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  • in reply to: Feel dead inside #65080

    Hey Jamie,
    Sorry to hear about your struggles. Brad and Louise have some great suggestions. I can tell you that I too have and still do struggle with that from time to time but don’t lose hope, it goes away and when it does, even the thought of it is laughable…like you couldn’t imagine how you ever felt that way..but then it may come back in time, then go away etc etc..that’s life and the most important thing for you to do is to be unafraid of it. Allow it. Let it ride along side with you. It’s ok, life isn’t supposed to always make sense or be happy or sad or anything. Life just is and the most important thing is to remember that. It will get better, I promise you it will. Don’t get down on yourself, just do what you do but be mindful of everything. For example I love french fries but seldom eat them for health reasons but every now and again I’ll treat myself to some fries. I pay attention to how hot and salty and delicious they are…and when I sit there and say “man, I can’t get happy over anything but these fries are awesome” it’s like an “ah-ha!” moment. Hope that helps.


    in reply to: Faithless, afraid, unsure.. #65077

    Hey Archie,
    I’m really sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost my grandfather to cancer and I saw what it did to my family as it was happening. It’s very tough and I wish you all the strength in the world.

    That being said, you are so normal you have no idea. Archie, when I turned 23 I was about to graduate college. I was always the happy go lucky guy who loved laughed and had a great time doing anything..until one day in my apartment at school I had d complete and total breakdown. I was paralyzed, shaking, crying and a total emotional mess. It was one of the worst days of my life. So bad I had to drive home and leave school for a week. I had no clue where it came from or why it happened. Thus it started my dysfunctional relationship with anxiety and occasional depression. You’re not weak or crazy and there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re basically experiencing the feeling of knowing that you will no longer have guidelines keeping you in place. From the sound of things you’re a lot like me in that I took so much comfort in having rules from my parents and school. It was like “I don’t have to do too much thinking because the rules are laid out for me”..but man, when you realize that you are responsible for you…how scary is that??!! Well, I’m 33 years old and I’ve made leaps and bounds with the issues that I’ve shared with you. I own a house, have a girlfriend, have a successful career (that I’m not even so sure I like) and I’m living the adult life while still going to concerts, hanging with friends, having a beer or two and watching movies etc. What’s helped me more than anything was that I talked to a therapist who turned me on to meditation. I too don’t like to show my feelings or weaknesses so this was a huge and scary step for me..Archie, it was the best move I ever made. Sure I didn’t feel too macho at first but after the first few sessions, I couldn’t wait to go back. I never took medication or anything like that, I just learned philosophies that have guided and continue to guide me through hard times. Read The Power of Now by Tolle and Wisdom in Insecurity by Alan Watts. Meditate and most importantly, don’t think you’re weak or crazy. You are experiencing what most of us experience when we’re about to hit the real world…but also, remember the real world is whatever you want to make it. Hope that helps my friend..


    in reply to: Feel emotionally faded #65073

    Hey R91,
    Sur has some great advice in there. I genuinely believe that people are good. Most of us are just so caught up in our own heads that we walk with blinders on causing us to be rude, mean etc. That being said, what gives me happiness is helping other people. I get this strange and cool feeling in my guts when I give someone a helping hand. Literally I feel it. I am a LOT like you. I don’t really get excited about anything in life. I do get happy about little things like a good piece of fish and movie but I’m willing to bet you get happiness about that kind of stuff too but don’t realize it. Don’t get down on yourself. As adults we kind of lose that thrill of living that kids have..that wonder where everything is magic. That’s ok as we’re under much stress in our adult lives. What’s not ok is not allowing yourself happiness when it presents itself. I sometimes get caught up in the ideology that “I’m just not a happy person so why would I dance to this song”…when in reality, I just stigmatize myself and don’t give myself the chance. Like Sur said, find what you love and don’t get discouraged if you find that you don’t love much. I don’t either but I make peace with that every day as opposed to getting down on myself. Man, we’re all the same, we really are. Help people more than anything else and then find what you are passionate about by just living your life and being open to things. Don’t search for anything, just keep an open mind and keep your hands on the wheel. Hope that helps bud.


