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ParticipantI still have high hopes for her. I think she will get back to me once she reads my letter and poem. If she doesn’t then I will have my answer and I wont continue to chase someone that is running away. I don’t think ill mention to her about being disrespected and her doing that is wrong in my eyes, it will just push her away even more and make me look too attached, emotional and that I am struggling without her. I will simply leave her with the letter and poem as my final words. I think this would leave a better memory for her and cause less resent. But if she doesn’t want my help even as a friend then there isn’t anything I can do besides better myself. Maybe one day she reaches out but I won’t jump to conclusions just yet. Do you think this is wise? I will obviously be coming back here once I know she has 100% received my letter and let you know what her response was if I do get one.
She almost did seem like she had dual personalities at times. One that was so bubbly and comforting but on the odd occasion she would completely shut off or turned on me. She was jobless most this year, I remember about a week before we split I encouraged her to find work. She told me ‘don’t tell me what to do, I know I need too’. I told her I know you’re having a bad day and I’m only trying to help. She told me ‘I can help myself, talk later’. (This is all over text). Later that day she apologized and said ‘I know your only trying to help. let me know when you’re free’. I went over and she mentioned she had feelings of leaving again, however she didn’t leave so I congratulated her for beating that feeling. In this moment she was happy. However the very next day she messaged again saying she was feeling flat, I told her you should be proud of yourself, you’re doing great, you can come over too mine anytime! She replied ‘I want to stay at home and I know you rather be alone at your place, you said you’d be there for me not just because I ask but because you want too’. I told her she was putting it back onto me and she didn’t like that so there was a tiny misunderstanding. We both agreed we weren’t looking for a fight, I ended up going over to hers. She apologized sorry for taking it out on me and admitted she was. She also mentioned it may be her insecurity and she just needs reassurance. So it did seem like a dual personality just from this situation I mentioned over a two day period.
she had demons in her, I briefly remember her also texting me one time saying she dissociated and ended up about 20 minutes from home with no recollection. She also mentioned she would go completely black at times like she lost vision. I told her I am worried but she should’ve gotten proper help for it herself. Are symptoms like this related to any specific cause? I do genuinely care for her and want whats best for her.
It definitely helps a lot it does seem like her head would say one thing and her heart the other. She was torn between what she wanted and what she thought she needed by the sound of it. The wounded part did win, I think it was just survival for her at the end of the day and it made her feel safe at the time and she couldn’t process rational thoughts. This is what gives me hope that she will eventually come to realize I was good and loving and only wanted to help but for now I will try not dwell on the future as right now she may be really wanting to find her own path and start a new journey. I worry for people she may hurt in the future.
Thanks Tee, you have been great
ParticipantHey Tee
When I first met her I wasn’t actually smoking and she was. However I soon followed her habits. I think she did feel guilty about this earlier on in the relationship. I think my smoking was maybe once or twice the reason for her leaving but besides that it always seemed like a different reason just never anything concrete to me.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Im not sure of the actual reason she got triggered. I think it was me pointing out that she has certain things she does when upset. Like the rolling over and bottling everything up. She told me she left because she keeps having feelings or leaving and just didn’t see it working out and she needs time and space for heal on her own. That’s why im so shocked she in already on a dating app. seemed like a bit of a cop out to me.No the choke happened once and never again. We didn’t have our differences about the future at all that’s what is so confusing to me. We were both on the same page when talking about kids marriage etc we both knew we wanted it one day.</p>
My anxiety probably did make it harder for her as when I was needing her she wasn’t there for me, similar to now even though I would be willing to be there for her even as support.Once I stopped smoking I felt great I was more vigilant and just energetic always laughing with her etc. it was a good change for me and the relationship it just wasn’t the real problem deep down.
Yeh I probably wasn’t very considerate during my first couple relationships. They would definitely frustrate me a lot with their own problems which is harsh to say. However this girl was different as I actually want to help her and be there for her.
I am glad overall I cut down smoking but I just feel abandoned and disrespected now. I feel like I was lied to and she wasn’t honest or open with me at all.
