what to toss.


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