Home→Forums→Relationships→What to do when your friend 'steals' your lifelong dream….
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July 24, 2015 at 4:01 am #80358
ParticipantHey all, hope everyones doing good today! 🙂 I feel really guilty feeling this way and I need some advice…
I have a dream.. my dream is to move to the mountains and I have been desperate since our last holiday to move there. Myself and my boyfriend are at the moment trying to find a way we can do it. We can afford it but we both suffer from mental health issues & are on benefits so its pretty difficult stability wise. It’s all i go on about and i get extremely emotional about it cause i feel there is home. I finally feel i belong and I do not belong here in a large horrible town. My heart is there…. In both of us we know that is where we need to be heading.
My friend has been copying alot of things ive been doing lately… even down to the way i take photographs (i take alot of nature).. down to things i say.. etc etc and went down to where we stayed not long ago (which didnt bother me).. but now shes on about moving there & shes doing all this travelling everywhere which is also something i keep going on about that i want to do. I cried all afternoon yesterday cause i feel my dreams being stolen from me.. shes been bitter with me at times which shows her jealousy at times & yes, i admit i am at the moment.. im honest and i feel so bad cause she is my best friend and i dont want to be feeling this way. am i wrong to feel this way?
She can easily get a job, she has friends with cars that can take her anywhere & i feel so stuck. However, she always talks behind peoples backs, has used people whoever suits her at the time with what she needs & can be down right nasty (sometimes and even to me) yet things are always handed to her and i dont understand? i love her to pieces but i always get a string of bad luck and im never like that to people. She even expresses alot of negativity which i help her with with what i have applied and learnt over the past year. & positivity is the key right?
I am happy for her but also I am heartbroken. I see she posts things deliberate and the way she speaks to get at me..
I would like advice on these feelings please 🙂 and also how i can make those steps to make my dreams come true. Id never wish bad luck on her or anything – i want her to be happy i really do, but i have a feeling shes doing this to get to me? but the thing is…. she can. anything she wants she gets.
Thanks in advance! hope this doesnt post to facebook! XXX
HAVE A GREAT DAY AL!! <3July 24, 2015 at 5:11 am #80359Inky
ParticipantOh my goodness, freespiritwonder,
Some people in my very own family are that way!! What I do is “Keep my Goals Away from the Trolls”. NOT always easy NOT to talk or show evidence of what’s going on in your life and head. For example, if she sees you rocking a “Look”, she will not only “steal” “YOUR” signature look jacket, but she will buy the whole outfit!! Maddening, I know.
But the reason she is so bitter is that once she “gets” YOUR dreams, there will STILL be a Hole in her Soul. She moves to the mountains. She will quickly discover that listening to nothing but screeching hawks and looking at God’s majesty ~ in the cold ~ ISN’T NECESSARILY FOR HER!! It’s for you, because you actually appreciate that. She moves to the mountains. So what? The mountains will still be there long after she copies someone else and moves to Vegas. See where I’m going with this?
Usually Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery. You must be doing something right, girl! Also, I view her as a psychic vampire, an emotionally lost soul.
Can you do a slow fade with this one??
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
July 24, 2015 at 8:56 am #80375Saiisha
ParticipantHello freespiritwonder – I love Inky’s advice, and I’m adding my two cents here as well.
First of all, something’s wrong with this picture if you’re calling a person a best friend, but your friendship doesn’t sound like it. So maybe question that friendship in your own mind – what are you getting out of this friendship that makes you want to stay in it? I understand you love her, but you can have love in your heart but not necessarily bring in the toxicity. My advice would be to slowly start detaching from this person and see how that might improve your own thoughts and self-esteem. Start surrounding yourself with people who support you.
And to your second question about how to achieve your dream despite all those hurdles, I’d say start taking baby steps toward the vision that you have in your mind. There is power in that first step – action gives you momentum that you simply cannot get by envisioning alone. What one thing can you do today to take a step closer to your vision? Keep asking this question every morning, and take one small step everyday. Pretty soon, the path becomes clear, the obstacles start moving out of your way when you get to them, and you’ll be well on your way to living your dream!
I hope this helps.
Namaste, SaiishaJuly 24, 2015 at 10:21 pm #80410Danielle
Participantthankyou both so much for the advice it means alot!!
