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  • in reply to: Life of meaning and purpose after 20 years of searching #160528

    My favorite quotes on Meaning

    “Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.” ― Joseph Campbell

    Great to read a post of someone bring meaning to Life!

    “If you follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell

    in reply to: Can a break up truly changed you? #160522

    Marriage/Relationship can be the container in which we are pushed to grow however it can also be the container in which be become stuck and forget who we are.  In such a case LOVE may require the end of that relationship where the pain of such a break might push the individuals back onto the path of becoming.

    The following is just my ramblings of how I came to such a conclusion

    In the book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy “The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. 42 was arrived at by the question what do you get if you multiple six by nine. The joke being that because 6 X 9 = 54 not 42 that “something was fundamentally wrong with the universe” But what if that’s not the punch line after all? What if the better punch line was the something was fundamentally wrong with our ability to do math. That there is nothing wrong with the universe just our math skills.

    What if our understanding and experience of this thing we call Love is wrong or to limited. What if LOVE is greater then our limited expectations of Love, What if our math is wrong.

    We hear statements about Love all time, like, nothing is greater then Love, Love will triumph, all you need is Love… but we don’t really believe it, the numbers don’t add up.  But what if it true and were all just really bad at math?

    Relationships fail for what it seems many reasons. Relationships fail even when two people authentically love each other… When you experience such things one can’t help but wonder ‘What’s Love got to do with it”. If Love is all there is, all you need, what’s Love got to do with it?

    Though my experiences and observations, it seemed to me that Love had everything and nothing to do with a marriage relationship lasting. Without love it would most certainly die… but not necessary end. With Love it might thrive… but not necessary remain together.

    Why after a break up does it often happen that emerging from the pain of a break up those evolved emerged stronger, more mature, conscious… more there authentic self

    As I looked deeper into my experiences, observations and study Love appeared to be experienced/exist/vibrate on different levels. And at its highest form all things were LOVE. All things even pain and suffering.

    That at LOVE’s highest form there is a push toward individual awaking consciousness.  Some have called this push Grace. God/Love/Life wants (may need us) us to grow and become conscious.


    in reply to: Can a break up truly changed you? #160406

    Yes a break up not only can change you, it should!


    Fearing or not liking change is going to cause problems in future relationships

    One of the purposes of relationship, especially with regards marriage is to act as the container/crucible to which we change so that we might become.

    One of the attributes of Love (at the higher plane) is a push or even demand that we grow and become. Consciously or unconsciously we will be pushed. In this light, sometimes Love may require that a relationship end. That the pain of loss pushes a person into consciousness and becoming.

    Within the crucible of marriage one can expect to confront and hopefully reconcile and work through the mother father complexes (learn to nurture and protect oneself from with in), Ones shadow and shadow projections, and the problem of opposites.

    By confronting these challenges, we become conscious and conscious become our authentic selves. This is the hero journey

    If within the container/crucible we do not do this work. Love will break the container so that the pain of the breaking might push us back onto the path (different or new crucible)

    in reply to: Turning 29 Today #160364

    You might also find this article helpful

    10 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I Was 18

    in reply to: Turning 29 Today #160362

    Happy Birthday

    “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” – Albert Einstein

    In measuring a point in time its so difficult not to want everything to happen/change all at once… but that would defeat reason for time.

    We artificially create meaningful points of time in which to measure ourselves against. Are we where we wanted to be? Do I have, will I have, what I dreamed of having, that I dreamed of becoming? Can I envision a future that is different from the memories of how I see myself now? …

    In general, when it comes to measuring our experience most people suck, making these moments of time and space in which we feel called to reflect to become depressive instead of constructive.

    Reflection during these transitional points in our life journey are very important, but only if done skillfully. Only if we are asking helpful questions and not measuring/comparing our answers and experiences against how we think others are doing.

    Self Reflection is a time to be honest without judgment.

    Found the following after a quick google which might help you stay connected to your authentic self and grow through your reflections.

