Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear anita, so much emotion i feel from your replay, i wish i was there too, i think i will definitely enjoy it, and it would be unforgettable, i would imagine us talking all night, about this and that, with wine, seems like heaven, hope you have a good sleep, my day is upside down these days.
Participantwhat did you feel, I wonder.
I sadly can’t explain it, but if i remember correctly, i had this before many times, but it was more extreme, i remember one night (it usually comes when im sleeping) i woke up in the middle of the night, and i had it, i felt so weaken, so light, like im not in control, yet so rested, it was both good and bad, but i kinda like it, today i also had it, but i was dreaming and it was less extreme
then I must respect your desire to not change. If I try to change you in any way, then I am disrespecting you.
I never thought about that in this way, yes i (think) that’s true, i think that when someone tries i feel disrespected
suffering was not as bad or unique as yours
No i actually don’t think that it was my suffering that’s unique, but more likely my way of handling this suffering and my genetic, i also should say that i have a friend (by friend here i mean someone i talk to) he has kinda the same thinking, im only what i was created, nothing more nothing less, he also has GAD, and when i told him that this is a thing (he didn’t know) and told him about the cure (medication or lifestyle changing) he told me “forget it, im gonna suffer from this until i die, and it ruins everything for me”, i think that the result of me (end up with a desire to create my own philosophy and values and beliefs) is what made me unique, not the suffering, and i say unique based on the evidence i see
your suffering has been so unique/ abnormal that it has led to your unique/ abnormal extent of apathy and desire to not change.
The reason why i don’t like when they compare is because the present of me, the person right here, has tried everything they said without any benefit, and i hated it so much, everything that benefitted them didn’t do anything for me (e.x walking for a whole year made no difference to my mentality or added anything to my life) by difference i don’t expect happiness, but from what the people say, it actually matters to do, for me i see that if i did it and didn’t do it, its the same, the only difference is the long term benefits, and the thinking that it helps (placebo effect).
ask people for help and engage in discussions with them when the result frustrates you and makes you feel guilty
Cause i have the hope that i would find people that understand my point and accept it, long shot but still i had to try, also in my first post here i was bored and sleepy, and i thought that my post gonna shock people (i like when i imagine thier pov lol), i also never asked for help, i seem like a guy with a problem, but im not really (by that i mean that the problem has no fix, so its not a problem by definition)
I was thinking about her. I think that she deserve a thank you from you, for meaning well and for posting to you with zero arrogance
Her post was rude to me, she said “i was suicidal and depressed for a long time” she disregard my argument as depression, and assumed that my life looked like her life once, and that this and that helped her, she was very respectful in what she said, and she meant well, but does she deserve a thank you? No, i don’t think anyone deserves anything, now i don’t blame her for her replay, i understand that this is how she was bulit, and im just not like that, but i won’t say thank you without actually meaning it, at least not online, when i can not say that, unless it matters to you, then i can flix my values
I could tell by her post that she spent a good amount of time and effort so to make her post clear and thorough.
I understand that, and i appreciate people like her, very nice and well intentioned people, actually i love people like that, makes me warm.
ParticipantSince when i said that “yes anita you are true” and i followed it with “not accurate” from now i will try to be as detailed as possible, and as short as possible (without repeating hopefully
even a dream about being close to another person in a loving way makes us feel real
Its more like when you dream so much that you feel werid when you wake up, since i didn’t remember the dreams, but only felt them, werid.
“Is my understanding in this paragraph 100% accurate?” You answered: “Yes anita, as always”
If i remember correctly at that time, i saw your understanding (the bigger picture of it) as true, when i said it wasn’t accurate (there was few definitions and words that i would’ve changed, but the bigger picture still true, the result is the same, i just re read your post, i apologize, i should’ve been more clear, so now im gonna state what wasn’t accurate in your 1-4 points (its repetitive from my past posts, so skip if you don’t care anymore)
1) your pessimism is a disease that is eating you alive
I said pessimism as a shortcut, i admit that one of my problems is that i don’t care about the other person opinion of what i say, thus i mostly say anything without seeing the other pov, back in the days it used to hurt when i look at myself through people eyes, still does, so i didn’t anymore, so i might say some things that hard for the other person to understand
To answer your point, i don’t think its just pessimism, i believe its a collection of things (personality) a full package, not only pessimism, not only a desire not to change, not only a few bad beliefs about the world, not only a horrible attitude towards life, not only a strong need for truth, not only apathy, not only a desire to be independent, the whole package put together, makes it more like a disease
2) there is no cure for it, no hope whatsoever to live without this disease
As stated above, its a full package, inside this package is a desire not to change, even if there is hope to change a few things about this package (personality) it won’t allow him, so i wouldn’t call it a disease, because there is no cure, one example of this package is apathy, now if you ask how to cure apathy, the answer most likely would be “to care” (i know it isn’t that simple, but in a way or another this what they say), the thing is the cure and the disease is the opposite, imagine if someone has too much apathy, how could you blame him for not caring? Its like blaming someone who has diabetes, one thing to do is to add motivation (something that he loves) but even then he can be apathetic to such, if you see anything wrong tell me, i haven’t thought very much about this
What im trying to say its more like a paradox, you need the cure to be cured, but how can you have the cure when you have the disease? Im thinking of your response “black and white” because apathy is degrees right? It still wouldn’t change my argument.
