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April 30, 2018 at 7:47 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204897
Participanti’ve never been the type to have guy friends, i rarely talk to men as friends, I’m an outgoing person but I’m really awkward when it comes to dating men, most of them I don’t really find attractive or easy to talk to, I’d rather have a conversation with my coworkers make or female, than a conversation with a guy just to be friends or get to know them, if that makes sense. My ex boyfriend was friends with my best friend and he started chatting on Facebook with me, and I thought he was just being like all the other guys that just text you and then go away, but I let him in because he was a friend’s friend and I didn’t want to be rude, I guess I also was not treating him like a real friend and then we started texting and he told me he was interested in me, I didn’t consciously started talking to him thinking about dating. I’m not into chasing superficial relationships, I like to spend my time with people that give me something, that I can be myself with, that I’m going to really have in my life for a long time, I hate superficial conversations with strangers. Is it bad to be like that? should I start changing? I consider myself a social butterfly but I don’t spend time on meeting new people and maintaining those relationships.
April 30, 2018 at 5:43 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204871beginner25
ParticipantHi anita, i come with new questions, I still think about him everytime I’m not doing something or even if I am doing it, but as you said I need to be patient, but my friends tell me I should start going out and flirt with guys and kids them so I can forget faster, I know they are sad because it hurts me so much, specially my best friend that Is roommates with my ex, she told me she cried because he told her about bringing someone home, so she wants me to stop hurting too and get over him quickly, but I don’t know if I should start being kind of intimate with guys again, I want to find a new love and I’ve never been the kind to kiss around, but my friends say maybe it is the time to change that, what should I do?
April 27, 2018 at 4:24 pm in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204601beginner25
ParticipantAnd can you tell me when is it going to happen? 3 months from now? am I gonna still love him even if I know our thing is over? sometimes there is this thought coming to me that we will be together again even though I know it’s not gonna happen, it’s like a feeling coming from me remembering the him from the past, I know it’s just my mind playing games on me because I know we won’t be together again and that I will find someone better, but when these thoughts come uninvited I get scared cos what if I can’t stop loving him? I want to feel nothing for him but there’s this feeling of attachment to the thought of him, it’s like he is supposed to be in my life, but I want him gone so I can be happy again.
April 27, 2018 at 5:15 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204511beginner25
ParticipantI dont know if i feel hope, but i do know that everytime I get anxious it helps me think about me finding someone better, and when I think about him being with someone else, I try to think that it’s ok if he does, I may be able to do it too. But I don’t think I would call it hope, more like programming, I hope feelings catch on with my thoughts soon.
April 26, 2018 at 12:49 pm in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204381beginner25
ParticipantIm not hoping for it to resume, I just want to forget him and find someone who loves me, I realized the whole time I was with my ex I was scared of him leaving me and I shouldn’t feel like that, I should feel loved not scared. He had a previous 5 year relationship which ended because he cheated, I met him 6 months after the break up and he was feeling really bad for cheating and wanted to change, I think he fell really fast for me because he thought he could be faithful to me not because he really loved me, or at least that’s the conclusion I’ve come to, he broke up because he realized he didn’t really love me like he thought and didn’t want to end up cheating on me, and so the whole relationship was him saying he couldn’t do it anymore and me feeling scared that he would leave me if we didn’t see each other for one month. I’ve seen lots of ldr work out so it was not the long distance, it was us, we didn’t work out and it would’ve probably been the same if we lived in the same city, it just would’ve taken longer. I know even if i love him it wouldn’t work.
April 26, 2018 at 11:47 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204365beginner25
ParticipantAnd how am I rushing it? and when will it end? it’s been almost 3 months since we broke up and 2 weeks since we saw each other one last time, when I understood that it was over because he didn’t love me. So for how much longer am I going to feel numb? is sadness gonna come back? how do I stop rushing the process but at the same time get better?
