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  • in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380463

    Psychiatric diagnoses are supposed to be given responsibly by competent, responsible medical professionals, after spending enough time with the patient/ client, asking questions, taking notes, studying notes, taking time to consider this or that, meeting with the patient again… not haphazardly, like you described

    you are correct, i just don’t have that, would love to have it though


     because I expect it to be difficult for me

    then don’t, i was just surprised by your amazing replay, i would like to make our conversation as easy as possible for both parties


    It all fits, doesn’t it, and features of the diagnoses you considered for your self are all included in the MDD diagnosis

    perfect description, because here where personality disorders and mental disorder separate, the person who has a mental disorder knows he have something unusual, alien to him, where the one who has personality disorder feel what you just said as a natural thing of his self, If i truly have only depression, taking medication and a healthy lifestyle would get me back on track, but when i look at the things i have to do to “get back at track”, they are a part of me, i simply can’t change them, im by default lazy and don’t enjoy a lot of stuff, i talked to a lot of depressed people, and most if not all always gets better either in time or by taking meds and therapy, right now even if i have therapy i won’t make effort to change, you know what i dislike ? when some people (norimes) use the same illness, the same name, while they clearly aren’t like me, so i refuse this label, yes i admit i do have MMD, but im not like the ones who have it, i hate when they come to me and offer advice, like they have a single idea what is like to be me


     I know that you hate those positively biased appraisals

    you know too much about me


    Here is my “diagnosis” for you: Depressive Realist Truth Seeker

    how about BER (baby escaping responsibility), although i really don’t see the need to use depressive, since depression can be fixable, i take meds for anhedonia, i take meds for serotonin, i change bad beliefs and im good to go, but i really don’t see that possible for me, not because i can’t. but won’t.


    by the way i thought about my past replies, i think i repeat myself a lot, i say the same things over and over again with different words, i will keep track of this issue


    Do negative or depressed people see the world more realistically?

    i think it really depends on the person, i don’t like the hasty generalization, i also think we should also address the fact that most of them focus on the negative side of things mostly (me included)

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380458

    no you don’t fit schizoid personality disorder

    that’s actually good, i always suspect it, although i do have apathy and anhedonia, but those can be tied to severe depression, one social worker told me that i have Autism, just because my brother have it and that i don’t look her in the eyes, she told me that it can be genetic, i really don’t understand her diagnose, since my father had schizophrenia and paranoia, and im more likely to have those then Autism, but i don’t have those


    better I don’t offer you any advice

    im speechless


     I am smiling right now because I am typing these words for you

    im curious to why, what did i said exactly

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380443

     but I don’t see you there, since one of the symptoms is “a rigid adherence to rules and regulations”, unless one is to think of your own “rules and regulations” which are condensed in one loud NO to “normies”‘ social rules regulations

    yes, fair enough, it was just a theory


     there are Mindfulness exercises that affect these powerful brain/ body chemical processes, and which can help you.

    i promise to tell you the truth, the turth is, i won’t do them, even if my life was depending on it, why? because i don’t want to, i might be able to do them for a while because you told me so, but unless i am really convinced they are good and actually can help, even then i might not do them, because in order to do something i must enjoy it first, i have a long history with this, if i don’t like it, i won’t do it for long, i understand if you wanna stop our conversation right here, but i actually told you in the beginning you can’t help me, i admit that i get defensive when i hear any advice, because unconsciously it tells me that the other person doesn’t know me, but my answer right here is the only truth, that doesn’t mean i don’t value your advice, and i can’t do it for the sololy purpose (your advice)


    i really don’t believe i only have depression, since there is alot of things different in my personality, i will tell you one that i actually meet most of the Symptoms, Schizoid personality disorder, though when i did talked to people that have it, i didn’t see alot of similarity, even people with this can be normies,


    i should also mention that right now, im feeling very anxious, i was talking to a girl (online), kinda a friend, and she mentioned a boy she liked, and as always i got very jealous, so jealous that it hurts so much, this is nothing new, its part of my inherited Low Self-Esteem, i have a really low self esteem, so low that if i see a female talks about a man passionately, any man, and in any place, i got pain in my stomach, im learning from my mistakes, the best solution was to not talk with females, since the pain is so great and the reward (of the conversation) is low, its not worth it, i saw it as an opportunity to learn, and to try to manage such horrible feeling

