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ParticipantPeggy, Her brother is not my manager nor does he have the power to fire me. Plus, even if he did, and theoretically a relationship did happen and went bad and I did get fired because of it, there would be grounds for unfair dismissal.
Anita, thanks I’ll just continue to be my best self and see what happens. Ultimately it’s just a girl (albeit a very attractive one) and if nothing happens then it’s not life changing or anything.
Mark, I think it could be a little too soon. And if I did do that and she said no I’d feel incredibly paranoid in work.
Overall I tend to overthink myself into this kind of mindset. I really just need to let go and stop creating situations in my head that may not even happen, rightly or wrongly.
In the meantime I’m dating other girls and enjoying myself. So it’s not like I’m desperate or deprived or anything.
ParticipantHi Anita, thank you.
It looks like she’s going to be ok. I asked her mum and she told me the doctor thinks it’s anxiety and stress.
So hopefully it’s not the worst.
Even so, perhaps that massive shock I got was meant to happen in a way, because it assisted me in my healing.
ParticipantThank you. I think she was due to find something out about it today, I’ve not yet received any news however.
Just really hoping and praying that she doesn’t get diagnosed with it.
Her health and well-being is now the most important thing.
ParticipantI will. I honestly will.
ParticipantHi again, a major revelation has changed EVERYTHING.
I was dropping my boy off today, and his mum came out and was talking to my sister as I was in the yard saying hi to my sons new puppies, which he wanted to show me.
I came back to the car and I could soon tell that the conversation was of a medical nature. I listened for a bit and then asked my child’s mum “what is it” and she told me she could potentially be about to be diagnosed with MS.
It immediately hit me hard and I struggled to hold tears back there and then. She talked more about the situation; waiting for blood tests; has to spend 5 hours at hospital this coming Monday; it could be important that it’s discovered early, etc etc.
I got out of the car and told her it was freaking me out and I gave her a massive hug, telling her I hope she is gunna be ok.
She was keeping a brave face on, being in high enough spirits and even joking that she could “be on the way out”. But I know she’ll be frightened, I mean, she’s just had another baby and to begin considering the future, should you find out you have such a life-changing illness would be daunting. She’shad 2 mini-strokes, and this further potential illness was found as a result.
I’ve cried a few times since. I cried whilst typing this. And I’ll likely cry many more times about it.
Everything I’ve said on this thread and my other thread about how I felt hard done by and all my perceived grievances, are now completely eradicated. She is absolved of anything I held against her. There will never be another word about it.
I feel terrible that it’s taken something like this to make me truly, and so quickly, let it all go. But there’s nothing I can do about the last 7 years holding on to it, all I can do now is be a better man and a better person to her going forward.
She doesn’t deserve something like this. She is an incredible mother. My sister told me the other day that she has never seen a child who is as well behaved as my son, even over her own 3 children.
On everything I hold sacred, on my life, on my soul, I sincerely hope with all my heart that the mother of my child is going to be ok.
Pretty much everything is completely different now compared to what it was back then. I’ve been taking my boy out unsupervised for at least 3 years now and all I have to do is ask whether he’s available to come out on a certain day/weekend. I actually like this arrangement better than I would any legal arrangement. The number 1 reason I was attempting to go through court back then was to gain official recognition as my sons father and get my name on his birth certificate. As I’ve said before however, these are things I no longer wish to pursue – those ships have sailed long ago.
Other notable differences are that I’m developing professionally and as a person, got my driving license, lost 40lbs at the gym, made many new friends, and I’m building my own business. I don’t have the dark cloud and burning rage of 2014 still hanging over me. At this point it’s mainly just something I can’t seem to let go of, and some part of me doesn’t want to either.
As for me being a good person. Does being a volunteer telephone counsellor for children and young people a over a period of 2 years through 2016/2018 count?
ParticipantHiya Anita,
Yes, that was also her child… Still gives me a right to be angry about her decisions. It may be her child in her body, but it’s also my child in her body.