April 26, 2018 at 10:18 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204289beginner25
ParticipantNow i’m in this weird state where I’m like numb, I don’t get excited but I don’t get too sad, when am I going to stop thinking about him completely? I’m planning a trip abroad to feel excited again but what if I stay numb for a long time? right now I know that I can feel sad or just numb, I don’t get what’s the state that I’m at right now, am I getting over him or am I just stuck? right now I’m just living day by day, I feel like my dreams and desires are gone or hidden somewhere and I can’t find them. My plans were to live in the same city with him, not because he was there but because I love the city, but now I don’t even feel like waiting for the day I can live there because my dream of having a relationship with him in the city I love is gone, I know my normal self would still be excited to move to that city but I just don’t feel it right now and it bothers me, I wanted to live there even before I met him so why am I feeling so disheartened?
April 25, 2018 at 6:57 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #204007beginner25
ParticipantHey, i find myself feeling better little by little, it worries me that every time i wake up i still think of them and the feeling of anxiety kicks in but its easier to go back to being calm, I’ve been writing like I told you and it has make me feel better. I’m still feeling scared of how I’m going to feel when he finds someone new, sadly my best friend and him are roommates and knowing that she knows when he brings someone home or knowing when he finds someone new it’s kind of scary and makes me feel damn anxious, she told me that if wanted she would tell me when he finds someone new but I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not. Right now I know I’m just feeling calm because I’m numb, I laugh but I just half feel it, its calm but I can’t enjoy things, so when he gets someone new I’m scared to go back to step 1. I keep reading the forums on “how to get over a break up” and maybe that’s bad too? I think I’m kind of obsessing about feeling better? I don’t know.
April 21, 2018 at 6:17 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203439beginner25
ParticipantThanks a lot, i have a lot of friends, but somehow reading advice from a stranger makes me feel better. I guess it is because I always trust the internet to give me the answers to what I don’t understand. I have this calm feeling right now, I know it’s just temporary but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
April 20, 2018 at 1:48 pm in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203397beginner25
Participantnot something like wanting to kill myself but its getting out of my hands because I can’t stop thinking about him, when I do stop it’s just for a moment and then memories just come rushing to my head, good ones, bad ones, I try to convince myself that he is not good for me but then thoughts of us going back together when we live in the same city start creeping in, what if I keep remembering the good things and stay in love with him? is it possible to be that out of touch with reality? I don’t want to become the crazy ex girlfriend, but I just keep thinking and thinking, it just doesn’t stop.
April 20, 2018 at 9:12 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203353beginner25
Participanti want to give up on him now, he already told me that the love he had faded away with the distance. I dont want to wait for him to find someone new cos i know he will very soon, so i want it to go away now. i really want to. December wont bring the love back, its gone from his heart, and i have no business loving someone who already told me he doesn’t love me. I’ve been trying to breath, make plans for a trip, try to get excited about something, but then I find myself thinking about him with someone else and my heart sinks again. There are times when I feel a little bit happy and then I get scared because I know I’m gonna feel sad again and then of course I start feeling bad. I don’t get it. I also started journaling, I hope it works, I’m doing every trick on the book but I still feel scared. it’s just so weird to be feeling this broken, I used to be able to control my feelings but this is just getting out of my hands.
April 20, 2018 at 7:22 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203333beginner25
ParticipantWhen do you think the pain will go away? im scared to fall down when he gets a new girlfriend. im scared for it to hurt too much, even more than now. i feel like i would die, i know i wouldnt but i feel like it.
April 19, 2018 at 6:40 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203163beginner25
ParticipantI wish i could really stop the feelings. They hurt a lot. Thank you for your words.
April 18, 2018 at 3:41 pm in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203103beginner25
Participantwhat if i cant forget him? what if it hurts too much when he finds someone else? i cant stop thinking about these.
April 18, 2018 at 11:50 am in reply to: fell in love and got a broken heart for the first time #203077beginner25
ParticipantI guess that makes him an unstable lifetime partner? but what to do with the feeling of wanting to be with him? I know I can possibly find someone better but the feeling of missing him is so unbearable. I’ve never had this kind of constant sadness and depression.