Forum Replies Created
October 16, 2023 at 12:25 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423430
ParticipantDear Anita,
“It was the opposite of being unseen…”
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your experience of what therapy can do. When I read this portion of your description it hit me, I think this is exactly what really drove me to tell my parents I needed therapy, I was just deeply craving to be seen. In highschool I was bullied in a way that others could not see. I played soccer, and was very good, I made varsity at a large school my sophomore year. At the start I got along great with the other girls, but then the seniors hazed the newcomers by driving us blind folded in a car up a spiral parking garage. The “hazing” was all in good fun, I was with some fellow teammates and didn’t fear harm, but I had to leave the sleepover early because the driving did make me terribly motion sick. One of the girls in the group who were hazed with me, told the principal about the experience, leading to the seniors to be suspended for the first three games of the season. Because I went home early, they all thought it was me, the girl who really did it stayed silently by as I took the hit. I was ignored, they would stop whispering once I came over, they would not pass the ball to me even if I was part of the play. What makes it all worse is I had no idea they thought I “tattled,” I had no idea why they went from friends to bullies, I lost so much confidence in my ability to play soccer and who I was socially. They made me feel awkward and I was UNSEEN completely. Then I would go home to my dad who also could not see me. I needed therapy, being unseen is, I believe, genuinely dangerous.
“I was curious about you. I was also saddened at the time that you received angry replies”
This makes me feel validated that they were not helpful replies. I came here to feel seen and those responses made me feel the opposite, but I didn’t know why and thought maybe my concerns were too minuscule to be acknowledged.
“growing up, you had an insecure father and an insecure mother. In my mind’s eye, I see the mirror facing the girl that you were: I see her unsteady on her feet because she has no solid ground to stand on. Or depend on. A child needs strong, secure, solid parents”
Can two insecure parents raise a secure child? Being insecure is a place I really do not like to be, my ground literally shakes and I feel paralyzed in my abilities to decide and even socialize. I want to be secure, and I know there will always be doses of insecurity in life but I do wish I was more sure of myself than I am right now.
” “My dad to this day still very often misinterprets what I do and who I am and it hurts every time, he thinks I am selfish and is probably why I have fears of being selfish or narcissistic…”- emotionally, he is stuck in the narcissistic development stage of childhood, toddler age: me! mine! “
My dad came to where I live this weekend because he had a golf tournament with some friends. We were able to squeeze some time in together. He has changed his view of me a drastic amount within one year. When we had a heart to heart over Christmas, it was the first time I had ever been emotionally real with him, it just took me until then to be able to. For the second time in my life (first was when my mom cheated on him) I witnessed tears in his eyes and felt his emotions. He wasn’t able to express his emotions very articulately but he allowed himself to feel them. This meant so much to me, and ever since then I have just wanted more. He visited me after I moved here around my birthday in April this year, we spent a touching weekend together where we just genuinely enjoyed eachothers company. We would have glimpses of this when I lived with him too, we both liked topics of philosophy and would talk for hours. This weekend I only got a small hour or so with him alone and in that small time he got teary eyed again, I could tell he was trying to hide it, and he told me he was proud of me. He genuinely asked me questions about myself while actually genuinely listening, I feel he may be beginning to see me. He asked me how I turned from a jock to an artist, actress and working in an art gallery, he really wanted to know and this is what made him emotional as if he recognized that there was a huge part of who I was that he missed, did not see, while I grew up. This is the first year of my life where he is changing and I think he is beginning to unsee what he thought of me that I was selfish and egocentric. Does this all mean he is growing up from a narcissistic development stage of childhood? I still though have a fear he will revert back and see me how he did up till a year ago.
“the girl that you were hyper-vigilantly cleaned etc., so to please the.. BIG, Dangerous Toddler (BDT), so that he doesn’t throw a tantrum and shake the ground you were standing on.”
How do I undo this trauma response? Is it simply how you would end a bad habit by forcing yourself to not give in until the reaction/impulse is gone?
Thank you again for your response, I am learning about myself that I desire the self improvement, but it is something I need to take a break from on weekends so that I am not constantly in my head thinking. So I will likely not respond on weekends, just to let you know 🙂
October 16, 2023 at 11:45 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423429seaturtle
ParticipantDear Helcat,
“Have you considered that as you struggle with your issues, your partner struggles with feeling he’s done something wrong? … People who are less stable can struggle when people express difficult emotions sometimes.”