    1. We need emotional space to process transitions. Give yourself time and space to process transitions. It may not seem “productive” so you’ll need to remind yourself that you truly need space, and that this will promote growth in the long run. If you’re leading a team in transition, give the team space to process. Create some space for dialogue and interaction about the transition. Look at the long term outcomes; not just the short term. The goal is not to get rid of pesky emotions and maximize productivity today

    2.It’s normal and good to grieve the loss of what was. Let yourself grieve. Jesus said, “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” There is a deep psychological truth here; mourning brings about healing and comfort, even though it’s painful at the time.

    3. Most transitions have a mix of positive and negative aspects. It’s normal to feel a mix of such emotions. Give yourself space for the full range of emotions and the inevitable ups and downs that come with the territory.

    4. People process transitions differently depending on their personality and life history. Don’t expect yourself to process things the same way others do.

    5. Vulnerability is strength. It doesn’t feel like it when we experience vulnerability, but it truly is strength. Vulnerability comes from a measure of security to be where you are, rather than to deny the emotional reality of what things mean to you

    6. Remember the promise of something new. If you deny the reality of the pain of transition, the new will not have meaning, or you’ll never arrive at the new. You must process the meaning of what was, and come to imbue it with a new sense of meaning. As you do this, take a step back occasionally and focus on what is emerging that is new, healthy and fresh.


    in reply to: Dramatic or Empty, I've lost myself #145217

    I very much relate to that inner sense of…  empty… missing… something… that leaves one feeling blue and off ballance.

    Finding someone to talk, a third party that can listen to you objectively could be helpful.  Sometimes we need to hear out loud what were thinking and to have those thoughts reflected back to us by another.  Sometime friends and family are to close to us, or tied up in how they need us to be, to be helpful in this manner.  Follow you intuition.

    You might find the following book helpful: The Untethered Soul – the journey beyound yourself by Michel A. singer



    in reply to: Trying To Find Meaning #139341

    Whats love got to do with it? Everything yet love does not mean a relationship is meant to last.

    Have you seen the movie La La Land? sometimes relationships are not meant for that ending we might have imagined. Fate Destiny…  and or does Life  demand that we grow of which relationships are a tool, and that sometimes the lessons we need to learn will only be looked for through the pain of a relationship ending.  I do not understand why this is so, why we can’t learn our lessons when life is as we imagined, but for most people we are like a young bird that needs to be pushed out of the nest.

    I found the following book helpful when I asked similar questions to those you are asking yourself.

    ‘How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving’ by David Richo


    in reply to: How to Love and Let Go? #132647

    “The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have.” ― Søren Kierkegaard

    I wish I had words that might save you from having to go through this painful experience… You must trust your intuition.

    I had a similar experience, only I was the one who had the problem with committing and my girlfriend new that for her own growth she had to let go and move forward. She was right. It was the right thing to do. And it Hurt like nothing I experienced before. We knew… she knew that the breakup had to be a full break, no contact. Again she was right. You must trust your intuition.

    in reply to: Let go or love forever? #132641

    “Real love sometimes means saying goodbye.” Bryant McGill,

    Love doesn’t require you to continue a relationship.
    You may love someone very much, but you may not be compatible with them. Or they may drive you crazy with their continued disregard for your feelings. You can still love them, but that doesn’t mean you have to be with them. Love doesn’t mean that you have to stay, and stay and stay. You can leave the relationship and love them anyway.

    Relationships are the crucible in which we discover ourselves. As such we create and play out scenarios that need healing with in relationships especially those in which we feel safe in. When we stop feeling safe within a relationship yet continue to seek out healing the relationship could become one of codependency. In codependency instead of healing and growing we become stuck in our pain, a kind of ground hog day but one we never find our way out of.

    It is a perplexing paradox, however it is often the painful end of a painful relationship the pushes those involve to heal and grow.

    We long for the La la Land happy ever after ending. Yet the movie of the same title showed that sometimes a relationship is only fated for a moment in time and not ever after.

    in reply to: How to accept happiness…. #132565

    I should have this all figured out by now but I don’t. How do I accept happiness and feel worthy of it?

