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  • in reply to: Alone #167742

    Thank you Anita.

    Anyone else, any words of comfort would be appreciated.

    in reply to: Alone #167734

    Anita I am searching for an answer as to why I am constantly placed in an uncomfortable position that I did not cause. I live in a city, a big city, not a small town…what are the chances of this guy living one building up from a person I want to avoid? I am looking for a logical answer. The logical odds are against me constantly be hunted down by bullies but I can’t avoid them. I have to get out of this cafe. It feels very hostile. I wish I could talk to my landlady.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #167732

    I am about to cry in public again because I am surrounded by friends meeting each other at the cafe and I am stressing over this nonsense…and that’s it I can not stop because I feel punished for nothing again.

    in reply to: Alone #167728

    Regarding my issue I thought maybe I could wear sunglasses and a scarf, go into the apartment, do my work and just cover up again when I leave…but why do I have to do that??? I have done nothing to this woman and yet I have to worry that a spoiled brat who looks down on me would take delight in hurting my reputation. Again, why am I put into a position that I do not want to be in, that I did not ask to be in and I did not initiate?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #167724

    I apologize for the typos but I type too fast and make lots of mistakes and have little time to correct them.

    in reply to: Alone #167716

    I might be a lttle vague today in the middle of a lot of realness so I apologize if some do not understand my posts. The vagueness comes from how I am feeling but I have to express it because I generally have no where to turn when I feel this way. My feelings are valid regardless how people view the reasons for them.

    I feel attacked right now, by a negative energy, by people who don’t want to see a woman like me succeed. I actually feel more attacked by women rather than men right now. Women who don’t like other women thinking for themselves and daring to be proud of who they are. I am talking about women who speak only to gain points from men and men eat it up. I feel attacked by those women and since I believe most men and more than half the population of women in the U.S. live by this code, I feel outnumbered. We are in such a climate right now that even the women I have loved and admired for rising above the attacks feel outnumbered….and I can’t even live vicariously through them anymore.

    I feel these people are laughing at me and rejoice in my discomfort. We really are living in the age of the bully regardless of how many anti bullying programs there are because no one is allowed to tell a bully off anymore. Since I was growing up bullying was something that people thought needed to be addressed so it made it more difficult for people who wanted to to bully in a direct way so they slowly became more passive aggressive. Turning the tables where they could bully and somehow make themselves out to be the victums.


    Let me try to make this short. Oh I wish I could talk…but anyway. I used to have a roommate in a comfortable apartment. I loved my room and kept to myself. I was friendly but I wasn’t looking to be friends. From my personal issues I probaly cried here and there in my room but I was never loud and I never involved my roommate. She came from a beautiful area just outside if the city and laughed at me when I pronounced a word that sounded funny to her. She asked me if I liked a certain pop star whom I regarded as a bully and I answered that she simply reminded me in style of the person whom I felt she was bullying. I just said well she reminds me of _______ and my roommate was silent. I wasn’t surprised my seemingly stuck up roommate didn’t like the pop star who I thought was being passive aggressively bullied. One day she saw I had candy and insisted that I use one of her bowls to keep them in so I said thank you. A little while later she was wondering where her bowl was and I reminded her that she leant it to me for my candy and said “Would you like me to bring it out for you and she said “no no.” A little while later she took it out of my room and left a note saying that she did not mean that I could keep this bowl. I didn’t want the bowl in the first place and when she inquired about it I wanted to go right in my room and give it back to her but she insisted “no no.” So now I guess she feels in the position to claim I was purposely keeping the bowl from her. If you look at entertainment and sadly politics right now these are the people that rule the world now.

    If I expressed any distress over people manipulating me she came to the conclusion that I had to go and insulting me in various words and actions creating a runaway train of judgement that I couldn’t stop. That I can never stop…why?…because I cry in public. When I look back on my life and what I have observed I have been treated worse than a criminal and with so much anger for voicing my opinion and crying in public. I have been hurt by this as well as fascinated by it. I had no lease so she could dump me out and treat me with contempt because she found it odd that I hardly came out of my room. That is what she informed my sister who knowing me didn’t think very highly of my roommate. My sister would ofyen tell me not to cry in front of people because my family knows me but others do not. I personally don’t look down on people who cry in public but as I have learned the hard way in life, I am from a different planet.

