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ParticipantHi JHK.
You didn’t answer my question – what did you think her reaction was going to be? Why are you surprised she is angry?
I would be angry too if my friend broke his promise to me. You promised her and yourself you would not discuss these topics anymore, twice. I do not see why you are confident you will not do this again. I think you will be ok for a little while and then you will try again and she will be even angrier. At some point she will simply start to block and ignore you – it is actually surprising that she hasn’t done so already. Probably because you were such good friends but you are really testing the friendship in a bad way with this behaviour.
As to what to “do”. The only thing you can do is to leave her alone and hope she reaches out to you at some point. Any more apologising or trying to explain is not going to help, it will drive her further away, make her angrier. The one helpful thing you can do is to work on yourself and understanding why you made this mistake, so that you can avoid doing the same again in the future.
ParticipantOk, now I understand. I am not surprised she was so angry. Basically you did what she had asked you not to do, what you had promised you would not do, twice. At least this time she has very clearly expressed herself, no way to misunderstand what she wants.
So yes, you made a mistake, it happens, we all do at times. What’s important is to figure out why and learn from it. So why did you call her to tell her the same old heavy story – what did you think her reaction would be?
Most importantly – do you think you will be able to stop now? Perhaps you can use this experience to remind yourself that it does not turn out well if/when you next feel like having this kind of conversation with her.
ParticipantGood Morning JHK,
Nice to hear an update from you – glad everything is fine. Although it sounds like yesterday was not so fine? Why is she upset – what got out of hand?
July 8, 2019 at 10:39 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302413Michelle
ParticipantHey Kkasxo,
Sounds like that wedding brought out a lot of feelings. Have to admit I just don’t get the whole white wedding thing myself but I know a lot of people who spend years dreaming about it for sure. Either way, those events stir up emotions so seriously, yet again well done to you for having the honesty to face the feeling – would’ve been much easier to pretend all was well and not talk and journal it out. It’s defn a bit of a slap in the face when you realise you no longer think you want something that you previously spent all your time wishing for.
I know you are smart enough to know all relationships go through ups & downs, times when you feel more in love than others. The heady days of early love giving way to a more settled but way deeper connection, if all goes well. I can honestly say I am more in love and understand more about the meaning of love now, almost twenty years in than I ever did back in the more violent first days. It changes and it’s awesome, truly mind-blowing. And yet still some days he’ll irritate me and I’ll occasionally consider if the grass is greener for just a few mins… but it soon blows over and I never ever feel like I’m settling, just damn lucky and annoyingly happy. As does he.
So all I’m really saying is repeating what you’ve already said, see how it goes, don’t try and control it, your journal will show you over time what the trend is and if the feelings don’t return, you know you will be ok. Don’t have unrealistic expectations but likewise, demand awesome! What did Mr A say to it all out of curiosity? He must also be noticing the change in you?
July 6, 2019 at 10:22 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302187Michelle
ParticipantP.S Hope you both had/have a great weekend……..just started raining again here……hmm…..did I mention bargain flights to sunny places…..hope you got a chance to check out Kate’s blog above, she really does have some inspiring reads…
One thing I thought I would share as it hit me hard yesterday. Was away visiting my in-laws and we went with them round to some more elderly relations for the evening out ( yeah, rock’n’roll stuff in your forties on a Friday night but hey, I love them so all good 🙂 ) . Was sitting there telling them about our recent travels and future plans, really hit me how everything they shared was fond memories, a life liven, nothing much ahead. Really brought home how glad I am to have taken the leap and ( a balanced.. ) risk to quit a ‘normal’ life and now adding so many future memories of our own. You always think you have time but you know what – sometimes you just have to get on with it and do it. Seriously, both, make the most of the years you have, don’t put up with just “ok”. Things have a habit of working out just fine.
Hope you are both having a good one.