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380430

    400 mg per day for a few years before it was reduced to 300 mg

    thats way too much, actually they told me 150mg is the max dosage, and if it didn’t work they might add a third one


     It helped me a lot with the OCD

    im taking zoloft for depression, low mood, wanting to cry was a big problem, and it fix it, at least for now


    The other medication you take is an anti-depressant of a different group

    i actually took that before zoloft, and as time passed by his effect was very little, its more of sleeping pill, its really good since it has very few sides effects


    You mentioned OCPD, I am not familiar with this acronym, do you mean Pure OCD?

    obsessive compulsive personality disorder, both my sister and mother have some symptomes, there is a good article in NCBI site about it, although i don’t know if this forum allows links here, i will quote from it.


    “People with an obsessional personality are often imprisoned in their own cage of fixation and therefore they cannot compromise. They are unable to change their views and may jeopardise relationships or their own personal or professional development as a result. They are willing to lose anything as they cannot break through the wall of obsessiveness”



    although my apathy helped a lot with perfectionism, i do think i still have some symptomes, like the one above, black and white thinking, although these might be not linked to OCPD, i just feel its explain why im so Stubborn, though i really don’t have it so bad, incase of my little sister, she gets very mad when someone do something different from her way, she also dropped drawing because of perfectionism, she also have a big problem with procrastination, she really don’t do much because of perfectionism (waiting for the perfect mood to watch a show or a movie, not only a perfect mood, but a perfect settings)

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380423

    It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Have you tried talking to someone?


    ah yes, the old classic saying that people say without thinking, this is why i don’t talk to someone, who said its temporary ? as i said in my past posts my problems isn’t external, Im the problem, the way i think and feel and value, and my life is a fine evidence, and im saying a problem by society standards of problems, but even if i wasn’t the problems, taking your logic right here with this very narrow minded sentence, problems will never stop, its part of life, so they aren’t temporary, they are continuance, death actually fix this, and the good thing about that, is that you won’t lose anything, if i really had a choice, i don’t think i can make a more smart move in life, but this sentences right here comes from not logic, but valuing life, as something precious and shouldn’t lose because “you only live once” right? well so what? because after death i won’t be, i can’t experience regret, so it really doesn’t matter if i wasted it or lived it, its the same end, sure you might feel fulfilled at the end of your life, but then you will die, and all the effort you did will be for nothing, and this is a fact

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Murtaza.
    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380421

    You mentioned GAD and OCD, were you diagnosed with one or both

    sadly we don’t have CBT where i live, just social workers and talk therapy, i was in both these things and we didn’t go far, just waste of time and effort, the “therapist” diagnosed me with severe depression, and thats it, on every session she always wanted to make me fit into society, that was actually the goal of this kinda of therapy, i realized i was wasting my time but felt too guilty to quit, in the 5th session she saw my resisting to change and told me to come after 6 month of medication (she imagines that medication will somehow get me normal and want normal things), i actually hate her, for a number of reasons, one that she believe in god and society, i honestly can’t take her bullsh*t, i imagined it differently, the talk therapy, everytime i fantasies about it, i would imagine someone who understand me and know my pain, kinda love me, but all i saw was bad advices and not even a basic understanding, i knew it was bullsh*t, but i had to try and be 100% sure


    and what medications are you taking

    Zoloft 150mg+Mirtazapine 50mg, its been around 3 mouths


     if I may ask

    you can ask anything you want, since i don’t value privacy much


    As for the OCPD and GAD, i have quite a lot of evidence i have them, i might be wrong, but those explain a lot, but if i didn’t have them, then why im like this? depression can’t be the only reason, again im open to be wrong, i actually don’t like labels, and don’t care what the name of my illness is