3) the only way to stop the disease is in death
The only way to change is by death, or a similer scenario from 1948 (when the main character get tortured to change his views) i know the latter doesn’t exist, but the first can be done
4) you have good times but those aren’t worth it
I believe that its not very much about the good times, but more likely how i see them, i believe even if i had the best life possible that i still wouldn’t consider it worth it (unless ofcourse i have a different mindset)
Give me your 2-4 lines straightforward, clear definition of the term, and we can see if we are talking about the same thing
In your above post you said that it angers you thag i argue, so i asked if you wanna argue about freewill (so that i don’t ignore your definition and what you said about it)
To answer your question, my definition would be “an action that doesn’t has an uncontrollable cause” to support this definition i should say that i believe everything has a cause “determinism” and that every human action has a cause, to take your example “you don’t hit the dog” i would say that its determined on what comes before, the good example would be that you sometimes can’t control your anger and sometimes can, do you control this ? Or is it somehow depending on the situation? Ofcourse thinking that you in control, believing in such, make you more in control, but im not talking about whats the better believe, im talking about what is true
I should say that even when i don’t believe in freewill, i do think i can control my emotions and feelings, im not removing the will itself, but when i do not control my emotions or feelings, i simply know that there was too many factors that i simply cannot know that interver with my decision, in a clear example (why did i not control my anger in scenario X and i did in scenario Y?) I believe that we create reasons based on our understanding, but when it comes to reality those reasons aren’t even close, for example they did an experiment with people and asked them about things while giving them hot and cold water to hold, thier answers was different depending on the temperature of the cup, if its warm they answer more nicely, if its hot they answer more harshly, imagine this little thing, this external thing can change a whole answer we tell ourselves, then how would we change our minds when it comes to the internal?, i sadly don’t have any evidence for such experiment happening, though where i heard it from is a very reliable source (to me maybe), its sam harris, a modren neuroscientist, he actually influenced me a lot
There is more depths in the freewill subjecte, but i wanna end it here to see your response, to just mention something, little morden philosophers believes in freewill, there is “compatibilism” which the majority of people now believe in (because of determinism).
To back to your post
when a person is arrogant, thinking he/ she is superior to you and therefore is here to tell you what you should think and feel so to.. be less inferior that you are (?)
I think that people see what im currently in as a (phase) and that they all got through it, it underestimate my suffering, and they advise under this assumption, and i hate when someone underestimate my suffering, especially when comparing, when i see the result of thier life, they have a normal thinking brain, less apathy, a desire to change, and they dare compare themselves to me
and yet others are nice people who do not see you as inferior to them, people who are really reaching out to you with a pure heart
Nice people? ture, can they help me? False, is thier help appreciated? nope, because it only makes me mad or frustrated, or gulity, i won’t lie and say thank you, the best i can do is ignore them, the worse is to answer them in a passive-aggressive way.
i just don’t want thier help, although this means most people, and it actually makes me sad, that i lost nice people for that
I can see that they do not have it all-together, far from it
I wonder if you want to criticize me what would you say? (Anything allowed ofcourse, and don’t think if its hurtful, i can take it)
Also, you’d think arrogant people are confident- far from it).
Its only a mask to hide the low self esteem or other things, i believe that some of my arrogant comes from that, since i have this really low self esteem
this is the healthiest/ wisest thinking I read/ heard in a long time. I am positively impressed!!!
I never thought i would be called healthy lol, thank you for the temporary confidence boost lol
ParticipantDear antia.
I woke up today, i had a lot of dreams and you know that feeling when you dream so much and wake up feeling werid, i touched my noise and it felt like it the first time, i know what the dreams were about, but i don’t remember any, but i remember feeling love, having intimacy.
I read and re read your replay, im glad that you shared your morning with me, i don’t want you to think that i don’t read or care about what you say or you in general.
No need to argue with me about it
Sometimes i just add a comment, sometimes its silly comment just to let you know that i read that thing you wrote, but from now on, assume that if i didn’t replay to a specific line from your post, it just means that i had nothing to say, and when i try nothing comes to my mind
I’m gonna try to be as honest as I can”- good, me too
One question comes to my mind, and if its too personal ignore it, what exactly made you angry with me? So i can avoid such thing in our future conversation, i actually avoided asking you any personal question, or anything that seems personal, intentionally, i remember that when i first talked to you, you were very strict about those, and i respect that
but it doesn’t mean that it is really is wrong for you to be unemployed: you decide for yourself.
I think i mentioned my problem with jobs, especially in iraq
as long as your behavior that results from your thinking is not asocial
I try not to harm people with my individuality, unless they require me to do something i don’t want to do (e.x my mother wants me to finish my school)
if your questions are clearly stated, and a person answers you unsatisfactorily again and again, stop asking that particular person
This is one of the reasons of labeling people as norimes, because it would give a good explanation why those people disregard my question and lifestyle, and its a good explanation, and i agree with you.