    I have yet to meet anyone who has “all this figured out”

    How do I accept happiness and feel worthy of it?
    We must work for that which no work is required

    That might sound like a contradiction but it isn’t. In order to get to a place in which you feel worthy of love will require work, for example work on self acceptance and loving yourself. The irony being that once the work is completed you will realize that you were/are worthy all along, love and happiness was their all along. In the mean time you might as well enjoy that happiness that is present to you in the moment.

    I’m currently reading a book Called the untethered soul the journey beyond yourself. By Michael a. Singer.
    Can you imagine what your life might look like untethered? Untethered by the negative inner voice, that evil “step mother”, freeing you to live the life already waiting for you?

    in reply to: Lessons from La La Land #131173

    I also thought the movie had a lot to say about the reality of relationship and the role that love plays.

    I found that as an observer to what on the surface was an old-time Hollywood musical, that I wanted the Hollywood la la land ending. I wanted Mia and Sebastian to have it all. I wanted their experience of love not only to inspire and push them in their becoming but to also mean they could be happy ever after, together. But that was not to be. And as you mentioned would have been a mistake for Mia and Sebastian. Timing as the movie so cleverly revealed is everything.

    Love it seems, on its highest plane, seems to demand that we become and that relationships are often the crucible in which this is realized. (Even at time the cost of the relationship we might have imagined and hoped/worked for)

    After a breakup, I found myself asking the Question “what’s Love got to do with it”? (It being a committed life long relationship). My answer surprised me. Everything and Nothing. Without love relationship is not possible yet even where there is love (even when soul mates) it does not mean that a objective relationship is possible. There are times that we come into each other lives to push each other forward and sometimes fatefully it is the pain of the breakup that is required to wake us up and put us back on our path.

    It was recently suggested to me that we are our own soul mates. That in the finding and becoming our authentic self we discover our soul. On the surface as we watch Mia and Sebastian we might have said they were soul mates and in a way they were, but not perhaps as we imagine. Together in that time and space, call it fate, destiny, or perhaps a window of opportunity that was noticed, through the eyes of the other they saw their own souls and became.

    I saw the movies La La Land and Collateral Beauty in the same week and to my way of thinking they tell the same story of Love – Love bitter sweet.

    in reply to: Caring for the inner child within us all! #129271

    I liked your post as its something I think we need to be reminded us.
    Anita is right there are unhealthy “dreams’ or hopes/fantasy that should not be held onto however I don’t think that is what you meant.

    When I think of the inner child I think of eyes made for wonder… eyes still open to wonder.

    You reminded me of something I read a few years ago and I think was in need of remembering.

    “If you have a place in your life where your eyes can still gape, your knees quiver, and your mind boggle, you are open for wonder. and, open to wonder, you are ready for life’s surprises, even the greatest of all; that it can be all right when everything is wrong.

    Keep the door open to wonder and even the ordinary people around you will take on and odd dimension of mystery. Every person you know will be a potential eye-opener. You may meet people you do not like, but you will never again meet a person you can take for granted.
    Wonder kills stereotypes. All the people clustered around you – people bound to you by routine loyalty, others floating at the fringes of your inner circle – they are all awesome folk, each one hiding a mystery far to deep for the likes of us to have all figured out.

    If we could get tuned to see the wonder in other people, we may also be ready for the mystery of our own selves. there is more to us then meets the eye. Do not let the wonder-killers of the world destroy your sense of wonder at the mystery and marvel of your very soul.

    With wonder you may be able , when the dark sky falls upon you, when life is skewed, your situation off center, you may just be able to see what others cannot see, at a level below any they guess existed. in spite of everything, you may be able to know that your are all right.

    Blessed are the wonder-full, for they shell see G_d, and they alone shall know themselves. LB Smedes


    in reply to: Trauma and emotional release techniques? #129073

    Thank you for posting. I relate to your story

    Something I noted when reading your post

    I’ve been seeing a therapist but don’t feel like she or anyone gets the depth of the abuse I’ve endured and what it’s doing to me.

    I had the same experience. In hindsight for some reason I wanted my therapist to acknowledge my hurt, which he did in a way, just not in a way I subconsciously wanted. I think I wanted an excuse and justification for feeling the way I did, I wanted to blame and be righteous in my anger. His concern was not about what my X did or taking about her but on me and how I might move forward and perhaps in time use the experience to grow. And He was right. Focusing on my X and trying to understand her was not going to help me.