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380410

    so, that was just one bad day, not a dominant experience

    it is a dominant experience, bad days for me is like most of the days, but now with meds its much better, hopefully the good days will increase


    you have days when you like or love life

    *like, never love


    days when you feel free (not stuck)?

    yes, one of the qualities of bad days for me is worrying about the future (GAD), its something i can not control and it takes the joy of the day, when there is no this, no worry, no anxiety, just peace, that feels so good, i wouldn’t wanna trade this with anything .


    when you were typing the post, were you very pessimistic or did you appear more pessimistic than you actually were?

    i really can’t remember that day, although i would say i was pessimistic, if i remember correctly, i almost attempted suicide, or a day before it , i was so afraid and so lonely, i feel words can’t describe how bad it was, but i convicted myself that all this will go away if i only do it.


    At some time after you submitted that post, away from the computer, on that same day- did you feel better, less pessimistic?




    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380371

    let’s promise each other to seek the truth here together

    I promise i will try, and i promise that i will make effort this time, that i will give a lot of thought to what you say, thats the least i can do for you.

    It is 1:54 am your time, isn’t it? Good night, Murtaza.

    It is yes, goodnight anita.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Murtaza.
    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380364

    Can you read my recent post to you?

    i already read it and i understand you want to keep replies as short and as clear as possible


    it made me feel special that you care what I personally think

    Im really glad, that our conversation makes you feel something, that im not the only party that like this conversation, though i just wanna mention i always valued your opinion, from our first talk, i saw you and still see you as a very beautiful person, i remember the first time i saw you answering someone post, the attention and care you give to a stranger, made me very greedy, i and im sorry, i was just so amazed, that a person this wise, this intelligent, this gentle, exist.


    appreciating your adult individuality, your admirable motivation to create your own values, your truth seeking.

    This is everything that i wanted, i really don’t know what to say, i wish there is a way that i can give you something, to just tell you how thankful i am to what you just did/say, you didn’t just understood me, you liked me, i really can’t ask for anything more from this conversation,

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380354

    coming to think about it, will you pick up one topic or one point from your most recent post and present it in your next post. Next, I will reply to your next post only (not to the previous)

    yes, as you like, since i was talking to teak back there and most of my talk was a replay to her replays

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380353

    there is a sense of strength there, you find comfort and pride

    i really don’t know why i value Individuality so much, maybe its an ego thing, a sense that like that im superior, although i do feel im somehow superior, because i created my own values and beliefs based on my personality, which made life much easier for me, but i do feel less sometimes, because how might people see me, “lazy” “pathetic” “weak” “not a man”, actually seeing me as a baby didn’t hurt much compared to those, although it kinda did hurt me, especially coming from you.


    An animal will give in to society

    sometimes out of self hatred, i wanna do exactly that, just give in and accept life as it was meant to be, but i know i can’t, my mind won’t allow it, i will hate myself so much


    If you stand up to society, unchanging- you will suffer for a  higher cause

    while yes i do have this type of thinking, to accept loneliness and misery for this cause, sometimes i feel its pointless, this is why i think of suicide, whenever i think of suicide, i never have an external cause, its always internal one, knowing that i won’t have love, just because i think this way, sometimes i wish that i was what they want (females i mean), but then i think i won’t be special, like i am now, how i think and how i act, it is special, maybe bad but still special, sometimes i feel this is just superiority complex and the need to escape responsibility and taking the easy way, but i ask the question, why do i make a whole new philosophy values and beliefs just to escape such responsibility, and after a lot of thinking, it seem that following society is actually easier, accepting such responsibility after all is the easy way, i see how people living, go to work, do something fun and sleep and repeat, some are lucky to have a work they enjoy, some are not, but believe me when i say, going against everybody isn’t the easy way, i feel so alone and distant from everybody, and my basic needs is now harder to achieve , because im so different



