
What is wrong with me? How Can anyone feel this way?

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    Pink Salmon

    (Background: male, in a sexless marriage for a number of years. With that went the decline of everything else. Now just roommates, and she seems okay with this. I need to get out, but I’m paralyzed……..I never asked for this, but this is my reality. I have not had an affair and have tried to stay sane throughout. I just sat down and penned this free-flow…..and did so without a twinge of sorrow…….this is so wrong, I know, but I have no idea where to turn…I don’t even really ‘believe some of this, but it’s what came out of my pen as I let it flow, so I’ll put it all here….counselling/therapy are not possible for me).

    I somehow feel that I am not deserving of respect. That it’s okay she has little respect for me. That’s what I deserve. I must be deserving of her criticisms, and don’t deserve a normal sexual relationship. This is my punishment for being me, for being human, for having manly desires. Bad, bad, bad. I am not worthy of being loved because I’ve been a failure.

    My lot in life is now to just accept my fate and my punishment for who I am…for struggling with the morals of my needs, for being less of a man thatn she wants or needs, somehow. Since she sees me poorly, all other women will, too. This is my punishment. I can think of good qualities about myself, but it’s all one big lie to cover up my mistakes and flaws and desires. To even have thoughts of impassioned, adventurous sex was wrong.

    Despite her criticisms and coldness, I am unable to feel anger of disbelief at what she has said and done, because well, SHE MUST BE RIGHT. And I have given myself over to her, emotionally and psychologically, so deeply, that I have no self-thoughts of my own. My own needs, desires, hurts mean nothing to me, apparently. I just absorb them and carry on in silent fear and expertly-masked resentment.

    I am unable to stand up for myself because I must be wrong. If I speak up, I will be exposed and criticized as a loser, a failure, a pervert, a dummy, a poor communicator, a flawed man.

    I could make a long list of needs and desires of my own, but what do they matter? I don’t matter. I am merely here to be at the mercy of everything and to keep from rocking the boat. That is my function and purpose. I have no ‘self’ – my interests and needs don’t matter, my dreams are meaningless, and I seem to have accepted that it’s okay to just go on and die someday. Who cares if my life is nothing. I don’t even seem to care.

    I have buried myself so that others may stay up in the sunshine. And I’m okay with this. I’m a shameful, guilty, perverse human being, not worthy of the life I’ve been given. This is my fate. I haven’t the courage to live MY life — so I exist at the vagaries of others’ lives. I exist. Nothing more.

    [as I re-read this, I don’t feel anything…….no sorrow, not anger at myself, nothing…….I’m a little surprised perhaps at how easily this flowed, but that’s about it. I have been churning on my marriage for 8 years now, have been through all the phases of grief, feel nothing any more except resignation…….I’ve known I need to leave this toxic marriage for a couple of years now, but I just can’t find it in me……fear and everything else above……..can anyone help? I’m not suicidal……..but I do want to live again.]

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Pink Salmon.
    Pink Salmon


    I seem to be enmeshed – severely enmeshed – in some kind of weird religious righteousness, almost Puritanical, though I’m not a churchgoer. Why is this? I know I’m also extremely emotionally codependent on my wife (three decades together). I have this need to be this ‘good little boy’ — little angel who must always be perfect – to get approval – and because my wife has had many harsh criticisms of me, my bubble has burst. I did everything to be the perfect husband and dad, and I guess I failed in the biggest and most important arena of all (to me) – the forever marriage and family. I failed. Gave it my all. Failed. It’s as if after this grandest of failures, what do ANY successes really matter any more? Why even try any more?

    I am here, however, because I’m looking for help. There is some little ember, buried deep, that is saying – ‘I’m still here – don’t forget about me’.

    The Ruminant

    Hello Pink Salmon!

    It’s sad to read about your resignation from life and I’m sorry you find yourself in the position you’re in right now. I don’t think there is anything wrong with you. At least not any more or less than there is anything wrong with any of us. I also think that your feelings are perfectly normal. However, your thoughts are quite harsh and self-defeating. Allow me to elaborate:

    We all have basic needs and desires and there is nothing wrong with them. Unfortunately we have created societies that dictate what and when is supposedly OK and what isn’t. So we attach morality into basic needs and things get too complicated. It could be sex or food or any other really basic need that we all have, and due to all kinds of pressures and fears surrounding those needs, our relationship with those needs have been twisted. That can indeed create perversions, because the needs still have to be met, but because of the fears involved, it is no longer authentic. But to desire sex is perfectly normal and of course you know that already.

