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  • #391974

    Hello Dear,

    As its usual flying first.

    Dear Anita,
    Thank you so much. You are indeed very good, very good to the earth.  I will keep each and everyone in my life.  I will fly with them. Though Sky is the only home of pilots where you met with so many birds , heavy clouds.

    The sky gets wide and deep. I’m in the cockpit with my crews. And my friends are far below me, taking pictures of the ocean.

    Finally,  I climb over to certain level of 40000ft where the machine is level and balanced at the cruising speed boulder and the view opens up.

    I can see here to the infinite horizon.  I feels  as though I’m staring at the edge of the earth,  where water meets the sky, blue on blue.  The wind screams across my skin. I look up. It’s bright.  It’s beautiful like Anita physical appearance,  its beautiful like Anita, encouragingly!!

    While my eyes are keening set on the aircraft system, still my 90% as Captain Maranga,  said looked outside to see where the aircraft is head and, what the computer is telling me to do, pressing every single button in an interval.

    I sit there for a moment of hours acrobatics oceans,  wrestling with so much turbulence and cliff and leaning my my both feet on the panel of the break, and keep my hand on the throttle with combined rudder to turns gradually.

    Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important bcuz it obliterates all the crampy,  fragile,  superficial values in life.

    Thank you to my brilliant and beautiful friend Anita,  who never hesitates to say no to me when I take any decisions,  and when I need to hear it most.

    Not only do you make me a better person,  but your unconditional love and constant feedback to everyone in tinybuddha during writing any thread in the forum.

    In many ways, I don’t feel as though I fully became an adult until I understood many of the concepts in this flying.  In that sense, it’s been a joy to get know you in this forum as per these past few years.

    Two big brains that conspire to make my brain appear much larger than it actually is. Your hard work and brilliance continue to floor me.
    Thank you.


    Dear Gregory:

    You are very welcome and thank you for being good to your sons, to your fiancée and to all other people in your life!

    The sky gets wide and deep. I’m in the cockpit with my crews. And my friends are far below me, taking pictures of the ocean… I can see the infinite horizon.  I feel as though I’m staring at the edge of the earth, where water meets the sky, blue on blue” – the imagery in my mind, as I read this, is magnificent!

    Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important bcuz it obliterates all the superficial values in life” – more wisdom from Gregory, thank you!

    Two big brains that conspire to make my brain appear much larger than it actually is. Your hard work and brilliance continue to floor me” – you are a very kind person, Gregory. Thank you for all your kind words and for your grace in the skies and down on earth!


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by .

    Hello Anita,

    How have you been doing?

    I was caught up by the serious sickness that took almost two weeks in my body , so now I’m back to healthy state.


    Greg. Thondit’s dad. A proud father.

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