
What are the characteristics of a selfish friend?

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Alf.
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    I have a friend who I feel is pretty selfish. She can always count on me but I always hesitate to count on her. I am trying to figure out if I should stop being her friend after the latest incident. Any advice would help….people dont seem to respond to often on here…………


    Hi Lea,
    What do you want for a friend? Try writing down a list of qualities and behaviors on what you want from a friend and then see if your friend have those things.

    What does your heart say about you Lea? Do you care about yourself? Do you love yourself? I would start there to decide what sort of people you want in your life.

    I know for myself that I only let those who enhance my life, who respect and care for me, who share the same core values and qualities that I have.



    Hi Mark, your right. I love myself but not as much as I should. i grew up around domestic violence and my mom having mental illness I have ended up as a caregiver-mentally so for the past year or so after my moms recent mental breakdown I have been focusing on myself. I have learned that ahe has the proper tools to take care of herself. I need to realize that with thia friend and not be afraid to let her go being that I cant rely on her anyway. She can ALWAYS rely on me but I hesitate to ask her for anything and thats not friendship. Recently we were out and there was a man walking on the side of the highway, extrmely drunk about to get hit. i was scared. i told her to give me her phone so i could call 911 since my phone was dead and she said ” no, I dont want to pay for a 911 call!” i was so disgusted. luckily we passed a police officer and I was able to flag him down. that is just the VERY tip of the iceberg with her selfishness. I am a compassionate person, I like helping people wether its just being there to listen, educating them or encouraging them. She seems to only care about herself. I held on to our friendship for too long as a crutch during times of depression but I am tired of being used and abused. She is never really here for me anyways so I need to let go of false hope. Each year I strive to be a better me and this year I need to create boundaries and let go of people holding me back so that i can be a better me. Thanks Matt!! 🙂


    I KNOW you can attract friends who are caring, compassionate and loving like yourself. I believe in order to attract what we want we need to let go what or who is bringing us down.

    Be Love.



    thank you! Sorry I called you Mark! thanks again, i DO need to learn to let go. i guess watching my mom go through a cycle of abuse and then me not be able to let her go its hard for me to let people go sometimes. i feel sorry for them. which means I care more for them than myself. But it has to end bc now I feel used and abused!!


    Hi Lea,
    I’ve been in your situation before and thought you might benefit from googling information about the Karpman Drama Triangle.
    There is an especially well written summary on a blog named “Kellivision” dated October 28, 2009.
    The post is called “The Drama Triangle: Victims, Rescuers and Persecutors”.
    That article would be a very good place to start learning about your role in your relationship with your Mother and how it mirrors itself in your relationship with your “friend”.
    My sincere wish for you is that you are able to step out of the triangle and leave behind all the negativity it can bring into your life.
    I send my best wishes and kindest regards your way.
    Janie B.


    Sometimes friendships run their course. It’s part of life and we all tend to make friends with people who, in some way or other, benefit us or offer us something (even if that’s just making us laugh and having fun). So don’t be afraid to end a friendship which has run it’s course.

    That said, make sure it has first, and don’t be afraid of speaking your mind to her too – she may need to hear how selfish she is before she becomes a “better” person, and who knows that “better” person may be someone who you really like and want to be friends with.

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