July 5, 2019 at 3:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #302045Michelle
ParticipantMorning both,
Bang on Kkasxo, absolutely – mark that post for later. That’s exactly how I eventually looked at it all, as if I can survive what I thought at the time was the worst thing that could happen in my life, I can get through whatever else life throws at me, even though it’ll be painful still. To me, that’s why expecting all the meditation/self-help etc to be a constant life of bliss is so mis-guided for so many – it’s way more about the sense of calm you get inside, trusting yourself to be ok, enough – not looking to external things or people to either validate you or make you feel better. To me anyway.
Shelby m’dear – a sober hen night – now that is my nightmare! Kudos to you for going to it, especially as I imagine being surrounded by happy people celebrating upcoming wedding is pretty much your nightmare right now, so yeah. show your face and then scarper! Good to hear you enjoyed the gig – the power of music never to be underrated. Don’t worry, being by yourself and getting used to being ok and actually looking forwards to it is just something else that takes practice. It must be harder for you since you have very few people who know you are recently split again – I spent most of the first month or two ranting at anyone who would listen – so carry on ranting here when you need it!
If it helps – I was sent some return flight deals to Oz for £420 the other day, so prices are looking good for flights in general. So good, I’m already researching our next trip….both the big one in Jan/Mar and perhaps sneaking something in before South Africa in Sept, we shall see what the budget allows. It’s amazing how much cheaper travel is to organise yourself though and since I love doing it – win/win for me!
I also found this blog which had some good pages on Vietnam/Thailand for me – but I thought of you when reading it and guess what – found this page which I thought might help inspire you a little…..
July 2, 2019 at 11:52 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301899Michelle
ParticipantMorning both,
Nicely done Kkasxo – so glad it all went well, even if you did suffer the day after 😉 It is just so good as well to hear you talking about your healthy boundaries and seeing things clearly for what they are, without worrying (too much! ) about what you think/hope they should be – it’s like a lightbulb has gone on in you, it’s clicked and you are glowing. So happy to hear it and however it works out or not with Mr A, I know you are going to be ok either way.
Shelby – guessing you are back at work – hope it wasn’t too hectic right from the off. How’d the gig go? Did you manage to get through the rest of the week any better?
Both – hasn’t it been great to have some sun here finally, had really been starting to get itchy travelling feet again!
ParticipantHi Marie,
Couple of thoughts for you.
You are always going to find these kinds of people throughout life. Yeah, they’re a pain to deal with but I’m not convinced removing each one from your life is the best way forwards, as it means you are going to be making a lot of choices that you would prefer not to make if they were not part of the decision. Therefore learning to deal with them in a way where they no longer have any power over, no effect on you would perhaps be a different way forwards. In the same way you have (mostly?) been able to overcome your trained people pleaser instincts, you can learn how to handle these situations differently. Usually it only takes a few times of standing up to them in a positive, assertive, not an aggressive or emotionally reactive way for them to back off and leave you alone, seeking out easier targets.
It sounds like you have fought hard to gain the sense of freedom and independence which you now value highly. And I imagine this feels under threat from this woman. Are you sure you don’t actually also feel threatened by the idea of marriage too? It is not unusual to want to do something but at the same time be unsure of the commitment/change to our freedom it may make, especially when hard-won.
Hope helps.
June 30, 2019 at 12:15 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301411Michelle
ParticipantHa, oh well – what is it they say, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad?!
Glad some of it helped and sounds like you are on a good road forwards, now just the irritating waiting for time to do it’s thing…honestly, just splitting up the time alone and exercise was a big thing, let’s see how it goes ( now have one small square and put the chocolate back in the box…! )
Don’t worry about the pedastal thing. I had mine on there for a fair while after the split, took a long time to be able to see him truly and not just my memorised, happy version. And I don’t mean that I suddenly saw him as a bad person which made it all easy/simple to move on, just that I was able to see the good and the bad, I stopped idolising him. Also accepted the truth that he didn’t want me which hurt like hell. And yeah, for a long time ( say 3 – 6 months ) if he’d come back wanting me again I’d likely have given it a go, though now I shudder at the idea!!
