
Jana 🪷

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  • in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439773
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Anita,

    “… being in the present (not distracted by thinking) brings me back to being a scared child. It’s the fear that fuels my escaping the present moment. Deep inside, I am still a scared child.”

    I believe that this is a very important finding. Now, you have very specific feelings and you can work with them. This is really perfect for EFT. You don’t have to think about it, if you are not ready now, but in the future you can try to write down all the feelings and ask yourself “What is the reason I feel this?” and try to tap the feelings connected to the specific memories away. It does take time and it can be emotionally difficult, but it really works.

    Hanh also has his “therapy”. When a fear comes, he suggests to tell yourself: “Hello my fear, I am here and I’ll take care of you.” I understand this that we have to accept our fear, it is a part of us, and we should try to offer peace and comfort to our fear. By acceppting the fear, it becomes smaller… but it is quite difficult with strong fears. Mindfulness and meditation can raise many questions in us. Buddhist monks on youtube are a bit obscure and vague about HOW exactly work with these emotions.

    Sometimes when I feel fear or I am unsure of myself, I imagine myself as a little girl, the scared child (yes, I have her in myself, too.) and I hold her and kiss her and tell her something sweet and nice in my head… when nobody supported me, loved me when I was a child, I do it now by myself. I have a picture of me when I was about 5 and when I have these bad feelings, it helps me to look at me in the picture and I smile and accept (her) myself.

    What also helps me now is that I have someone who respects me and loves me the way I am. I am trying to shift my focus from those who didn’t give me love in the past (or now) to those who give it to me. I was wondering if your husband can be this support and love to you now? I remember you wrote that you used to see a therapist. Do you still see him/her? And can your husband go there, too, as your support? I mean, you can do it on your own! You are strong and smart to do so, but sometimes it feels better when there is someone who supports us on our way to healing.

    By the way, did you enjoy Thanksgiving Day? Do you have some traditions you follow on this day? 🙂 I’ve always been interested in American culture.


    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439735
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Anita,

    how have you been doing?


    ☀️ 🪷

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Beni,

    I believe so. We are human beings. We want to fit in society but we often forget about ourselves.

    If you want to, you can be more specific.

    What is your story? 🙂

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439573
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Anita,

    I hope that you have a great day. It started to snow here. ❄️ 🙂

    I am glad that you are happy in the US. Can I ask – do you have someone who can support and protect you? Boyfriend, close friends, colleagues, …? I mean, someone who treats you kindly today.

    EFT is great. I am still using it for example when I have some little pain or worries about my work. I learned the version by Gary Craig, but today you can find tens of people who teach it online on youtube.

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Animal totem #439544
    Jana 🪷

    Hello James,

    it appears that my post from Nov 16 will never be published. So I’ll write it again.

    Have you read any books written by Ted Andrews? I have a Czech translation “Lexikon zvířecí magie” but I am not sure which book it is in original English version. I can see that he wrote many of them and all seem to be very similar. This book is great and you can find there what you are looking for: a list of animals from insects, birds to big mammals, information about their lives, how you can track them, rituals, symbolism, totems and various execises how to connect with nature and animals. I really liked this book and I want to read it again soon.

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439504
    Jana 🪷

    I finished reading the seventh page of your journal, so I know where you are from now. 🙂 I still think that you are brave. I am sorry for your sister and her son (I hope that they found courage and ran away, too.), but you did a good thing. And I am happy that you managed to cut her off. The healing is a long process and you are on a good way!  By the way, do you like your life in the US? Did you ever experience so called cultural shock there?

    When I used EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to heal my social phobia, I found and “repaired” a lot of emotional wounds connected to my mother, too.  She is a good person, we had everything we needed – food, clothes, … and mostly what we wanted – toys etc., but she was emotionally detached (was emotinally detached from me, but still is from my older siblings), moody and can’t face problems, so she pretends that there are no problems. (for example, my older brother’s alcoholism)

    So, you know why I don’t drink alcohol. Alcoholism was an issue in our family – my father was addicted to alcohol, but he has been sober more than 35 years (he stopped drinking before/sometime around the time when I was born. I was actually very surprised when my mom told me that he used to drink, because he is a very wise man… I just can’t imagine him drinking alcohol.), but his aunt and cousin were alcoholics, too…. and my older brother still is, but it is “open secret”. So, I knew that I had some predispositions to alcoholism and mainly I was just solving my problems with it, which of course was wrong. However, I don’t mind people drinking… I don’t judge. If someone likes it (and has control over it), it is OK for me. 🙂

    I hope you are having a great day!