I didn’t mean that you, Murtaza, is wrong. I did and do suggest that arguing is useless.
As i stated, i believe that there is some people that can argue with me and maybe provide a better logic, thus i will either admit my lose or just lie to myself (i perfer the first because its easier) and from experience i did admit my lose many times.
Select who you are interacting with instead of interacting with everybody and arguing.. and arguing.
True, but i like showing norimes my argument and when they accept it/ignore it silently, it only proves my point, and its somehow a norime check, lol.
I didn’t notice this in your thread.
I didn’t spend any much real time and effort on the people that showed a lot of norime sign did i? Teak had a point, and i wanted to see where it goes, she sounded just like my therapist with a bit of an upgrade
if it looks like the person means well, send them a short post saying thank you, a polite acknowledgement- instead of ignoring them or replying rudely
If we are talking about me being rude, you know how much i get offended by thier posts and replies, how much i consider them rude? Why should i take thier rudeness? I can’t say thank you to someone who i don’t appreciate thier help, and i don’t see the point of being nice with holding what i really want to say, i won’t be that guy, who holds what he want to say because its nicer, it only hurt me because i won’t like myself very much then.
it is not a good idea to bring up suicide as an okay item to consider on a public forum
I never said it was a good idea, one part of my qualities is to say things people don’t wanna hear, to tell them the real things that happens for some of us, those people that don’t have much voice, people won’t hear them
Because this is what I believe- I will not participate further in such discussion on your thread/ in these forums.
I didn’t mentioned it for discussion, i already know your opinion, and it doesn’t actually matters anymore.
I feel some anger now because you are arguing again!
Im sorry, i was only showing you my pattern of thought, how i see freewill, and i gave a real life example
You don’t even need me to participate in the argument, you imagine what I would say and argue with what you imagined I said
I consider the other party responses and what he might say, i assumed that you gonna say that so i prove my point in one post, if i asked you and we go back and forth, it would take a while
seems that your anger was triggered by my mentioning of Free Will
I was very calm, i only mentioned it to support my argument against freewill, since you seem to think (which is my fault) that i only use it as an excuse, i won’t say that i don’t, i will provide a soild argument to why i think freewill doesn’t exist, but i will only do that after you say that you want to participate in this argument, and don’t view it as “argument” its more like both parties understanding the other points and give a better explanation, its growth
The term free will triggered your anger because when a person X uses the term, believing that it exists, what it means to you is that X is telling you that you are to blame, that it is your fault.. it’s the guilt you referred to before
It didn’t triggered me, i will tell you what triggers my anger (the ones i know and aware of)
when a person misunderstand me, and when i try so hard to make him understand but he won’t because of some moral issues or some belief he made, its more frustrations then anger, but i feel both when this happens
When a person claim something about my life without evidence (aka you don’t love yourself, my life is similar to yours)
When a person think he is allowed to tell me what to do or what to think or feel, what to believe and what to value
I ask that before you reply to me (if you do, I never expect it, but would like it if you reply)- please calm down
In our current thread, you never triggered my anger, and i won’t response to any of the freewill subject until i hear your permission.
seems to me that what triggers your anger when someone says “I was like you”/ when another person compares themselves to you, is that it feels like the person comparing is negating you,
I never thought of it this way, but today when i thought about it, i may knew the answer, when a person compares his life to mine, he usually is got over this period, so what i imagine when he start advising is (im better then you, i got over this, i just did this and this, you can do that if you want), actually it mostly like this when a person compares and start advicing, the superiority thing bothers me, he think that he is superior then me and allowed to tell me what to do, and that i must not know whats best for me, correct me if im wrong, and this is a new thought so its more like a hypothesis that i might change, but from what I’ve heard its always like this “i was X too, you just need to do this and this (give examples that worked for him and thinking that it must work for everyone)” by that i feel guilty for not doing X, and i remember that i did X long time ago, and it didn’t work, and that i think and feel different from them, and that there is no proof that he is like me, and even then he can’t advice me.
It is like it is either you are valid or the other person is valid
I think when a person start to throw silly advices on me, its just projecting, the part that bothers me that he/she think he must be right and this is allowed to say, in my world its very rude to tell a person what to do, especially if you only know what he showed to you via internet
How do you know when it’s there for you, can you tell.. if it goes away, was it ever there.. when it returns, will it stay?
It depends on the definition of love, if its a feeling, then i don’t pursue that, i meant that i somehow get a girlfriend, this is what im trying to kill, and i had to experience so many painful things to prove to myself that no such thing exist.