ParticipantHey Peggy
I am just struggling to let go, is PTSD really that easy to treat on top of mental health conditions?She has also been prescribed to anti psychotics when she was a teen so she has a lot of demons obviously.
I am going to wait to see if I get a reply or not. I think you’re right she has made her choice and there is nothing I can do. I just wanted an explanation to why she actually broke up with me from her. I do believe it will give me a bit of peace of mind.
ParticipantI think she could have been gaslighting me a little bit by saying what i wanted to hear. I just know she was so confused but again it did feel real. She did say she felt i mistreated her at times but again she would always take it back and apologize once things had calmed down. “You dont mistreat me, Im sorry for saying that I know you treat me well” things along those lines she would say. She did say she felt like she was too much for me at times and would want space, there were also times she said i needed space but that isn’t her call to make. However once she was grounded again she would always reassure me that everything was okay and she was overthinking etc.
I think she felt as if she shouldn’t have to be constantly reassured… but she honestly did because most the time it was the small things that triggered her, she couldn’t look at the bigger picture in life. Such as work, family, exercise and passion. The innocent comments or actions is generally what triggered her too feel unloved I think. These were always minor as I mentioned earlier, and always resolved. I can understand the triggering during sex may have genuinely affected her and might have made her rethink if I was the right person. She knew she was sensitive but and would probably put all that back onto me. This could be why she felt like a burden deep down too.
Okay ill try keep this short but there were 5 splits in 9 months! The first 3 were quite minor and we would be back together same day maybe two days maximum. When we first met we were both smoking weed, I think she said something like we were on different paths etc. and that is why she broke up with me. Maybe because I had trouble quitting at first and she was doing much better reducing her usage. I eventually made the change later on, we will come back to this in a moment. I do remember one time we were play fighting and I put my arm around her neck from behind although I honestly didn’t think I choked her like that. Next day she was very upset and broke off again and said I told you do never do that as it was the one thing she didn’t want. I explained it was an accident and we moved on, I said my apology and that it would never happen again. She did mention from memory once that she felt like her body was rejecting me which was odd. The fourth time was bad it was just after New Year and again I fell into my trap of smoking weed again, it was holidays so I found it harder. She said I had become distant etc. She said she had to Love and Leave me.
After many texts and silence about 4 days later we got back together and I said I am not smoking daily anymore because I realized it pushed her away. Looking back I wish I was more careful and thoughtful about my own conditions. I asked her to provide me with security and honesty in the relationship. So I quit smoking daily. I made the changes and I only smoke on the odd occasion ever since. I’m not sure if my smoking was a genuine reason for her breaking up with me in the past because now I wasn’t reliant on it and she was happy for me as she always said. However in the end she still left me for the fifth time.
No i was quite open about my feelings with her, told her about work, psych appointments, anxiety I was feeling at times. There was one time she wasn’t there for me when i was so anxious and thought she would leave again but she apologized and said she just couldn’t talk sometimes, so I would get left in the dark. It was many hours later she said this. I think i get that feeling of being unwanted as I have recently jumped into relationships, maybe a few months after each break up. But this one felt so real to me, so genuine and loving.
I think it was toxic just how we broke up so much, not the actual relationship. One thing I said to her is this is how you grow together and build the foundations of great companionship, working through the tough times and reconciling. To me there is always resolve or a solution and if you both are on the same page you continue to work towards bettering each other.
By putting in all the work I think she just meant that she was more emotionally invested and attached. I was very attached, I would explain to her I can be a bit oblivious and spacey in general, not that I was feeling down. Usually I am always smiling so she would notice when I wasn’t and ask what’s wrong and I would reply with nothing as i generally felt okay. There was only maybe two occasions where I was actually down and I eventually picked up on it myself and opened up. Nothing major in the end, just a typical rainy day.
So I have never broken up with a girl. My ex actually told me she had never been dumped either, always her doing the dumping, maybe its a control thing for her. My past break ups were me not actually being fully invested or ready for it in the end. I didn’t know what I wanted and I didn’t think they were the right girls for me. They were nice enough but my well-being was dragging me down as I did feel like I was stepping on eggshells with them. They were not as laid back. I was smoking full time during them and it was a problem but I couldn’t stop. That is why I changed my habits over time with this girl because I knew I actually wanted her. When I first met her I wasn’t smoking, she actually got me back into it again.
