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  • in reply to: daily letter of mina #171981


    I am sure you already know some of the most important parts about the relationship between me and my parents. Especially my mother.

    The truth is, I grew up with stability. Besides the fact that my mother “did not accept” me thing that we have talked about.

    My parents never once abused me physically, they rarely got mad at me actually.

    The biggest fight I had with my mother was when I gave up my career as a Ballet dancer when I was 15.

    Other than that, me and my parents relationship are “good” before I went to Korea. Not perfect, but it was good. We communicate and we hang out a lot on the weekends, even in the amidst of my busy schedules as a student and their working hours / overseas travelling every month. It was “flat” in a sense but it was stable.

    My parents told me that they are very proud of me for being a good student during high school. It was a good times.

    After I went to Korea, especially since this year – things has been … going downhill.

    Especially things with my father. I am not very close to my father since I was a kid due to various reasons, but I never really fight with him about big things. Our first big fight was when I decided not to choose Business as my major, and the second one was when he totally ignored and refused to hear my struggles when I clearly told him that I want to stop studying at K University last June (June 2017, I made a thread about it I believe)

    I am really disappointed with my parents, Anita. I trusted them, I loved them, they are the most important people in my lives but at the lowest point of my life … they refused to helped me. When I needed them the most, they do not want to understand my situation. I feel really betrayed, I feel really mad. Even now. They had abandoned me as a kid when they refused to get me out of K University last summer.

    I do not think that my relationship with my parents will ever get back as it used to be, ever. In a sense, I feel like I have no parents right now, they already threw me out on June 2017. After all the things that I have done for them, they abandoned me like trash. I have never feel so lonely in my life right now. I lost the love of my life, and I also lost my parents.

    I talked with my mother almost everyday before June 2017 incident, but now we never talk anymore. I feel so trapped, so unhappy – but my parents aren’t giving me any help or any way out.

    The truth is, I am thinking about hurting myself (not enough to die but enough to get hospitalised) so my parents will have no choice but to come to Korea, and talk about this thing with me in a serious manner. I want them to listen, I want them to HELP me.

    I asked a lot of my friends here, they all have their parents support to come back whenever they want. I know that maybe for me right now, it is too late. I am considering transferring to Singapore, but again – it seems like a fantasy.

    I have no money to support myself in Singapore, I do not know what kind of work that I can do with a high school degree either especially in a country like Singapore. I mentioned on how much I envy Gyunnie, to the point of death – because his parents understands. Gyunnie parents despite all of their rough arguments, they CARED for their son.

    I do not see any career here for me, I do not want to work in a Korean company in the future either, I feel like I got into the wrong major as well, even though it is indeed my mistake because I choose this major myself. But right now, I feel like a kid who fell into a deep dark hole, it was indeed MY MISTAKE because I did not listened to my fathers opinion but now that I have fall …. can they please help me?

    That is how I feel. I do not know if there is a way out or not.









    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171907


    My friends and my teachers.

    Even maybe my parents.

    I never told you the background of my life in my home country but I was a very good student.

    I spent around a month outside the school every year to compete and train for a National Science Olympiad, my SAT scores is #4 in my entire school, when I never had any private intensive lesson outside school. I have a very good relationship with all of my teachers in high school to the point where they would defend me when I got into some kind of troubles, I also had quite a lot of friends.

    A lot guys took interest in me because of my appearance (please do not take this the wrong way though, I hope you understand) and I also dress very well, I look “classy” and even though I never told anyone my friends knows that I am well off seeing how I always travel every year, and wear a lot of “branded” stuff. A lot of girls gets intimidated and jealous of me.

    I would say that my personality is quite nice, that I am able to build a very deep friendship that could lasts for a lifetime with certain people. I can be very funny and bubbly as well.

    I guess a lot of people respect and acknowledged me as a person based on that. Most of that sounds superficial, I am well aware but I was “someone” in a sense.