    So I am forced to move back in with my sister from a place where I paid my rent on time, kept my room and common areas immaculate. I found another roommate who moved after two years and then I moved into my current situation which I love. Well a person whom I live with that I get along great with who has so much admiration for ne…her boyfriend asked me to doing some eork for him that involves me going to his apartment. After I say sure he informs ne of where his apartment is and it is in the same complex and one building up from where my fprner passive aggressive roommate lives. I thinl this former roommate already badmouthed me to an employer and that employer coincidently couldnt use me anymore shortly after she came in the shop. I do not want anything to do with this woman because I feel she wants to spread negativity around me. Of all the places this guy could live it had to be there. I already said I would do but backing out would mean me having to explain why and I do not want to lose the afmiration of my landlady. I also dont want to go there and this woman seeing me and somehow bad mouth me to this guy. Like I said I understand coincidences buf I have toomany “coincidences.” I am minding my businesd, trying to improve my life and then some negativity from my past tries to trip me up. I didn’t want this, I didnt look for it but it found me as usual. I dont know what to do.

    I even feel the guy on some level wants to trip me up…and when it comes to guys it doesn’t matter how much another woman admires you. I didn’t ask for any of this and now I am stressed out on my day off. I should be doing something fun right now.

    Any advice?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #167700

    As I am leaving the house this morning I am feeling very vunerable, very scared. I will explain fully in about an hour or so. I fear that negative energy is targeting me again, not coming from me but from someplace else where it always seems to originate.

    in reply to: Alone #165388

    I am feeling a bit disconnected right now as I am on vacation. Relaxing doesn’t come easy to me. I got a new notebook today to consolidate my goals. I have been working on them. It’s amazing how fatigued I am.

    I will get back on track.

    in reply to: Alone #163942

    Not doing so good right now. I had a very busy weekend and I am very tired right now. I went through my goals and tried to consolidate them but I am not sure if I am happy with the outcome. I will work on it again. 3 more days until my vacation. I am feeling very vunerable right now because it seems someone always wants to manipulate me. I will get back.

    in reply to: Alone #163344

    I apologize for the typos in my previous post. I waited to long to edit and I can not now.

    in reply to: Alone #163340

    I have to go over my items tonight in my goals list. Yes I have a lot of items but it’s because I have a lot of issues and they are all interlinked. I might have to make another adjustment. I am open to imperfection and can consolidate again if my current plan is too demanding. I have to make it work. Part of my goals is to start getting out so I will not feel so lonely and tempted to look for my substitutes for fighting loneliness. I will go over everything tonight and let you know what I come up with. My eating will be back on track tomorrow so that will help me feel better and give me the energy I need to continue.

    I hope Lucy and others I have heard from post because I would like to hear how they are doing.

    Anita I will go over my notes and goals and see if I can make them even easier for me to follow.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #163336

    Can I just say how much this website has helped me and continues to help me. I really beeded to read the current article on the main page today. Believe me there have been so many that have helped me since I first started posting here and before. Thank you for all your inspirational words.

    Anita I am doing ok. Please do not be too concerned with my description of the last few days because I am aware that I need to take care of myself, it’s just sometimes I get into these situations. I have not really had a good meal since Sunday because I ran out of money and have to wait until tomorrow to get paid. I had a gift card that was able to get me through the weekend and a little on Monday but I had to be careful what I ate because of what I have been avoiding. I was completely tapped by Monday and since Monday I have been living on an occasional vegetable with salad dressing and a couple of pretzels a day a customer brought in at my work. The last two nights I have been scrounging in my fridge for little stuff to eat here and there but nothing that could really be called breakfast lunch or dinner. I finally broke down and asked someone if I could have a little of their granola for breakfast tomorrow and they said of course. I didn’t tell them I have not really eaten in days. I akso like the fact that I am going to the grocery store tomorrow as I get paid tomorrow. Thank goodness because I am hungry. I had to eat a few small things that were not part of my diet but my calorie intake in the last few days have been extremely low so I still lost weight. I have also been walking to work and walking home. It’s takes an hour and a half both both ways which is to say I am walking 3 hours a day.

    I know this is not healthy and I have to make sure I am fedproperly…I have just never been very good budgeting my money. I will get back on track with my healthy eating tomorrow.