    (Nov 19, 13:40)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Inspirational words #439502
    Jana 🪷

    I really liked your words about the peaches. 🙂

    And I like this advice. I don’t remember the exact words, but it goes like this:

    Always before you speak, think if what you want to say is
    1 true
    2 kind
    3 neccessary

    Imagine the peace and quiet, if people followed this advice. 😄

    (Nov 19, 12:41)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439440
    Jana 🪷

    *central America, of course

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439439
    Jana 🪷

    Can I ask you …? And of course, you do not have to answer. I understand that I might be too inquisitive.

    I guess from your journal that you are originally from middle/south America. How did you get to the U.S.? I mean it had to be very challenging for you to move somewhere unknown while you were facing so many troubles. You are very brave!

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: what is a sisterhood #439431
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Arden,

    I don’t think that what you have decribed is a friendship. It sounds like a pretty competitive environment, which is not a friendship (let alone sisterhood). You mentioned you know “some nice non-selfish women, but somehow we did never became close friends. Maybe it was boring between us.” Can you think about it and try to figure out why exactly? Because I think that a nice non-selfish woman would love to listen to you, help you in crisis… sounds like someone you could rely on.


    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439423
    Jana 🪷

    I have been happy recently. I didn’t even know what happy means until most recently. I used to.. hate the word “happy”, and here I am, happy. I feel that I am over my Mother-Monster, like I finally- after a half a century- moved on from her, leaving her behind, in my mind.

    I didn’t know what happy means until the last couple of days, I mean HAPPY within myself, being happily okay.. being ME. Being okay with being clumsy and weird perhaps, and not being afraid anymore of being negatively judged.

    This is all not a rational- dry experience but an emotional experience. All of my life, I was not okay about being me.

    Now, as imperfect and humbly humble as I am, I am perfectly okay being me.



    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Feeling so lost after leaving #439421
    Jana 🪷

    Hello again,

    I am very glad that you have apparently found the core of the problem. Have you decided to take any further steps?

    BTW, Anita you would be a great therapist, do you know about it? : -)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Feeling so lost after leaving #439310
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Louise,

    I completely understand that in crises one can act rashly and make some mistakes. But there’s no need to punish yourself for that. Now you’re here and now. Take your time, take a deep breathe and you will gradually figure out what to do next.

    I’m new here and still a bit hesitant to join the forum as someone who should give advice. (especially regarding relationships as it’s a very sensitive and individual thing)

    However, have you considered carefully whether you want to go back to your boyfriend because you genuinely miss him or whether it’s more out of a “false sense of security”? What about the other man? Where is he now?

    Also, I was wondering if maybe you have the opportunity to buy/rent your own house/apartment in a place you really love and start building a new chapter of your life?

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Son came out as bi-sexual #439268
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Arie,

    Expectation brings suffering. Your son is your continuation, but it doesn’t mean that he is YOU.

    Let me show you the other side… I am a heterosexual woman and I won’t have any children, either. My partner is a cancer survivor and cannot have children after radical chemotherapy. I am very happy (and lucky) that he survived and I can still be with him. My mother cannot understand how I can be with someone who can’t have children, because for her as an only child, having children is the most important thing in life… but even though I am her continuation, her daughter (and I accept that and I love her), my dreams, wishes and purpose of life are different. I mean… Don’t judge your son for wanting to be happy in his own way. You don’t bring up children to be a mother/father, heterosexual/homosexual, a christian, a buddhist, a lawyer, a teacher, … you should bring up children to be healthy and happy people. The rest is THEIR decision.

    And I agree with Helcat. This might have been a shock for you. Give yourself time, relax and mainly be happy that your son trusts you and that’s why he confided in you and that because of that he can be much happier now.

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439244
    Jana 🪷

    Thank you once again, Roberta. The teaching about gifts is a great reminder of how to be in peaceful state. Hope we will discuss more in teh future! Have a great Sunday.

    ☀️ 🪷

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