    In Korea, the girls they dressed up even more beautifully, they always wear make up, always traveling, they are very smart and they work as hard as I do and even harder, they are more of a perfectionist than I am.

    basically Koreans beats me in every single thing that I used to be really good (or even best) at.

    Sometimes I wonder if I had never went along with my father and stayed at my home country to study law.

    Maybe things would be really really different. I really regret coming here, more than anything in my life. Every time that I visit my home country, visiting my best friend Henderson in his university – a lot of guys would ask him to introduce me to them, complimenting me, basically giving me VALIDATION.

    Gyunnie gave me that validation. As the president of student council, a Business major, a Korean – he validated Monica. That I am nice, pretty and smart enough to be with someone like him. Even Koreans are having a hard time dating someone like him, so the fact that he CHOOSED me was a clear validation.

    In my home country, almost everyone gave me a clear validation.



    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171887


    You wrote : “It is this emotional attachment that makes this difference.”

    I am well aware, but how can I fully dis-attached from him then? Like how I am not attached to other people?

    How can I put Gyunnie in the same category / level as other people?

    You wrote : “I believe that Gyunnie is not the first person in your life to whom you felt such strong emotional attachment.”

    That is true, the last time I have been romantically this attached to someone was to my first love.

    I looked back at that experience, and I felt a lot of similar situations but this time – it is even stronger and deeper than what I had felt when I broke up with my first love.

    I think the reason why this break up is very hard on me is because I do not have any support system here in Korea. All of the people that I trust is in my home country, and they are often unavailable to talk or give advices due to college assignment and exams.

    I often feel alone, I have no family or a lot of close friends here. That is why losing Gyunnie was really hard to the point where I had thought about killing myself. My friends back home pushed me to just find a few friends that I genuinely like to survive for 3 years that I have left here.

    Due to my relationship with Gyunnie since we dated from the very first semester of college, it was hard for me to find a lot of friends due to time and priority conflict with my boyfriend. People usually find as many friends as they can during the 1st semester but I was not able to do that due to being in a relationship. That was a mistake on my part, I admit that.

    I often feel homesick and cry because I missed my home country. I have mentioned the pressure here in Korea is really tough to handle. From physical looks to personality – I have to be the one adjusting to the Koreans. I have to do things THEIR way and I feel like their culture is too single minded and too competitive for me in general.

    I do not know what to do with my studies as well, I am feeling lost for a lot of reasons.

    I lost my boyfriend, my reason or hope to study here at K University. I am not even sure if my major is the right major for me, there is no option for a major changing here, so my only option is doing double major which is very hard.

    I am confused, no one here really believes in me (as a person) either. I am not getting acknowledgement from anyone.





    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171871


    I understand. What I have been feeling is not his pain, but my own.

    Gyunnie did not created it, I created it by myself, my own mind created it.

    I agree with the statement that those around me are indeed sometimes feeling sad / discontent but I never acted like this, I never actually “tortured” myself.

    I mean yeah I feel sorry / bad for them but it will just be for a moment and I won’t even let it affect my life, at all.

    Me “concerning” Gyunnie is indeed a form of self torture.

    Self torture that comes from my own guilt, for not being the best girlfriend for him. For not being more supportive and understanding through his difficult times, maybe things would have been different IF I were more supportive of him, who knows.

    I blame myself for losing him, it is my own fault that I lost someone that I loved.

    I deserve to be punish for that, and that punishment is – feeling that constant concern and worry over Gyunnie happiness and well being.

    I do not deserve to be happy if he is not happy. I do not deserve to be healthy if he is suffering mentally.



    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171813


    I cannot help but laughed when I read your sentence :

    “…. poor Gyunnie, he must be suffering right now. He must be overwhelmed with his study load, and thinking about the upcoming military service… and that he lost one year and-”

    I feel like you went inside my head and heard all those thoughts. This indeed very accurate, that is how I think about Gyunnie most of the time.

