
Why can't I accept

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    I don’t expect any responses and this is me just letting of the thoughts in my head. My 2 year on/off relationship finally ended 5 months ago with my ex who has now gone back to her previous boyfriend. To make matters worse, I see her everyday and we are at that ‘ just friends’ stage. We go to lunch and try to act normal. She has clearly moved on and is trying for a baby with this chap and I listen to stories of baby this, baby that. I lead an ordinary life but the entire day, my thoughts are off her. I must check my phone every 5 minutes for texts and I believe I am addicted to her despite knowing its all over. At first I was heart-broken and miserable, but slowly I accept but I still ‘worship’ her. I have read many blogs that say no contact and I did try and failed miserably and she knows this. My head tells me she has moved on but my heart obviously hasn’t caught up??. We used to text all day no matter where. Even when we split, we still text a lot but lately, they have been fewer & fewer and I get annoyed with myself when I stop what I am doing to check if she has sent something. When I receive a text, I feel like I have had a ‘fix’. When I don’t hear from her, I panic and am miserable for hours and hours. I have tried deleting her number but know it in my head, I have tried going out and leaving it in doors only to spend the time wondering if she has text and rushing home. This is ridiculous! It doesn’t help that she says she does ‘love’ me but I know this is twaddle, as she has her ex-fella back but you know what, the sad thing is, I like hearing it! I know I have no future with her yet why do I put myself through the lunch times and check the phone all the time. I try to knock her off her pedestal as she is not always a nice person but no matter what, I cant conjure them up when I need the strength. Is it my ego that is holding on as I cant accept I have been ‘dumped’. While I have been typing this message, I have stopped and got up to check my phone twice. This is silly yet I can’t stop. My friends say ‘give it time’ or ‘just let go’ and ‘I will get over it’ and others say ‘just be strong’. Great words but meaningless to an love-text-addict like me. I do have other interests and I try to occupy myself but even then I think of her. Any suggestions would be appreciated


    Hello Kingmaker,

    First of all, I feel for you. I know exactly what you are going through and it is really very exhausting, drains all of our energies and keeps our mind always focused and obsessed on one thing and one thing only, and sadly, that thing is: crumbs of love. I used to judge people who didn’t know how how to “value” themselves. My mother herself, after divorcing my dad, entered into an abusive relationship and brought the man into my home and my siblings and I would have to watch all of the drama and live in an unhealthy environment without any choice. He would be rude, be mean, be cruel, be abusive really and my mother would always forgive him, and couldn’t see anybody else who was involved in the situation (her own family). She just had to have him around (just like you described, it was almost like a drug she couldn’t live without). I used to judge and judge away – it was probably harder for me because I was in the situation and it was my mother I was dealing with, but I thought she was weak, she was selfish, she was immature and irresponsible, it took many years until she finally ended things with him (or maybe it got to the point where he was the one who ended everything, since she would always forgive), anyhow, those were years of her life that I think were necessary, and she learned a lot from the process – even so, it didn’t have to last for as long as it did, and that is only because, even though we can not contain the pain we feel, we can control how much we suffer upon it.

    Speaking very honestly, how long do you intend to live your life this way? I think what you have to focus on right now, slowly, and at your own pace, is on the courage you need to have to make a real and healthy decision for your life, realizing that it will ultimately bring you the happiness you want and deserve in the future and also, on believing in yourself, on not giving up on yourself. You already seem to have some clarity as to how unsustainable your lifestyle is right now, so instead of daydreaming about texts and situations that don’t really exist, instead of rereading past texts and e-mails and holding on to shreds of what was once a relationship and is now over, why don’t you elaborate and analyze over and over again what exactly it is that you want and realize that what you have now is very far from it. While she is living her life with someone else and is happy and free from your relationship (maybe she hangs on to a few “shreds” of what once was because it is possible you have become a safe harbor and she wants to have a Plan B – I’m sorry if that sounds harsh), you are settling for crumbs? Stop giving her space to step all over you like that, is that the kind of person you want to be?

    It is time to let go my friend. And that can only happen when you are honest with yourself and truly decide that is what you want. After that, you have to have courage and do a favor to yourself – block her messages so that you will know and have the security that you won’t recieve anything from her. What do you expect to recieve? Do you expect to live your life in “standby” mode? Let go alraedy.You want to live your life at someone elses disposal? Someone who has chosen not to be with you? Make your decision and fight for it, be brave, you have it in you. Have the courage to feel some pain that is inevitable when going through big changes, face your fears, and everyday believe in yourself and in how you can get over it. Make small little decisions everyday like “I am not going to look at my phone”, go crazy, cry, have a hard time – it will pass (the fact that while you wrote your post you checked on your phone twice, shows that you really aren’t making that big of an effort). Your effort needs to be bigger.

    I wish you all the best!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Gabriela.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Gabriela.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Gabriela.

    thank you Gabi, That helps me also.
    Kingmaker, I feel also with you. i am in a similar situation, i have turned a control-freak by checking his facebook acoount when he was lat time online. I think it is so embrassing what i am doing and i decided to be brave and let him go. This is not my first decision i hope i can do it this time. You can also do that my friend because they are moving on why cant we? If you like we can motivate each other during this time??


    Thank you Gabi, your words are so true and whilst you may sound harsh in some sentences, you are SO right!! The safe harbour and Plan B was such a good comment; the sensible side of me thinks this too. I am not a stupid person and I know right from wrong and should the situation be with one of my friends, I would be aghast at them allowing it to happen. I really can’t explain why I feel this way and you are right when you say I need to make more effort. I keep thinking what I will feel like in 2-3 years time when I look back on this and I know I will cringe at my weakness.
    elephantgirl, I am very happy to motivate you during this time and maybe we share the same emotions and feelings so have things in common.


    Kingmaker, I don’t think you allowed for it to happen, like I said, I don’t think we can judge ourselves or eachother for being found in these sort of situations. They just happen and before we know it, we’re in over our heads. The good part is you have acknowledged that you are in the situation and you are also realizing how unhealthy it is and are asking for help to get out. That is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of courage and rationality and all you have to do now is to make a real and conscious decision that you would like to put this in the past so that you can move on with your life, at your own time and with a lot of self respect and self love.
    You have more power than you know as to determine the way you feel about your life, but like I said, it takes real effort and determination. We have to be wise and use the tools that we already have within us. I am sure that not years, but months from now you will look back and not cringe at your weakness, but feel proud and greater for your courage and hard work to strive for what you truly deserve.

    I know you can do this, believe in yourself.

    Lot of love,


    Thanks Gabi, I shall keep my eye out for posts of yours, should I be able to return some sound Kingmaker advice. Thanks for taking the time to reply

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