Yes he constantly thinks he has done something wrong, but I can totally see how he felt that way with how I would communicate him pressing a trigger. I would ask him why he kept hurting me. At the time, and quite honestly still, during the trigger response I feel upset the pain could have been avoided by him being more in-tuned with my feelings. I will literally tell him exactly what triggers me and sometimes he just goes and obliviously does it again and that makes me so upset, has he done something wrong in this case? When I have very clearly told him certain things are very touchy for me, him being late to dates is a common argument we have. That feeling of being forgotten by him, and therefore being unseen, hits me hard whenever he is late which is at least once every two weeks or so, if not more. I get upset, then he gets upset cause to him he is on time 80% of the time and I should accept that, but that’s way easier said than done, I cant just turn off the trigger or I would. But he thinks I should just be mentally stronger, like he seems to be.
“You felt comfortable when he was comfortable because when he was uncomfortable he would make you feel very unwanted.”
“Your mother taught you to be very in touch with your desires because she attempted to go above and beyond to meet your desires at times.”
-Very interesting and feels true.
“At the same time you feel like you’re indecisive. Potentially, you are in two minds about things when this occurs?”
I feel like I am always in two minds, or at lest the majority of the time. Do you know of helpful techniques to focus and be in unity with one mind?
“They believe that if they act perfectly in certain ways that they can prevent abuse by managing their parents mood.”
This is definitely a mentality I remember happening, but I also remember feeling like no matter how hard I tried I fell short and something was wrong with me for it.
October 13, 2023 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423091seaturtle
ParticipantOops my bad, on my last post I meant to direct that to Anita’s last point. But Helcat too, I would love for the conversation to be continual!
October 13, 2023 at 1:12 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423090seaturtle
ParticipantHelcat, on your last point, I would love for this to be a continual conversation, one of my fears is being stagnant in self improvement, but I can feel how effective this conversation is for me, and I hope you are benefiting from it as well?
October 13, 2023 at 1:09 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423089seaturtle
Participant“She was my mirror and her presenting me as BAD, when I was not.. was a different kind of darkness in that mirror.”
Yes, this is exactly what I mean, it has lead to so much self doubt in my life. The worst part about it is, if I allow it to, it can take over me as well. I find myself wanting to criticize my partner for similar things my dad criticized me for, like “not seeing me.” A mentality like, if I have to be hyper aware of what I am doing, like responding to messages, cleaning up after myself hyper-vigilantly, making sure YOU are seen, then why shouldn’t you have to be too… Like he will leave a mess at my apartment, something I would be way too self conscious to do at his house and I have to actively stop myself from resenting that he feels the freedom to do those things and I cannot live with it. As if I wish he had the same anxieties as me… but I also don’t wish this upon anyone, so maybe I just wish he could at least empathize my internal torment.
October 13, 2023 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423088seaturtle
ParticipantI feel that same impulse to let people know they have been heard, it also hurts me deeply when I am the cause of someone else being on the “unseen” end of an interaction with me. I find that with people who do not have this sensitivity I can come across as if I am over doing, like my partner, when I lived with him I would make sure he heard me and make sure he felt heard and it was almost like I was being too proactive because he would respond as though I had already asked the question, like “yes yes you are all good baby just be.” I still do this and even feel unsettled to let a text message go without responding, but he does not get that feeling and is fine not responding, which used to really bother me cause it made me feel unseen, I am still working on reminding myself that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see me, he just simply isn’t letting me know he sees me. (like my Dad did with me! just realized this now, My dad felt unseen and would internally accuse me of not seeing his pain and empathizing with him, all because little to my knowledge his insecure self needed me to literally tell him he was seen. I literally began to do this for him, he would say he felt I was ungrateful for what he did for me, so much that I started to send him random texts like “I love you” “I am thankful for all you do” (he paid my tuition so I would thank him for that randomly and often). I think seeing a therapist is definitely a huge reason my self awareness is where it is at today, but also my dad training me to care for him how he needed, made me have to be hyper-aware of how he was feeling so that I could proactively be what he needed so I didn’t get criticized later, a defense mechanism that lead to awareness of the people around me and what they need.
*this is probably one of the reasons you chose my thread to invest some of your time and mental energy to, because I began my post expressing how I felt unseen in my last thread I started in the forums. Just a thought but I am curious on your thoughts here?
