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    My past relationship ended almost a year ago and I am still healing. When will it end? I recently graduated college and have a number of amazing opportunities or adventures ahead, for which I feel grateful and quite excited about. Despite my accomplishments and “fresh start” I am often depressed and have thoughts of my past relationship. I decided to have no contact with my ex after numerous failed attempts at becoming friends or reconcilliation (which I find is impossible). When we would speak to one another the conversation would lead to disagreements which usually ended with hurtful things being said (He said he didn’t love me, actually suggessted I date other people). He said because I referenced his past actions (which I am sure made him uncomfortable though this wasn’t done to harm him or feed my ego) I was a negative person and said God “told him” that I wasn’t someone he should have anything to do with. I was extremly confused and deeply hurt by these comments. We both were defensive and eventually the conversations were unproductive. He was clearly fed up and denied my calls shortly after. I left a voicemail wishing him well which took a lot of nerve and was quite useless I suppose. Things ended this way and he did not respond to the heartfelt message I left him.

    Weeks passed and a few days ago, on grad night I ran into him at a bar in a near by city. I came alone. He was with another woman. I rarely go out at night and I chose what I thought was the most secluded place in the city. Well, I guess I was wrong! While sitting at the bar talking with a nice couple I had just met, I instantly recognized him from behind and quickly turned away as he and his date made a quick exit. The couple noticed my discomfort and invited me tag along as they had plans to visit a dance club in the area, I agreed and forced myself to dance and smile for about an hour before heading home.

    The next afternoon he texted and said he had just heard my voicemail and he wanted me to heal before we could try to be friends again. He said he hoped I did well on my finals and ended the text with a smiley face.

    Immediately I analyzed his actions. Was this simply a nice gesture? Did he feel sorry for me? Did he feel like a jerk for expressing his desire to self improve before dating a weeks earlier and felt guilty for being seen acting in a contradictory manner. I feel like he is very manipulative. He’s said that he doesn’t owe me anything and I agree with him. But why the text? I don’t understand.

    After being rejected and struggling to conquer depression due to this ordeal I am very confused, frustrated and as silly as it may sound, I am unsure of the steps to take next. Is it a no brainer?

    Should I try to find meaning in all of this or mentally block past events in order to recover? After all, what good could come of this?


    Hi Britt – First of all, may God and Angels comfort your heart. I am 6 months out of the relationship with the love of my life (I’m 56), and though we were together just 2 years, we took much the same road as you two have. We didn’t argue, but the end result was the same, we pulled the plug on the relationship, drug it out over a few months of touch and go, and ultimately, he ended it for good.

    I will spare you the details, but it has been a very, very long road for me…he has moved on (actually reunited with his wife from 30 years ago…go figure), but I have wallowed in grief for months. I want to get over him once and for all, and I want my life back, but these things take time. It will take as long as it takes to grieve this loss you have suffered…you can’t rush it, you need to actually lean into it and hold that heartache until it heals.

    Eventually, you will get to the place where he isn’t occupying your mind and heart every second. My guy has texted a few times too, which just reopens the wound and creates hope all over again that we can be reunited. I have finally gotten mad (it took forever) at some of the things he said to me and the way he treated me – and this is a guy I still love very much, but getting mad has helped me move on, because I want better and so do you.

    Reality – I love him, but he cannot provide what I need, nor am I the one for him. It doesn’t mean that love isn’t present, it only means you can’t live together.

    Remember that everyone comes into our lives for a reason, and we into theirs. Keep the good stuff, let go of the bad stuff and move on, when you are ready.

    It sounds like he still wants to “keep his hand in play” because he knows you still care, which I don’t think is healthy for you as it is not for me. I can almost guarantee if you pursue this and the meaning or intent of his text, you will only get hurt again.

    You are strong enough in yourself to know what you need and to make your own happiness. Let go or be dragged. It sounds like you have done a lot of hard work to get through your depression, believe me, I can relate – therapy, medication – and the very last thing either of us needs is to go backwards into the fray.

    If you choose to do that ultimately, by God, make him work for it and earn your trust. You are better than that. Cultivate your self esteem, believe in tomorrow, visualize what you want in a partner down to the last detail and don’t settle for less especially from a man who does not respect, honor or cherish you.

    You were rejected. I was rejected. It hurts like hell but it doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy and valuable people. It only means that he is not the one for you, for me.

    What has finally helped me turn the corner was every time I think of him, I immediately follow up with a prayer to God for help and healing.

    Maybe that will help you too…best of luck, hang in there. Don’t give your power away…especially to this guy who isn’t a good fit.


    Britt, the fact that he’s texting you again means that he is interested in you being interested in him. The best way to proceed is to not answer the text. Silence is communication in and of itself.

    College is over, yes? Put him where he solidly belongs in your mind: as one of your many fanboys/admirers during that time in your life.

    You are now a grown woman and would have outgrown him anyway. Keep repeating this to yourself until you see that it is, in fact, true. The rejection stings partly because he did it first.

    There are probably many men interested in you, some you don’t even know about! Believe it. The truth is, you are the one that got away! He had his chance! In fact, you can say that to him if cornered: “You had your chance! Goodbye, Little Buddy!” with a good head noogie!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Inky.
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