One of the reasons that i don’t pursue the feeling of love, because its not under my control, i only foucs on the things i can control, feelings aren’t, but i welcome them when they come
Let’s see what happens, think of this as an experiment: I felt love for you, then I didn’t, then I did again,
I actually don’t think its mysterious at all (my opinion, i respect yours) i think that when i feel love because of an image and a belief, and when i don’t because this image or the belief start to change, (e.x i saw that sara is lovely and felt love for her but as soon as the “she doesn’t love me back” belief start to kick in, i lost the feeling, as it should be) i never love anyone who doesn’t love me back, and yes i control such thing, lol, i don’t know but its one of my powers you can say
ParticipantDear anita, thank you for your satisfactory reply
There is no Solution to this Problem
That’s what i wanted to hear, why go around this and say love yourself or that healing can fix this problem
your thinking is wrong and therefore you need to change it
Before i answer this, i must say that im not trying to manipulate anything, and im gonna try to be as honest as i can, i do think my thinking is wrong, but by wrong i think its wrong by society standards (which can be beneficial to the person) aka “i must work”, its wrong by almost objective life standards, i say almost because objective life standards is a norime standard, the way we programmed to live, and i know that i won’t be satisfied with that life, imagine its like this, you put a monky in lions cage.
and loving oneself cannot possibly provide a lifetime substitute for a person’s need to be loved by a separate person.
Why can’t teak just admit that? Why she insists that the problem must come from within me? How about that i live in the wrong place with the wrong values and goals? If you say that i won’t argue, if you say that your goals and beliefs are silly and wrong i won’t argue, but if you claim that i don’t love myself, you either bring a solid evidence or drop your claim, isn’t that fair? Im only asking for the truth, whats the truth? I don’t love myself according to societal love to oneself? According to the man made love? Sure
and your opinion about the thinking of the majority of people (aka “normies”) is very, very low.
As it should be, in this post there was only one person that understood me, there was 7 people who replied, none of them acknowledge anything i said, they all just go around the truth (just like teak did when i mentioned the example) ignore my logic, just because it touchs moral issues.
You are very, very confident that your thinking is right
Let me correct you, my thinking is right for my life and experience, and i believe there isn’t an objective one (correct me if im wrong in any points i do)
you stated that you don’t believe in god
No no, i can’t believe in god, this thing (philosophical suicide) wasn’t meant for me, i simply can’t believe in something without evidence, and yes im not perfect, i sometimes believe in things with very little evidence, but i should say that freewill wasn’t only from observation, there was few people that talked about it, and i was convinced, it actually was the breaking point to leave religion
the arguments start: a member (like I did plenty) says gently or harshly: look what you wrote here (quote).. it doesn’t make sense, let me correct your thinking!.. And look what you wrote there (quote), you are wrong, Murtaza, wrong, wrong
This bothers me because they usually don’t provides anything against my main argument, they don’t provide any logic to why im wrong, just “oh no you can’t do that, you must do that” why should i do that? No answer
Murtaza then says: no, you are wrong, you don’t know what you are talking about!
I believe that the way i was bulit and the result of me right now is a proof of my difference of people, whether that difference is good or bad, the thing is, people mostly helps by projecting thier beliefs and values “no you can’t kill yourself, thats bad, human life matters” “this is a bad thought” “freewill exist” “love yourself the way i tell you to”, so when i say you don’t know what you are talking about, its because they said something that was meant for people like them, the norimes, a person who has nearly same values and beliefs, that good and bad can be separated, that freewill exist, that god exist, that thinking positive will somehow makes your life better, you must understand that i came across so many people like this before i get “very very confident” and to this day, if anyone said anything about my life, i would feel gulity and re think my decision, a never ending cycle i had to stop
And what is the point of these arguments- why does Murtaza waste his time this way.. and why do members waste their time this way…?
Because arguments usually involves understanding the person mindset/points before arguing, its the only way i change my mind about things (and i say this because it happened many times), for an example a friend of mine manged to convince me to get a dog, i was convinced by his argument and i wanted to buy one (sadly they are too expensive in here), since understanding is a big thing i lack, because my mother never gave it to us, and its nearly my number one need for love, so i peruse it, honestly one of the best times is when i have a good argument, and i did plenty in the past about freewill and religion, watched many also
Because Murtaza has a lot of time in his days and nights, and he has nothing better/more interesting to do with all that time
Thats another reason, but im very careful on who im spending my time with, i usually disregard anyone who show any sign of norimeness, not worth honestly
conscientious people don’t want to be given that kind of responsibility, thinking something like: oh, oh, if I don’t give Murtaza a good argument and evidence, his blood is on my hands!
Yes, morals stops them, they sacrifice the truth for a society bulit values, but i never saw it like this “responsibility” cause how they gonna make it worse? Im already fixated on death lol, they can try to make me see other point “which they didn’t btw” most of them just disregard my argument as depression or suicidal thoughts, im not even suicidal these days, and the post i did seems like a long time ago, and im better now, but im still holding to my argument because i think its true, but i thought that for once someone would come and say the truth, someone did, but not directly
this is a public forum, anyone can read it: no conscientious person wants this kind of responsibility
Reading this im thinking of “norimes”, i actually would do that, and i think that if there is people like me they would do that too, felixable when it comes to morlas and values. Thats another reason to post stuff like this, for like minded people
What are you really getting out of posting
Winning arguments that makes me feel good temporary:D, seeing norimes, the idea that i bulit, fit the definition, i just like to expecting something bad and it happens, it just makes me think that im a realist, i dropped the norime thing for teak, and it went nowhere, just like i expected, but i like her, she somehow reminds me of the people that i could connect with without my mindset, too bad
One thing i didn’t expect was you getting angry at me, i did expect and still do, that you would stop talking to me, but to think im bad is another, should expect more bad things:D
makes time pass more easily, better than doing other things or nothing at all.
