Forum Replies Created
Participantdear Anita
thank you for sharing these infos
i remember when i was a teenage and we were outside shopping , i chose stuff that i thought my mom would like not something i would constantly and i pretended i liked . i was scared my mom disprove it.
i was the golden child because i chose what my parents wanted to me to study , i don
t say i don
t like it because i do , im a health care provider and i like interacting with people , but that was basically what my parents wanted me to do , i originally wanted to pursue art and i tried it , i was accepted in uni and i studied for a while but i realized i don
t like it as a job but more as a hobby . and ultimately i changed my major to pursue my current job , my dad loved it and he was always bragging about me and how i can speak in several languages and im so and so , obviously i found it endearing but i knew his obssession over me was too much , he was very controlling over his children specially me , sometimes he was competing with me , sometimes impressing me , i knew that was unusual but i thought it was because i was his baby child , i lost my mom and he felt more responsible from me , i think my theory is not 100% wrong , he was worried about my well being and he wanted me to succeed in life but his intentions were very selfish too , he didn
t tell me when he was getting married , he didnt want me socialize with people and he was disgusted whenever a man wanted to get close to me , and i
m sure he didnt want me to get married .i felt so free when he passed , not at the beginning at least now that i
m living in different place , i feel more free .farnaz
November 30, 2022 at 10:30 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #411035farnaz
ParticipantDear Anita
thank you for introducing me the topic , i googled it a little last night before sleep and based on what i read so far apparently i had this kind of relationship with both parents of mine . i gonna read a little more today .
i remember my dad got very upset when a guy tried to get closer to me
November 30, 2022 at 12:31 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #411014farnaz
Participantdear Anita
thank you i`m gonna google it , but if read the book could you tell me how that can affect my romantic life ?
November 30, 2022 at 12:13 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #411012farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i`ve never heard of it ,but i guess my father seeing me as his wife emotionally ?
November 30, 2022 at 11:40 am in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #411010farnaz
Participantdear Anita
about your first question ?i mean i believed my dad was living in reality in general sense , i think we all meet people who are living in a fantasy world , people are 100% bad or perfect , stuff magically happened without any preparation in their world , they say stuff without actually knowing about it or judging a situation and presuming the reason behind it and be close minded about it . my mom and also my siblings specially my brother have these mindset as i said before , they believed there is only one good way to do something or one thing will definitely leads to something else , for example being educated equal to being happy or have a good life without worrying about money , well this example may applied in old days but the world we are living is not predictable. everything would change , my dad was ok with it and he lived in more peace , he knew somehow he should change instead of trying to force everything and everybody else to change, this made him happier in his life comparing with my mom and he wasn
t as angry as her , i know i can
t blame this mindset of my mom for all her misery , but that didn`t help her in anyway.regarding him lie harder , i remember a situation which is still uncomfortable for me , when he got married , his wife gradually showed her true colors , she wasn
t a wife material at all , she was and still is very competitive to me , she tried to cut me from my dad completely .once i was home in summer break my dad and i was arguing over her behavior and he said very angrily that if you were a good daughter , he wouldn
t get married , she was there too . it was obvious to me that he wasn`t really happy with his marriage not from that incident alone but from another clues , once when we were alone i almost begged him to tell me the truth about his marriage , that was foolish i know but i needed his approval that her behavior is not fair , but he was adamant that his wife is so perfect , the harder i tried he tried to complemented her and tell me she was way better that my mom , because he know that would upset me .i just wanted to add my brother also took my stepmom
s side in the past . now that she is always asking money from him and bothering him in one way or other , my brother doesn
t even tell me (i know it from a relative) because he doesn`t want to give me the satisfaction of his acknowledgement that i was right about her and i knew her much better than he did.farnaz
Participantdear anita
thank you
i`m gonna answer you at the end of the day
November 29, 2022 at 12:46 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410966farnaz
Participantdear Anita
