
The 7 Deadly Sins

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    What are the 7 deadly sins? Can you list them?
    OK, here’s a reminder.


    With the Christmas season coming up soon, I think it is worthwhile for all of us to reflect on our year. Put our sins under the microscope. Did you envy your friend’s beautiful home? (ENVY)Did you have a wicked fantasy about someone’s partner? (LUST)You know, the bible says that if you look at someone of the opposite sex lustfully, you have already committed adultery.
    Did you eat too much at Thanksgiving? …..GLUTTONY
    Did you watch TV or surf the net for 4 hours daily? …..SLOTH
    Did you refuse to give money to charity in order to buy some extra alcohol for a party?….GREED
    Did you fly off the handle at your child or partner for no reason, several times this year? (WRATH)
    And last but not least, PRIDE:
    Were you arrogant in 2015? Did you look down on others as if they were less than you? The bible says that pride is the worst of all deadly sins, “the root of all evil” as proven by the Devil who became a bad angel through his ego.

    So you answered “Yes’ to all seven deadly sin questions?
    If so, don’t you think it’s time to do something? Otherwise 2016 is just going to be the same. Can you honestly say that you would be happy acting like that again? Don’t you want 2016 to be a good, happy, successful year, relatively free of sin?
    I don’t pretend to be free of sin yet, but it’s something I aspire to. And that is surely a goal worth pursuing, don’t you agree?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Glenda.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Glenda.

    Condemning your sins is just as bad as committing sins. Or labeling your sins as “sins”. By trying to resist your sins you give your sins even more power over you.

    Focus on moving toward happiness, don’t focus on moving away from misery.


    Dear Glenda,

    with Christmas fast approaching I can see how you would like people to be mindful of what they are doing.
    The problem I have with the word “sin” is that it’s very judgemental and not helpful for causing lasting change. It basically means “you do X and you are bad.”
    For example if I ate too much => Gluttony => ” I’m a sinner! I’m bad!” You know what I do when I feel bad? I might eat even more.
    This approach sounds like a fast road to depression, because noone will ever be good enough.

    Another point is that I wonder where you are setting your boundaries (you are of course free to put them whereever you like!)
    Basically you can never give enough to charity, they will allways need more. So where does that leave us when we take it to extremes? We can never have a party again. Ever. Or at least not one with Snacks and drinks. As for Thanksgiving we don’t celebrate that here but there is christmas and yes, I might eat more than my body needs, but it’s fun for me to eat good food with my family. I don’t think that if there is a god, he/she will begrudge me that. Why do you think your god will think badly of you in this case?


    Oh Glenda is a troll. Didn’t even realize it

    Good one though 🙂 Pretty funny


    I forgive you visual for calling me a troll. You know, they thought Jesus Christ was a troll, a troublemaker. Because he challenged their authority, their pride. The Pharisees, I mean.
    And there is nothing wrong with condemning sin as evil. I don’t condemn the person. We need to recognize sin for what it is, separation from God. Do you feel a distance or separation from God, visual? Maybe it is pride that has caused this. If so, I pray for you now.
    “Lord, Jesus, forgive visual for his sinful pride. He has not yet awoken to your presence, your love and mercy.”


    “And Lord, forgive Peppermint if she doesn’t give enough to charity and overeats at Christmas time.”
    Sorry Peppermint, if I have offended you with the word “sin”. The fact that people don’t like the word “sin” also comes from pride. They are thinking to themselves, “no one can tell me I’m sinning too much. I rather like sin anyway. It’s fun!”


    I’m new here, was glad to see such a reminder before Christmas… I only just read about 7 sins and 7 virtues. After all we’re going to celebrate God’s birth. but usually Christmas to people means good food and drinks and parties… and it seems hypocritical.
    I’m sorry responses to Glenda weren’t wiser or kinder. No need to create enemies for yourself.
    I guess people see such reminders as judgmental accusations, and it is because they are not used to reflect on these things, and don’t like being reminded they’re not perfect, no. But shouldn’t we be honest at least with ourselves?at least once a year? I think admittance and contrition bring liberation. and growth


    I can understand a lot of what you say Lily. Please don’t make a hasty exit . We need all types of people here. I value interesting points of view whether I agree with them or not.


    See how we suffer Lily, suffer for our faith in our Lord and saviour!
    I should report them for their lack of repentance.


    Dear Glenda,
    I really appreciate your reminder. It’s good to question yourself sometime and see if you’re on the path of becoming the best version of yourself. and i also agree that pride may be the worst of them all. i just wanted to wish you a better year and i hope this time, next year, you will be feeling the difference in you and in other people.

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