Not with norimes, unless im laughing
words among the thousands that you will be reading today from people all over the world
Believe it or not, this site is my only way to communicate with people.
will make a significant difference to you?
I wonder why there is a need to do that? Why can’t it be just beautiful words, but i remembered that this site, and what you do here mostly, is guide people, make a different in there life, advice them, hear them out, giving them validation.
I think that the answer to this question is most likely: Nothing, really.
They do makes me smile when i read them, sometimes shocked by the replay, how beautiful it is, but i guess you don’t believe in the butterfly effect:(
You decide, you choose- to reply to me, or not. It is a bit of free choice, or free will, isn’t it: to type or not to type, to argue or not to argue, to answer this one person but not the other.. little choices like these.
Poetic:D, so i would imagine that your reaction the other day “anger” was your choice? You might say, “the reaction to your words wasn’t my choice but how i reacted to it was my choice”, then i would say “that your choice of reacting in someway or another was very much determined about your mood and your day” you could not show your anger on a post, but what would that take? To get back to that exact moment and to have what you had back there, all the atoms and exact mindset, would you do differently? If so why didn’t you? I wonder. I think that this is what im talking about when i say that we don’t have freewill, there is simply so many factors that influence our actions that outside of our control, and there is no one to pull the trigger behind any of those actions, just desires and beliefs competing.
feel that you are the Only One in Pain,
No not really, millions of people suffer Endlessly, im not suffering that much, infact i have a somehow decent life, but i don’t like when they start comparing suffering, its silly because not all people alike, some endur more suffering and some don’t, why even try to compare? And i hate when someone says “i was like you”, NO, and you never will, thinking that if he was like me then he must know what it feels like to be me, how it feels like to live like this, and therefore he can advice me, i tell you if i met a person like me, i would never advice him, because i know people like me don’t like advices, and whenever a person start to advice and say that “i was like you” thats a red flag that he is a norime, im not saying that he isn’t suffering, nor that my suffering is greater, i just don’t like it when they start projecting.
What are you really getting out of posting
There is this thought “maybe i will get what i want somehow they would just give me what i want” appears always, and i tried so many times to do what it says, unconsciously, hoping that i somehow get the solution, the love, this is what teak talking about when she says “just accept your inner child” she has no clue whats hiddening there, to this day, i still hope that the next teak or antia post give me what i want, before i would go talk to stangers online, somehow, and in someway, remind me of this saying “people look for love in strange places when they didn’t have in thier childhood”
ParticipantBut this very thread shows that you’re miserable. And that’s because you have suppressed that little boy.
So its not about what i have, nor where do i live, no im miserable because of few words i tell myself.
step away from the idea that love is unattainable for you
Ok i just did, guess what? I still don’t have it, it doesn’t matter how i see my life, its still gonna be the same, i still gonna be so lonely, so distant from everybody, hate fitting in to a Garbage Society
This is it for me, im done, i had what i wanted from this conversation
ParticipantDear antia, i understand.
ParticipantYou can fill that longing by being a loving, compassionate parent to your inner child
I already did that, but the hole is still here, and i don’t believe that there is only one way to love yourself, i do it my way, the way i see it fit, not whatever you say, not whatever anyone say
You can fill that longing by being a loving, compassionate parent to your inner child
And i would suppose that there is only one way to be a parent to this child, and its a man made way, i don’t care how many people got healed by this way, i already did best for myself
What you actually said about your inner child is that you’re aware of him but you suppressed him
You don’t know what im talking about, you don’t know how i lived needing love everyday excessively, so excessively that i wanted to remove this need from the origin
You’re not loving him by suppressing him. You’re not giving him an easy life by making him stay hidden, by telling him not to have feelings, or hopes or dreams.
Oh yes because you know my life to judge that, you know how its like living in iraq with dreams and hopes, to have anxiety and shame and gulit as your primary feelings, but no its fixable, you just got to workout,
you gonna teach me how to love myself? I can’t continue this conversation if you didn’t drop the idea that i don’t love myself, it just makes me mad how you blame me while you don’t even know me, i can’t do this again,
Actually, you can provide the love he needs. I told you how to do it
I just talked to the guy, he told me that he want, an understanding loving mature female to use her for his own needs
I know you haven’t given him what he needs, because you believe the best option would be take your own life. A loved and cherished child wouldn’t think or feel that way.
