
working on 5 steps and i am stuck

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    Ann Marsh

    i have been working on a list of beliefs etc that weigh me down. one is the belief that an extended family member does not care to have a relationship with me. possibly does not even like me. this i have found to be very hurtful but i have managed to identify the belief, reflect on the source of it and find some positives. i am just not sure how i create a change and stop the negative thoughts – i am expected to have a relationship with this person. and it is a relation by marriage so any effort i make to distance myself seems to create friction with the family members who love and care about this family member. as an example, i had a number of people over for dinner and did not invite the family member who i have the strained relationship with. however ended up being made to feel that this was not a good behavior.
    but i feel like if i am going to get past the hurt i need to move on and put this relationship in the past. any suggestions?


    Ann Marsh, @annmarsh

    Any expectations and attitudes felt towards you are for those individuals to deal with, not you. It is not your fault for those relatives whom you have a strained relationship with to have those feelings and attitudes towards you. Your life is for you to live the way you want it to, not theirs. Seek only what makes you happy, what gives you peace of mind and what gives you fulfillment, whatever those things may be. If there are those who think/feel poorly of you for seeking/achieving happiness, allow them to. It is not your responsibility to make them happy. However, it is your responsibility to make yourself happy and at peace. The choice is always yours.


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