yes , especially the first one is challenging , i`m gonna answer tomorrow
the second one too , lol
do i believe they thought they were good people ?YES , I believe they did . i think it is one thing to not feel good about yourself , but in relation to others , they felt they were kind and nice to others , i
m not sure about the reason but sometimes people tend to be selfish in very obvious way or some people actively plot against others while smiling in their faces , my parents didn
t do anything like it , although they weren`t nice to their children they were decent people in general , ethically . i remembered choosing NICE in that context , but i know people who were too faced and pretended to be nice for a long time that they believed it after a while also people who are not nice but believe other people should be nice to them .reads like he rejected the truth because it was inconvenient truth, for him. Whatever was inconvenient for him to admit at any one time- he rejected EXACTLY
you mean that you accepted (for a while) men who blatantly lied to you yes and not only lying but being indifferent and not actually liking me , you know NICE guys who believed they are god gift to women , and i should do whatever takes to impress them and they are just better than me by merely existing , my parents were like that specially my mom , she thought she deserved respect without doing anything OR maybe she thought she is providing for us so that
s more than enough , she thought we were her hostage and we don
t have anywhere to go so what`s the point of trying to make us love her in normal mother children wayguys i met specially the last one , who should win the prize for biggest a
hole of all the time , weren
t providing , they weren
t even contacting me unless it was convenient for them , i dont know what was their deal ?LOL , in my language there is a idiom: first you have to prove that you are the child or brother if you want inheritance , these men came and they wanted to claim everything without proving anything . i didn
t benefit from them only they did for a while, then why i should try to make it work ?i find out these kind of pattern of behavior early on and i don`t invest emotionally these days but it was so disappointing in past until i realized this is not personal , and this is the kind of people they are and they do it with everybody who let them , as i did for a while .i`m gonna answer your first 2 questions tomorrow Anita, have a good day
November 28, 2022 at 11:05 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410922farnaz
Participantdear Anita
you understood me very well , are you sure you are not a psychologist?
thank you very much , i`m impressed with your attention to details and the fact that you read and analyze my older posts so closely .
you sometimes hated your father and your mother and saw them as villains because they wronged you, kicked you when you were down and never tried to undo the wrongs they caused you. kicking me when i was down , wow tell me about that .
i think the problem with those kind of people were your parents. You saw through them at one point and onward, but you kept closing your eyes to what you saw and hoping to see love when you open your eyes again…? maybe i was and i was hoping to face their good side (loving)
it seems to me that of the two, you had more empathy for your father than you had for your mother, that’s why you saw him as a little boy. nobody could ever satisfy my mom but my father was appreciative in my efforts to improve myself , my mom was brutal , my father was little less . but my mom didn
t lie consciously, my dad was constantly lying about everything , his job , his wife and couldn
t get a true from his lips , specially when when he felt you were desperate to hear the truth , he would lie even harder , if thats possible , he didn
t want to give you the satisfaction that you won , not in these kind of situations and not in others , and it wasn`t only the case with his family, it was his attitude towards everyone near to himAs far as the men in your life, you gave no concrete details, but I have no doubt that some of your evaluations of some of the men were heavily influenced by your experience with your parents, leading you to incorrectly perceive and understand them. there is no doubt about it and also my friends , they also had very similar personalities , vain , selfish , just caring about the appearance and etc
the problem with toxic parents like ours is that they think they are actually very good people , i mean VERY good , and you normalize these behavior in other people because you think this is actually what is supposed to be ,like lying , you suppose to lie because don
t want to lose face can
t tell the truth if that make the situation harder 3. you lie because you don`t want to give other the satisfaction to get you and raise above you and…one pattern that i see in my parents were they didn
t want to boost my ego in any ways , they avoided it actually in all costs , like if i was right about something they never acknowledge it , it also happens about my pains and suffering , like if my step mom did something very bad , my father didn
t acknowledge it and tried to blame me to be so sensitive .I forgave alot of bad behaviors because it was similar to my parents .