I just cant help but feel so bad that im feeling this way because weve been best friends since as long as we can remember however, she sometimes tries to make it a competition. ive had this with ‘best’ friends before and it does kill the friendships. i dont want competition i just want things to be how they were – a true friendship!
Although shes having it handed to her on a plate and she gets alot of things paid for her despite the fact she has a couple of jobs.. i would rather work for it. Id feel terrible and dont want to come across as using others, plus the satisfaction would be alot more self fulfilling. But the amount of times i get alot of hassle when everyone says im copying and trying to be like them and it ruins me mentally when im targeted (something i am working on). i dont feel i need to prove to the world im a good person, i just do my thing for me and not for show and approval for others.
she does have a good heart deep down, i know she does, but she is changing.. and i think im holding on cause i do hold onto memories and the past too much – im a really sensitive person. (i have Hypersensitivity disorder & bipolar II)
I wish i could just up and go, be spontaneous like i used to be and just reach for the stars… just up and go.. and return ‘home’.
Thanks again guys – the advice was great 🙂July 24, 2015 at 10:27 pm #80411Danielle
Participantit all sounds very school girl-ish doesnt it… i hate all this.
and i dont really complain much anymore atall – i am in progress of a healthy mind but i feel this needs to be raised.
shes gone there again yesterday…. posting pictures & such… im broken…July 25, 2015 at 8:30 am #80423Anonymous
GuestDear freespiritwonder:
Would you like to share more about being jealous at your friend for having friends with cars while you are stuck without… for her being able to get a job, and you feeling you can not, about her being able to use people for her benefit… about her being lucky while you are not?
If you look back, way back into your life, who is it that stole your dreams?
July 25, 2015 at 11:37 pm #80435Danielle
ParticipantI have admitted on this post that I am currently feeling some jealousy.. and i feel like i am a bad person for it but i cant ignore it when i say something to her i want to do (and this moving & travelling thing is something i crying out to do alot) then she does it. If i take a picture at my lake near my house she tries to do one step more (i am happy with my lake, well apart from the litter) and shows off her lake on her land that she never took pictures of before or mentioned. I said i want more animals but cant due to financial reasons but would love to build up a family again of many species i my household – she goes and gets a parrot, 2 dogs, kitten in a month. I appreciate everything I have dont get me wrong but sometimes you can see through people and there motives – it shouldnt be this way between us, or between anybody. last year when i went away with my boyfriend she was being moody with me and saying all i was doing was showing off and being out of order and insulting.
Maybe its an issue we need to talk about together cause weve been a little jelous with eachother and its not healthy! & it might no even be the case atall. – i could be wrong. thing is.. anything like this or you point her out on something in the kindest ways possible all hell breaks loose and she gets extremely nasty so i dont bother raising things anymore that bother me, i have to watch what i say cause over any little thing its taken out of proportion and shes the sort of person i didnt recognize again.
its a shame we cant have these experiences together… but lately seems like her and her family are more about getting drunk and saying what there bosses got them than holding a good conversation with me and my mum.
And i dont want people to think on here that im jelous cause people do everything for her. Id rather work for my dream. Plus i feel guilty over everything and would feel a terrible person to use someone – if someone does something for me, i do something back in my own way. 🙂July 26, 2015 at 6:12 am #80443Inky
ParticipantOh, I had a neighbor that would literally copy everything we did. We took it as a compliment, actually!! I’d use it to my advantage. If I wanted to join a club, do an activity or diet, I knew who to call for a buddy!
And here’s a confession. One day DH and I said offhandedly that we wanted chickens. Wouldn’t you know it, they were actively building a chicken coop a week later!! I couldn’t take it anymore, watching them toil in the sun and said, “We changed our minds, chickens are a pain in the azz.” Got a very interesting dirty look. LOL
Why don’t you tell her you’re on the 30 Bananas a day diet and see what happens? 😉
July 26, 2015 at 7:09 am #80444Anonymous
GuestDear freespiritwonder:
Inky’s post above is hilarious- love it! (One of those I would incorporate in Best of Inky’s, Inky!)