    Now, however, your needs aren’t being met, which obviously causes physical and emotional distress. That’s absolutely normal as well. Where things start to go wrong is your explanations for all of it. Your needs aren’t met and you allow it to happen so the logical conclusion in your mind is that you must not be worth much. It’s what you deserve. That’s the part you should be really skeptical about. We can’t always have our needs met, but it doesn’t mean that it’s because we deserve it. You’re creating a story on top of your experiences that is just that: a story. Just like your wife probably has her own story. The reality and the truth is probably something different from both of your stories.

    I’m neither a man, nor have I ever been married, so I can’t truly understand the practicalities of your problem. I do know that it’s really difficult to start changing the mindset from a codependent personality to something healthier when you’re within that entangling relationship. I don’t think it’s impossible though. How other people treat you is one thing, but how you treat yourself and how you talk to yourself is something you can change. It is very unfortunate that you’re finding yourself in a toxic relationship, but perhaps it would be better to not attach morality into how you got into that situation. You’re not in that situation because you are bad or worthless. So I think that mentally stepping back a bit and taking a compassionate look at what is going on might provide you better answers to what you should do.

    I feel like this was a bit sporadic, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say 🙂


    First of all, welcome to “Tiny Buddha” and I appreciate the fact that you listened to your inner voice, and came out with your issues.

    As The Ruminant said, step back mentally and re-assess yourself based on what is actually going on, rather than what you think you “should” do to live up to some ideal. I realize that you given all that you could to this marriage but it hasnt worked out in the most ideal way.

    However, having sexual desires for someone is nothing to be ashamed. I doubt we all would have existed in the first place there wasnt any sexual desire. Other than that aspect, what is so wrong about it? Or are you trying to live up to your “ideal” to escape the rejection that she threw at you?

    “Oh she doesnt desire me => i am undesirable => to have desire is wrong anyway”

    My dear friend, i may have not been married but all i can say is that you arent feeling happy and have rejected your needs, sexual and emotional ones all this time. She, too has failed to meet your needs. Why are you taking the blame for every single thing? Is this what your life is all about?

    This supposed “failure” in your marriage is one domain of your life that is making you under-value so many other things about you – your self-respect, dreams, health, happiness. Do you honestly believe that trying to make her love you will magically fix everything for your self-esteem? Is this how you want to be? Constantly dependent on others for reassurance while internally hiding this self-loathing and going numb?

    “I am not worthwhile => my needs arent important => I want to feel somewhat worthwhile”

    “I want others to make me feel somewhat worthwhile => i shall do whatever i can for them, irrespective of my personal boundaries to feel a bit better => they dont respect me => i am not worthwhile”

    Do you see how cyclical this process is?

    I will be honest here. You’re just like any wonderful human being deserving love, respect and care. Why allow yourself to be treated like this? you seem to have a lot more on your mind than you consciously realize. please go seek some professional help to sort these issues out.

    Give yourself that much of effort atleast. Your whole life isnt about pleasing your wife or these other people. If that was making you truly happy, then why are you feeling so numb and lost? There is a possibility you could be depressed and you dont realize it entirely.

    Think about it. Good luck!


    Pink Salmon,

    I’m sorry for your suffering, brother, and understand how empty the future looks when our hope has gone out. Sometimes when we’ve put all our eggs in one basket, and that basket ends up being abusive, we develop a strong thirst. Much like a wanderer in a desert seeks water desperately, so do we look for warmth when a relationship is cold. Its stupid to pretend we are not thirsty, dumb to call the thirst bad, wrong to blame ourselves for such need. Said differently, between your body’s desire for sexual contact, closeness, authenntic connection, there are a whole bundle of feelings, that are normal, natural, and healthy. And yet, because you get your sense of self value from her, and she tells you critical things (directly or covertly) you feel ashamed of the man you are. Dont despair, for your path is not a dead end, and there is always a branch we can take that leads our joy to blossom.

