
Worried about my projections

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    Hi Everyone,
    I am wondering a few things. I’m worried that my projections release and people see through me. I don’t know how to feel about this? I feel that if I say something, it may be judged by someone else who understands what projections are. At the same time, Im worried that I am taking in peoples projections about themselves and its causing me to lose some of my inner confidence..

    Buddhist Wife

    Hi Secret,

    I’m not really sure what you are asking. What is that you mean by ‘projections’?



    There is no need to worry, friend. When people have the qualities of mind that allow for the kind of discernment you’re talking about, there is no quality of judgment present. However, people might experience afflictions from your words, but those afflictions are theirs, not yours. Teachers and guides, the ones whom we look up to for help and love, are stable enough in their right view to not be pulled into judgment. Said differently, if you speak courageously from the heart and someone judges, its about them, not about you.

    Open hearted people, in my experience, look to support and help, not condemn.

    In regards to the erosion of confidence… don’t take any words at face value. Listen, examine, and try it out. Authentic confidence arises as we become more skillful, not from faith. Faith can help us jump, but confidence arises as we reflect on our growth, not from the approval of others.


    With warmth,

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