I think in the end I wanted to go back because I wanted to give it a proper shot at the time. But now I think I was just slone and missing having someone. However I do feel different with this girl. I really do feel a lot of love for her and it is gut wrenching whats happened. All my friends are saying what she did deserves an explanation and you deserve an apology. I haven’t heard back from her yet, I don’t think she has received my poem or letter. When she does if I don’t get a reply genuine heartfelt reply explaining what she did within a few days to a week I will be sending her a quick message just saying I feel a bit disrespected and that she wasn’t honest, due to the dating app. But ill wait to see if I hear from her.
ParticipantYeh I’m disappointed is an understatement. I feel really burnt and drained from all this. I really believe that she was being genuine and wanted to better herself. To me it is disgusting if she used that as a cop out of a relationship. Whether she was aware she was doing it or not.
She did tell me sometimes that I didn’t treat her how she wanted to be treated in certain moments. Almost as you are saying; love me how I want to be loved. That’s what it felt like on occasions. Again this just felt like an insecurity and low self esteem, I would always reassure her I wasn’t mistreating her.
It could very well be the reason of it was too painful for her me noticing her triggers rather than her wanting to better herself. Which is very heartbreaking. I definitely didn’t give her imperfect love. I probably loved her too much as I thought she was worthy but it ended up just hurting me in the end. I feel like she could have premeditating it since we did split plenty of times.
I read somewhere that some trauma victims go from relationship to relationship just to get that temporary feeling of being loved and comfort but they eventually leave. They cut ties because they want to be the one doing it and they feel in control when I’m reality they aren’t. They find out they can’t be vulnerable and opt out before their partner does. My ex I met very quickly after she left her ex, maybe this solidifies it. It definitely will if she has someone new in the next couple weeks. It’s quite sad if that’s the case as she doesn’t truly want to get to the root of her problem, I genuinely believed she did.
I didn’t feel as of though I was walking on eggshells but my friend told me from his point of view it sounded very toxic. I definitely felt as if I was putting a lot of work in and I think she may have thought she was putting all the work in. I remember her briefly mentioned something like that once.
I don’t think I would have sent the letter I probably would have just messaged her as now it may seem like I desperately want her when I only wanted to help and maybe in the future she would notice my efforts.
im not sure what I’ll say if she does reply. If she doesn’t reply that will explain to me that she does have some serious issues.
To answer your question all my exes have had some form of anxiety or being prescribed to medication. However none of them I felt for how I did this girl. Every moment seemed so real and there was no second guessing my heart at all. It really felt like destiny or a higher force to me and that’s why I wanted to give it my all. Past exes I did put in effort after breakups to reconcile, mainly due to the nature of breakups being my own doing. I made all the changes in my life for this girl and she didn’t. I think it’s as simple as tha in the big picture. She wasn’t ready and wasn’t honest.
Im not sure what to say if she replies. I don’t even know if she has received it yet.
ParticipantHey Tee
maybe that was the reason she felt like she needed space. I’m absolutely devastated, I feel like I’ve been betrayed and lied too.
I downloaded a dating app to try move on and help with my own process. I know she isn’t obliged to me but I saw her on there unfortunately. I may not be able to talk since I am on it myself but I feel like my situation is different considering I didn’t break things up. She said lots of things that seemed like lies to me now. Makes no sense as to why she would break a relationship than join a dating app within a week or two. It’s put a lot into perspective for me as this just seems like toxic, selfish behavior as well as being immature about relationships.
im obviously cut up about this news but maybe she will still reply to my letter. There is obviously some severe issues with her which as you said I cannot change or save her. Only she can. I feel harsh saying it but I genuinely think I deserved better after all the effort and support I’ve put in.