    There are a couple of key ideas that you’ll perhaps have to explore in order to find your freedom. The first is this whole feeling of shame surrounding sex. Wanting to have sex, thinking about sex, fantasies about sex, about body parts grinding together, infidelity and so forth are all perfectly normal. We’re all programmed with a deep yearning, dont be ashamed of your desire. And, when we have been sexually suppressed, often our tastes shift and grow away from the heart into the extreme. Porn, for instance, is a pale substitute that often leads us to find more sparkly, more unusual, more this, more that. Its like candy, some flashy popping, but little nourishment. So it snowballs into all. sorts of exploration, looking for the sensual “fix”. Theres a neat TED talk about sex and pornography out there that i’m sure you could find if interested.

    Our yearning is simpler to manage when there is a partner to dance with, who enjoys regular intervals of sexual contact and release. But when we dont, our sexual potential grows and we begin to experience crisis. The balloon fills, the honeypot tops off, and thoughts of sex become very alluring, very calling. And right alongside it, for some, there is also shame. Perhaps for the first moments, hours, weeks, months or years, our sexual desire remains focused on our partner. As time goes on, our patience erodes, and others start looking better and better. All normal, all usual… but we made a promise, a vow. And yet, our body “schwings” when curves and valleys catch our minds eye. Ahhhhh!

    Consider that trying to be a good boy is where you went astray, the path away from the center of your heart, your joy. At some point in your past (perhaps mom, from your description, maybe a middle child with an older, abusive sibling or whatnot) someone convinced you that you were broken, flawed. “dont trust yourself, only trust me…” or some such bullshit. This was abusive, detrimental to your sense of self value, and now is a good time to heal it. Said differently, when we dont trust that we’re ok, wise fools bumbling along, doing our best, then we learn really slow. We take in a lesson, but have to check it with the “trusted one” or “the light source”. So we end up learning a pale reflection of our lesson, tainted by the other’s hang ups and views.

    For instance, perhaps you’ve been looking to your wife for what is safe, sexually or otherwise. And, because she is critical and a fault finder, instead of tender care, you get terse rebukes. No wonder your heart feels heavy, no wonder you feel like crap. Consider for a moment if you wanted to try some new kind of sex experience, like oral, anal, a threeway or whatever. You submit your desire to your partner, and her response is like “what is wrong with you, sicko?!” This is her error, and yours in taking it in. The initial desire is neither sick or wrong, your wife reflected back shame, and as you took in your “trusted one’s” assessment, you formed a false self view. As though your sexual desires, your sexual identity is flawed. Wrong, false, MU! Desires just are what they are. If you want to wear skirts, normal, usual, lovable. Sex with men, sex often, sex rarely, wanting more than one partner, roleplaying, anything. All normal, all usual, all lovable.

    Shame is such a difficult weave to untangle, though, because its a feeling of unease with ourselves. And worse, it sets us on a cycle of trying to prove we’re lovable… which only hurts more when our trusted one is abusive, grinding our accomplishments or claiming them for their own.

    The solution for this is actually pretty simple. Its time to throw your hands in the air, accept you have no idea what the heck youre doing or what is going on, and surrender with humility to who you are and where you are. Your wife doesnt know how to find balance and joy, neither do you. Her sex drive is perhaps shut down, and you struggle like crazy trying to shut yours down with little succees. Said differently, consider that you have a huge burden on your shoulders from years of abuse and self neglect. When it gets too heavy, we can choose to set it down. Thats when we can stop, take a look around, and start growing a new path for ourselves.

    Of course, that doesnt actually get you there, it just starts the path toward freedom from who you’ve been. The path actually starts growing well when you begin to notice your thoughts and feelings, and how they seem to take up space inside us, but are actually empty. Said differently, consider for a moment how mean your mind is to you. It tells you all sorts of crappy things about who you are, what youve done, blaming you for failures and mistakes. This isnt just “how it goes”, rather, this is a bad habit your. mind is in. To break that habit, consider starting to take better care of yourself through self nurturing. Brother, there have been many times when you’ve needed help, a warm heart to turn to, gentle arms to hold you, and you didnt get it. You got something icky instead, or “love with a hook in it” such as arms that hug you only when youre doing well, doing the things they like, being the person they want you to be. Ouch!