    I have reached out to a couple of my close friends, and they said the same thing as you and Gyunnie said,

    “Monica, are you out of your freaking mind? You almost died, and you are suffering so much every day yet you are still CONCERN about how HE is doing or feeling? Think about yourself, worry about yourself.”

    I understand this concept and I am slowly grasping it as well.

    You wrote : “it is not his pain you are experiencing, it is your pain.”

    I am not really understanding this sentence. What do you mean by MY pain? I mean … I was feeling a lot of pain BECAUSE of him. His pain became my pain, correct? Please enlighten me.

    You wrote : “Focus on how to relieve your own pain when you feel it.”

    I am not sure how I can do this…





    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171805


    You wrote : shift your focus from him to you and to engage in empathy for myself

    Can you explain this in more details?

    How can I do this?


    in reply to: Surrender while keeping faith? #171735

    Hi not so lost star!

    I have been wanting to reach out to you, to personally thanking you.

    I am not sure if you are reading my daily letter threads, but if you do, you would see that the whole things has come to an end.

    Finally 🙂

    I really appreciate your replies to my threads, it means the world to me. I would never forget it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

    I wish you happiness and love in life. It is my sincerest wish to you.



    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171731


    Words cannot express how grateful I am to have you during this process.

    It is about time, for me to close this chapter of “Gyunnie” in my life.

    I never imagine that I would come here everyday and talk to someone like you, sharing Gyunnie with a stranger that is miles away from me.

    Tonight, I walked past a road that he used to take after dropping me off in my house, imagining myself as him. I cried, I was filled with a lot of emotions … I did not cry because of Gyunnie, it is just the memories was so real to me. I imagined him walking those empty road at 3-4am, walking pass those 2 traffic lights. While wearing his jacket in the spring weather. I can imagine it so vividly.

    I made a promise to myself tonight that this long weekend of Thanksgiving will be the last time that I think of him, or get sad because of him. Seeing the current situation of Monica saddens me. I feel so sad for myself today. I am living like a crazy person. I am not taking care of myself, not eating or sleeping well. I went from one of the most fashionable student to become one of the laziest when it comes to dressing up. I finally opened my eyes to my own situation after 4 months.

    It took me this long to pity myself. To put myself first. I feel so sorry for myself, it is not Gyunnie that I owe an apology for, it is Monica. I found a lot of old pictures of myself when I was in high school while rumming through my laptop today. I found pictures of me and my friends, pictures during my prom night, during my 17th birthday, me with my favourite teachers, me on my graduation day, a picture of me and my first love, a picture of me and my parents – those pictures become a reminder of who I am.

    I realise that I was never lost … I just forgot, for a moment – on who is Monica / Mina besides being Gyunnie`s girlfriend. or ex girlfriend. I let him identify me as a person. His dreams became mine. His problems became mine. I was him.

    I am very ashamed seeing those old pictures, Anita. I saw myself, and it was so hard to believe that it was me. I realise that before I met Gyunnie, I was a student and still is. I was a daughter and still is. I was a friend and still is. I was a very compassionate person, I was a very good student, I loved shopping, I loved watching rap shows, I loved going out and take tons of pictures.

    and as of right now – I am still a compassionate person, I am still a very good student, I still love shopping, I still love rap songs, and I still love going out and taking pictures.

    I am Monica, and I am very grateful that I get to remember myself again.



    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171695


    I am happy to hear that I am finally in sync again with reality after a few months.

    Do you think that as of right now – Monica is living in reality?

    You mentioned how this relationship should be a lesson for me in the future. I definitely learnt a few important lesson, to see my future boyfriend as just … a human being not a God.

    And do you honestly think that AFTER all of this, I will be able to love… again?


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171691


    I understand.

    Do you have any analysis regarding on what I had wrote? Do you agree / disagree?

    Or maybe you have a different opinion?


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171681


    To be fair,

    He had mentioned before that he won’t date anyone for the next 3 years.

