
Reply To: Loosing a friend

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Two things:

1. Your friend either a) never liked your fiancé, b) is jealous that you’re marrying first or c) she was with him at some point (!!!) Yeah, one of my friends got very luke-warm very fast when I became engaged. It was a bummer. Some people are like that when it comes to buying a house/promotions/weddings/pregnancies.

2. Keeping Friends ~ Some “years” or “classes” in school bond for life. It’s the weirdest thing. When you’re older you look at these people and sometimes think “Unhealthy”. Most people, believe it or not, maybe have one (1!!) bosom-friend from school left by the time they’re 40. (And no, FaceBook doesn’t count LOL). In your 20s everyone is starting their life. 30s, everyone is into their family/careers. If you can hold onto a friend for more than a decade, that is a triumph.

At your wedding NO ONE will think about “Where are all her oodles of friends?” They will be thinking, “The bride is beautiful”, “Which table am I sitting at?” “Where’s the reception?” “We’re so lucky we found parking!”

Your friend herself? She has to get over this. Her other friends will be getting married and then having babies too. She can’t be mad at the world.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Inky.