    You deserve better than that, friend. Your heart wants tenderness, soft attention, and because of where you are right now, you’ll have to do it yourself. Words only take us so far, thoughts only take us so far. Its time to take a stand, and do loving things for yourself. Pick up a hobby that you enjoy, for instance, and dont share it with her. Hop in the tub, light some candles, put on some soft music, and uninvite her from the space with you. Perhaps go for a day trip somewhere, and dont tell anyone where youre going. Just you, yourself, on a journey of discovery. As you show your mindnand body through loving actions, actions that put space around you, slowly, over time, we learn to love ourselves. Then we learn really fast what the difference is between a loving and abusive touch.

    My favorite self nurturing action is metta meditation. Consider that the majority of your issue is actually the tangled hive of brambles and thorns spinning around your head. Self blame, self criticism, old spinning cycles of muck and filth, etc. Metta helps slow and stop those cycles by opening the space around our thoughts, so we’re not just pinballing around our brain. Consider “sharon salzburg guided metta meditation” on youtube if interested. If you’re serious about getting well, and want to reclaim the light that once glowed bright in your heart, then consider perhaps twice a day for a few weeks, then once a day. Its not that metta is a cure all, or it will make the difficulties go away, but it will help greatly in reducing the habitual addictive quality to your uglier thoughts (for yourself and others, shame, resentment etc) which make untangling the rest much more like a puzzle to work out than a disaster to recover from.

    For the record, I was married with a woman that was not compatible, and went through something similar to the dark night you’re going through. My just punishment, only the wife would possibly love me, feeling like a pervert. Blah blah, bullpucky. It took a few years, but I got divorced, did some self exploration, and then remarried… and am now blissfully happy. We still get in spats and whatnot, but the ground my wife and I return to is deep, rich, and satisfying. Dont give up hope, because its never too late if you really want it. Consider, there are many women that would love you as is, sex drive and all. Or, if you and your wife get some counseling, you may find that she opens up a little more after hearing a doctor say sex is good, fun, playful, safe, etc and starts sharing more of what gets her river flowing. Stranger things have happened!

    Finally, consider that you’ve had a lot of time being in one way, and it will take time to grow a new one. So be patient with yourself, gentle. I know its tough when we are in pain, but just breathe, try to endure with peace. It will untangle with time and effort, it always does when we aim our will skillfully.

    Namaste, brother, may you discover just how beautiful you are.

    With warmth,

    Pink Salmon

    Thank you for all of the meaningful and thought-provoking responses. I really appreciate all of you taking the time (so valuable!) to help a guy out. When I get in to work, I’ll reply to each of you.

    For now, let me say this. There was a voice inside me that I was stifling. It’s not who I am now, and not to seem schizophrenic, but it’s the voice of the age 13-17 age me, and that’s the voice that was given room to run in my post. I just suddenly knew I had to let it say what it needed to say, and there it is. That ‘me’ was emotionally abused from 7th grade on through junior year HS. The jocks group I’d been part of my whole life merged into a mega-middle-school and all my friends started drinking and experimenting with drugs (this is mid-70s) and sex. Me? I just wanted to play baseball!! In an instant, my friends turned on me because I wasn’t doing what they had started doing. I couldn’t believe it — kids I’d known my whole life in our little town, suddenly turning on me — and not just ignoring, but verbally abusing and bullying for their own entertainment. I was suddenly alone after being a sort of ‘Mr Popular’ up until then. Couldn’t stand up to them, but what I did do was just take it, outwardly laugh it off, and I continued to try and stay in proximity to these people despite their daily, monthly, yearly harassment. I had no idea what else to do. I never told my parents, probably because I felt ashamed . I’d go home from school and turn on the TV and just grind over everything for another day. The Three Stooges and Gilligan’s Island were life-savers! It was bad, man. Finally in my senior year, one of the more popular girls decided she liked me that fall. It didn’t work out (I was too shy and damaged at that point), but it suddenly reversed everything. I was also really good at baseball and that was noticed. And just like that, in the utterly fucked up world of the teen years, I was no longer an untouchable. Had a few really good friends, started going to the parties, drove to Florida for spring break….all the normal stuff. But it is clear now, 35 years later, that the damage was deep and I know many of my issues stem from that horrendous 6 years of middle and high school.

