
Why do the men that love me turn into hating me

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    I’m so lost in this stage of life

    approaching 40 went through family trauma that made me work on finding out who I ready am lost my family had a real heartbreak break up and relied on substances to numb her through release the overwhelming feelings I think I’m winning doing all the right things self care self love not doing things that are no good for me

    met a man who I felt a different connection with I didn’t feel addicted just more fulfilled with his company and personality and love he showed honestly no big gestures just us

    but I feel trapped in my everyday striving to be positive head after time it feels that there is something missing that high that escape that way you forget what pounds your head or drags you down and I relapse into substance use and half enjoy the way I forget about life’s needs and schedules I then get sheer anxiety of failure and shame so I hide but it makes me think of what my still sad about never having my mother’s love and affection only dutiful parenting

    and every man I’ve cared for fighting this hurdle and the man I loved end up hating me for this addiction sabotage need for fun Bain of my life

    and they all ended up shaming me abusing me and sriting me off as worthless

    The man I loved did that yesterday and it wasn’t correct I wasn’t going off on a escape bender he locked me out late at night and two hours later I headed to a hotel he woke and just tipped me apart and has continued all day

    when all I really want is a hug and someone who empathasises with me rather than ridicule or force me to stop which he did ultimatum

    it’s like when my flaws are revealed they don’t want to bother  with all that because I come across a very together strong woman but really I’m wanting real love not fantasies not physical and lust not being someone I’m not to please just real care and respect and friendship

    Which I have only felt on occasion

    I feel very alone I raise three boys on my own

    work to provide and my struggles affect this like today I couldn’t work my friend is the boss I’ve been sacked and told what she thinks of me

    if only she knew how I feel in these episodes

    all she sees is the smile and the power outfit and I must be back to normal

    ive no one to fall on I have lots of people I’m well liked but not In close proximity I don’t have regular friends I see most days

    so I can do what I want knowone will notice any thing because I just do life on my own with the kids

    this man was in my life closely but any bad mood or recovery from a relapse he’d remind me what I have sabbotaged he was involved but not putting any thing extra to the mix he just drove me to Work took me to the shops or run my bath encouraged me to do more for myself but he didn’t do anything more really but look I am now hated and put on the shit heap by him

    one thing positive I am not devastated or broken I do deserve better so it’s not right for me to even try and fight for it.

    He opened up the bad name slamming so it’s done it’s so easy now.

    But I really do feel why do I only have love and happiness if I’m showing strong and happy why when I’m broken everyone stays away

    it it only what I give to them that makes them like me

    am I not destined to have love given back

    someone who will hold me just because I need to feel someone sees my heart not just my body they lust over

    I’m sexy not beautiful I’m naturally sexy not tarty but fun dresser curves and petite men love it is that what they fall for my outer person

    my outer is bored my inner person is crying out

    maybe my inner child is yearning for the dad that died and the mother who she craved her love and approval all her life but always felt she was looked at strangely by her mother

    envious and unattached as we are so different

    I’m opening up because I’m scared I’ll never get through this I’m scared I’m actually ruining good relationships with my behaviour I’m scared that it’ll all crumble down with set backs

    like losing my job and partner in one day

    both holding me fully responsible and I’m here saying please don’t attack me I need you to just understand and recognise what pain I’m in right now

    and why can’t I stop doing it to myself

    I have no one helping me so any words would be great words of just that you are interested enough to talk about your suggestions or guidance




    Dear Nicole:

    You wrote: “the man I loved end up hating me for this  addiction”- you are referring to drug addiction, correct? The men in your life who “turn into hating (you)”- may be hating you because they are hateful. But decent  men will be frustrated with a woman addicted to drugs.  A person addicted to  drugs, be  it alcohol, illegal drugs or (abused) subscription drugs is not a good  candidate  for a healthy relationship.

    The addiction has too be managed, the underlying injuries should be  in the  process of  healing, before a  healthy, loving relationship  is possible with a decent person.

    If I  understood correctly, and do  let me know, I hope you do attend to managing  your drug/ substance abuse problem,  start or re-start the healing process required, and  so, avail yourself  to a healthy, loving relationship with a good man.



    We repeat the past in order to heal it. You can break out of the cycle when you make this truth conscious. Try to create some space where you can be with yourself without labels, judgments or measuring of your experience.  When you can sit with yourself without labeling your experience as this or that you will be less likely to get stuck living out the labels.

    I found the following books helpful when I struggled to understand my relationships. ‘How to Be an Adult in Relationships’  and ‘When the Past Is Present: Healing the Emotional Wounds that Sabotage our Relationships’  by David Richo

    Most people think of love as a feeling, but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present.”  Richo offers a fresh perspective on love and relationships—one that focuses not on finding an ideal mate, but on becoming a more loving and realistic person.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Peter.

    Hi Nicole,

    As I’m reading your long post, I almost miss, because it’s almost as an aside: “I’m raising three boys on my own.”

    THAT is what the post should be about. It should be: “Help! I lost my job due to drug addiction and I’m raising three children on my own!” NOT “I don’t think my mom loved me and all my BFs broke up with me when they found out I wasn’t perfect.”

    1. Get yourself into treatment/see a doctor/get a support group

    2. Find a job ASAP!

    Then when the boys are all adults and you have the time to ruminate, THEN you can work on resolving your origin story and romance side stories.

    Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
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