
Quotes by ""

I can respect any person who can put their ego aside and say, ‘I made a mistake. I apologize, and I’m correcting the behavior.’

I don’t want to suffer, so excuse me if I excuse myself from situations that suck all of my energy.

Stay in the moment. The practice of staying present will heal you. Obsessing about how the future will turn out creates anxiety. Replaying broken scenarios from the past causes anger and sadness. Stay here, in this moment.

Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new ones come. It’s up one day and down the next. You have it all together on Monday and by Thursday you don’t have a clue. Life is one big wave and all we can do is flow, grow, and adapt.

Dear self, don’t allow anyone to trigger you. Let it go. Walk away. You’ll be proud of yourself later.