Sure you know, because of the few post i did here, now you have the key to my life, and allowed to advice and give opinion, did you even hear what i wrote above, im gonna say it here, imagine your child has cancer, now imagine that cancer doesn’t go away, and he lives with it for the rest of his life, now imagine your child telling you, no, begging you, to have mercy on him and end his life, because he is suffering and he don’t like it here, but you let him live anyway, and everyday, he is begging you to end this life, without any hope of this cancer going away, now you, let him live, and not only that, you telling him its his fault for havig such horrible life, for not loving himself enough so he likes life, you blame him for his illness, and you blame him for not trying to live, for wanting to die, is this sound like unconventional love?
So for the sake of argument, lets say i did what you asked me (assuming that i didn’t do that) would that change anything? Will it change my goals and desires and beliefs and values? Especially when im very fixated to not change them, and its called OCPD, i don’t care if i wasn’t diagnosed, my sister have it, and i have it,
Please teak, you make me very mad, i like you, i really do, and i don’t want to stop talking to you, even if i just talk to you with whatever, but i don’t want to do this again, to be misunderstood no matter what reasons and arguments i provide, this right here triggers my hopelessness, no matter what logic and how much evidence i put, you will never accept me or like me, you will never be okey with my decision, not because im wrong, but because you don’t like it, and i wish it wasn’t that way, i wish there is a place for people like me in this world, i wish that it wasn’t so hard to be loved by people, you don’t know how lonely i am, and you telling me how to love myself, i did, and i do, and i want people, i want that hole to be filled, and you think that i didn’t because i didn’t pursue those things, that if i did loved myself really i would satisfy those needs, but those needs require me to change my values and goals, the very thing that makes me, myself, to betray myself, it only happens when i hate myself so much, that i would want to betray every thought and belief i ever did, and live life normal, to satisfy my needs.
Can you understand this? If no so i could save your time and mine, its sad though, that every person i talk to either kill me with his wrong advises and suggestions, or just go away, i believe that anita was right, how could she be wrong? She is nearly an angel, and who im i? Just a nobody, i know its my fault, and i can’t be sad, but i want to feel sad about this, she represent all the nice people in the world, i lost them all, and its my fault, i wish heaven is real, i would imagine all the good people together, and maybe there is a place for me, to filled with this warm
ParticipantYou grew up with the belief (and experience) that you need to deserve love
You didn’t understand my point, deserving is a creation of the mind, we made it up, a child doesn’t inheritly deserve something, unless we talking about a fair world, and this isn’t, no one deserves anything, i like to say babies NEEDS love, not deserve it, deserving for me requires effort to the part that deserves, how else would you deserve it? Even then you don’t actually deserve it, but you think you do, even if you paied the price you might not have what you deserve, so why even say “deserve”
and so you refused the whole idea of wanting love.
I do need love, though i won’t die if i didn’t have it, and i refuse to put my needs at the mercy of other people, and i refuse to be controlled in order to get “love”, to change my values and goals just to pursue an idea
What I am telling you is that you don’t need to suppress the longing of your heart
Ofcourse i do, otherwise i will just need them obsessively, without having them
You don’t need to pay the price to be loved
And how would i get it then?
You can start loving that anxious, fearful, lonely boy right now
Why did you assumed that i don’t? I already gave him what he want, a life that easy and doesn’t have much pain, he needs things that i can’t provide, things that outside of my control, and i only foucs on what under my control
Do you think you could get in touch with the little boy Murtaza and give him some love and care?
Whats the point? He won’t get what he needs, maybe never, so why bother? And i already gave him an unconditional love, im good with myself, i take good care of it, and this is why i thought about suicide, and i already gave a good example, i will do the same for my kids, never make them, if that means i can’t marry so be it, but i won’t do what my father did to me, i won’t use my kids as a way to make life easier
You seems to think (after so much evidence) that the problem is within me, that if i did something different then i will have it, now thats half true, it is in me, the problem, but its never gonna change, and i accept that, i like it sometimes actually, i respect myself, i value it, maybe that was a bad idea, but it happened
I remember that i asked for my therapist the same thing, to understand my situation and accept my decision, she replied “whats the point?, so what if i did that? Its not gonna change anything” she thought that accepting and understanding is uselss in therapy (lol), and she only wanted to change me, just like my mother, to fit her pov of life, projecting her values and beliefs on me, thinking that hers must be the right one to live, but now as i receive it from you, after i wanted it for so long, from anita, it feels nothing, and im glad it does feel like that, cause it a sign that i won’t need people anymore, and if you gonna say “maybe you should” i only answer with “only if i see any difference”, only if i saw people like you in real life, and to actually have a relationship with them (nearly impossible in iraq), i don’t understand why you want me to drop the best thing i ever did, and it still works, to this day, i want love so much, but i won’t receive it, not from people, i felt like a slave to females, because they have what i want, and in order to get that i have to do certain things, i have to have money and live life i don’t like, so no i don’t accept such need, i won’t allow my “human” needs to control me, no i control them, miserable but satisfied, in full control of to satisfy my needs, not a slave to money or people, animal, but not a slave
ParticipantThat probably left you feeling like they don’t care about you,
They don’t, my mother only uses us to satisfy her needs, at least my father didn’t care to use us, was waay out of this world
and thinking that no one cares about you
And no one does, not until i provide something back to them, not until they see benefits, and usually its based on societal standards
didn’t take you in her arms and caressed you (or did she?)