November 27, 2022 at 10:25 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410878farnaz
Participantdear Anita , thank you for your note
Participantdear Anita
yes , i believe i am apparently successful but living a sad life , but when i was dealing with these kind of people , i didn`t even know , the last case was around 8 months ago
November 27, 2022 at 10:48 am in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410844farnaz
Participantdear Anita
I think that you think of your mother as a high hanging fruit (educated, hard-working & motivated, professionally & financially successful), maybe in the past when i just lost her , but now , not really . i told you about her achievements and in my mind there is a contrast about in her career and family life , and i believed she could control her profession much better , she was smart in that area and developed good skills during years , it was not hard to manage for her but in her personal life , she was weak , didn
t develop emotional and social skills to manage her emotions and was too closeminded to change ,i don
t idolize her anymore actually im older than that i could idolize anyone , i actually i admire my dad more because he was living in reality and he didn
t expect me to be perfect and he was generally more peaceful with his life , was he perfect or even close to it , no way .i used low hanging fruits about people i chose to keep in my life . i couldn’t choose my family but my friends , i could do better
did you CHOOSE (above quote) to be with low hanging fruit: did you notice that a particular man, let’s say, is uneducated and professionally unsuccessful, and that awakened a motivation in you to reach out to him and you proceeded to try to get his attention , i actually choose people who were successful apparently but were living a sad, little life, i found out later OR people who were obviously not relationship material and i thought i could change them . in one sentence i chose people because of their superficial traits and i was never considered there should be some depth in relationship , they should be able to be trustworthy , affectionate and have a positive aproach towards life , they also care only about the appearance
November 26, 2022 at 12:03 pm in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410751farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i read your reply now , but i`m gonna write back tomorrow , it was actually the beginning of the week here and it was a long day
have a good day
Participantdear Anita
thank you , you too
Participantdear Anita
my mother broke me because she was angry. It was her anger that motivated her. She didn’t have an individual plan, a strategy:i don
t think my mom had a plan either , she was deriver by her jealousy , anger and insecurities , she could be a decent mom when she was happy but that happened rarely , our bad luck . she reacted to her anger. She didn’t feel that it was fair that she alone will be broken. She was envious of the non-broken me, so she made it fair. that reminds me of my dad, he was very envious of me , he was completing to me in very obvious way , maybe i talk about it later , but sometimes i feel the memory of my mom is fading or maybe i was too young to realize it then. I chose to surround myself with “losers”- no, I didn’t choose losers or winners. I didn’t choose much of anything. i can relate to this 100 % , i was alone , in most of my adult life so far , and my social circle is very small , but by surrounding with bitter people , i meant keeping people in my life who were drag me down , i didn
t choose them , they were in my life more or less , although i wasnt physically see them that often , but because my social circle is not that big , i feel like this is the only type of people i have in my life , some of my so called friendships were also disastrouse , to the point i was sorry for my self to even being seen with these people in public , obviously they are extreme cases , but i wasn
t very good in finding close relationships which lasts and are not toxici feel like if i CHOOSE to be with someone , they were low hanging fruits , the kind i didn`t value their opinions , as i said in my earlier post today
“That`s not a life sentence , is it?“- no: not for you, not for me,i truly hope so
November 25, 2022 at 10:42 am in reply to: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness #410714farnaz
ParticipantDear Anita
yes , it does make sense , i believe my mom and most likely yours too , were afraid that if we socialize with more successful people or people in general we gonna abandon them and it was scarier than intimidation for them if i
m isolated it is more likely to be dependent to someone and gonna ignore their flaws and most likely to idolize them as i remember you told about the experience you had with your mom in front of your friend. she wasn
t happy about you having friends . successful people can easily recognize unsuccessful people , i mean usually 2 people who are not particularly doing good in their life cant say or realize the another one is not doing well , they can
t even realize about themselves .i remember all these LOSERS beside my mom , wanted me to be isolated , it was the ultimate goal
i`m struggling to describe my point of view in second language here , i hope you understand what i mean
To separate and isolate a highly social individual animal, such as a human, is the same as breaking him or her. that
s true but i don
t feel comfortable about it , that`s not a life sentence , is it?and did you have the same experience with people too , i mean your surrounding in general , do you feel intimidated like me ?Farnaz