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    Dear Anita,

    It’s been awhile since we last text each other weeks ago.

    I’m still slaying with my son Christopher Agoth Gregory Chan,  he is so happily ever after being with his father. How happy he is to be  with me.

    As we normally go for outing he could try like he was want to drive.


    Dear Gregory:

    So good to read from you, and to see the new photo of Christopher Agoth Gregory Chan- he looks bigger and older than in the previous photo, his face is more mature, more grown up. He looks handsome in his white shirt and pants. Thank you for this delightful treat this morning: your post and the photo!

    “he is so happily ever after being with his father”- yes, he is!



    Dear Anita,

    The photo that you see,,,,,  when you view clearly you can see behind the system of the aircraft. Christopher Gregory took the picture in the cockpit of the plane with me. He had seen different types of aircraft and he was so much curiosity to be in the airport. He saw dreamerline Boeing 787-800, Boeing B737, B727, and so on.

    Every day  I had to go to airport with him. He had developed the love of aviation at the moment,,,,  he told me dad I want to drive plane.

    Thanks for appreciating me Anita,,,  it is my duty to make happy and give him whatever he needs as a son.



    Dear Gregory:

    I see now, that must be you behind your son. I am smiling for the first time today… how special this is for him, to be with his father in an aircraft, knowing his father can fly a plane.. no doubt he looks up to you as his Hero, the most important person in his life. I am so glad to read that you are a responsible and loving father!!!



    Dear Anita,

    Yes that is  me.  the love I have for this son even my own father never love me in such a way. The only thing I should do is to him now to follow up his career at them.  Christopher Agoth Gregory was not having a mother at the earliest age starting from the day he was 1 years and until now. Besides I don’t know what the mother will do for him in the near future. She is saying I’m seeing Christopher Agoth Thondit Gregory, like a child which has been aborted.  M1 said I don’t want to see him in future . That is why I want to make special and have memorized things in the journey of his growing up as a man.  I always told him son,  being a special son is one of the best thing ever.  If you put your heart in your education some of you reject you will hunt for you in the long run.

    Thank you my special mother Anita.

    Our son doesn’t eat properly what do you think can be good for him?


    I would love to hear from you again Anita, you are a mother and you know what is good for a child of 3.9yrs. He will be turning to 4years old in October 30th .


    Dear Gregory:

    I will read and reply to you when I am back to the computer, in about 11 hours from now.



    Dear Anita,

    Thanks mommy ,,,, just take your time,  when you feels fresh later, you will definitely restart to read.


    Dear Gregory:

    Good to read from you every time. And it is good to read that you show and tell your son that you love him and that you are so glad to be his father (“being a special son is one of the best thing ever”). It means so much to him to see, in your eyes, in your face; and to hear in your voice and in your words- that you feel good that he is your son, that you are fortunate to be his father, that he is good news in your life, that he is a good person and it makes you feel good to be his father.

    You shared that Christopher Agoth Gregory will turn 4 next month. He did not have a mother ever since he was 1. The woman who gave him birth (M2) said that she thinks of him as an aborted child, and her mother (M1) said that she does not want to see him in the future. Like I suggested to you before, no longer tell him that he will see M1 in the future, don’t feed his hope to see her.

    Fact is he doesn’t have a mother. So over time, gradually, help him understand that not every child has a mother, but it’s okay to not have a mother when you have a good father. A child is okay if the child has one good parent.

    “Our son doesn’t eat properly, what do you think can be good for him?”-

    I don’t know what “doesn’t eat properly” means, can you explain his behavior in regard to food and eating?



    Dear Anita,

    Thanks for the beautiful message you put on the flatform. I appreciated you for the coaching you had being taken on me on several occasions.

    If it was not you Anita , I wouldn’t defeated M1 and M2, . Yes I have never tell him that you will see m2 neither m1, we have never reached to that level . We have a lots to share me with my son…..  He is ever happy for being with me.  He had never thought of her mother at all.

    About food he eat for,  he is so selective,  he could suggest the food that he need for.



