
Posts by Cody Fox

Cody Fox applies ancient wisdom to modern best practices for working effortlessly. He shares heads-up solutions to living a free life at Unrogue.com.

Cody Fox's Website

How to Smile More Every Day (Even if Life Isn’t Perfect)

 “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” ~Tom Wilson

I smile a lot.

In fact, yesterday I smiled eighty-seven times (I counted).

These aren’t fake smiles. They’re big, toothy, open-mouthed grins. And they’ve become a regular feature of my everyday life because I’ve been overcome with an immense happiness.

Everything I see, touch, breathe, and taste brings me delight.

It’s totally spontaneous and outrageously fun, and I want to share with you how it’s done.

What I Smile At

It could be the subtle texture of construction grating.

It could be the way a flower pops out …