
Posts by Jasmine Randhawa

Jasmine Randhawa is a writer, creative, author of a self-published children’s picture book, and former personal injury law paralegal. With almost a decade of education and experience in research, writing, and working with many who suffered from stress, anxiety, trauma, and loss, she now shares work around embracing the journey through pain and suffering to harvest the sweetness of life with more presence, joy, and peace. See more of her work at: https://linktr.ee/Jasminekaurtoday.

When Unhappiness Is the Soul Crying Out for Nourishment

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” ~Dalai Lama

I had been caught in a web of unhappiness for several months some time ago.

During those months, each morning looked the same. I would open my eyes, sigh in misery, and sit at the edge of the bed for a few minutes to mentally prepare myself for yet another day. It took all the energy within me, which was little, to stand up and go about the day.

Although I was unhappy for many months, I had come a long way in healing from severe anxiety. …

Overcoming Negative Thoughts: A Little Awareness Can Go a Long Way

“You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ~Marcus Aurelius

Every time I get back up from my lowest point, it seems as if negative thoughts will drag me down all over again.

Whether it’s the fear of actually being happy only to be sad once again or the self-doubt and self-judgment that pop up when things are going well and I’m healthy, negative thoughts seem to win every single time.

A while ago, I spent a few weeks battling constant negative thoughts about not being good enough, no matter how much I …

How I’ve Eased My Anxiety by Being More Present: 4 Practices to Try

“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ~Oprah Winfrey

In 2012, during my community college years, I began to experience mild anxiety.

I assume it was the stress and fear that came with maintaining a good GPA in hope of transferring to a well-known university, alongside deciding what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Or perhaps it was because of the time I knew I’d wasted slacking in high school to fit in with what I was surrounded by and to …