Yes the £100 was just a gift on top of child support. Which by the way, is not court ordered or any of that nonsense. We came to agreements out of court. Like I said I’m legally a nobody to my child thanks to her.
I am living honestly and responsibly. If I date multiple girls at the same time, with nobody being cheated on or hurt, there’s nothing wrong with that. I could argue that marriage and settling down is something that is done just because it’s what a lot of “other people” do, that doesn’t make it the one and only way to live a life. I see many people do just that because they are following the crowd, society tells them that they should get married and take out a mortgage and get a car and a dog and then make a family. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just not what I want for the life I’ve only got one shot at. If having an endless stream of girls for the rest of my life makes me happy than that is what I’m going to do.
I’ll admit that it all started out as a massive “up yours” to my ex. She messed me around beyond repair? Fine, I ain’t going to settle down with the next available girl. I’m doing the exact opposite.
I appreciate certain images and scenarios may be gross to some and not others, just like group sex is to you… For me it’s not so much a woman having sex whilst pregnant, it’s that in this particular situation, that girl was carrying MY child. I really couldn’t care less if her or any other woman were to have sex whilst pregnant, as long as it’s not while it’s my child that’s being carried… I’m the one who feels irreversibly hurt, humiliated and ridiculed by it, and it obviously isn’t going to ever go away.
As much as I deeply despise her for what she done, I randomly sent her a gift of £100 the other night for ” being an amazing mummy to my boy” and wishing the newborn every luck in life.
So yes, as much as there’s deeply ingrained resentment for her in my head and heart, I still know howto “do things right”
As for me living the life I do and the life I have planned. I am free to do as please no? I am not hurting anyone or cheating on anyone. In future if and when I am wealthy, the ladies I date will be not be mislead or manipulated in any way. They will have full freedom to come and go as they please, as well as be free to date and do what they want in their own lives.
After being so deeply hurt by the mother of my child. This is the life I want.
I already have a pretty good vision of what I’m going to do and be, and not only that but the wheels are in motion for the business etc.
I think I’m already implementing what you suggested, in that I pretty much completely disassociate from anything she does and remain totally indifferent to almost everything except that which concerns my son.
I not only have a brilliant social circle and active lifestyle, but because of all this hurt I’ve built the kind of life I only once dreamed of.
Thanks guys
ParticipantHi Anita,
I appreciate you taking so much time out of your day to read through the entirety of my threads. I have taken over a week to respond as I wanted to sit on your thoughts for a while.
I understand the likelihood that I had deeply repressed anger from my mother leaving me, and the likelihood that this anger arose when my child’s mother did what she did. Although the biggest difference is that my ex was carrying my son, my mother wasn’t. That’s the aggravating factor in all this.
Would I still have been so hurt and angry about it if my mother hadn’t left me and I’d had a normal upbringing? Well, I will never know the answer to that. All I know now is that my mother can’t undo what she did, nor can my ex undo what she did, therefore perhaps that’s why I can’t get past it either way.
There’s no law against her having sex whilst pregnant and single, but she did massively insult me and my unborn child by doing so, and so did any men involved. Even mentioning those men now makes me still wish for their downfall in some form or other.
I’ve been reading Tony Robbins book Awaken the Giant Within and today I read an interesting chapter about metaphors for life and transformational vocabulary. In it, he talks about and teaches through examples of how we can change how we see, think and interpret things. Obviously, I’ll never get over the pain I’ve felt at her actions but I’m going to try implementing these strategies in my life going forward. In fact I believe I’ve already went through a transition at some point a couple of years ago where I care less and less about any decision she may make that’ll hurt me. For example I no longer care about my name being on the birth certificate, so much so that if she asked me now if I wanted my name on it I’d laugh and tell her to shove it, it’s too late.
I do admit I’ve probably went the wrong way about things at times but like I said before Anita, her actions created my reactions, and there’s just no getting away from that.