    in reply to: Suicide #65071

    You ARE special. You do have gifts to offer the world. The world can’t function without you. Consider this, you had the strength to post this topic and reach out for help…someone somewhere is going to read this and realize that their struggle isn’t specific to them. They’re going to identify with you and it’s going to bring them comfort far greater than any degree or job you could have had. We all place so much emphasis on our achievements that are career based. Careers and education don’t mean an damn thing Yohannes. Don’t pile up so much unfair pressure on yourself. I have been in some extremely dark places..a lot like where you’re at now and you know what gets me out of them?? The friendly mailman at the post office, the panhandler giving me a smile when I give him a dollar, the guy at the gym who strikes up a conversation with me about nothing in particular, the girl in the elevator at work taking about how she wishes it was Friday. None of these people are rocket scientists, they’re just regular people doing the best they can. Please Yohannes, don’t hold yourself up to some kind of standard that doesn’t exist. I took a class on stress and anxiety reduction and 90% of the folks in it were doctors and lawyers, what’s that tell you?? Career and money mean absolutely NOTHING. I met a shoe shiner in New Orleans, he would make a few bucks a day, enough to live on and he was the happiest guy in the world..not because he was so successful but because he didn’t let life and comparisons get on top of him. I promise you Yohannes, you will bounce back and feel great, then you’ll fall back down and fell bad again…and so forth and so on. That’s life and that’s the way it’s supposed to be but you can reduce the negative reverberations by just doing the best you can and patting yourself on the back for doing so. And honestly, if you have trouble giving yourself a break, don’t beat yourself up about it, we all do it. I do it all the time but I try my best to stay mindful of the fact that I’m being hard on myself or I’m comparing myself to others, etc. The law of science and nature isn’t a theory, it’s a fact..nothing can stay the same forever. No matter how badly you get down on yourself, you will bounce back. That’s just life. I know we don’t know each other but I have so much love for you and your suffering Yohannes, but more than anything I believe in you. I really do. You’re stronger than you think my friend. Everyone who replied to you genuinely cares about you because you are an honest and sincere person who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. You probably don’t even realize how difficult that is to embody those characteristics. And as far as what you can offer to your girlfriend…you can offer her your honesty, your heart and your caring. In this world, those are the hardest things to come by and you appear to have that in spades my friend. You should be proud of yourself. Sending you lots of love and strength my friend.


    in reply to: Obsessions #64959

    Hey friend,
    It’s tough to not compare ourselves to others but always remember that what we see of people is only what they allow us to see. Someone is always going to be better looking, more successful, funny etc etc etc..Just the way it goes. The best advice I could give to you is…give advice to yourself. By that I mean: Imagine if a friend of yours came to you and expressed the same problems..compared themselves to other people and felt inferior etc. What would you say to them? I’d have to imagine you’d say something like “don’t be silly, you’re awesome! You have so much going for you. You’re a great person and it’s pointless to do this to yourself”. We are so harsh to ourselves sometimes and we don’t ever realize it. Treat yourself like a friend. Give yourself the friendly advice that you give to those you love. The most beautiful person in the room has insecurities as well. To desire is to suffer. I truly believe that. There is nothing more attractive, empowering, awe inspiring than being yourself. Being totally comfortable with yourself.

    As far as your apartment is concerned, light a candle, breathe and think of your apartment as a friend. Your friend is keeping you warm in the winter, cool in the summer, it’s keeping the rain off of your head and yes, it might not be the most beautiful apartment “in the room” but it’s your apartment. It’s doing the best it can with what it has and you should recognize that because maybe you’re judging your place just like you may judge/criticize yourself. Make peace with what you have because it’s not written anywhere that you SHOULD have anything. Just let things be as they are. If you wish to improve something, that’s fine but go about it in a caring way. Don’t be too harsh on yourself and your things, after all, they’re YOUR things. They all found their way into your life so appreciate them for what they’re doing for you and teaching you everyday.

    hope that helps


    in reply to: Getting over Ex #64956

    Greetings Mark,
    First off I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I couldn’t imagine the pain you must have felt. Also, I hope your father’s health is better since his stroke. Those are some heavy hits to take so close together in time.