    I am really trying to embrace imperfection. I thought about how I was not taking proper care of myself and know that I have to focus on my goals and making them my daily gabits rather than thinking about the outcome.


    Work is physically demanding. I often go home exhausted and my lack of eating this week is starting to take a toll on my energy. I love what I contribute to my work but I don’t love everything and obviously I do not make a lot of money.

    I am on edge a little bit today because A. Ihaven’t had a good meal in 4 days and B. My PMDD is going on. I am an expert on how I think and feel when it happens so I have been taking a supplement that is suppose to help me balance my hormones.

    Next Friday I start a very rare 10 day vacation! I so need it.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #162698

    I am proud to say that I have been holding on to my nutritional goals even with incredibule temptations in front of me. Right now it’s about not wanting to put something harmful to my health in my body. I think that is a good thing and hope my emotions do not disrupt that. So far I have been able to keep my emotions in check. I have been feeling optimistic.

    I guess I compensate now by being enthralled by real life love stories. I will go online and read about couples…how they met etc. It seems to have occupied my time. My time though should be spent on my other goals. I am getting lazy with them and I can’t let that continue.

    I am missing the comfort I got from food. This is just too important though and I do feel better physically. Patience.

    in reply to: Alone #162024

    Lucy  I do enjoy hearing from you but I wouldn’t want you to feel you have to post…especially if you are not up to it.

    I have a hard time sometimes posting as well. When I go a few days without posting it is usually more than just work (although that is a major factor.)

    Right now I am feeling a little edgy. I know when that time comes up. I will say for myself that I worked pretty hard on my first goal although I have to work on a few aspects of my first goal. It continues on to the next week though like I said and is a work in progress. The best thing I accomplished is changing my eating habits. I keep reminding myself of what is down this path if I go back to eating unhealthy and what could be down this other path if I eat to nourish my body.

    I am missing something and I wish I could find a replacement for what I am missing besides food. I have been so good and trust me I have had several temptations thrown at me but it’s now or never for me. I am telling myself that to motivate myself. I have to do this.

    I did get upset about a half an hour ago wondering where my soulmate is. That void in my life is getting to me right now. I have to hang on and be patient.

    I have lost a few pounds alread just changing my eating, I started Yoga, meditation, walking more. One of my struggles has been drinking enough water…I have to work on that and carry into the new week along with everything else. My weeks of this program I started for myself begin on Thursdays. My second week is all about exercise so this should be interesting. I love to walk and hike on trails and I love swimming. I also love to ride a bike. So it’s exercise this week.

    Like I said, love to hear from you but only if you are ready.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Lisa.
    in reply to: Alone #160986

    Thank you Anita. Just to somewhat explain what I am doing…I have broken down very important elements I feel will help me change for the better into 50 goals and will focus on each goal for one week and then hopefully have a continuation of that goal carry over into the coming weeks. I am trying to start with what is known as a person’s basic needs which begins by looking after my physical body. I began meditating today to calm myself and ended up taking a 4 hour nap this morning. Luckily I do not have to go to work today. I seem to be on a very good track with my diet eating all fruits and vegetables with light dairy and light protein. I do not eat meat though. I have been following this diet since last Sunday and have lost a few pounds. I feel better physically but feel that little void calling. I am staying strong.  I have other things on my list for my first goal that I haven’t done yet but avoiding perfectionism I am going to keep at it no matter what week I am on.

    The weeks ahead are going to be about financial responsibility and seeking better employment, medical insurance…things I need to be doing/ having to better support myself.

    All the way to November 2nd when my focus will be on the very topic of my thread. Dating and hopefully getting involved in a relationship with a man. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen before or after…it’s just positioned after I focus on things that I should be taking care of myself and not waiting for someone to save me. Hopefully by then I have really been taking care of myself and feel more confidant that I can do this. I really have no idea what to expect.

    It sounds like it is far away but I don’t think I can be ready now to feel attractive enough that someone would be interested in me…and I do have to know what it’s like to want to do these things for myself. That date will be here before I know it. I hope I don’t bore people with my journey. I also hope it somehow helps other people who feel as alone as I do.

    Thank you everyone who has posted so far and thank you Anita for giving so much of your time to posting on my thread. I really do look forward to your thoughts.


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