If I don’t hear back from her then I know she isn’t worth it. If I do it’ll have to be up to her to chase me because right now as you said I need to work on myself. I’m investing too much into someone who either has a serious mental condition, lots of confusion, a problem with honesty and lying, or they are just young immature and toxic about relationships.
Am I jumping to conclusions here or am I valid with a lot of what I’ve said?
ParticipantYes she was doing cbt I believe. I will consider the somatic therapy suggestion, right now I think she needs to work through some stuff herself and me suggesting giving therapy another shot would best be done in person I believe. She was doing well with her tapering so I hope she is continuing to make an effort for her own good. I feel like she genuinely wants to better herself not just for me. I still don’t fully understand why she pushed me away and didn’t want my help, maybe because she loved me and didn’t want to bring me down that’s all I can think.
I think this is where I got my high expectations from, always getting her back to a good headspace. She said herself she was happy until she wasn’t with me. Lots of her words gave me high hopes for our future together and they still are.
I will post if I hear anything back either soon or in the future. I’m prepared for her to go cold and not respond but I think she will eventually reach back when she is comfortable and in a better spot. It wouldn’t make sense to me if she didn’t.
I hope it all goes well for both of our sakes, again thanks a lot Tee your words were very kind and straight to the point. Much appreciated.
ParticipantOn top of of what I said about a trauma she is still on major anti depressant medication and has been for a few years. She is trying to taper off them slowly but was definitely finding it difficult and I was so hopeful she would get there giving lots of encouragement. I think she was disappointed in herself and not hopeful that she could actually get off the medication after being prescribed for a while.
thanks a lot Tee
ParticipantHey Tee
she has been in therapy years ago and she said she didn’t take anything from it and that it doesn’t help her. I didn’t know anything about pseudo seizures until I met her. It is triggered from a few different situations, but you’re right mainly during sex. Although it wasn’t common at first I did notice it more frequently as time went on. It was something I could always bring her back from and she always new she was safe during it and told me that I did the right thing every time.
I think you’re spot on about the remarks. She did take certain things the wrong way at first but again always realized I wasn’t trying to bring her down in the end. This was helped by me explaining to her my point of view and making it obvious as I could that I did actually love her.
You are probably right as the key thing would be therapy in order to have a higher self esteem and overcome her trauma. That’s all I wanted for her to start feeling better in her own skin. I did have a feeling therapy may be the only way and that’s why I suggested professional help on several occasions. Regardless I just want her to know I am here for support during her journey, however that may be.
I will be sending a card and poem soon so wish me luck. I have kept it from being too heartfelt as I don’t want to push her over the edge.
Participant<p style=”text-align: left;”>I mentioned to her I noticed that she rolls over and goes quiet when she is in a sad state, I also told her I realise that sometimes she death stares me with a blank face when she is upset/angry. This stare almost seems like a switch to me. when I mentioned this i think it started the events later in the night. She started saying she had a feeling that I was cheating on her even though I wasn’t. She said she knew I wasn’t but it was a feeling and she didn’t know why her head was telling her that. She then did as I explained and rolled over and bottled everything up. After trying to get her to talk she said to me why should I tell you about my anxiety when I don’t tell her mine (I mentioned I was anxious for the first time in a while however I didn’t know the exact cause).
There were comments I made sometimes and actions I did that she felt like I wasn’t showing her enough love. For example not sitting next to her one time, telling her I shouldn’t trust her directions when we go travelling as she makes many wrong turns. Nothing that seemed major to me. She felt like I was bringing her down not up at times and I always reassured her after she told her this isn’t true and I do make stupid comments at times but it isn’t me trying to hold her down.</p>
She had sexual trauma and would occasionally get pseudo seizures. By looking into the details I think there was times she believed I may have triggered her trauma and seizures and it was her body telling her we weren’t right together. As I said I was always actively changing ways to avoid triggering this. I would apologize to her every time and ask what I can do.Okay I will change my wording within the letter. Honestly my poem I wrote is pretty full on as it is about her. It is just about her needing too spread her own wings and fly but I am here on a rainy day if she needs a guide basically.
I appreciate your words Tee you are helping me through this a lot.
