
Why does this happen?? Loss of love in life

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    Why is life so difficult. How can intense feelings of love, connection and happiness just disappear? How can you at one moment of your life be so connected, so in love and so, you, real, happy, and the next you are the devil, you are hateful, you are angry, and you trust no one. How does this happen and why? What makes it so hard to love? When you once could so easily? What turns you into a bad person?

    How does one, so compassionate and giving turn into someone so selfish and self focused? How does that person stop wanting to just help & love others?

    Why can’t people let down their guards and just open up to love, and chance?

    What is it that changes these things in a person? And how do they get it back? How do they open up to love again and let go of judgments and hurt? Why is it seemingly so impossible?

    How does one wake up in the morning with so many hopes and dreams and inspiration and then later find they are watching everything around them crumble and fail? They see themselves loosing everything? How does one make this switch? Is it intentional, self inflicted? Or is it the nature of life?

    How does a person find the strength to carry on after expiriencing the highest of highs and finding themselves in the darkest of places for years?

    What is happening here? What has this person done to cause such dis-alignment in their lives? What caused them to forget love?

    What happens when a person tries with therapy medication, self evaluation and reflection for years and finds themselves still in this dark place?

    Relationships not working, finances insufficient, work, dry. Self love, non existent, love & consideration others? Numb.

    Please help.


    It is normal to feel this way when a person is hurting or grieving. A ‘bad person’ don’t be so hard on yourself or that person. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions that you are feeling, allow yourself the space and time to heal. Try and perceive the situation from a different perspective instead of saying why does this happen , ask yourself what have a learnt from this situation. Focus on the now, this present moment that you are living , instead of focusing on all that is wrong think of things that are right . We are human , we all make mistakes. You are not alone… It’s a fear losing control of the situation or losing a relationship that you hold so dear that one eventually pushes people away. I am the same … Maybe you just need change , a lifestyle change .


    Well these things happened to me also. Sometimes i forget to love myself, and when I find myself in love with someone.. It is like giving them my whole heart, and when “bad” things happen they may happen for a reason, but if you are stuck in the past don’t forgot That you are worthy too. Don’t forget how you were and find yourself again.. It is the best advice I can think off right now.



    Dear Kirty:

    I went back in records and read some of your posts from 2013 so to get a better understanding of your struggle. This is my input based on my understanding of your posts of over two years ago:

    Life cannot be solved by an intellectual understanding. Once you do understand something, you go: Ahhh! I see! And you feel calm and elated by the new understanding, because it is correct understanding. Problem is such an understanding can only take you so far in the journey of healing and learning. It can take you so far and then you are back where you were before. Same with exercise and meditation and all the things that worked for you in the past: they only carry you so far in the journey that needs to be taken. It carries you for a distance, you feel calm, “problems solved”- “from now on everything will be fine because I got it!”

    But then you are back where you started and even more frustrated because nothing works long term…

    Except that there is a way long term, only most people who get on it don’t stay on it because of a misunderstanding. The misunderstanding is, as I see it, that logical understanding of something is enough. It is not.

    Emotions, Energy-in-Motion are very powerful. In the animal kingdom, instincts and emotions are what drive animals to do what they do. First there is an emotion, then they react to it. They don’t think, they react.

    But… we are animals too. Primarily we are motivated by instincts and emotions, no difference. We are not motivated by thoughts, but by emotions. When you have a thinking-understanding you feel good, you have an emotion that carries you ahead on that healing path. But there is MORE understanding that needs to take place for you to continue on the path and it is a combination of thinking-understanding AND emotional-understanding.

    Did you attempt psychotherapy? If you did, I have no doubt you either didn’t stay long enough in it or the therapist was not competent, caring and hard working (as is often enough the case, unfortunately).



    Dear Kirty:

    I was thinking about what I wrote to you above. The intellectual understandings I referred to, the ones that make you go “Aha!” – they are connected to an emotional understanding, this is why there is that Aha! So on this Healing Path, as I refer to it, there are no two separate understandings: one logical/ intellectual and the other Emotional. The two co exist and interact. So it is not that you had strictly logical understandings so far.

    What it is, is that on this Healing Path, to stay on it, you have to keep having new understandings. There is no such think as One-Understanding-will-heal-me thing. There is really no end to seeing more and more… and then more into what is, into the reality of who you are and what life is about.

    You stay on the Healing Path only if you keep seeing.And to do that you have to keep Paying Attention, being Mindful all day long, all the time (although imperfectly of course) while being extremely patient and gentle with yourself.