    That being said, I do have experience in what you’re talking about and it’s not easy and very confusing. Not sure if you wanted my take on your situation but I’ll give it to you, if you wish not to read it, I apologize in advance. I’m not a particularly religious guy but I always think of a passage that I hear read at weddings. I don’t know who wrote it or the whole thing but the gist of it is “love is always patient, love is always kind, love is never jealous etc etc”. I call on that idea when I hear my friends having relationship issues as well as my own past issues with a girl that was/is next to impossible to get over. If this girl was right for you she would have stuck it out. When you truly care for someone that’s just what you do. Imagine if you got diagnosed with cancer…do you think this person would stick around or would you become too much of a burden for them? I used that scenario for myself and figured the girl that I was hung up on probably wouldn’t have. Honestly Mark, it might not even be her that you’re holding on to..it’s most likely the sense of security you felt with her when you were going through one of the two toughest times a son can go through. I wouldn’t give her the credit of being this amazing girl…I would give a lot of credit to the idea that you turned her into. Again, this is just my opinion as I did the same thing for a very long time. Mark, you sound like an awesome guy who is caring, loving, sensitive and strong..if someone doesn’t recognize that in you, it’s not your fault. In my situation, I completely cut off contact with the girl. I was always tempted to reach out to her but I stopped myself, maybe try that out and see if it does anything for you. Hang in there buddy. You’re not the only one.


    in reply to: Now afraid of sex. How do you deal with anger and sadness? #64709

    Greetings Faber,
    I’ve dealt with anger and sadness quite a bit in my life and both foster strong emotional charges. First off, I would say to allow yourself to feel whatever your body is feeling without fighting it. Allow everything to take its course without identifying with it or feeding it. That will really help. Just observe the feelings as opposed to fighting them. Welcome them..maybe even say to yourself, “ok anger and sadness, if you want to hang out here for a while I’m not going to rush you out, do what you need to do” You’ll be surprised how empowering that is. It’s almost like you’re watching those emotions as opposed to getting involved in them..much like how you would watch guests engage with each other at your house without getting involved in every conversation.

    That being said, you also need to understand that we as human beings all have sub-personalities. These are basically the voices inside of us that can play the victim, the critic, the worrier and the perfectionist. We’re all guilty of allowing these sub-personalities persuade us at times but the truth of it is that they’re not who we are. Sometimes we dwell on sadness or anger because, believe it or not, it’s satisfying to us. That may sound outlandish but really think about it. Sometimes we enjoy being said or angry as a means to validate that someone did something wrong to us or against us. We all do it so don’t feel bad, more importantly, let it go. Yes, this person hurt you but you didn’t do anything wrong…don’t be sad about that, rejoice over it. Be happy that you have the compassion and character to understand that what he did was wrong and that you wouldn’t do that to someone else. You’re also listening to the critic inside of yourself by wishing you had what your friend had (a handsome boyfriend and seemingly good relationship). Never compare yourself to anyone else. People only allow you to see what they want exposed. You don’t know the inner workings of that relationship and, honestly, even if it’s as great as it appears, there’s no sense in wishing you had it. Cherish this time that you have alone. Once you find “the one”, which you will, you won’t have this time ever again. Embrace it. Embrace being alone. The world is your oyster! You are your own pilot to navigate through this time and experience anything you wish. Why waste time wishing you had what someone else has…you have what YOU have and that’s amazing.

    Don’t get involved with the negativity that your mind wants to shower on you, that’s not you. You’re not your thoughts. Allow the thoughts to do their thing and just don’t get involved. You’ll be fine. Everyone goes through what you’re going through on a similar level. These are the things that build character and perspective. Take care.


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