    i really couldn’t explain it any better, your analysis amazed me, really i was laughing because i myself couldn’t see some of the things you said


    it is Everybody. Including me

    i actually have a word for such people, normies, although i use my own definition of the word, a normie is a person who have normal values and beliefs and thoughts about the world,  one of the normie quality is that they can’t understand me, who i am, they can’t understand where im coming from, you proved otherwise, its more of a label to people that i shouldn’t waste my time with, i know it makes me distant, but i can’t think its untrue sadly


    I am Society to. I am Everybody

    i do agree, that even my thoughts and beliefs and values is a part of society, im more of a castaway, the unwanted by society, but i know that society made me, and i try to have no ego, that im like that, no pride, no saddens  because im only what they produce, a combination of luck and environment


    to be loved by Society/ any person in the Everybody category

    luckily there is people like you, that doesn’t fall in this category, i actually have a female friend who also think this way, who i consider a “birdman” thats what i call someone who isn’t a norime, its based on my fav film


    I see you as more than the baby I mention before

    im actually glad that you see more of me, it kinda hurts to see yourself this way out of people eyes, although i understand and agree that my values and beliefs do sound like a baby, maybe i am just a baby after all, i can’t help it though


     I am surprised I didn’t see it before.. how strange. I guess societal judgment is indeed very strong- you hear about a person refusing to work, one automatically gets judgmental

    i think its on me, my way of using words and the stuff i said, makes it impossible for you to see otherwise, as i said, i was very sad and different, for me i feel like a mouth and i change a lot, my ideas and the way i think, i guess im growing bit by bit, maybe for the bad, maybe for the good

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380348

    I don’t know what would  be the purpose of our communication

    how about just two people talking ? understanding each other? knowing them fully, without any need to change the other, that sounds good to me, although i know you don’t wanna share your personal life, that means i will be the one to be understood and get known, if that is alright with you


    In regard to your previous thread, it must be under another account

    yes i made a new one, thinking that i will be ignored from that account, if i posted.


    that you are very, very miserable

    i should mention i was suicidal at that time, and i was on my bad days, luckily right now im on my good days, when i used to talk to you i had mostly bad days, worrying over nothing, wanting to cry most of the day, since when im on a good day i don’t feel the need to talk to people or post stuff, i always appear online very pessimistic, i am very pessimistic but there is a good side too, a side i can’t show unless you see me in real life.


    wouldn’t be a mercy if I just ended my life

    i gave a good example of why, and i still think suicide might be a mercy, right now im just not suffering much, so it doesn’t come to my mind, the example i gave was “if my son, suffers, for no reason, and he can’t help himself (not wanting to change), and i can’t help him, it would be an act of love, to spear his life, since i know i don’t and won’t change, and i know also that without at least accepting some ideas of society i won’t live a happy life, and by happy i mean to have my basic needs met, sex and intimacy, the highest thing that makes people satisfied, love, and everyday i live, i see myself losing those, the love that i could have, and sometimes i blame myself, for not changing, but i am really Stubborn, its actually run in the family, OCPD, some qualities at least, i see it both in my mother and little sister, i might be wrong of course, but it make since why im so Stubborn on some ideas, why i am ready to die for such thing, right now i could say that im contentment with myself, i still might have some bad beliefs and habits, i might dislike life when bad days come, but right now i feel at peace, what i always wanted and valued, and i know for a fact living normally would mean less of this peace


    that better that you change your life so that you will no longer be so miserable!!!

