
Reply To: Self Trust and More

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Cali Chica

To add:

yes she is delusional. Unaware. And not shameful of her behavior. Is it similar to what I used to do to my husband? Act erratic and rude and take him for granted. Act the worst towards the person that helps you the most?

my husband stayed didn’t he. He persisted.
but I know somehow someway this is different. And I wasn’t NC with my mother back then. I was entirely in the dark of what the monster and saga and trauma of my life was.
I am not now.

So that means I don’t have to endure such behavior. Doesn’t it. It means that now that I am on my path – I don’t have to be dragged backwards. In fact I can’t stay on my path if I am dragged back. Even if this behavior may look familiar to my old ones – it doesn’t matter.

just as you stated you don’t need to be bitten anymore.