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  • in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435333

    I had another piece of rainbow cake today. Nobody is at work this week to eat it. Most wasted birthday cake ever. Luckily the one boy there took a quarter of it home for his kids. His little girl will love it.

    The week is more than half over!!! I’m set to have Friday off I think, although I’ll have to put hours into my work from home work or I might lose my client ๐Ÿ˜‚
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Aaah. As usual I’m about to run late so I will literally run. How have you been? What have you been doing? Thinking of ya.</p>

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435265

    PS in my airfryer excitement the fry pan side of my frozen food meal got forgotten. It’s very well done ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I’m kicking goals tonight, nutritionist extraordinaire!

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435264

    You’re going to become an amazing dancer! How exciting.

    I slept awfully last night because I had a late afternoon coffee. Oh but the coffee was lovely. Not sure it was worth it.

    I ate an enormous piece of rainbow cake today. Felt so sick afterwards. I’d ordered one fit the boss’s new squeeze, not knowing they would break up on the weekend. This is no loss to me. The squeeze was horribly rude and jealous towards me, only warned up over the last month. But the boss is devastated. Hates being called the boss but I feel safe here ๐Ÿ˜‚

    How are you? Oh oh oh I used my airfryer for the first time! I got it for free off Facebook. The offspring have them and kept nagging me to get one. Then I had food at theirs and was surprised these things actually cook. So I’ve joined the 21st century ๐Ÿ˜‚

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435221

    I hadn’t thought about that but now I’m intrigued. I imagine you have a little bit of an Israeli twang to your American accent – also I struggle to tell the differences in what area Americans come from because all non Americans just think ‘America’ ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Do you have and instagram account? I’m trying to think of third party ways to connect.

    Aaah you learned to wiggle your hips! Good work.

    Nothing exciting happened today but I feel happy. Weird. Strange. Unusual. Loving it!

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435212

    Is it the belly dancing event?

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435177

    Oh the beautiful sunshine, pot of coffee, fur people everywhere! Still no sign of Anita so I think I’ll down the other cup ๐ŸคŽ

    I have to work shortly. Great. NOT.

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435176

    Dear SadSoul: during the coffee meeting, if I was you, I wouldnโ€™t bring up any conflict, or anything that may be upsetting and distressing to him. Instead, make it all pleasant and comfortable for him, best you can, so that the meeting will register in his brain as something positive, something to repeat.

    Thank you for this advice and I agree. I’ll be listening and nodding.

    It takes him a month to reply so it may not happen till next year. By the time it does my excitement will have settled down ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I’m going to find the kitchen and put the coffee on. Should I make the big pot, in anticipation of your arrival with scones and cream, and then drink it all because you couldn’t make it?

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435162

    but sore shoulder because I keep (not willingly) twitching it.

    I don’t know what things would help your heart to feel relaxed enough your shoulder doesn’t have to feel like it needs to be on high alert, always ready to fight the battles, or swing you up high to safety, but I would do the things that I don’t know what are to help.

    So, last evening: the David Broza idea couldnโ€™t, wouldnโ€™t work with the karaoke system.

    I love that your karaoke has so many diverse songs!

    So, I sang Ani Veata, like the last time, and then, I got another adventurous spirit to sing with me, as in a duet, my favorite two songs: Simple Man and Long Train Runninโ€™. Being that my singing voice is devoid of range (amazingly so), objectively speaking, my singing was terrible. But thatโ€™s whatโ€™s alcohol is about: forget the judgment and instead, be a legend in my own mind!

    You’re so funny with your descriptions and I’m sure it’s not as bad as you say. Legend in your own lunch box!

    I talked with a woman there whose sisterโ€™s birthday is not only on the same day and month as mine, but also on the same year. never came across that before!

    Happy birthday to the both of you on that fine day.

    The guy who said heโ€™s a Nut was there with his wife, the one I told you about before. I did let him buy my 3rd glass of wine, which brought me to the point where I donโ€™t remember being driven back home. Thankfully, I wasnโ€™t sick as in nauseous, but was close.

    So even nuts can find wives ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ I’m glad you survived the indulging without getting sick!

    although no very-talent is required when you are born into one language and later, learn another, and.. your brain CAN language if there was a use, or a purpose for you learning another language.

    I’m pretty sure if my survival depended on learning another language I’d die out ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I don’t know how I missed the email from your message this morning, but I did. I had a lazy morning with the nicest coffee and cream, because I ran out of milk. Then I ran late for my sport which went so very well in still walking on sunshine.