    the thing is, the things that makes me miserable is part of me, part of my personality, GAD and OCPD and being pessimistic, they wouldn’t just disappear, i don’t think that having my needs will fix those, but the price in order to have those will make me more miserable, and i know this for a fact, and its not only 10 years thing, its continuance price, if i ever marry where i live, not having a job wouldn’t be an option for me, even if i have money, the girl family won’t accept a man who doesn’t work, even she might have some trouble, and its so hard to find people that wouldn’t mind, and i really value my time more then money, i wished it was the other way around but it isn’t, i worked in the past, and when i get home i used to feel so empty, i felt i just wasted my time, and when i get home i would be so tired to do anything, just for a couple of bucks, i hated this so much, the thing is where i live the standard job (if you are lucky and extrovert enough to find one in the first place) will take most of your time for few bucks, i knew that if i should work, it will only because it will threatening my survival, then i won’t feel so guilty for wasting my time, guilt for me is a major problem, i might not using it in a good way


    i will replay to the rest of your post separately, since i wrote a lot above.

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380344

    You deleted your first thread

    i actually didn’t and it still there, just checked


     I just spent hours re-reading much of our massive communication

    thank you for that, you really didn’t have to, since i changed a lot.


    and I regret having lost my patience with you

    don’t, you were very helpful and patience, and i think you did the right thing.


     I don’t know what I can possibly do for you other than be the Fantasy Woman in your Fantasy

    since i started taking meds, i didn’t need to fantasize anymore, i didn’t felt much need for love, the desperate need has gone, which is good, im gonna finish 3 months now, though i do miss those fantasies


     And I know that I cannot be okay with you living the way you do

    i understand, i might sound very miserable, but i do have some good things in my life, there is other aspects i apprentice about my current life that i  think i will miss if i didn’t have them


    You shared about your mother’s love: “when I said she loved me, I meant when I was a child. I see her sometimes with babies and she is very loving”

    i had many experience and thought about that, and i think she didn’t gave me any love as a child, since she didn’t have any as a child as well, i think she think of children as a way to satisfy her needs, i think the way i see her now, she looks like a baby herself, never learns from her mistakes, very vulnerable to everyone, very sensitive, very dreamy, i know now why i wanted a mature women, and why i wanted my need to be met so bad, without giving in return


    like a baby, easy life, not doing anything adult-like

    while it hurts to know you are like that, i learned to accept some of it, the things i can’t change or don’t wanna change, its just sad to look at myself and see a baby, to look at how other people see me, how my needs and desires sounds very much like a baby, i wish i wasn’t like that, but i am


     “only hope that somehow I will be loved without changing”

    i also mentioned that this i had from my mother, dreamy thinking and imaginary hopes, and i know this isn’t true, infact my whole argument with Teak was about that


    that’s you insisting to be a loved, cared-for baby, not required to do anything adult-like.

    the only problem is that i don’t have a problem of my current way of living, but my current way of living makes it impossible to have basic needs, and i don’t see basic needs very valuable thing to change for


    and women where you live are weak women

    i wouldn’t say weak now, just not very compatible with me


    found out that you will have to work at least 10 years before you can get married. You started working for that goal but felt so much “stress and despair thinking that I have to that for the next 10 years just to get a proper money to marry”- so you quit that goal


    i think this is GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), i think that now i really don’t care about marriage, i still have the same goal in mind (easy life), i know you can’t accept such life, but i can, people might not understand, but i do, it makes perfect since to me to follow such goal, at the end i am happier like that


     somewhere along the way I understood that no matter how long I communicate with you, I will make no difference in your life

    its true, i wasn’t and still have no desire to live as life intended to be, so that i can have basic needs


    All you wanted from me was to help you “cry again and feel warm inside”

    again that’s true, i only used our conversation in order to feel something, and to be able to fantasize, and for that im Sorry


    you are not really suffering… really???

    i think if i lived the way you want me to live i will suffer more, and i can’t take the guilt, of having an easir life but not giving it to myself just because, love won’t be an enough motive, infact i don’t think anything could be enough motive to beat the goal in my mind (easy life)


     do you want to .. have the desire to change?