    I know it’s just my ego… And when fear and anger and shame and hate overwhelm me I just swallow it back down because I don’t know what else to do.

    I feel that the statement ‘just my ego’ can become misunderstood and even get in the way of dealing with our experiences.
    It takes a strong sense of ego to be able to let go of the ego. That might sound like a contradiction but I don’t think it is.

    For me it’s a difference of identifying ones identity with the ego (which is what we want to let go of) and viewing the ego as the observer and part of the self through which we experience being conscious.

    I am not my ego, my ego is a part of me. I am not my ego but in relationship with my I
    I am not my fear, my sense of self is experiencing fear in this moment, I am not my joy, my sense of self is experiencing joy in the moment and grateful. I am not my failures, my sense of self is experiencing disappointment at not succeeding in the way I imagined…

    When fear, anger, shame and hate overwhelm you the ego observer notices without identification judgments.
    You might swallow the experience but instead of feeling helpless notice that as well, you might yell and notice that. Your ego not the cause and so effect of the issue in the moment but as conscious observer.

    The experiences you had were real and your responses valid in the movement. They may not always have been helpful but still valid. The act of allowing the ego – your sense of I – to observe (without labeling the self) I believe opens the door to learning better ways in dealing with the memories and learning from the experience.

    There is a time for all things and it may not be time to hear the following so forgive me if it upsets you (I know I didn’t want to hear it at the time, I was in a time of hurt and didn’t want to think about growth) – in a few years when you look back on the experience you will discover that the experience pushed you into a greater awareness of your relationship with your authentic self, others, and even things like your concept of love and relationship.

    Though time does not heal, time can transform and ‘soften’ our memories and yes time can also harden memories and doing so embed the past in the present. Reading between the lines of your post I suspect the former will be the case.

    in reply to: Looking for Healthy Love #128675

    You may find the following book helpful
    When Love Meets Fear: How to Become Defense-less and Resource-full – David Richo

    Early fear was felt cellularly and was indeed real. Defensive postures were necessary, but defenses generalize cellularly in adulthood and do not expire. It takes conscious work to undo them. Ironically, as long as we keep using defenses, we actually maintain the original force of the fear. – David Richo

    Most people think of love as a feeling, but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present – David Richo

    “The heart itself cannot break, for its very nature is soft and open. What breaks open when we see things as they are is the protective shell of ego identity we have built around ourselves in order to avoid feeling pain. When the heart breaks out of this shell, we feel quite raw and vulnerable. Yet that is also the beginning of feeling real compassion for ourselves and others. —John Welwood Ordinary Magic

    I would also recommend – When the Past is in the Present also by David Richo

    My observation is that the past is always in the Present even when we let go of it. I know that might sound odd… but if you think about it maybe not….

    in reply to: Valentine's text husband tells me its over #128099

    At the end of a relationship it is likely you will question such concepts as happiness, love… if only to make sense of your experiences. You will be torn between acceptance and bitterness.

    I know as part of the process it will feel as if your whole experience with this man was a lie.
    But that is not likely true. It is possible to continue to love and miss someone even when a relationship as we hoped it would be, ends.

    Allowing ones happiness is become dependent on another can put a great deal of strain on a relationship. The idea/ thinking of making oneself happy or finding happiness can get in the way of experiencing joy. Happiness is something we experience in the moment when we notice it. I think if you examine those moments where you were surprised by joy and experienced happiness that you did not create it, they just were. It is only in highlight when we look for explanation, cause and effect, that we say oh such and such was what made me happy. And then we try to repeat the experience expecting the same result, but this time almost always surprised not by joy but by disappointment…

    Where to start?
    Allow yourself to be ok with feeling lost, there is a time for all things.

    Why It’s Okay to Feel Lost (And How to Find Your Way Again)

    And maybe you discover that it’s not that your lost but in a time of wandering, and wandering opening the door to discovering your path and joy. “To live like a river flows, Carried by the surprise Of its own unfolding.”

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
    From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
    A light from the shadows shall spring;
    Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
    The crownless again shall be king
    J. R. R. Tolkien

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