It’s another place I’ve seen a lot of friends get stuck at but the pedastal thing does go when it’s ready – I know it doesn’t feel like it but all those memories and feelings piling through, it’s a good thing, means you feel ready to start processing them. Just do it, bit at a time and then give yourself a break, there is after all a natural limit to chocolate’s powers 😉
Rock/hard place, I get it. It is damn annoying isn’t it once you are aware enough so that you can’t bury your head and ignore it, like so many others can do! You’ll figure it out and you will be happy, just can’t force it. A really good way of figuring out what makes you happy is to do the opposite, take things out of your life that make you unhappy.
Gig sounds great, I love live music. Was at one of my favourite brewery tap rooms yesterday, straw bales, bands, cheap beer, sunshine – heaven! Their daughter has just come back from 3 months travelling on her own round Asia so was fun to chat over the places we’d both been to, totally made me want to start booking my flights! Off for a night out in the city today which should be likewise fun, always have a good time wandering round. Be back late on Monday, catch up then.
PS – How hungover do we think Kkasxo is post party…..?! Hope it went well!
June 29, 2019 at 1:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301317Michelle
ParticipantAnd hi Natalie, welcome.
Yeah, if you read our back stories way back on here, we’ve all gone through the same thing and it hurts like hell, worse than anything you think you can cope with. Literally every day I’d wake up and for a few mins would think it was all ok and then I’d remember and it’d come crashing back down on me.
The first thing is to tell other people what’s going on so they can be there for you. I know you don’t want to do this because you want him to remain “good” in their eyes if you get back together – and also because if you tell people it’s part of accepting it is real, something you are going to have to deal with. You need the support of everyone who loves you right now, reach out to them, even if you just describe it as a bad row/time apart for now.
Take care, it’s a tough, horrible time, look after yourself.
June 29, 2019 at 1:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301315Michelle
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
Well, look at it this way – at least with him telling you that, you have finally found the point where enough’s enough and your self-respect has kicked in, alive and breathing still! Absolutely right too.
Ha, yeah, you do feel stupid doing it right and it does feel totally false the whole talking to yourself and saying it’ll pass but you know what, keep with it and like any habit, it starts to feel more right than the old behavior. I’m very glad to hear you have deleted the dating website, not the right time/place at all and I can imagine all too easily how creepy it could be! It would be funny if it wasn’t quite so sad, if you know what I mean.
Hmm, what would I recommend. How about I just describe what worked for me and you see what feels right for you? If I look back, there were three main things that got me through.
First, getting the right balance between time alone and time being distracted. Since I’d become very isolated from friends/family I put a lot ( and I mean a lot! ) of effort into rebuilding old and making new friends, making sure I had something to do, somewhere to go be with people regularly. It was hard both as a natural introvert and as the opposite of what I wanted to do, which was curl up and cry in bed. But like you, if left alone for too long, I’d get stuck in a downward spiral and not able to get out of it by myself. Gradually I was able to be by myself for longer and longer without getting sucked down and able to kick myself out of it. But not at the start for sure. I know people say sit with it, but I think you have to be pragmatic and work out a balance else you just get stuck if you’re not ready for it.
Second, was really starting to take care of myself again, something else I’d let go badly. So eating better and the big one for me, exercising – something I’d never really done before! It ended up being the best way of learning to be ok by myself, as the physical activity distracted my brain enough ( plus the panting and gasping for breath! 😉 ) . Not only was it a great stress reliever, as I got fitter, I felt much better about myself again, could see men noticing me in a different way again. Now I know it shouldn’t matter and it was really all about confidence, not looks but at that point, it was another boost I really needed to my severely kicked self-esteem, helping deal with the rejection.
Third – and this one was the hardest I think – I was absolutely determined to remain “open to life”, it became my daily mantra ( even though I didn’t actually know what a mantra was! ) I’ll try to explain it better…. The easiest thing for me would have been to hide from the world, to keep myself safe from ever going through anything like this again. To not try anything new, not make new friends, find a place to live, sort out my new job. The temptation was huge to run from it all, too much to cope with, better to stay with my parents and hide, accept my lot. But instead, I just slowly tackled each one – and only one! Small steps but consistently forwards, saying yes to things I wanted in my life and no to things that didn’t help.