    This second post to you today is an example of what I am talking about: I saw something NEW after my last post to you.

    And there will yet be something new to see if I looked more. But I won’t look more into your posts, only new posts that you may still send here!



    Thank you Anita, I relate to what your saying though feel a little embarrassed about all my posting that you read! Haha. I like to post these things online ad no one knows who I am, but my questions are out in the open now, and I realise I’ve been bewildered for what seems like forever :/ ! Thank you so much for your response and your time and energy put into writing back to me, it really helps and your absolutely right about the having ‘a logical understand that ‘fixes’ everything. It really doesn’t.. It’s like if I could just understand this one thing all will be fine again.

    I have been in physiotherapist but only get 10 free sessions a year where I live, so probably haven’t stayed long enough, ice been through a few different therapists a few of which I didn’t truly connect with, so you could be right there. My current therapist is having me do inner child work, which I feel helps, but still atm is at a logical understanding. I have tried to journal, look at my emotions etc as well as my thought processes but I feel I’m constantly analysing these things, so it keeps me in a cycle of isolation and self reflection just st as much as plain thinking of the past does.. I dissociate, it’s a struggle to connect and FEEL the moment, something called derealisation, my mind/body has begun dissociating due to all the stress caused by thought and overwhelming emotion. It has become better but I still feel I am living in a constant state of thought not really experiencing or living life, and over the last couple of years it has turned out that I’m now just constantly irritable, anxious, on the defensive and waiting until ‘that moment’ where I can begin to live again. Just had seemed hopeless! No matter what good comes into my life!

    I do try to control each and every situation down to the conversations I have, and it does push people away you are so right I have noticed this, I push my partner away, and then I feel guilt and become the opposite, neediest person alive, he has called me crazy. I just want to break the cycle really, I’m tired!!!

    Thank you so much again and thank you to those who relate and responded to me, xxx it is nice to now that these things happen and perhaps I’m not doomed forever. Though it does seem it has been forever already. Thank you again 🙂 xxxx


    Dear Kirty:

    I read your latest post and then went back to your original post: all the questions there. As I read your first question, I answered in my mind: “fear.” I read the next question and my answer again was “fear.” Same answer to the next and next question and then I gave up and didn’t read all the questions. I think that your talk in your last post, about dissociation caught my mind. I lived that way most of my life, caught up in a big, inflated balloon like head, thinking, thinking and then… thinking some more. Anxious, irritated, angry, depressed, but not aware of finer emotions. I lived under the exhausting state of being in emotional storms without being able to pick up on individual winds, individual elements of the weather.

    Fear is the reason. To develop a faith in yourself to be strong enough to live with fear, long enough psychotherapy with a competent, caring and hard working therapist will help, a lot. Then in between sessions, or outside psychotherapy, now, you can exercise, practice tools you learned already in therapy, look into what you did learn, those Aha moments. And practice, in small ways, what you learned. Through practice, you get to see what is next for you to do.

    Please post again…



    From my point of view life would not have been worth living if it was not full of contradiction! How can you feel love if you does not feel hate, good and eivel are just the faces of the same coin, coins cannot have an engraved side and a blank side, or just I have not seen it yet, how can I enjoy relive if I have not experienced pain. I just like to see it that simple and it mostly put me at ease! On the other Borden human nature, what if I told you , you can only eat sweet food, how would you feel about, and even with all the variations of sweet foot, how long can you take it? And bare in mind, salt and sugar looked exactly the same and tastes totally different and you can not live without either of them, just as simple as that! this is just my opinion.


    Dear Kirty. 🙂
    I understand exactly how you are feeling, may i asked what made you change?
    You are being giving judgement toward others but worse… you are going judgement toward yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I know exactly how you feel, where i was at… i asked myself the same same same question. I was at a stage of life where all i see was beauty, then something really bad happened, slowly i only see negative things and slowly and slower i progressed into a bitter person. however, i have been much better lately and there is something i wrote just yesterday and i think it is perfect timing, i think it was meant to be for you and me too.
    Here it is what i wrote about myself and you can also relate.