Nope, she doesn’t understand the child needs for such things
It could have given you the idea that the world is cruel and unfair and arbitrary,
And it isn’t? If so i would like a proof, a proof from my life, something i can see and feel
You didn’t even dare to wake up your mother when your stomach hurt
I should say that its not entirely her fault (and its not mine either) because as a child i cared for her too much, that i didn’t want to bother her
and therefore, love is “too unreal” for you, and you end up apathetic, unwilling to live. Because what’s life without love
Nice conclusion, though its wrong, thats not the reason why love is too unreal, i told you that i don’t follow my programming, that i ignored the thought of (you don’t deserve love), its too unreal because of where i live and my values and desires and goals and beliefs, so even if i manged to fix that belief, i would have to fix all of the above, you really think that’s possible?
It’s not your fault
“That’s your choice” implies it is my fault and that im responsible for my own misery, i dislike this idea you formed because its simply not true, and the evidence of such is that i developed apathy just to protect me, a strong apathy, and im proud of myself for doing so, i look back at the past, i see nothing worth living, i look at the future, nothing, the present is acceptable, under my rules, i respect myself for being so intepented, physically and mentally, and i love myself maybe too much that i don’t want to see her suffer for no reason, or because of an illusion created by people like you, an idea that may or may not happen, hope
You deserve better.
Following that logic then my mother deserve better, and my father deserves better, almost everyone deserves better, and what does that gonna do? Nothing really, just makes you have an idea that you inheritly deserve something without any effort, i don’t think that’s a nice idea to have, not true either, love is something you buy, and im not talking about money, im talking about prices we must pay to get love, everything has a price, and for me its too expensive, so i just don’t bother with it, the reward is little and the price is too high, without the illusion, without false hopes, it doesn’t seem worth it, it would be the same life with something extra and a lot of payment to do, payments i hate to pay
You deserved to be loved and cared for and comforted
If that’s true then where is it? Oh i must pay a high price for that? Doesn’t sound like i “deserve” it
It’s not your fault that you didn’t get the love and care you deserved. It’s not your fault that you were harassed. It’s not your fault that you were afraid of the dark, and that your stomach hurt. None of it is your fault
But its my fault that i developed a strong apathy ? You know apathy is funny because any solution for it requires the opposite, caring, its a paradox, i need some kind of motivation to drop my apathy, and there isn’t any currently, probably will never be, unless somehow i see enough evidence for not needing this apathy, but i really don’t think so, in time my apathy only grow more and more, medication helped with that by lowering my dopamine (which were motivation come from in the first place), im only afraid that i developed it so much that i would care enough to end my life, and just endure suffering for no reason but basic survival, like an animal
ParticipantIf you could just notice those two parts – without judgment, without wanting to get rid of either of them. Just be aware of them
I am aware of them, but it doesn’t matter since i can’t satisfy what it needs, i was aware of this persona for a whole 2 years, and i leaned that it must not get out, it will cause more pain, and it did, when i saw reality, how ugly it is, i accept this fact, that this persona should always stay hidden
you think that if i accepted this persona and what it needs, then i will be able to motivate myself to work, and live life, and marry, you think that accepting my past self that was inherited, should make me wanna live? and make me happy? don’t you think i have enough proofs to be that sure? Its not just a me problem, its where i live and what i have got, sure i can get out of here, but that requires a lot of work, work i don’t see worth it, and i have depression (and don’t tell me those are excuses), you know im sick and tired of being the blame, no matter how much arguments i provide, no matter how much reasons i give, its always my fault, but you know what? I don’t care what you think or any of you think, you simply don’t know, you just can’t imagine how my life look like, and you never will
Participantyou can tell me a little about your childhood
Well lets see, i remember liking videogames very much, and used to spend hours and hours playing them, though i couldn’t do that usually because of my big brother he would take it away from me whenever he liked, my father didn’t care, my mother didn’t do anything, i remember sometimes my brother beats me for silly reasons, and my mother carelessly stop our fight, i also remember watching a lot of tv, but my big sister didn’t let me do it comfortably, i remember i used to watch my favorite tv show (avatar the last airbender) and she would come in the middle of the episode and switch the channel, i sometimes beg her to just let me watch the rest of the episode, usually that doesn’t work, i remember that at the age of 10 i used to get a lot of anxiety, pain in my stomach, and wake up in the middle of the night, and its dark (no electricity) i remember i would sometimes wake my mom, and all she do is warp a peace of clothing around my stomach, sometimes i remember it happening again and again, and she got botherd by it, so i wouldn’t wake her up, i used to pray before i sleep i don’t wake up at night because its so scary, sometimes i don’t and sometimes i do, i would wake up with no desire to sleep, and would just stay in my bed for few hours, sometimes i would get thirsty but i don’t get up since its very dark and scary, i remember that i decided to imagine stuff before i go to sleep, to make me fall sleep easier, it did worked, there was a couple of fantasies i imagined, i will mention few, and if you want to know more ask away, i used to fantasize about being with katara (from the last airbender), the theme of my fantasy always included hurt, wether done by the one i love or outside forces, though i always perferd the first, there was a funny feeling when i get hurt by someone i love and be at thier mercy, though they would love me too in the fantasy, as i got older i learned that this is too unreal, and usually hate is the result of being hurt, not love, i had a hard time fantasizing since i would put a scenario where the other person loves me but hurt me at the same time, i remember that (katara) used to remind me of my childhood friend, a female named noor, i loved her, or i thought i did, but we moved to a new house and we lost contact, i remember that the happist days were in thier house, she had a brother who was my best friend, i remember we used to play yugioh, i remember that sometimes when her brother bother her i would stop him, i used to stay in thier house in the day time, i remember that before we move to another house my foot was hurt, noor got me an ice, and put it on it, i never seemed to forget this, i didn’t know love exist, i didn’t know that i love her, but when i grow up and watched movies, i wished that i get back in time and love her, to feel that thing, i used to imagine for hours for this to happened
I worte a lot, if you want me to continue just say so, also im not sure how do you want to do this? Do i talk about details? Do i write the whole thing in one paragraph?