As to your posts, freespiritwonder, what I see is that you and your friend are both jealous of each other. I believe there is nothing wrong or shameful with how she feels or how you feel. There is probably a valid message in those feelings of your jealously, one that if you figured out what it is, you could feel nothing but empathy for yourself. For example: I wish I had the animals she is having. I wish I could afford them because I am loving and want to love animals….so you may feel at first that you are a bad person for being jealous at your friend but when you look for the message in the jealousy, you find that you are a loving person that wants to share her love with animals- and that is an indication of a good person, a loving person.
You stated that your frienship with her used to be good but is changing and you want it to be like it used to be.
You also stated in the last post that “anything like this or you point her out on something in the kindest ways possible all hell breaks loose and she gets extremely nasty.” This is a problem – the way bigger problem than the jealousy, as I see it. It makes you “so i dont bother raising things anymore that bother me, i have to watch what i say cause over any little thing its taken out of proportion”- so it is a communication killer, her exploding in nastiness. When this is the dynamic, where do you go from there?
If this dynamic was not there before and is there now, it is the main problem, I believe.
anitaJuly 26, 2015 at 8:41 am #80497Inky
ParticipantHi anita!
Thank You!
Sometimes I feel like you provide the real advice and I’m the comedy relief! Love it!! 😀
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
July 26, 2015 at 10:07 am #80504Saiisha
ParticipantAnita and Inky – Love the conversation here – real or comic 🙂 and I agree with both their advice!
As always, this is never what it appears on the surface. And I think, in this forum, with the help of Anita and Inky, you’re starting to explore what’s really going on between you and your friend, get deeper toward the core of what the true issue is. I’m not sure if having it out with your friend at this time is a good idea yet. If I were in your shoes, I’d dig deeper into your feelings, reactions and beliefs first. Once you’re clear on where you’re coming from, then it would be easier to address it with your friend – especially if you have specific topics to bring up.
So, do continue asking these questions that Anita suggested – ask yourself “where are these differences actually arising from?”, “why am I annoyed when someone steals my ideas?”, “what is that feeling / emotion that comes up from within?”, “could it be possible that the qualities I’m seeing in her are qualities that I may not be recognizing within myself?”, “what is the lack I’m feeling in this situation?”
Self Inquiry is a great way to dig deeper and deeper until you feel like you’re getting the true answers from within, from your inner voice. Don’t settle for surface level responses that your mind provides – try to get to the bottom of what’s the real lack you may be experiencing.
July 26, 2015 at 10:15 am #80505Anonymous
GuestDear Inky: For me, to read the comic reliefs you provide is like listening to Jenny and the Tomcats, a country music like group you never heard about and probably never will. Jenny has the voice and the singing performance as great as any internationally known artist, more talented than many known ones. And yet, she sings in this small town many call “the middle of nowhere.” Back to Best of Inky’s- putting together the best of your posts could make an excellent, worthy to be on the coffee table in millions of houses across the globe. A better book than many already published. And yet, we all get to read it on this one website. Thank you for sharing your comic talent with us here!
anitaJuly 26, 2015 at 11:00 am #80509Inky
ParticipantThx!! 🙂
August 9, 2015 at 11:48 pm #81528Danielle
Participanti have given myself time to take all of your advice on board. it hasnt bothered me it a couple of weeks! i even said when i go to the mountains in september that she can pop along and meet us on one of the days. (shes not interested though) im fine! 🙂 thankyou so much.
but thing is shes really not bothered about me anymore….shes always texting her other friends and calling them but wont call me and wont answer her calls from me. even on messenger she wont talk to me as much anymore & is more focused on people who can do what she wants for her. im gonna ride it out. she may change back to being ‘her’. but for now im gona just see what happens.
it turns out im gonna have to move out in january so going to focus on my goals hardcore, my mental health & live my dreams! 🙂
i really miss my friend. 🙁 so many of my friends change for the worst and its heartbreaking – but i just have to move on if they dont return back to there true self. or is this just the mask falling off? sometimes hard to tell!
thanks again guys. means the world! XXAugust 10, 2015 at 4:41 am #81532Inky
ParticipantI think when we’re young, everyone’s pretty much the same. Then as we get older, our personalities really come to the forefront ~ sometimes not for the better. She’ll be this way as much as people let her get away with it.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by