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ParticipantA momentary lapse , lapse of sanity, lack of faith is what Jack had. Jack’s lack of self-belief, lack of confidence is really a lack of faith in God. If he trusted God more, stopped trying to control every little thing in his life, and just prayed more, he’d be fine. But his ego is the culprit. His ego is the one that leads him down the garden path, convincing him that life is a fight and he must battle all the way on his own.
Let go and let God, Anita.
Simple as that.
Praise the Lord!jock
ParticipantPower of Now or New Earth I recommend.
Tolle is a brilliant educator really. He explains things so well, his writing skills and intelligence the key to his success.
I am in awe of his insights. If there is one criticism of him, it is his public speaking ability. he tends to be monotone. But his!
Tolle says that thinking is the problem. We get obsessive about “content” when we should be focussing on “space”. Aim for going beyond conscious thinking. Go deeper, deeper (anita you said that too I know).
The shortcut would be to take good drugs. (LSD?)… 🙂 Sorry Tiny Buddha, I was only joking.jock
ParticipantThere are a few females from my past that, for some reason, I still hold way above me.
OK I can’t answer you perfectly but one issue I can relate to is the one of putting people on pedestals. I still do it a bit but used to do it a lot. I used to idealise people I liked as if they were perfect. But gradually as I got older I could see through them more clearly and realised they weren’t perfect after all. In fact I became disappointed they weren’t as I gradually realised that no one is perfect, life is not perfect, life in general becomes disappointing. Such is life for idealists like me.
And there seems to be rule: the degree to which we idealise others is inversely proportionate to how low we think of ourselves. Solution? learn to think more of ourselves. Just another problem that can be solved through higher self-esteem.jock
Would you say you have achieved unconditional self-acceptance?jock
ParticipantUnbaked 🙂
OK mmm thanks Anita. I’m not sure I want to put all my dirty laundry on here but well…think about it….
Hey I appreciate the fact that you restore feelings of self-worth in me. That is sensational come to think of it. Even I write something stupid or you write something critical of me, it can all be in context that we have established some trust, some credibility between us already.
Unconditional acceptance is beyond most human beings but won’t hurt trying.jock
Participanthate to admit I am one who really needs some therapy but I do… 🙂
[I need a job but I don’t have the confidence or motivation to work any more.]
There I said it. Whew. I’m ashamed of that statement and I’m not sure I really mean it either.
I’m starting to lose hope actually. Life is good right now but if I don’t do something soon, I will be lining up at the homeless soup kitchen one day.
I exercise daily and meditate and try to read up on gurus like Tolle. I’ve cut back on crap food.
I’m ashamed to write all this but maybe I need to admit I’m struggling. I’d give myself a D minus for 2015. Look I don’t want a tsunami of support. It’s up to me this. I have to grow up before I turn 60. There you go…57 and I still haven’t worked it all out. I’m f***ed. oops, got to watch the vocab. on Tiny Buddha.
this is a crap post so you may want to disregard. I’m ramblingjock
ParticipantActually Anita, I for one would love for you to start a thread talking in detail about your story, in particular your therapy story. It seems to me that you are now using what you learned in therapy to help others. I mean you seem to use a Freudian approach mixed with NLP. I could be talking hogwash here but anyway your story seems to be one of the real success stories that is not only inspirational and courageous but also fascinating in the detail.
Too personal?-
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Participantthe problem being anita, that there will be a big hole for the rest of us. what ever decision, do it for yourself anyway
ParticipantThanks Jennifer. I’m a big fan of ET. Hadn’t seen this particular video.
As I think he said, we get in trouble if we identify with our ego too much.
You’ve reminded me of something I wanted to use of ETs for another thread.jock
ParticipantThis might be termed hypervigilance, which means you are feeling unsafe and under potential threat of attack. Let me guess that it may have become habitual, so you just do it automatically.
I’d say you need to unlearn the habit, if it is something you want to be rid of. Either through intense mindfulness or creating new neural pathways through NLP. So a counsellor might be the best bet to help you with it.jock
ParticipantThere was a fear for me that some would take this thread personally, that I was pointing the finger. Not at all. I just think it useful for us to take stock if we are going to reply often here. A checklist might be:
-am I really trying to help this person or am I just wanting to show off my progress and knowledge?
-am I respecting this person’s feelings?
-have I read this post with full empathy?
-is my post’s tone respectful and sympathetic?
-have I considered just skipping a reply altogether?jock
Participantgreat answer Anita. if anyone is self-aware here, you are.
By the way, OP, means Original Poster, some say Original Person, on the thread.jock
ParticipantTo me, responding to a post, is not about who is greater or whatsoever
Of course everyone is going to say that, including me.
But I’m suggesting we may not be aware of feeling in a stronger position than the OP. I have seen replies that have a patronising tone for example.
But I take your point that if we both seek help and give advice (take role of OP at times), then it all evens out in the end.jock
ParticipantThe more real, the more authentic, the more mentally healthy I am.
I never thought of that. That is really good, Anita.
ParticipantHow do I define authenticity? I like this definition: “authenticity is the degree to which one is true to oneself despite external pressures
To thine own self be true. Good to remember that isn’t it. Thanks Anita as usual for your contribution.
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by