Further to what I’ve learned in that book – and this is something I’ve always known and even expressed on here, so don’t think that it was because of the book – this enormous pain I’ve experienced made me completely change my life to a point I never dreamed was possible for me. I recall sitting in my bedroom 10 years ago whilst still living in my dads house. At the time I was at rock bottom, still on drugs, no friends, no social life, no job, feeling absolutely worthless, thinking, “how on earth did it get to this, and how the hell can I possibly turn this around?”. I didn’t see way out of the hole I was in, and the future was bleak. I never once contemplated suicide, all I wanted to do was run away very far and never come back, because the life I was living was a very depressing one.
What I’m saying is, I’ve never actually sat down and put on paper what I was then, to what I am now. I think that by using the strategies I mentioned, I can change how I think about what happened. I’m not a believer of “everything happens for a reason” or any of that, but I can draw on all the positive changes I’ve made in my life since then, in an attempt to make the scars of 2011 mean less and less. I mean, 95% of where I’m at now and the life I live, as well as where I’m going, would not have even been a thought if I hadn’t experienced the pain I did. In some ways I should perhaps thank her.
Most people try to fill their pain from similar circumstances by going and having a kid with another person as soon as possible, which in my eyes is the lamest thing ever. It’s an attempt to say “look at me everyone, look at how ok I am, I’ve moved on already”, and from the instances of this I’ve seen it stinks of desperation.
Me? Well because of this hugely painful event in my life, I’m never getting married. I’m always open to meeting someone who changes my mind, but instead I decided long ago I’m going to remain a bachelor. I date multiple ladies at any one time and that’s just how I roll now. The best about it is that I’m going to be a wealthy bachelor too, always dating gorgeous young women.
I saw my child the other day and he was so happy to see me, as was I happy to see him. He really enjoys going on days out with my sister and his cousins, even without me there, and his mother is happy for him to go have fun with them without her. He’s also very excited to be a big brother. I brought a little teddy and card for him to fill out and bring home. One of many gifts he’ll be bringing his brother after being with me.
Yes I envy that another man lives with my son and his mum, but as I’ve previously stated, my absolute indifference to the situation makes it not hurt too much anymore. I’ve got my own awesome life I’m continuing to build.
Thanks for reading,
ParticipantHi Anita,
You are so very kind to have read through the threads again. It further proves you really care.
My son means the world to me. He is the number 1 in my life. I’ll take him to get something for his brother, a gift.
I’ll just have to go with the flow and refrain from giving her a hard time. If anything ever happens that I don’t agree with, like my sons surname changing if she got married, I’ll let them know about it, tell them I disapprove, and then just go back to doing my thing.
You might be right about her wishing she never met me. But anything I’ve felt or made her feel was a result of her actions. Which, if she does wish she never met me, it is all her own fault.
Luckily I have a lot going on in my life and I am happy. With much more happier times on the way, as I will one day sooner rather than later be able to resign and be my own boss. When this happens I’ll be able to create even greater times with my boy, perhaps taking him on holidays etc.
I’m always progressing and developing both professionally and in my personal life, and the irony is that everything good I’ve created in my life up to now all stemmed from the pain I felt at her actions back then.
What about me saying congratulations to her? The new baby was born on Monday and I haven’t said anything. Do you think it would be a good idea to text simply saying congratulations?
ParticipantHi again Anita,
Yes she is and always has been a good mother, and is respectful to me. I’m also respectful to her in my dealings with her. I’m not angry like I used to be, there’s just some residual pain left over from what she done when she was pregnant that will never go away.
Me feeling no emotion about this is probably a healing in some way. Whereas 5 years ago it would have been a huge pain.
I’m quite certain there’ll be future things on the horizon that may well have the potential for causing me a huge upset, like if she ever changes my boys surname if she gets married, for example, but I’ll just deal with that if and when it comes.
Anything that does happen that I don’t agree with, I’ll certainly let it be known, but I won’t allow it to affect me negatively.
And that’s why it will be difficult to truly let it all go, because I know there will be future changes that affect me and my child. And even though I’m more indifferent about things involving this whole situation nowadays, it will be enough to keep me from truly healing.
