
Cynthia Belmer

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  • in reply to: 4 Strategies To Heal a Broken Heart #55403
    Cynthia Belmer

    I’m sorry for all the pain you’re going through Tonya. Things like this happen in our life for a much bigger reason. I know this may be hard to grasp right now but really this is a great opportunity for you to work through the inner hick-ups so that you can find the person of your dreams.

    I’m telling you this because I’ve been there six years ago and it really sux. But when I really did A LOT of inner growth work, the man of my dream found me. In fact we found each other.

    Trust the process and shift your focus from everything that went wrong or from the “what if I had said that or did that, maybe things would’ve been different”. Work through your stuff, get help if you can afford it will truly open your eyes to the beauty that’s within you.

    I’m also doing a free group coaching session today at 11:00 am EST. Would love to have you and everyone there, here’s the link:

    in reply to: 4 Strategies To Heal a Broken Heart #55251
    Cynthia Belmer

    Thank you Jasmine for your kind words! I’m so glad you enjoyed this insight! xoxo

    in reply to: 4 Strategies To Heal a Broken Heart #55206
    Cynthia Belmer

    Hi Stevie,

    Thank you for your kind words and I’m SOOOO glad to hear that your perspective about life has changed. I really believe that at some point in our lives, we have to go through such a hard break-up so that we could awaken our sense of self-love.

    Things fall apart in our in life so that we could heal the deepest wounds within.

    Much love,

    in reply to: So Overwhelmed with life, feeling lost and confused. #54495
    Cynthia Belmer

    Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this confusion. I know this may seem odd but often times it’s in those times that we can create deep shift in our lives.

    To answer your questions, I’m going to ask your few questions in return:

    1- Are you focusing on “what’s wrong with you” or are you focusing on “what’s awesome about me? and “what do I want in my life and who I want to become?”

    Where your focus goes, your energy flows. So if you keep focusing on what’s wrong, you’ll only get the wrongs. Focus on what you want instead.

    2- What’s the story you’re telling yourself about yourself and about life?

    3- I’m noticing that you’re saying why me indirectly, what are the silver linings or learnings you had from your negative experiences?

    I hope this helps!


    in reply to: Suggestions on stopping the thoughts #49113
    Cynthia Belmer

    Loss is very painful especially when feelings are involved…. would suggest to sit with your emotions instead of turning them off. The more you push your emotions away, the more they’re going to come back at you stronger and stronger…write about your emotions and be gentle, patient and very loving with yourself throughout this process….

    This is an opportunity to give birth to something new and more beautiful within you….

    Much love to your heart!

    in reply to: How to overcome loneliness #49111
    Cynthia Belmer

    I understand how painful this is…I’ve been there so many times especially that I moved from country to country, state to state….

    Last year, I felt that I have my husband my dogs in my life… no social life, no fun outside of me and my husband… I was looking for some like-minded people for year but I often found an excuse to why I don’tget along with them ect…. I’m a big introvert and I don’t like to mix up with groups just for the sake of making friends. So, what I decided to make things happen for me… I set my intention of meeting like minded friends and I created a meetup group that I called: Spiritual, intellectual and super fun group. The description of the group was exactly what i desired. In my head I said: I have nothing to lose so I might as well make it the way I want. Guess what? Everyone who joined my group were very much like me. It was a great way to meet like-minded people.

    One essential thing though is to accept reality…that’s what helped me move forward…., when we truly admire who we are and become friends with ourselves.. this is when we allow openness and spaciousness into our life…this is when we’re not afraid of rejection and instead we accept and welcome what is…

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