    in this mindset and right now ? No, but i might in the future, but if i had the control to have such desire, i would’ve choose to not have it, because it Conflict with my goals and values and beliefs, and i do think i have some desire to change ( my need for love and being understood and being seen and taken care of) but it doesn’t outweigh my goals and values and beliefs, if it did we wouldn’t have this conversation


    anyhow its good to hear from you, i hope that i at least have the possibility to talk to you from time to time, thinking that you don’t wanna replay to me anymore kinda hurt me, knowing that a beautiful human being doesn’t want contact with you makes you think that there is must be something wrong with you.



    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380298

    But somewhere in your bones, in the depth of your heart, you know there’s something else

    no, only hope that somehow i will be loved without changing, its false hope based on my mother personality (dreamy unrealistic view of things ) which i inherited


    You know that something is wrong with the belief system you grew up in. That’s why you’re writing on various forums, searching, probing

    i like how you say this without hesitation, like this is the only reason why i made such post, its actually not, its a combination of my dreamy  quality and boredom, that maybe somehow i will feel something when i post here


    Because what if the society’s beliefs and a view of love is distorted, and not you?

    actually my view of love, my desire of love, is the distorted one, society has nothing to do with this, i like to imagine society is evil by nature, the only problem i had was to think otherwise when i was young, i’ve been told lies after lies, how life is, how ugly and boring it really is, only if i knew that, i wouldn’t expect anything more


     If you believe you’re a victim of some programming

    we all are, in some way or another, sometimes its good sometimes its bad, according to society good and bad


     and you can’t change the program

    nope, never said that, infact the whole thing allow more freedom to change my programming, since i wouldn’t say this is my feeling or my belief, just some inherited qualities, and i can change a fair amount of any of this, i always used “refuse” “won’t” never dared to say “can’t” cause i believe i can do anything, in the limit of reason, though i will always have the basic programming


    then you’re doomed

    even if i did really believe i can’t, it would be only a part of who i was raised to be, and even the desire to change this belief is tied to my programming, but yes this is a bad belief to have, and no its not either someone fault to have such belief, sure he can change it, unless his programming allow him to do so


     You have the free will to believe differently

    my only problem with freewill that there is no enough evidence to suggest we have one, just like the belief in a god can be good and bad, freewill can have bad and good qualities, i like to say im skeptic about wither we have freewill or not, cause i know in this world, its too dumb to be sure of anything, but i tend to be more on the “we don’t have one” side


    to step out of the “matrix”

    lol, believe me in this mind and life, there is no happiness


    But, you might find it extremely difficult to start believing differently

    who said i want? i actually don’t care wither my position or beliefs are true or false anymore, but if i do what would be the motive ? love ? i don’t find any problem with my current understanding and beliefs, sure i have some bad beliefs and ideas about the world, but we all do, its a normal thing


    because this might mean that you need to go against your family, against the norms of your society

    im actually doing this right now, as i said “the happiest people who follow their programming”, i could’ve had an easier way, to follow my own programming, my own feelings and thoughts, those that were handed to me by society and family, but i didn’t, i thought for a long time, my feelings and beliefs if i got into a normal life, would’ve made me twice as miserable from now, since i like sadness, the problem isn’t with society, its with my programming, the way i was raised, the way i work, and functions, my feelings, sure i can change those, but for what ? i already have the best life that i can think of, the best life to guaranty the least suffering, infact i had to give myself this life, i always felt guilty, for doing somethings (like school and work) just because society value them


     The easy way is to accept those norms and live according to them

    i wish i could do that, then i wouldn’t be so alone and so hated by people around me, but no, i had to go against everything i was taught, you think its easy ? to live this alone, to create your own values and beliefs your own way of thinking, your own philosophy, that will give the least suffering, to check every information you hear, to re think and re taught yourself, to get rid of the bad beliefs, all by your own, to not follow your own feelings and thoughts, because they are part of your bad programming, to not follow your desire, your longing of wanting to cry, your longing of having a second a mother, a replacement of what i lost, while i offer nothing because i don’t care enough about people, you Cleary don’t know who you are talking with