So instead of worrying about if/when/how you’ll meet anybody to have a family with, focus on much shorter, achievable goals. Things you can actually do something about. How about starting with your job – you know you don’t like it and there are many ways to change that, including quitting but many others too.
Hope it helps – seriously, I know you feel the pressure is on because of the kids thing – but try to let that go, there are many many ways you can have a family, if that ends up still being what you want – I found it changed a lot once I let go of family/society expectations. No point in having regrets about not having realised sooner either, you couldn’t have known any sooner, it was only when you were in that relationship that you felt it. Look at it as that’s why you had to go through that experience to figure it out, that’s all.
June 28, 2019 at 2:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #301177Michelle
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
You have been getting yourself into a right proper wallowing eh 😉 You know we aren’t going to give up on you as we believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself – so sorry, you’ll have to put up with us a bit longer yet….
Like any habit, it just takes an irritating amount of time for our dumb ole brains to catch up that things have changed, especially when we didn’t want them to. So yeah, everything feels just “wrong” for a while and yeah, you just have to sit with it if you want to come out the other side. But you do have to remember it’s just another temporary feeling. Some people do get stuck for a long, long, time – unwilling to let the past go, clinging on to a reality that doesn’t and didn’t exist.
And honestly, why are you torturing yourself with that dating site…..I had exactly that after my split, all the guys I met were just not a patch on ‘him’. The people I know who’ve found their partners through dating sites were all excited about doing it – there is literally no point in even trying yet until it seems like an interesting possibility to you, not a “I must do this else I’ll be left on the proverbial shelf of life”.
If it makes you smile – I thought exactly the same and I was what, 24, 25 at the time. But I was convinced my life was over, I’d had all the “good stuff”, better just put my head down and get on with a non life. I mean, how crazy is that!! Especially now, knowing it was just plain rubbish and life just got better and better – eventually. But at the time, absolutely convinced I may well as well devote my life to helping others as nothing good was out there for me. Not helped by the tiny village I grew up in and my family history, where if you weren’t married with three kids by then, you were way behind, even if you were a rocket scientist and had visited every country or whatever!
Reality is what it is. There is actually one difference to this split from your previous splits you know – it’s the first time you’ve talked at all about accepting it’s over. Before you have always been convinced you will get back together, just a matter of time until you caved into contacting him. But whatever he did/said to finish it this time, your posts are just different to before. Which means something has changed, you have progressed even though it doesn’t feel like it and so the outcome will be different this time.
I know you’ve had a lot of loss in your life and that’s tough. And I know it’s tough to give up on what was your imagined future – but that’s all it was, imagined. Same as the bleak one you are imagining now. Nobody knows what’s in store for us, so you may as well try and imagine a great future!
It is likewise going to be an amazing sunshine weekend here – so let’s all make the most of it, best we can. Kkasxo, have an awesome party, get you eh! Shelby, just get outside best you can with your back and soak it up with a glass of wine and a good book – feeling sad is normal and a necessary part – but not so much the thinking and worrying about what may or may not be. Easier said than done I know!
Take care both.
ParticipantMorning JHK,
Really good to hear you are feeling more like your old self and coping better. One thing I do if I’m not dealing with something very well is to go for a long walk, ideally with some trees/green space. Something about the rhythmic physical activity and being outside calms me enough to be able to think clearly again. Perhaps that will help you too next time you feel yourself start to overthink and worry.
And yes, it’s a bit like those aeroplane safety videos, you need to look after yourself first before you are able to help others. So practising setting good healthy boundaries and being able to say no to helping sometimes is actually a good thing to learn.
ParticipantYep, everyone is an individual for sure. She spends a lot of time on here helping a lot of people so I appreciated her advice for me and took it as intended, as I understand where she is coming from. Glad you are able to do the same.
Excellent to hear you are getting better. It is good to hear it.
ParticipantHey JHK,
Try not to be insulted – everyone here is just trying to help and it is always wise to consider all advice/feedback before choosing whether to accept it and how to best respond.
Good to hear you don’t struggle with others and happy to accept constructive criticism.