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ParticipantI like the comment about attachment, but I framed it as ‘reminders’. I can not forget the ex because of the constant reminders that I have all around me. He has since left the state so it is way easier for him to move on (and also because he has a new GF, so obviously he is not thinking about me). I was so attached and even obsessed at the break up point, that he consumed by every thought for months. it has now been 8 months, and the thoughts and now spreading out, and I even laugh occasionally. I never knew how deep emotions can run and am truly astounded about the complexity and level of hurt that I have actually endured. It almost killed me. I have not gotten to the point that I have hope that I ever will love or feel again, but I can say that I survived 8 months. Evan is so right about acceptance. I know I have to accept my feelings for him, accept what he did to me and eventually forgive… but I am not ready yet. Certaintly moving towards those things but if I said I did I would be lying to myself. As long as I can recall, I am a bad forgiver,… I will accept, but not forget and forgive and this may be enough… I really don’t know. I find I have to actively try to not think about him and I keep busy, and when not busy, my mind wanders. Keep busy.
ParticipantDear Janine:
I cant comment much but worried about you and your post. I too am ashamed of a particular behavior and working thru it. Anita is right, it takes time, and I think the older, more mature I get the deeper I feel, because we recognize the consequences. Shame can consume you, and can destroy you. Find a way to get up everyday. I don’t know if you actually did do something that can be termed shameful, or is it just self imposed? Therapy will give you an objective opinion of whether or not it is as severe as you seem to think it is. no matter what, therapy will help you dissect it to smaller issues that you can chip away at one by one. But therapy costs money, and you may not have resources to pay for it. The alternative I guess would be here, a support books, or self help books. Try as many as you can. You eventually will get thru it. Please try. You are deserving of a life, we all are.
ParticipantI am so enticed by this yoga. I have to ‘go’ to a gym, that is what I love, I don’t like any exercise alone, I do a lot of group fitness, ie/Barre, Barbell, Zumba and now getting into Yoga. I think Yoga is a great compliment both physically and mentally, but I will only do yoga at a night class to reap the full benefit. Kind of like getting a massage and then doing nothing strenuous afterward because it would ‘undo’ all the benefit. I do basic yoga, or “roots” and Yin. I would even consider it complimentary medicine to a degree. I do think yoga instructors do vary in their technique however. I wish I could do this more than once a week, but that is where I am at. The serenity of yoga is addictive but you have to be ‘ready’ to accept it. Years ago I was like you — racing to get to yoga and then the instructor would say ‘relax’ and I was like ‘how???” but now, I am at the point in my life that I can embarace it. Very interesting. There is a reason this practice has been around for centuries.
ParticipantYou are not alone. We all have personal struggles, and I think you are depressed. I am not a big advocate of drugs, and I am a physically healthy person, but I started taking antidepressants and it HAS helped. BUT, I do plan to get off them. I do not need a dependency on drugs and I do have a date that I plan to get off them. An antidepressant can help you get rid of that sinking feeling, and help you focus. I am not an MD so you should talk to your doctor for certain. He/she will assess your situation. I have also learned thru Weight Watchers to ‘celebrate’ small successes. I am not obese by no means, but I liked the support group idea, and really only needed to lose 10 lbs, but I liked the idea of not being alone in my diet struggle. someone above offered advice that I think may be a tad aggressive for you — ie/5K. if you are not excercising now… I suggest a smaller goal, and then you will feel success. Your goal could be walking 3 days a week totally achievable. Then, next goal could be 3 days a week but set a distance goal. You seem overwhelmed. A little at a time, may do the trick.
ParticipantThis is a very interesting topic to me, and I do not have experience with threesomes, so I am definetly not judging. I do agree with Inky that there are “primarie” in a threesome, and you thought you were a Primary and come to find out, you really weren’t. It is deceitful and hurtful, I bet, nonetheless. They are both lying to you and Betrayal is deadening, I know. Anita suggested therapy, and I recommend that too. You cant change what happened, and maybe never accept it, but you must find a way to move forward in life. Every day you think about it they are robbing a day of happieness from you indirectly. Find a way to get your life back. Please.