    Off to college I went, a place far away, no one knew me, a fresh start. Fall of soph year I met a girl, the type of whom would have never given me a second look in HS, but I’d come into my own. She was gorgeous, smart, funny. And she liked ME. What??!! In hindsight, I can see that I attached soooooo much significance to her as a beautiful girl who saw in me what the a-holes back home had not. She was a big ‘fuck you’ to all those people back home who’d made my life hell for six years.

    So, it makes sense to me NOW how my attachment to her goes well beyond normal and healthy. This girl, and her loving acceptance of me, saved my life, let me know I was okay and desirable *this came from without, not within, see how that works?) 25 years later our oldest (of three) was about to leave for college. It had been a pretty problem-free marriage, a good marriage, good sex life, financial stability, still made each other laugh, etc. Only 8 years ago I still considered myself a lucky guy. But then, on a trip to Bali before taking oldest to college, my wife told me I could see a prostitute if I wanted sex. For about a year prior to this nuking moment, sex had dwindled down to maybe 3-4 times a year. We managed to get at it in our hotel in Bali (kids had their own bungalow) and afterward I expressed that I wish we could get back to a more intimate regularity……said lovingly…..and that’s when she matter-of-factly told me if I wanted an active sex life I should start seeing a hooker. NUKE.

    Since then all has gone to hell. Sex stopped completely (six years ago). She started to criticize things about my character and habits (basic things like leaving a t-shirt on the bedroom floor stuff), told me she wasn’t physically attracted to me anymore. So there went open communication. I started to fear that everything I did or said would come under scrutiny, be criticized……this coming from the woman who’d helped me save myself from the critical horrors of middle and high school. Imagine the mindfuck here. Our marriage has turned to ice, and there’s no saving this. I don’t know this woman anymore. She’s not the woman I married. She’s become rigid and controlling, is apparently asexual now, and hinestly I have rejected her as well. It’s been too hard trying to hang on. Did it for six years, and now the last two I’ve been dying to get out and find peace and freedom, even if it’s just me alone.

    As mentioned, it was the abandoned and emotionally scarred kid in me that wrote the original post. The adult me has come so far. But that kid….man, he’s feeling these things all over again and is wondering why I, the adult, am not protecting him from reliving this shit. So I need to find some healing there.

    Really, at this point, the ONE thing that is killing me is my self-bashing over not having the backbone, in this one specific instance, to open my mouth and say, ‘See ya’. I am on 2 years now of desperately wanting to break free from this toxic mess, but I haven’t been able to, and I’m beating myself up very badly because of this. I know I;m being a pussy, no one needs to tell me that. Why is this so hard for me? I’m clearly not interested in living like this, and yet I go on living like this. I could walk out into the living room right now and say what I need to say in 15 seconds and it would be done (well, the hardest part anyway). And yet I’m paralyzed, absolutely terrified. I have been all through the ‘Jeez, man, what is the worst that can happen?’ stuff. I would speak my peace, surely take some abuse on the backside, probably be guilted badly about the kids and all, I would shield and remain compassionate, I could handle it. I know I could. What I can’t seem to handle is opening my mouth. I don’t get it.

    Maybe I’m not alone in how hard this is. I’ve read so many articles….divorcing is like having to choose which leg you want cut off…….in polls, a surprising number of people would choose death over having the divorce conversation……it’s hard, I get that. But I also get that every day that ticks by is a missed opportunity. The ONLY thing keeping me stuck is this inexplicable fear……..what am I so fucking afraid of? I don’t understand at all. And it’s actually THIS mess, inside my own head, that is bringing me down……..my disappointment in myself, a big strong gym-going powerlifting well-educated financially comfortable man…..unable to manage his ability to end it.

    Work now beckons……….I will get on later and individually address some of the key things I found valuable in your generous replies above. Thanks.


    Pink Salmon,

    Wow. I’m awed by how quickly you produced your puzzle, this energy knot that holding you back. Consider how alert you are to the pain, how much self understanding can blossom here, is coming together here. Consider that when you were a teen, you were tossed suddenly headfirst into isolation and shame in the outgroup. What the hell, right? Those fuckers were bonding over our pain, laughing at our suffering and isolation. Then, reboot, and She. Whew, what a relief to have a sexy, beautiful companion. Connection, status, something else to do, sex. Muuuuch better.

