
Posts by Paul-Dalton

Paul Dalton is a personal growth coach, facilitator, writer and speaker with a particular passion for assisting others in defining their authentic life purpose. Sign-up for free insightful coaching tips, podcasts and videos via his website www.life-happens.co.uk, where you can also check out his popular e-Course Create a Wonderful Life.

Paul-Dalton's Website

3 Principles for Accepting Yourself and Being Authentically Happy

“Happiness is really a deep harmonious inner satisfaction and approval.” ~Francis Wilshire

It is only in the last few years of my life that I have felt genuinely happy and comfortable in my own skin.

Until my early thirties the dominant feeling I carried around with me was one of extreme social awkwardness. Which is strange, because most people who knew me prior to that time would have described me as a confident guy who got on with just about everybody.

I’m aware that outwardly I was very skilful at presenting a positive and socially pleasing demeanor, while on …