May 18, 2016 at 11:20 am in reply to: Need suggestions on dealing with grasping and loneliness #104909North
ParticipantI am only going to address lonlieness. I am a total people person, and being alone, after being with people, is relaxing — be it work, outdoor activities with friends etc. What I find that helps me is if I have something, some event to look forward to. When I don’t have nothing to look forward to then, that is when I feel lonely. I always have something planned, and it just be a evening out with friend, or a play or a sport event. but have something to wake up to.
ParticipantBless you heart for loving someone so much. I recently got cheated on/betrayed too, and it literally almost killed me. many days I thought I was going to have a heart attack and die of a broken heart. I just didn’t see it coming, probably like you. looking back now there were a few signs that were suspect, but when you love someone you trust them. for me it goes hand in hand. I am still healing after 8 months, still wake up in the middle of the night with total sadness, I look back to where I was 8 months ago, and I am better but have not had a block of time (2 hours) that he and his betrayal doesn’t cross my mind. If you are at a month you sound better off than me, but this is the 4th time in my life I’ve been cheated on. Please know there are others like us out there, and somehow life will go on. I have found that mediation, exercise, prayer and friends have helped, at least for a time that I am engaged. What we must remember is that all people are not evil, just some. I am trying, too.
May 18, 2016 at 10:50 am in reply to: How to tackle this situation??[Recovered from a problem but addicted] #104906North
ParticipantI know nothing of your disease and actually masturbating at such extremes but men seem to more than women. The good thing is that you recognize you have a problem. a huge first step. It sounds like you have other compulsive behaviors, that may be triggered from the family issue and your illness? I strongly suggest you see a psychotherapist that can prescribe meds. There is a world of meds that help calm mental disorders, I am not a dr by no means. but I went on an anti depressant this past year for a host of issues (work, parent dying, another parent alzehimers,etc) and low and behold this tiny pill does make me feel better. I am not ‘sedated’ but it is some sort of brain inhibitor that reduces the depression. I don’t have that sinking feeling in my chest that I am going to cry or all is lost. I do feel deep sadness but the ‘extreme’ part went away. See a Dr. plus some counseling may do the trick. Above all, do not break any laws, you can not reverse that. Try Please.
Participantthank you all for responding. I do need tough advice to move on from this mess. I cant believe that I even went down this road, but it did happen. never in my life did I think that I could be deceitful.
To start, being involved with this man has not changed my feelings about my marriage whatsoever. Sad but true. I ‘shut down” probably 5-6 years ago, when I saw that it will be nothing more than it is and will never be what I really want. we are different people. he is 7 years older but act 12-15 years older and is not fighting age but moreso, using age as an excuse to not try anything new, or be energetic. Or try to keep his appearance up for me. He could sit in a dark room after work and watch TV for hours. I see that there is a world out there, and have more in common with friends, co-workers, etc than him. That I admit was part of the attraction with this outside man, but a hundred other men could still attract me more than my husband. Sad. It is a double standard, and I’m sad that I can not embrace the feeling of guilt that I did this to him, I supposed because I just don’t love him so I don’t feel I’m cheating. stupid I know. the hurt from the lover is deep, since we sort of planned a future, and I took a real chance on him cheating, and believing. But the ground rules of affairs are ‘if you play, you pay’. I am now paying the price. I am so astounded that we entered this affair, both married that we obviously agreed to secrecy and truthfulness to each other with such high stake, and he broke that trust. I really believed this man, above all other people in the world to be a kind a trustful person. This fact alone has changed the way I see the universe. I will never trust or love again. no chance. I will wait it out and divorce at the correct time, due to children, but I want a life that gives back to me. As a good example of how my life will stay the same occurred yesterday. I gave the husband the opportunity to plan a family vacation anywhere in the U.S. that had a beach — any beach — since we have not had a family vacation in a few years. He booked a place that we have been to 10 times. Out of the entire Universe as you say, he picked the same thing. I just saw my life just fastforward and end. Also, as a side note I have found some incriminating things on my husbands side that is suspect. It actually doesn’t bother me but reaffirms that we have to start talking. I don’t want counseling to fix, I want counseling to mediate an adult conversation where both parties are talking truthfully about what they want for themselves. thanks to all.