    Maybe in a way, he let me down gently in order to not confuse or get my hopes up.

    If he had responded in a different manner, there is a good chance that I will think that getting back together is a option.

    and as I have mentioned, I am just someone that is a part of his past. Something that he does not want to really remember for a lot of good reasons.

    He felt uncomfortable to dwell or talk about the past, and I was forcing him to be friends with me. Maybe he does not want to and he does not feel ok with staying in contact with an ex.

    I feel like, it is nothing personal – just … it his choice.

    He does not want to play the “bad boyfriend” part again, he wants to start anew at Y University. No girlfriend drama, no student council drama – he just wants to live a drama free life.

    That is how I feel, I could be wrong.




    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171679


    You wrote :

    “There is no indication in it of affection or intimacy on his part, only politeness and social graciousness.

    There is no indication of him having an intent to resume any kind of relationship, be it friendship or otherwise.”

    I feel the same way as you.

    I was …. presumptive about the whole friendship thing. During the relationship, I mentioned to him that I have a very good relationship (platonic) with all of my exes.

    Me and my exes do not stay in contact, but I still consider them friends because I feel like we shared a lot of memories and affection together.

    I still have a pretty good relationship with my first love, the one I dated in high school, we still follow each other on social media and have nothing against each other what so ever. We have a good platonic friendship. We can share a happy birthday message once a year, and that is it.

    Upon hearing this, Gyunnie was confused. He did not understand how exes can stay friends. He only had one real ex girlfriend, they broke up in such awful terms that they never spoke to each other again or even have each other phone number / social media. He is not familiar with the concept that exes can be your friend.

    He never agreed to be my friend, Anita. I just realise that. I forced this friendship thing to him. Even during the break up talk, he never said anything about staying in contact as friends. His personality is “all or nothing” so MAYBE to him, either I am his girlfriend or nothing. It is hard for him to find a middle ground, sometimes. That side of him was the main reason why he easily decided to move college and wasted one year of his life.

    Regarding the words “dating” and “relationship” – I cannot really give you assurance because of the translation. Maybe he was referring to “dating” as it is the proper words to use, you cannot say “I do not know the right manner in a relationship” because it sounds really weird in Korean, but I will not defend his choice of words, you can assume that for him it was only dating.

    He did tell me that he loved me. After some pressure from me, I guess.

    I asked him whether in the past, to friends or family or ex girlfriend – did he ever say “I love you”?

    He told me, only to his close friends as a joke when they did something good for him. He asked if this was my way of asking him to say “I love you” and I said no. It was a lighthearted conversation, I was not serious. Yes, I was fishing but I never really excepted him to say it.

    He said I love you after the night of that conversation. I did not say I love you back.

    Later on, after a few weeks, we kissed and he asked me why I never told him that I love him.

    I told him at that point.

    Nothing about future, only tiny bits when he told me how he was willing to postpone his military service for me and come down to K University from Y University every week, it is something involving his future that he was willing to change for me. That was it.

    You wrote : “Fourth item is your perception that you have close friends while in reality you don’t share your intimate thoughts and feelings with anyone (so you wrote)”

    During my depression period or episode, I refused to reach out. The truth is, most of my good friends (at least 10 people) knows what is going on with me in general. They are aware that I am depressed and always tried to reach out but I was always … very closed on them, I guess. I have 2 best friends named Jessica and Henderson – I talk to them in a daily basis. They also knew that I almost killed myself during these past few months. They tried to make things better, tried to made me feel involved but we are so far away. Distance is the real problem here. They asked me to seek professional help, forced to go out with people so I won’t feel so lonely but I was just very negative and refused to listen.

    Yesterday was the first time that I can truly see my friends effort in helping me, their support has been super amazing.

    Henderson in particular, as a guy, helped me a lot with seeing things from Gyunnie perspective. He mentioned that I was too serious with him from the very first day. We are only 19, and I am very rushy to get married – in a way maybe Gyunnie feels it as well. That I was taking the relationship into a very serious manner.