    But here you are, still stuck in a similar situation. Out there is the mess, the ingroup all flowing along, connecting… and to jump back in, without her, without the security. Why… its a jump into the void. Holy shit, no wonder its scary. What if its highschool all over again? Could you really divorce her, grow something only for you? Flashbacks make sense, its the same fear.

    Now, as to that, you’re sure about divorce? Common ground completely eroded? Consider that she might be just as in the muck as you, firing off blasts of goop at you because she is full to bursting with uncomfortable emotions (often suppressed sexual desire, ironically enough). Can you see the girl in her? If you rest, look deeply at her, can you see, feel the life of the union? If you could sing that playful girl back to life, would you want to? Would she? That’s between you and your heart, with no right answer.

    Now, for this whole “holy shit, the unknown, can I really do it alone?” Consider for a moment what happened the first time. In middle school, you were a dumb kid. And it sucked, a lot. Its tough for a whole lot of people. I did OK most of the time as a kind of doppelganger, but my best friend got it pretty bad. Sadly, I was too scared to stand up for him unless it got really bad. Sigh, dumb kids, you, me, them, and most of us carry old regrets.

    However, consider the second time, when you rebooted at college. A fresh start, down the rabbit hole, feeling scared, alone, but hopeful. So it was OK. You jumped in, found your groove, started feeling better, more confident. And then shazam, a beautiful woman. She was so brilliant, (the latch) that you focused on her, building with her, playing with her, reaching to her for assurances, consolation, entertainment etc. Sometimes when we dive into a romance without balance (time together, time alone, groove, our groove etc) we form that dependence that kills to union eventually. Instead, had you continued on with the habits and actions you were doing, and balanced her into it, you two could have grown together, but independently… with separate esteem. No time machines, though, but at least it went way better than the first cycle. You learned a lot, know a lot more about what you like and don’t.

    So, two points make a line, perhaps third times a charm? Consider, you could do anything. Rejection, failure, awkwardness… you’ve done that before, worked through it. This time around, courage will regrow much faster, because its the only path that makes sense. Do you think that feeling uncomfortable while you have a “talk” about where you are in the relationship is really worse than pressing your face against a cheese grater for another dozen years? Yeah. So, perhaps its not a matter of if, but when, and when is always now.

    But consider, inside you there is that college kid, too. Exploring, dancing. The college girl is in her too. If you don’t want to try to rekindle, at least be respectful. Consider doing some metta before deciding, it is remarkable how kindness can help us see a hurting friend, rather than a wicked judge. If you can see a hurting friend, then connecting may be as simple as remembering how you wooed her before. She might just miss being seen, etc etc. But, if/when the time comes, try not to be acusitory. “I’m not happy, I have to figure me out, something is not working”.

    Finally, I know the unknown can be scary. And, it takes courage to jump. However, freedom is the reward, and now that you’ve evolved, seen yourself, felt the unmet desires, perhaps you know what you want. So, the courage to jump seems like it would be easy to muster. Just keep your eyes open, and don’t sacrifice your momentum if you meet another pretty smile. Keep at your hobbies and passions, find balance and so forth.

    Namaste, brother, may your courage to grow match the courage you show here.

    With warmth,


    Thanks everyone.

    Hi Danger

    Thanks for your post. I have to applaud your honesty and cut throat truthfulness in your post. Many a times, we want to show compassion to people who are hurting and often we can push them deeper into their problems with such an act. To be able to put things so simply as you have done can be an eye opener and I feel it is also a form of compassion. I hope Pink Salmon will see the beauty and sincerity in your words and take some steps to initiate a positive change in his life. At the end of the day, we are 100 % responsible for whatever happens in our life. So, the sooner we come to grasp that concept, the easier life becomes. Age is no barrier when it comes to becoming more self aware and show self compassion.

    Best Wishes to you and Pink Salmon


    Pink Salmon

    Reply Time: first of all, thank you all again for taking the time to offer perpsective, experiential wisdom, and even youthful exuberance (which we all need regardless of age!)

    The Ruminant:

    Your reminders that, essentially, our needs and desires are coming from our purest ‘souls’ is really good. If what I’m needing and desiring in my life isn’t hurting anyone else, and ideally that someone else is into it as much as I am, why should that be shameful? I think part of the shame here is that 1) I get hung up on the thing that if she doesn’t like sex, I shouldn’t either, and 2) when I do think about it these days, a little fantasy now and then, she is not in the ‘picture’ — kind of like ‘fantasy cheating’….but what’s a guy to do?!