ParticipantThis is the message I was thinking of sending her. Keep in mind we never fought and I didn’t say anything rude to her only that I was left with the feeling that someone could give her the happiness I couldn’t.
<p class=”p1″>Hey **** I hope you are well </p>
<p class=”p1″>I know I said I wouldn’t send anything so don’t take this the wrong way, including my past actions and words. This isn’t me asking for the relationship back only offering my support and assistance if you want it. You can count on me even though we aren’t together. </p>
<p class=”p1″> have the highest vision for your healing. </p>
<p class=”p1″>You have my loving thoughts and prayers. I’m rooting for you in every way possible even if it is from afar. You will find something you are passionate about. Whatever you are pursuing you have my best wishes. </p>
<p class=”p1″>It’s your choice but i welcome the idea of us talking on any basis of your own, my lines of communication are always open. Always </p>
<p class=”p1″>I have started writing many poems and I thought you would appreciate their beauty as well as offer some motivation and insight. I don’t want to overwhelm you but I’m happy to send you my poems and encouragement if that is something you would be open too?</p>
<p class=”p1″> I care for you as a person. To me it’s so much more than just intimacy and attraction. I am not trying to be controlling or manipulative only bsupportive and friendly. </p>
<p class=”p1″>I would love to hear from you but I don’t want you too feel pressured</p>Adam
ParticipantI also think it’s a good plan to send her my thoughts, ideas and support. I know I will regret it in the future if don’t do this. People are telling me one month to wait. It’s nearly been 2 weeks so I am going to reach out myself because as I said I think she is afraid too as she knows she hurt me a lot and probably thinks I’m moving on and I’m done with her. She would believe I deserve better I think. But I don’t want better I genuinely want her and to work on what we had even if it is a friend.
the way I reacted when she told me she wants space was me telling her we can talk about things. I told her that she knows it’s just a trauma response and she responded by saying I shoouldnt be getting that trigger and it’s already happened more than once. I believe she thinks I may be triggering her trauma at times but I have always actively adapted to every time this has occurred, giving her reassurance that I am not actually purposefully doing it. Using that information to change what I do.
I honestly believe she does want me in her life as she is genuine with what she said. The only reason would be because I have fought for it in the past. I think she does want a future with me and all those things we spoke about because it always seemed so real. However I think she was scared of letting me down, getting my hopes up and not feeling like she was enough for me.
I do think she can love me as a lover only that her heart wasn’t fully in it and she detached from because she may have been scared of disappointing me or she had a feeling within herself that maybe something was off. If something was off I think it was within herself.
I am happy to try start a friendship with her and be there for her during these dark times I just don’t want her thinking I am only in it for a relationship. At the end of the day she said I was her best boyfriend, her rock, her best friend etc and wanted me in her life so it is giving me expectations that she does want me as a lifelong partner only that she may not have been ready for it. She was obviously conflicted and I think it was because of her trauma and depression that she left the relationship. Fear of being vulnerable. She isn’t fully in tune with her emotions and she is definitely overthinks and reads into every little detail. I am going to do my best to show her I can offer unconditional love even if it isn’t intimate. But I do want her at the end of the day.
ParticipantHey Tee, thanks for the reply.
I have been doing a lot of research to understand what she may be going through and I realise this is a difficult time for her. We still haven’t spoken but I do want to reach out to her as I believe she is afraid too now and probably feels a lot of guilt about what happened. She may also be thinking I deserved better.
I am not sure how to fully offer my help from afar as you mentioned above but I will be sending her a card and poem to just check in on her and let her know she has my complete support. Should I wait for her to reach out first though? I feel like she may not for a very long time, I just don’t know how long I should wait either.
It is a very difficult time for me indeed as I care for her deeply but I am slowly processing everything better each day and doing my best to continue with my own journey for now.
I genuinely feel like she did love me but had to emotionally detach herself from the relationship in order to protect both of us. I am still hopeful for the future and I just want to show her I can be a friend and not just intimately as I know right now it won’t work with her past. I do want to wait for her and let her know she has me as a shoulder to lean on and in the meantime focus on myself in whatever way I can.