It is so interesting that you bring up the mirror metaphor, I had never heard this before until just today, right before this post I am writing, I read the thread from Caroline on “self doubt, not being sure of myself.” In it I saw your metaphor on your mother being a mirror and I thought alot about that. I related to Caroline in her feeling helpless and feeling small tasks are more daunting for her than others due to her mother, and it made me wonder about my own mother and I need to reflect more on this but my immediate thoughts are that she used to make small tasks look more daunting, she had a huge shopping addiction with my dads credit card, which money was a huge argument they had all the time. Anyways she revealed to me many coping mechanisms for when someone hurts you, she drank wine, shopped and turned to other men. She was deeply empathetic which I appreciate seeing in the mirror, but she was also very insecure. I don’t think she knew who she was, and was insecure in group settings, but would act confident because she was a beautiful woman and she knew it and would flaunt it for validation.
Wow, what you said about your mother and long tirades about how you don’t care for her, as if you were out to get her, like she was paranoid. This is so hard, dealing with a parent with trust issues that they project onto you is so unfair. We were so young, trying to discover who we were and our own parent tells us we are someone who doesn’t know how to show someone we care about them. I would cry every time my dad would go on this tirade, because I am someone who cares so deeply for people, so that he accused me of the opposite made me feel so lost, made me wonder if I knew myself at all. I wonder if this created self doubt in you? and how you overcame/ are overcoming this self doubt? My dad to this day still very often misinterprets what I do and who I am and it hurts every time, he thinks I am selfish and is probably why I have fears of being selfish or narcisstic. It is scary when someone tells you that you are coming across a certain way that is unbeknownst to you, it makes me self conscious about how I do come across, which if I let myself overthink this I become awkward in social situations.
October 13, 2023 at 11:32 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423085seaturtle
ParticipantHelcat & Anita,
I am sorry for the grammar errors.
And Anita, I have a question for you that came up as I was re-reading. How did you begin to see yourself? Because I admit I am realizing I often rely on others to see myself, and think I base close relationships on this feeling. What’s interesting is Helcat, when I responded to you about soulmates, I think this feeling of them turning on a light in a dark room so that I can see myself, is part of what I associate to someone being a soulmate of mine. That is why I mentioned my mom possibly being a soulmate because she does see me, and she reminds me of who I am when I need it, same with my sisters and my close long time friends.
October 13, 2023 at 11:11 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423084seaturtle
Thank you for taking the time to read both my posts and giving me such a thoughtful response.
When I read your analysis that I “grew up Unseen” that hits a chord and is dead on. It speaks to my passion to make others feel seen, I have an intense empathy for people who are unseen, it is like a lens I cannot unsee now, I can’t even watch certain movies if a character is harmed in this was, just now realizing that’s probably because it’s a trigger, it makes me so sad for them and I can truly feel their pain. I also think I have an intense fear of not being seen, so much so that I try to avoid it, and don’t much like to spent time in groups of three because I am worried I will be the one left out.
Paragraph on having someone come turn on the lights is so incredibly insightful and I will probably be re-reading it for a long time because it is alot to absorb but I can already feel it opening my eyes to a knew revelation about myself.
It is very interesting what you say about my fathers inability to see that I loved him, leading him to respond to me as if I did not care about him. Like Helcat mentioned before, he took normal teenage behavior as me not caring for him. What a lonely place to be, where you cannot receive or See the love, I want to avoid turning into my father in this way.
Anita I would love to here more of your insight.
October 13, 2023 at 10:31 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423082seaturtle
Thank you for taking the time to relate to my experience and respond!
When you say your relationship has always felt off, I have a couple questions that came to my mind
- What attracted you to him in the beginning, what got you hooked?
- Have you had moments where you thought if you stayed together it could work?
- That off feeling…what is that feeling and did he notice it too or did only you feel it?
October 13, 2023 at 10:18 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423080seaturtle
ParticipantDear Helcat
Thank you for your advice on how to respond to my trauma triggers, having these techniques in mind will help me in the future.
The inner child work of a stuffed teddy is surprising I am glad you found it too.
All these triggers I have from past trauma that come up in my relationship make me wonder if my partner can handle it. He seems to not have many triggers, infact after me sharing my trigger reponse after the ticking he asked me ‘why dont I have triggers like you do do I have no trauma?’ this is concerning to me for two reasons: he lacks some self aware, but I knew that before and think he can grow in that way if he wants to but I am not sure if he truly does. and with me talking about my trauma and his inability to relate it makes me feel like he is holding all this baggage for me and I am holding none of his, to which he will eventually tire.