PS Anita: I want to say I’ll consider letting go of the resentment, but this is much easier said than done. And especially so, given what I’ve just said above.
I’m going to think about what you said about a punished mother makes a lesser mother.
Thank you
ParticipantSo my ex, the mother of my 7 year old, had her new baby with her boyfriend 2 days ago. Meaning my son now has a baby brother.
My sister, who she talks to from time to time, saw the pictures on Facebook and let me know about it. It’s ironic because my own child’s pictures were all over Facebook 10 hours before I even knew I was a father. Although obviously this isn’t my child so therefore their picture on Facebook means nothing to me.
I don’t really know how I feel. I think I literally feel nothing at all. I mean, I’m happy for my son now being a big brother, but that’s about it. Aside from that I’m completely emotionless about it all, even the possibility of future dynamics changing in ways I don’t and won’t agree with.
I haven’t texted her to acknowledge that I know or to say congratulations. I don’t know if I should do so, or even if I really want to.
Any thoughts on what I should do?
November 13, 2018 at 4:16 pm in reply to: I'm trying to break free from the pain of the past #236759Dan
ParticipantHi Anita,
I’ll be as civil as i can/need to, but deep down I don’t want to absolve her. She needs to remain aware that her actions aren’t and never will be forgotten about, and as such will be forever present in my dealings with her. That’s her punishment for the irreversible things she did.
What I was saying is that I’m about to launch my first ever business, which is – initially at least – going to be based online 🙂 I’m really excited about it. This is actually one of the long term positives that came out of my past misery, since this is the next chapter of the life I’ve been building ever since the dark days when I got hurt in all those ways.
November 12, 2018 at 3:08 pm in reply to: I'm trying to break free from the pain of the past #236577Dan
ParticipantHi Anita,
Things aren’t more difficult, but there probably will be things in the future that will be. I don’t care if she’s pregnant, it’s none of my concern.
I don’t need counselling. I know I’m probably quite stubborn in terms of me holding stuff against her, but the fact is she did things that are irreparable so for that reason I won’t let those things go. Also the fact that she did those things when carrying MY child brings the spotlight back to those things, for me.
I can be civil, but no more.
I’m literally in the process of taking a further leap in that I’m about to go live with my online business.
I’m already a bachelor, and I intend to be forever. I just can’t wait to be a wealthy one. I’m doing it for me, but I want her to know and realise I became so as a result of her doings, and that will be bittersweet for her, I hope.
Thank you 🙂
November 10, 2018 at 8:28 pm in reply to: I'm trying to break free from the pain of the past #236335Dan
ParticipantToday I spoke with my 7 year old son on the phone. I hadn’t spoke to him since a month ago, which was on his birthday.
During our chat he told me he was going to be a big brother. I told him I was delighted for him and asked him questions about it like did he want a brother or sister and was he excited etc. He was and is looking forward to it, which will be in about 5 and a half months.
After our call I text his mum simply saying “congratulations” and with the little baby emoji. For a couple of minutes I was actually slightly reluctant of doing this, but I done it anyway.
She text back saying thanks and I asked when my boy was going to be a big brother. She told me the date, and also said she was very scared but that hopefully all would work out.
I just replied “you did it before you’ll be ok” …. and there was no reply. If she felt coldness from it, well she, more than anyone, knows why.
I could have asked her why she was scared. I could have engaged her as to how it’s going or what her concerns are. I didn’t though, and it was because of what I experienced when she was pregnant with MY child. I got no consideration, so because of that I’m going to return none. Just because of the fact she’s now pregnant to another person means nothing to me, I’m still indifferent.
Obviously there are now going to be future things that will affect my life such as my son potentially having a step-dad if she ever gets married. And even if she doesn’t, he’s already playing that role anyway. I don’t care how petty it makes me sound I’ll never be happy with any such arrangement, since I got well and truly screwed.
My intentions of continuing to be cold and indifferent to her even though she’s pregnant, would anyone approach this differently, or just do what I’m doing?