ParticipantDear zeeza
What keeps me going is the science of building new neuron
What keeps me going is apathy, apathy saved my life, and i wish it didn’t cause it came with a very high price
It is hard to believe anyone cares when all you knew was what was dealt to you at a young age
I don’t need to believe, no one cares, even i don’t
do you like animals?
No, even if i did they are expensive where i live (there is no adoption)
Does looking at the sky for clouds and stars?
No, it feels like if i didn’t it wouldn’t make any difference
if I could go back in time 10 years ago when I was in my darkest hour of wanting to escape
If i could go back before i developed apathy to live, when i cared about life and myself, and wanted to do it, i would tell myself “do it”, this isn’t my darkest days, no, these are one of the best, it actually can’t get any better, this is as good as it gets, and that’s a fact.
relatable to you
Nothing relatable from what I’ve seen, i live in a world you can’t even imagine
because sometimes we need alternative evidence to see differently
People are no longer a soild evidence to see differently, since most of them don’t have what i have, and im not talking about depression, im taking about attitude, a whole package, this right here is rare
ParticipantI like how you response to my messages with ease even though i sound bit aggressive, thank you for that
I think that true love should always be two sided, if the other person doesn’t appreciate you like you appreciate him, then he isn’t for you, you will have to move on, its funny because i never got bothered from this side, external things always seemed easy, when i knew that she doesn’t love me, i just moved on, like it wasn’t anything, i was a bit sad for few days, im bit sad now honestly, i missed up with anita, even though i know i didn’t do anything wrong, not directly, but i feel like i should’ve said different things, its always a mystery to me what to say and what not to say, i feel like its must be me, cause honestly she never said anything wrong or bad the whole conversation, but it doesn’t matter now
Since you offered your help, and you asked about my childhood, what exactly this help gonna be? and what exactly do you want me to talk about? Im just curious, if i saw it worth it i might try it, though i only have one condition, i won’t do anything physical or mental to “fix” things, i don’t like when people tell me what to do and not to do, i know best, and i don’t like them when they advice me, this condition seem like it blocks the help, oh well
I kinda like you teak, i miss this kind of people, the funny thing is, i lost them before i even have them, how fast did that happen, maybe there is an afterlife afterall, a community of kind people, a job that’s isn’t a waste of time, a reduced fear and anxiety, a partner, a different mindset, that would be heaven, too unreal, this motivates me to do it, but i develope more apathy along the way when i don’t, im in this hole deeper and deeper, its too late now to fix, and we should close the whole hole
Participantsince you do have your father’s pension and seem to live a fairly pleasant life
I spend most of it on my medication, actually i never buy anything besides my medication, but thats no excuse
you could always get a temporary job to earn enough for the next session. But you don’t want to.
And add more stress to my life? You don’t understand do you? Im on the edge, anything more would push me, imagine working to pay for more work, for a potential reward, no thanks, and yes i have no desire to heal, and i never will, its not really about the money, its not about anything, i just don’t want to, because its bullsh*t made for norimes, i left those things to norimes,
True self exists – because I’ve experienced it.
Lol, and im the one who dismiss science based on my preference
It’s our essence.
It’s also where our unique gifts and talents are stored
I wonder where does this come from? God? Destiny? If so and they are uncontrollable, maybe some people have “bad” gifts and talents? But no that doesn’t suit my belief and values, thats a ugly way to look at the world, its all about “pure” love, where does this love come from? You think someone would love you purely? There is always a reason behind this love, a fine example is anita, there was a reason why she “loved” me, because i made her feel something, she loved that feeling, its not about me really, and its never about the other person, people only love because its benefits them, it makes them feel something based on what they didn’t had in thier childhood, there is always a reason, uncontrollable reason for love, and its always about the person childhood, but i understand you won’t argue, i won’t either, im just saying my opinion