    There’s something called ‘depersonalization’ or ‘disassociation’, and I think I suffer a bit from one or the other, or both. This statement reminded me of that: “…your needs aren’t being met, which obviously causes physical and emotional distress.” Now this is going to sound weird, but I think it’s really the root of why ‘I’ am not able to feel properly, having been relegated by my wife to the proverbial doghouse…….. When I read that sentence I nodded in complete agreement….but felt that it was someone else who was experiencing those issues and that ‘I’ was agreeing as an objective bystander. WTF is up with that? No wonder I don’t feel strongly enough about what has been said and done to me…..it’s like I’m two people. The one that knows your statement to be true is cowering in a corner of my mind somewhere, while the ‘thinking and responding’ part of me just reads that and agrees with it, without it seeming to be ME it’s written about. Holy hell. Does that make any sense? I think that, to survive my formative years’ social trauma, my brain rewired itself for protection and became nothing but a deflecting shield to drive those hurts so deep that they wouldn’t affect the ‘me’ that still had to walk those hallways every day. Ya know what I’m saying? How does one reconnect oneself into a psychologically whole human being? (still can’t do therapy/counseling, sorry!) It seems like if I KNOW what the problem is and where it came from, I should be able to get my shit together on my own.

    Thank you, The Ruminant, for writing something which allows me to understand myself much better.


    Your emotional feedback loops are spot on, thanks for crystallizing that for me. I see exactly what I’m doing there – good visual. You wrote, “This supposed ‘failure’ in your marriage is one domain of your life that is making you under-value so many other things about you – your self-respect, dreams, health, happiness.” Yep. 100%. And I can see how skewed that is. I have taken my marriage, to a woman whose personal changes, likes, and dislikes, over the years I had no control over, and made them all my fault. I have had her on a pedestal so long, but didn’t realize I was gazing upon her with my head firmly entrenched in my ass. If I could JUST JUST JUST get to that bridge of ‘Ya know what? Fuck this. I don’t need this anymore. I’m sorry I’m not the man for you after all, I wish you well…and 50% of my income….and cross it, this would be over in a blink. That is where I’m stuck……..having her on a pedestal, grossly overvaluing her opinions and whatnot, while savagely degrading my own needs and desires, and yes, my SELF. That is it in a nutshell. I can think that all day long………but when it comes to really FEELING it, that is where I stumble. How do I get that concept, that she is just one woman out of some 3.5 billion on the planet, to TRULY REGISTER?? That’s the key, right there. BOOM. Now to get to that place I need to be, based on that understanding……….how??


    Hahaha, man, I loved your post. I have sons ages 23 and 20, what a great time of life, and at the age, guys take no shit (nor did I at that age — golden years, full of confidence, tanned, working at a resort beach, girls everywhere)………this was a fresh wake-up call. I could almost hear the rallying cry of the young man still inside me. If you’ve seen LOTR, there’s the scene where the Brotherhood and Gandalf go to see the King, but he’s been taken over by Saruman and he’s just this disgusting old crusty lifeless ‘thing’ sitting there on the throne. But they are finally able to cast Saruman’s spell away from this guy and he positively blossoms back into vibrancy and life. Great scene…….it fits my situation and what I want to see happen for myself. Also, interestingly enough, just yesterday, before I posted any of this, I wrote a note to myself (I write a lot, I know) to stop reading and reading and rehashing and analyzing and reading some more……..all procrastination. It was helpful in the beginning, but I realized this week that I was using all that shit as a crutch……….pretending I was going to find THEE KEY to my release in some hidden treasure of a sentence somewhere, or a quote or someone else’s mantra. I realized it was all time-wasting. I know what my problems are and I know what I need to do, and it got to the point where I realized no amount of reading and analysis (paralysis) was going to do anything for me anymore. I know of Tony Robbins but nowadays it’s almost like a cult. H emay have really good stuff, but some of the things I’ve read about his own character leave me a bit cold. I will give it a look, though, who knows – he may be the ass-kicking I need. And yes, I am obsessing, tremendously over-thinking, constantly churning and rehashing what is essentially a simple matter: ‘this marriage is fucked beyond repair — it’s sad, but time to move, the clock is ticking.’ Have you read ‘The Universe Doesn’t Give a Flying Fuck About You’ by Johnny B. Truant? Do so. You’d like it.