    The truth is, we almost broke up when Gyunnie told me that he was moving college. I CLEARLY told him that it would be better to break up now if he is not all in. Gyunnie told me that he was all in, he was willing to commit to me LONG TERM regardless military service and the distance between Y and K University (which is a 2 hour bus ride)

    He promised me that. He broke it off himself. That was why maybe he apologised during the birthday message, because he is aware that he was not consistent with his own words. He did it out of his guilt.

    To give you more context, I think the break up trigger was when I told him that I am not the type of girlfriend that can go without seeing my boyfriend for a long time of period. Something in Gyunnie snapped after I say that. From that point, he realised that the relationship is doomed. He was and still is a bad liar, so the shift was very visible.



    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171609

    I wish that I am pregnant now,

    It sounds very distraught and weird,

    But If I am pregnant with his baby, he’ll stay with me, right?

    We’ll get married and live happily with our kid.

    my life will be perfect


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Mina.
    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171607


    I feel really distraught. I cannot really sleep or eat.

    I felt like Gyunnie wasn’t in the same page as I was when I talked to him. We were on the same page for the birthday message.

    But now, the way that he replied was just confused and cold. Confused at why I suddenly bring out stuff from the past, cold because he didn’t felt the same as I do.

    I feel like I am going crazy – all my delusions and one sided relationship was really … false. It was never real. I talked to Gyunnie all this time as if he felt the same as me but he did not.

    He moved on. After that birthday message, he moved on. I was just a part of his past, a distant memory that he does not want to remember at all.

    Anita, I wish that this isn’t reality. That reality isn’t so painful. That it isn’t so hard to bear and live with.

    I wish that I am not breathing at this very moment.


    in reply to: daily letter of mina #171589


    Thank you for understanding and appreciating my little gift. It meant a lot to me.

    For others, it is only a mere name but for me the name Mina and Monica have a very different meaning.

    It is important for me, to let go of Mina.

    I have been holding on to a lot of things in my life during these past few months.

    The name Mina itself, my long black hair that I refused to cut because Gyunnie liked it very much, our old photos together that I still carry everywhere that I go. Our last date receipt from a restaurant that actually already fades right now, I still keep it all.

    Because that is how I keep the relationship alive by myself.

    Struggling, refusing to let anyone in, refusing to hear what anyone says about him, or about our relationship, I fought so hard alone to keep it alive. It was so hard, very hard.

    The earthquake is already starting … it feels like breaking up with him all over again.

    It is … truly over this time.

    I have said everything and he had heard everything.

    Loss is so painful, so heart wrenching, to the point where death is an option – because you realise that it was once good.

    It was perfect. It was everything that you had hoped for in your life.

    I am so lucky to have a lot of amazing friends, their support has been overwhelming over these past weeks.

    I cannot even describe it, I struggle with my belief and faith, my love life problem and my study here at K University.

    I struggle everyday and it is not easy to talk with me logically sometimes, I have my own moment when I get very distress that I cannot think straight.

    I feel like an outsider here, I have 3 more years as well. That became the main issue of my depression, and the break up was the cherry on top.

    I broke down last summer – I was originally a very bubbly and happy person.

    I used to love studying, shopping, and being alive. I used to.

    Seeing the current “Monica” was a shock to a lot of people, even to my closest friends. I look very tired, and depressed most of the times. I want to get out of this, I really do.

    To live my life as Monica, not Mina.

    I am currently still in a lot of distress due to the change and shock from Gyunnie`s message, which is normal, I guess. I hope.

    The feeling of loss is just so profound, so deep, so painful. It cannot be described with words.

    I wrote a few things above on my last reply, on why he was so distant – was my assumption regarding the reason behind his action right, according to you?

    That he at this point – just wants to move on and start anew at Y University.

    I would love to hear your feedback as usual.

    I hope that I do not sound too emotional or stressed out in this reply.








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