
The Negative Side of Human Nature

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    Hi everyone!

    I have been thinking a lot regarding some recent random things about acts of negative human nature and I keep thinking about it! I can’t see to stop thinking about it. It’s a lot of anxiety and stress that I don’t have to have. It’s like I keep wanting to think about negative things and making myself suffer mentally on purpose. Or maybe I’m just blowing these examples way out of proportions? Some examples below:

    – Seeing the news on TV/online regarding innocent people being harmed/suffering in some way
    – Seeing how some people curse/berate/threaten/explode with anger over other people over tiny matters
    – Witnessing how some people refuse to help others or even not caring what happens to others since they don’t share their own beliefs
    -How some people thinks its okay to harm animals/other people who are smaller/weaker than them for fun or over trivial matters
    -Those who use money/materialistic things to berate/belittle others
    -Road rage that ends in harm/death

    I am probably blowing this way out of proportion… but each time I am exposed to a negative event like someone innocent suffering, I can’t help but feel so sad and anxious. Sad that I pray for more compassion in the world and anxious that that innocent someone suffering can one day be me or someone I love even though we have done no wrong.

    I absolutely know that I have to show others compassion no matter what in order to help spread compassion, is what I want to believe. I’m really trying to be happy and spread happiness to society, in hopes of doing good for others. But…. sometimes when I see one the examples of negativity of human nature listed above, I become so SAD for days and I can’t stop thinking about it! It’s like I grieve for the suffering and misfortune of others and it’s making me suffer mentally in return when I can’t stop thinking about it.

    I really don’t understand what’s wrong with my thinking and how I can correct it. May I please for your insight and suggestions? Thank you so much for your time!


    Hello Jade,

    Even I had similar thoughts in the course of finding answers I felt its all about karma what goes around comes around. Universe has its way of maintaining balance similarly does the human race.. Its a fast paced world everyone is running after something where most of them don’t even realise what is it they are running for, everyone is in hurry, anxious, battling within themselves. You can show compassion but you don’t know what the other person’s practical and emotional situation he is in to accept it. It depends on their maturity too So, its really hard to expect most of them to reciprocate in compassion. So, I would do whatever the best I can what I feel is right and rest left to them.


    Hi Jade,

    I have been thinking the exact same thing for several months now. Your post is excellent in that your questions do not seem to be taken seriously enough by most to make realistic and important changes. So no, you are not blowing this out of proportion. Personally I believe that those questions and other issues that are making this world so damn toxic just happens to be the current state of the world. I think your questions could easily have been asked several millennial ago and, perhaps they were. But it seems to be as far as that goes, just questions. Scholars and social scientists can study those questions, write essay’s and books to share their findings, maybe make the NY Times Best Seller List, still that’s as far as it goes. I think that the vast majority of information put out there by the media is sensational journalism which adds to our awareness of these events. The other day I asked a good friend of mine why have people had such a hostile since day 1. She asked me how long ago do I think “day 1” was. I told her about a man from the so-called ice-man era that was found in the Alps I believe, and the forensics discovered point to murder.

    I have noticed those things more and more but I have no idea why so many people are willing to make negative questions. A long time ago when I first took notice of this pattern ill will towards one another, I felt as you do now, sad. My current thinking is realizing that this is in fact the current state of the world. I don’t contribute or condone those very things your question’s propose because I am not part of that world. I choose to live and think in more peaceful ways. I also spend every day at the beach, some times I’ll add in a hike, and I go to a special place in my soul and think about the beauty that really does exist in life. As I am in that special place, I am absorbed by a certain bliss I am not able to describe. And yet the world as it is goes on and on. I think that what you really don’t understand what’s wrong with “my thinking and how I can correct it.” is that there is nothing wrong with your thinking. You are truly connected and aware of its current state as well. To feel sad for days shows how your compassion is affected by this. Believe me, I have sad days as well when a lot of my thinking is diverted to the issues in your question. To feel that is to keep you in contact with the single most important person in pursuit of understanding-you.

    It is far from a perfect world in which we live and all I think I can do is go into what I call my “trance dance,” a deep state of meditation, and picture, imagine, pretend, or visualize a world consumed by so much peace and love, and hope that my images change the world. So far I’m not doing so good :/

    Here’s what I wish for you with the hope that it gives you good thoughts…I wish you all the love, peace, and happiness that life has to offer, for an eternity longer than a lifetime. It is the least you deserve.



    I think we have all experienced the anxiety and disillusionment you are talking about. In the age of “information” and 24/7 news where 90% of the stories we hear have a negative connotation its no wonder. As such there is nothing “wrong” with your thinking, however this might be more of an issue of focus/mindfulness. What you are allowing your consciousness to remain focused on.

    You ask how you might correct this thinking.

    I think the tools of compassion and mindfulness might be helpful.  Compassion in this case for your thinking and anxiety instead of judgment. Such a perspective opens the door to mindfulness where you might notice such thinking and anxiety as observations and so doing allow them to pass.  For example, this news story disappoints me and fills me with anxiety. I am sorry such things happen and that people can behave this way. I see I can also act in hurtful ways and feel compassion for others and myself (while still holding myself and others accountable. Not doing so would not be Love). Hurtful things might/will happen to myself and family and for those things I can control I will attend to the rest I let go and lean on my faith that Life (which includes death) is Love.

    Mindfulness may also help you better direct your consciousness. Consciousness is attracted to ‘loud noises’, things we are afraid of, fear, possible trouble. Mindfulness teaches us to notice without fixating on what we become aware of and in this way, respond or react as the needs arise.  We learn to better direct our consciousness.

    When you think of it is really is a waist of time to worry about a future that never happens. Track all the things you worried about against what actually happens and you will likely notice that a large percentage never occurred.   You can and should prepare for possible outcomes but once you do worry has served its purpose.  Mindfulness will help you let it go.

    Lastly “the car goes were the eyes go” meaning our mind/thinking goes were our eyes go. There is far more goodness and beauty in the world then ugliness.  Its true. Just look around you and direct your awareness to the wonder.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Peter.
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