    You wrote, “It’s stupid to pretend we are not thirsty….” Yes, it is. I have pretended, behind a pretty gnarly mask attached to some mammoth Dickensian chain, that I can cope. That I must be wrong to want this and that. That I can be stronger than this. I can be a freakin’ martyr! Well, we see how well that ahs worked out. I have utterly dismissed my own needs (I can handle it!) and desires (I must be a perv!), and then crawled behind that martyr’s mask. I won’t let HER see that this is bothering me because……gasp….she might think even LESS of me if I raise a fuss!! The issue has come up several times and always just resulted in me being on the receiving end of more hurtful criticisms and comments……….to include the most mind-boggling utterance two years ago that the sexlessness was “mutual, so don’t hang that on me!” Huh? Rewriting history there? By that point it was NOT mutual, but those words pretty much made it so, right then and there. I realized then that this was over. In a conversation prior to that, I used words like “nightmare”, “walking through hell”, “I don’t understand why you’re doing this to me”, “I feel like an 8th grader who can only look at girlie mags” “can’t sleep”, “confused”………so she KNOWS EXPLICITLY how much pain this has caused me……….but her response was, “What am I supposed to do, go stay with my mom?” in a sort of sarcastic, caustic tone. A big mistake I have made is that I never set boundaries or timelines……..I wish I had said, “I’ll give us six months to try and find an adequate resolution to this problem, or it will be over.” Never did that. Wish I had. Oh well. Too late now.

    You had a question about my mom – she was great. Dad – alcoholic, distant, never did anything with us boys, missed being at the dinner table several times a week, would come home smelling of booze around 10pm……..never abusive or anything, just quite simply ‘absent’. This is part of who I am, but haven’t puzzled it into the whole quagmire yet. Maybe it doesn’t play any part, I don’t know. I DO think, however, that having a strong male figure to speak to at this crisis time of my life would be pretty cool. I know that father, had he existed, would be helping me to get out and would have my back.

    “The solution for this is actually pretty simple. It’s time to throw your hands in the air, accept you have no idea what the heck you’re doing or what’s going on, and surrender with humility to who you are…..” THIS IS POTENT. It is truly all I have left. I have churned and burned for years now with no improvement, I have read numerous books and articles and quotes and forum posts from others in similar straits, I have journalled, listened again to RUSH “All the World’s A Stage”……all with no improvement in getting myself across the bridge. At least now I’m standing AT the bridge. A year ago I was wandering aimlessly in the woods. I find it somewhat helpful, for whatever reason, to picture the gods or angels or what have you, kind of laughing at how hard I’ve tried when all they really wanted me to do was trust my universal gut.

    It sounds like you are in a really good place for yourself now, so kudos for stepping up and taking care of business. That’s good modelling for me!! I need to get there.

    Lunch is over, back to work…….THANK YOU ALL for your responses………very much appreciated!!!

    Pink Salmon

    (in other words, ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan.’)


    i know when people say u will be okay it is very easy for them but not for the person who suffer . i m really disappoint with my life daily i feel to kill maself and i have tried many times..but after thinking my family my tears not stop.. i loved a girl so much in my 22 and and from starting i was very happy to help others and my life was very good but after i love that girl i starting to loose myself i m very loyal to her and i always take care of everyone i feel by chance i cannot hurt anyone . I lost my job for her to get better start preapartion for government exam and she moved to new place after she got new friend new circle she start ignoring me and in last she said it was nothing to her.. i cant stop myself to cry i ask to forgive me on my knee but she not agree and i lost my everything because of her my life my friends my job everything ..now i m fail in my exam and everyday i see herself happy with new new friends .and i feel to kill maself ..i have not did bad for anyone why god choose me why ??? i lost my confidence to live , this site is very good i daily read it really give me strength to sometime ..LORI u really a good person and every person here are very good bless u everyone .. anyone can not feel my pain .i pull my hair tightly and put my head on wall but nothing happen only i got pain and pain…..

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