
Posts by Melissa-Colleary

Melissa Colleary is an English major at Long Island University. She spends time drawing awareness to body image issues and writing about her search for mental and physical health. She blogs at www.thekbfairy.com.

Melissa-Colleary's Website

How Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone Can Help Reduce Anxiety

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” ~Ralph Marston

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been an anxious person. My grandfather died when I was four years old and some of my earliest memories consist of panic attacks whenever I was left alone. In my mind, I had to keep my loved ones in sight at all times, so there would be no chance of them disappearing, just as my grandpa did.  

From that point on, I slowly began to overcome my fears of separation from family. However, new anxieties began to take its place. Whether …