
Posts by Roy Cohen

Frustrated with how difficult some parts of spirituality can be to digest, Roy Cohen has decided to take it into his own hands and start producing content that is easily understood by everyone. He’s since started a website, claimingclarity.com, and is constantly posting guides on meditation, spiritual awakening, and general living advice.

Roy Cohen's Website

When Life Gets Hard: How to Find Peace Within the Chaos

“The more in harmony you are with the flow of your own existence, the more magical life becomes.” ~Adyashanti

Have you turned on the news lately only to want to shut it off after a few minutes?

It seems that chaos has enveloped this planet. Every corner of every street has been impacted by the current situation; I have never seen anything quite like it in my time.

It may be incredibly difficult to find some breathing room between all of this. On one hand, you want to be up to date with the world, and on the other hand, …