    “Sorry that I judge.
    But I will allowed myself to do so.
    I know it’s a state right now, my heart just isn’t feeling it. There is not yet enough warmth I have created for myself.
    So, I will judge when I want and I won’t when I can’t feel the judgement but love.
    Every day is a different day, you can’t feel the same shit forever let’s face it.
    Because what is the worse? Judging people when you don’t mean it, or you judging people and then judging yourself? I think judging yourself is the worse… Because the worse of the worse is not allowing yourself to be at whatever state you are in at right now, if you can’t feel it yet, you can’t control it. Then just let yourself be, it’s a way of letting out shit… It feels lonely, when you judge others and also judge yourself. You are forever alone, because not even you can be there for yourself. That, to me is the worse…
    Let you be where the state of your life is taking you at now. Self hate is not allowing room for self love. But if you could judge other, then allow yourself to be so, aware of your action and be mindful about it. Atleast there are some love you have given for yourself. There are abit of mercy, and when there is so… Mindfulness exist
    .. You are more gentle towards yourself, you will be softer to the outside. Allow yourself to be what you are, it’s ok. We are all struggling, trying to figure out ourselves. And it’s absolutely ok to be where you are right now. Soon, when you feel it and you will do what feels right.
    The worse of the worse is blaming others then blaming ourselves.
    But if we can understand, this is where I am at life right now. I will learn someday.
    That is mindfulness, in a very selfish way

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Luna.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Luna.

    But it works! And it’s ok! Feel whatever the f you want it’s okkkk!!

    How this mindfulness way of thinking helped me to surpass judgement of others because I can accept myself and not creating self hatred. When I judged people for whatever reason they are, then I feel like shit. Like I was never like this, why I am like this? I’m a bad person, people just trying to express. Maybe not the way you wanted to hear or see or feel. But man all this egotistical people all trying m to passing on something to people but haven’t break pass that wall to cover their ass, because they are too worried of being judged, so they created what comes back to them. What comes out must goes back in the same place.
    And when I thought bad at myself, I was unable to feel the love of myself. I hated me for being so mean to people and not understand for them, because I know who I am. I was there when no judgement existed and all I saw was beauty. That to me was who I knew of myself. The best version I have become, and then shit happened and then you started loosing shit, you know.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Luna.

    And I think we all secretly judging but the cute ones would be mindful about it. Judging doesn’t have to be hatred, it could just means you see a different side of the object (general objects are all external things on earth including all living things) not as in object is an object if you know what I mean.
    But it doesn’t mean you think bad of them, just feel some energy stuff. That is a very very subtle way of judgment we probably don’t even realise it. But it is, no judgement is no attachment or feeling toward objects because you understand it is not absolute, and two it is an illusion, and 3 compassion and empathy.

    Man, I’ll just be what I want to be. I will be judged but as long I don’t judge myself… I think, that makes me quiet honest to myself to keep on thriving to be achieve non judgement.

    I knoww when I achieved that, I will look back to this post and thinking. 🙁 I wish I never had, but here is the real me and what I think about judgement and allowing myself to be with the flow on the state life is flowing at the moment.”

    These you mentioned are symptom of depression but please don’t think too much about it, but rather accepting it. It is also a bless to be experience life in this extreme emotionless kind of way, not everyone reach to this point of feeling nothing you know..?
    But i know the feeling of unable to feel, unable to enjoy the things you used to enjoy, no excitement, even if everything in your life is progressing but you are feeling like time isn’t moving and, i don’t know if you feel this way but i was having trouble of letting go of the past. The girl whom i thought i was beautiful, i was so just myself, sweet and loved life, i lost my innocent now.
    You need time, and lots of time… it might takes years. its been 3 years for me and things gets better very very slowly. But i hope you do have a great support behind and be open to people (only to those whom cares about you) because when you don’t be careful, it will make you feel worse.
    There are so much to even discuss about this, its more than just a normal experience. Its definately unbalance spiritually. There are blockages that needs to flow through body, if you have heard of chakras.
    Kirsty, try your best to let yourself feel how you are feeling… remember to be kind to who you are. Don’t binge eat, don’t so certain things that is letting yourself go. Because when you gain feelings again, trust me you will look back like i did and wish that you’ve never let yourself go, because now you have to work hard to gain the physical aspect again. Please ask more, as i have no idea what to specially answer <3 Much love to you, you are definately entering a different phase in life that MANY PEOPLE won’t have a chance to. And once you heal, you can use this to help others. Because this is such a deep end, its hopeless and dark and absolute emptiness. But time will heal you, i promise 🙂 Keep up that smile even when you don’t feel it. Remember each day is a chance, even if you don’t feel it.. one day, you will! Keep believing and stay true to who you were.. that kind and loving Kirty.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Luna.

    Sorry i think m reply was so long so i couldst post it all, so i had to separate the paragraphs. Its always nice to know that you’re not alone on this journey.

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