    I went and saw Twisters at the movies as well. It’s totally not my kind of movie but it was pretty good. We have this lovely old theatre that was done up a few years back. They did it up to be what it would have been like in the olden days. It’s beautiful and one of my favourite things to do. Even if the movie is stink ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Somewhere in this very busy day I also managed to do the hours of work. I wish I could post a picture of all my fur people sitting on my desk keeping me company.

    AND THEN, ANITA, THEN!!! YES I’M SHOUTING! SHOUTING TO THE MOUNTAIN TOPS!!!! My son sent a message yes to coffee!!!!!!! I can’t wipe the silly smile off my face. I only just read the message. You were right, inaction begat inaction, just like Abraham begat Isaac. I wonder what that says about Abraham ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I hope your day was marvellous. Hopefully your shoulder isn’t so sore. Massages, palm fronds to fan you, pots of soothing herbal tea, and a good old natter in the sun on my porch. Maybe you’ll have the chance to relax and feel the afternoon seep into your bones. Oh, and lots of zucchini slice because I doubled the recipe! So not even having to cook too entertain you ๐Ÿ˜‚

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435137

    I try not to cook. It’s my newly found talent. I’m very good at it actually. But I failed tonight and I cooked. I made another cheesy zucchini and vegetable slice because I love them so much. I’m so full I’m nearly asleep. And all the nights I can’t be bothered cooking I now have a healthy option in the freezer. Winning!

    Hope you slept well and don’t have a sore head when you wake up!

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435133

    Worry from home ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ that’s appropriate ๐Ÿ˜‚ not it was meant to be work

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435132

    You may have sung now. I’m taking a break from work. Sometimes I worry from home, so I can clock off and hang out my washing, and have a chai tea made from chicory and other things and no actual tea in it. I have honey in it, my cheat for the no sugar thing I’ve imposed on myself.

    The sun is amazing. I have dandelions coming up in the areas of my yard that used to be in permanent darkness, before the tree loppers came and destroyed them, but now see the smile on madam sun’s face. Luckily the trees will grow back. They’ve already started popping out some new leaves. I have an unidentified plant the tree loppers destroyed but it’s coming back too. Not sure how happy I am about that one ๐Ÿ˜‚

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435127

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I think I’ve heard long train running, it sounds familiar.</p>
    You’re hilarious. My internet is still working so your singing didn’t shut it down ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Your David fellow’s songs are very pretty. You’re very talented having more than one language. This is as close to jealousy as I ever get! I wish my brain could language!

    I wonder if you’ve sung yet. How it went. I don’t think you’re quite at your evening yet but I’m hopeless at working out time differences. It’s just cool that occasionally we’re awake at the same time!

    Aaargh. Car! Easily forgotten when it’s such a boring thing to do!

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435109

    I would love to sit and listen to you. I’m fairly illiterate of popular songs so I don’t know these ones. I’m going to look them up now.

    Yup, I don’t know these songs. I couldn’t find the long running one.

    I found Ani V’ata sung by Melita and Isaac. That’s so pretty. I love it.

    Now I want to hear you sing it!

    I’m finally home from work. Oh what a day. Tomorrow my car gets serviced. I spend more on services each year than it’s worth. Oh the irony! Best get myself to bed so I can fly out of it early enough.

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435096

    You are very kind. I haven’t ever experienced such kindness. I’m still doing fairy twirls from it.

    I once read a thing about bravery not being itself if you’re doing things you’re not afraid of, no matter how scary they might be for others. I will try to apply this to my dentist fear ๐Ÿ˜‚ bravely galloping my white steed into battle, no armour not even able to fight tooth and nail… Haha I’m so funny: tooth haha ha ha ha.

    Our mothers need to be placed on a deserted island together where the only people they can harm is each other. My childhood was awful but I’ve always known it was a small percentage of what my mother would have given. I am blessed in that way. I don’t think losing her children made her who she is. It contributed bit she was there before she had children. Her childhood was awful too and, although her and her siblings all hate their mother, the majority of them are their mother on steroids.

    Aaah well, best I fly, I have an early appointment – not g the dentist ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜

    Catch you on the flip side.

    in reply to: Son left unexpectedly #435078

    Dear SadSoul: I will take your hand in mine and walk you to the dentist, step by step, together. anita

    I want to put this in a frame. It’s so damn lovely. It’s the nicest thing that’s ever happened to me ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿซ‚

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