    Dear Gregory:

    You are welcome. The Mayo clinic/.. children’s health website suggests the following regarding young children who are picky eaters (“so selective”), the following quoted information reads very good to me. Let me know if it is clear to you, and if you would like me to repeat any of it in my own words:

    “1. If your child isn’t hungry, don’t force a meal or snack… don’t bribe or force your child to eat certain foods or clean his or her plate. This might only ignite- or reinforce- a power struggle over food. In addition, your child might come to associate mealtime with anxiety and frustration…

    Serve small portions to avoid overwhelming your child and give him or her the opportunity to independently ask for more.

    2. Stick to the Routine- Serve meals and snacks at about the same times every day… You can provide milk or 100  percent juice with the food, but offer water in between meals and snacks. Allowing your child to fill up on juice, milk or snacks throughout the day might decrease his appetite for meals.

    3. Be patient with new foods- Young children often touch or smell new foods, and might even put tiny bits in their mouths and then take them back out again. Your child might need repeated exposure to a new food before he takes the first bite.. Serve new foods along with your child’s favorite foods. Keep serving your child healthy choices until they become familiar and preferred.

    4. Encourage your child to stay at the table for the designated mealtime- even if he doesn’t eat.

    5. Make it fun- Serve broccoli and other veggies with a favorite dip or sauce. Cut foods into various shapes.. Serve a variety of brightly colored foods.

    6. Recruit your child’s help-  At the grocery store, ask your child to help you select fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Don’t buy anything that you don’t want your child to eat. At home, encourage your child to help you rinse veggies, stir batter or set the table.

    7. Set a good example-  If you eat a variety of healthy foods, you child is more likely to follow suit.

    8. Be creative- Add chopped broccoli or green peppers to spaghetti sauce, top cereal with fruit slices, or mix grated zucchini and carrots into casseroles and soups.

    9. Minimize distractions- Turn off the television and other electronic gadgets during meals. This will help your child focus on eating. Keep in mind that television advertising might also encourage your child to desire sugary or less nutritious foods.

    10. Don’t offer dessert as a reward- withholding dessert sends the message that dessert is the best food, which might only increase your child’s desire for sweets. You might select one or two nights a week as dessert nights, and skip dessert the rest of the week- or redefine dessert as fruit, yogurt or other healthy choices.

    If you’re concerned that picky eating is compromising your child’s growth and development, consult your child’s doctor… remember that your child’s eating habits won’t likely change overnight- but the small steps you take each day can help promote a lifetime of healthy eating.”


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by .

    Dear Anita,

    It is signify daily basis honey replied to me as your son. I’m so much electrified and thrilled with you most of the time. People like you Anita  ain’t common on earth dear mommy.

    following regarding young children who are picky eaters (“so selective”), the following quoted information reads very good to me. Let me know if it is clear to you, and if you would like me to repeat any of it in my own words:

    “1. “If your child isn’t hungry, don’t force a meal or snack… don’t bribe or force your child to eat certain foods or clean his or her plate. This might only ignite- or reinforce- a power struggle over food. In addition, your child might come to associate mealtime with anxiety and frustration…”

    My son Christopher Agoth Gregory,  has a mean mealtime that he had known to eat on it.  He is a smart boy who doesn’t like dirty himself when he is eating. Sometimes when he is not happy with the meal he could tell me let go to town to buy other foods in the restaurant to eat. I cook for him most of the times or we go to cafeteria for our dinner. I’m trying all my best I can to makes sure he is happy and fit.

    Serve small portions to avoid overwhelming your child and give him or her the opportunity to independently ask for more.” yes I do mommy,  in fact I become like baby sitting now. Raising a child is a very great task,,,,,  is like during the lamb pain of a woman she is delivering a baby,,,,  it is always 50 – 50 between life and death.

    The same thing of raising a child when we ain’t keen enough he or she could come out as a failure or a criminal record. ” this is where I’m praying all the times for my child to be a responsible son in the near future,  a son that was left to his father when he doesn’t know anything but the father struggle to raise him. A son that would be of find and she said my son Christopher Agoth Gregory,  I was wrong and mislead by my M1,, my target will come to it pinnacles of the sewing needle.