ParticipantYour parents dying is inevitable. you will have more strength to live thru it than you think. There are numerous combinations of what will occur and who will go first, but I just went thru this. It is not the one that is gone that is hard to deal with, it is the surviving parent that is left and that you have to be strong for them because although you are grieving they hardly notice that because they lost their spouse and they are grieving more and you have to help them. This a tremendous task. And then they aging is accelerated. I was not prepared for this aspect. Foremost have all their financials in order. There is no time to waste on this, no matter what their mental state is, it could change overnight. I did this without barely any time to spare. My surviving parent digressed so quickly and now caring for her is a full time job and very exhausting. I am not trying to scare you but being prepared is critically important, I can not stress enough.
ParticipantYour marriage is not working for either of you. If you don’t have children, then you have more options. Divorce or at least split up for a while. Your husband is indecisive at the least, or, he has some one else. I don’t know if the new guy is “Mr. It” or not, but the husband certaintly is not. I don’t think the husband wants to put the ‘effort’ into actually breaking up, it is easier for him to maintain the status quo. What I truly believe though, is that I don’t think you or your husband can fall ‘back into’ love. I think when its gone, its gone. I know that hurts, but it has happened to me.
ParticipantI am going thru that now, the betrayal. He moved on, and chose not to tell me. So he is not hurt over our breakup, he healed and moved on and has someone, but did not afford me that opportunity either. so shock set in. I have lost over a year of my life to get back on track and not even close yet. I thought he was the one, and coming from a loveless marriage I learned from the ex- BF what it felt to be in a ‘couple’ and a relationship, and I really want to live happily ever after like that. Now I can not begin to even think about that — to trust, to be touched, to love. I feel like he robbed my future from me. I don’t know if I can ever trust again. I have friends that are divorced, or alone and are fine with that. I know I want someone. But fear that I will either never find anyone again, or ever give them a fair chance. There is no ‘timeline’ to this but I am just so angry that someone stole my future from me.
ParticipantI don’t think the past has a negative bearing but provides you a good point of reference that cheating does happen, and is possible to happen again. I recently was cheated on for the 4th time in my adult life (if you call 18 years old an adult the first year in college) and the first three were small isolated ‘cheats’ the last time was a hidden love relationship and has literally put me into counseling, panic attacks, PTSD, and more. But not about me. He has crossed the boundry, and so has she. There is a grown relationship stemming from their original friendship, I’m sorry, but it is true. Have you, him and her ever met for coffee or lunch or anything? that is one of my ‘litmus tests’. The other base rule I have is that each individual can have friends of the opposite sex — but existing friends, not making new friends of the opposite sex. there is too much to chance and not a good practice. Good luck. your inner sense tells you it is not right, and I believe you want confirmation.
ParticipantJuly is right around the corner. Start your day on a positive note — that will set your mood. Meditate, pray, exercise, something. Negativity breeds negativity so I try to avoid people, when possible that are negative. I only have positive friends and not negative ones that could bring me down. In a work environment you don’t always have that choice, but if you can shield yourself from some of it with your own positive aura starting the day of right, it just may help.
ParticipantYou are worth a lifetime. Do not give up. I have a very steady job, and make good money, I will admit. I have no idea where you are at, but I would strongly suggest leaving that job. you need a job, any job with interaction with people. This exposure to the public will get you a job, albeat start up in something. I strongly urge you to leave. you are inside a cell with no window to the world. A great ‘exposure job’ would be a waiter in a decent restaurant, even daytime. you get business men, for business lunches, and you will be exposed to them and business women, and can begin to network and recruit for opportunities. Being in a cell like you are now is not helping you. This will work. you will wait on someone, and someone will know someone, etc, etc. It will a entry level job of something other than what you are doing. 23 is way too young to do what you are doing, please don’t give up. You have a lifetime of opportunities ahead of you. P.S. this will be a great first step.