    The easy way is to accept those norms and live according to them. And forget the longing of your heart.

    i actually think if i did that i would’ve go to a point, the middle ground, maybe somekind of a relationship, but no, i had to discover my own values and goals and mess this up (im joking obviously)


     you don’t live by the society’s rules. How is that possible for you?

    my father has retirement, that allows me to live without wasting my time doing things i don’t wanna do just to live, paid slavery if you ask me, since i don’t value money, neither the things that i can buy with money, that gives me freedom of my time, if i decided to follow society, that will mean work, marry and have kids, and i won’t do either, since those will mean i have to take a lot of shit from people, follow a lot of rules that i don’t want to, wither its the whole religion, or the toxic norms, and goodluck finding a female that don’t value those, its very rare, since females tend to follow the rules more, biologically speaking, i can’t live with someone that doesn’t understand me, and who i am now makes it very difficult to find people who does, especially in my country, if you gonna suggest i leave, NO, just no, life will be harder, and i already don’t find any enjoyment of things, imagine paying a price without reward, or a little reward, a hope, i won’t follow hope, what a dumb decision, besides i will be deprived of my free time and have to put a lot of work and do a lot of stuff  i don’t want to do, just no

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380292

    What you said previously suggested that you felt fundamentally different

    I am, and i already said why above, my life is a fair example of that difference, i think differently from the people around me, i have different beliefs and values


     nor are you sentenced to misery forever

    my personality, the combination of beliefs and values and goals and dreams and feelings suggest that i won’t live a happy life, i already have proof, its the stubbornness to live Independently and not caring enough to what other people think and do, how can i achieve my basic needs, if i don’t have either the will to do so nor that i value you them ? and how im gonna achieve my basic needs if i live in a place most people won’t understand me? how can i achieve Communication or basic understanding, is it really worth it then ? if i can’t have the basics ? not because im different, but because i was unlucky to born this way.


    that you’re created in a wrong way

    i was, i believe the right way is to accept society ideas, the happiest people is the people who follow their programming, a programming that can fit with society standards, and most people are born this way, the proof is the world around you, there isn’t much people that value what i value, that think how i think, this because all their thoughts and beliefs were handed to them by society, the only different is that i refuse to take them, and this doesn’t make me wrong or bad, just unlucky that i have such programming


    If you would like to talk more about how your mother took the easy way, you’re welcome.

    i was just saying its the something i inherited, that i don’t blame myself for such goal or belief, it is what it is, and i really don’t care about my mother to talk about her


    You can

    prove it.


    if you’re completely honest with yourself and admit your legitimate need for love, without blaming yourself

    maybe i implied in some way that i blame myself, i don’t, again i don’t believe in freewill, there is nothing i did wrong, nothing i gained, nothing i do or did gonna be bad or good, because its all a part of my programming, can i change such programming? maybe, do i want to ? no, why ? because its a part of my programming not wanting to change, there is no blame here,


    all this, suggest that i at least think differently from you, and you might have a trouble understanding


    that it’s wrong for you to need it.

    it is wrong, not by what you mean by the word, but wrong in which i can’t satisfy it in real life, i obviously can’t have another mother, and can’t be a baby again, i can find a middle ground, where i can have some of this love, but what do i have to do ? change my whole personality and values and goals, will it matter then? when i completely change myself in order to be loved knowing no one would’ve loved me when i actually loved myself, if my middle ground is to love myself, i accept such middle ground, at least i won’t depend on external, people, but it won’t satisfy my desired love, the love that i want, thus its the wrong desire, because i can’t satisfy it


    You believe that you can only receive love if you change to fit the society’s expectations

    that believe is based on evidence and a lot of observation

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