    2. Stick to the Routine- Serve meals and snacks at about the same times every day… You can provide milk or 100  percent juice with the food, but offer water in between meals and snacks. Allowing your child to fill up on juice, milk or snacks throughout the day might decrease his appetite for meals.” Wonderful this is where I’m very serious,  I don’t wait him to tell me dad I’m hungry,  I makes sure things are in accurate prescription of the African time. ” meanwhile he is eating he has water on the table and juice…

    3. Be patient with new foods- Young children often touch or smell new foods, and might even put tiny bits in their mouths and then take them back out again. Your child might need repeated exposure to a new food before he takes the first bite.. Serve new foods along with your child’s favorite foods. Keep serving your child healthy choices until they become familiar and preferred.” Affirmatively this is where I apply my best to be patient enough and try to see which other things does he want. And try to provide to him.

    4. Encourage your child to stay at the table for the designated mealtime- even if he doesn’t eat. “Exactly he is very good at that,  when it is meal time,,,,,,  he could stay on the table and be happy with everyone.

    5. “Make it fun- Serve broccoli and other veggies with a favorite dip or sauce. Cut foods into various shapes.. Serve a variety of brightly colored foods.” Christopher,  knows very well I’m very good at making fun with him mommy. We could joke and do more things.

    6. Recruit your child’s help-  At the grocery store, ask your child to help you select fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Don’t buy anything that you don’t want your child to eat. At home, encourage your child to help you rinse veggies, stir batter or set the table. ” I’m focusing on his daily things he need always. I give him different things.

    7. Set a good example-  If you eat a variety of healthy foods, you child is more likely to follow suit. ” I do that mommy,  in fact I’m very selective in eating either too.

    8. Be creative- Add chopped broccoli or green peppers to spaghetti sauce, top cereal with fruit slices, or mix grated zucchini and carrots into casseroles and soups.” explain me more about the above sentence, what is broccoli or green peppers to spaghetti sauce, top cereal with fruits slice, or mix grate zucchinis?  Where could I get them?  I love them by way,  I guess the makes food more delicious.

    9. Minimize distractions- Turn off the television and other electronic gadgets during meals. This will help your child focus on eating. Keep in mind that television advertising might also encourage your child to desire sugary or less nutritious foods. Absolutely television is ever off,  when he is eating.

    10. Don’t offer dessert as a reward- withholding dessert sends the message that dessert is the best food, which might only increase your child’s desire for sweets. You might select one or two nights a week as dessert nights, and skip dessert the rest of the week- or redefine dessert as fruit, yogurt or other healthy choices. Point taken well and put into consideration as well as practice too.

    If you’re concerned that picky eating is compromising your child’s growth and development, consult your child’s doctor… remember that your child’s eating habits won’t likely change overnight- but the small steps you take each day can help promote a lifetime of healthy eating.” 😂 😂 haha okay thanks for more experience and nice directive,,,,  I’m learning day by day.

    Thank you Anita.

    Good night there.

    Be blessed.



    Dear Gregory:

    You are welcome, and thank you for your kind, affectionate words!

    Good to get to know more about Christopher Agoth Gregory: a smart boy who doesn’t get himself dirty when he is eating, that he is sitting at the table for the entire meal, and is happy with everyone, while  the TV is off,  and it is good to read that you are an attentive, patient father who cooks for his son, or takes him out to eat, making sure he is happy and fit, keeping the atmosphere light and fun.

    And I am pleased that you read paid attention to #1-10 from the website- that’s a caring father indeed!

    You asked me to explain #8: do you mean that you are not familiar with the following vegetables: zucchini, green bell peppers, and carrots? If not, you can google the images of these, maybe you know them by other names??





    Dear Anita,

    Thanks for the prescription of the vegetables. In fact I had known them before only that I’m not familiar of them because it’s ladies who are good with it cause they used them on day to day basis.

    Mommy Anita,  I’m thinking of marrying another girl who is not too educative but at least moderate in the level of education. The reason as to why I’m thinking of marrying another girl is because of Christopher Agoth,  he really need someone to help me with meanwhile I’m flying.


    Dear Gregory:

    Marrying another woman so that she will help you with Christopher Agoth is a good idea only if

    – she is a good woman, a persistently calm woman (not one with an anger problem).

    – none of her family members will interfere with how you want your son (and yourself) to be treated.

    – you truly like and respect her, and she likes you respects you back

    – she will be a good mother to your son, never abuse him (or you!), and treat your son as well as she treats children she gives birth to.


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