I would also really love to hear your analysis on the last paragraph of my last post. I get this feeling of unfamiliarity often, when alcohol or marijuana is involved it does prolong the feeling and make me feel more trapped but I have the same feeling completely sober as well. This feeling of disconnect that feels like an awkward unfamiliarity and I am the only one who notices it.
In an earlier post you mentioned I am more decisive than i think. I think it would help understand if you could elaborate on this a little more? I ask this not only for validation but to help open my eyes, because I want to be decisive and often feel I am not, specifically in this relationship and how much I question it.
October 12, 2023 at 11:55 am in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #423019seaturtle
ParticipantI asked for a therapist when I was 17, after the divorce and after an attempt to harm myself didn’t work, I knew I needed help. Thankfully I got a therapist and saw her consistently until January of this year when my insurance ended, now I have a state issued health insurance but it doesn’t cover my therapist back in WA. I tried searching for a new one a couple months ago but I couldn’t find someone available and relatable, so I gave up.
I definitely don’t think my parents were ready for children. They dated for one year and got pregnant with me their junior year of college, got married and started a family, with three more children. They did their best but I would not have a child if I did not believe it was coming into a prepared home, cause I have lived how unfair that is to the child. Something I think really adds to some struggle in my relationship is He seems much less affected by trauma… I’m not a psychologist either and I am open to his just being deep down but He was the youngest of three, his parents are much older and he was homeschooled and played football with all his time he was training. He made it to the NFL so that just shows how dedicated his life was. From the stories he’s shared, his parents are not perfect by any means, but it seems like he escaped alot and had his own social life. Me being the oldest I could never slide under the radar like my sister and brother younger than me. Plus I was a very obedient child, I don’t know why, looking back now I wish I was more rebellious. My partner is someone who will do what he wants, and he would get away with alot, I was watched like a hawk. When I try to talk about trauma with him I am not always comfortable to do so, because he doesn’t relate and if it follows an argument and I am explaining why something is a trigger, he calls my response “excuses” and that is the most invalidating thing, but also makes me wonder if they are just excuses…
“I’m curious about how living with your father affected your mother’s mental health? Part of me wonders, if one of the reasons she cheated is because of your father’s issues. It’s no excuse for her behaviour. Cheating is an abusive behaviour and not okay.”
- Some of the grace I developed for my mom happened while I lived with my dad. Like you said, it doesn’t excuse the cheating but it made it understandable for me. He was in no way emotionally validating or aware in general. The type of guy that I refused to date in fact had some of the qualities he had/has. When you come with a stressful issue and they give you logical solutions instead of giving you comfort, and he would make jokes about sensitive things that would hurt your feelings then call you sensitive. I just could understand why my mom felt misunderstood and found herself looking other places for it. However, my moms mom, my grandmother, is like my mom but worse in the “ends justify the means” mentality. My grandma (between my mom and dad this is the story that is my impression of what happened but my grandma and my mom lie alot for their own agendas so I am never sure if I fully know the truth) so my grandma told my mom not to tell my dad certain things, He was homeschooled and raised by a pastor, a virgin who did not believe in divorce. My mom had been with other men, she says around 10, but she cheated with 6 men alone so I think that number is higher. I do not judge people for the amount of partners, but it’s the lying part I am fixating on. Anyways she did not tell my dad how many men she had been with, she lied and said one or two. Later, 2 years into their marriage, I am two and my brother is on the way, it comes out how many men my mom had been with and he told her, according to my mom, “i would never have married you had i known that.” When she told me the sad part is I could see my dad saying this awful thing to her. He would get mean when his feelings were hurt. never physical, but he could get very mean.
If intrusive thoughts are a result of verbal abuse then there must be alot of verbal abuse I have not even recalled yet, because I battle intrusive thoughts often. I feel like I have so many triggers, and I feel bad my partner gets the reaction of alot of them.
“Your father falsely equated normal teenage behaviour with you not caring about him. This trigger causes you to feel uncared for too.”
- I do often feel uncared for by my partner, and it hurts him whenever I tell him this, but I just am trying to be open and honest with him. I even preface it with saying, “I am not saying you don’t care for me, but when you do ____ I feel that way and I think it has to do with past trauma.” He hears me and can wrap his mind around it but it still hurts him that he triggers me to feel uncared for and has even asked me why I want to be with him then if what he does upsets me. To this I try to explain that it is not him it is my past, he understands but I dont think it makes him feel any better.
“I think asking your boyfriend for a hug once he’s finished with his shower could be a good way to remind yourself that he cares. What do you think about all of this? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.”
- I like this alot, infact I think I do try to do things similar to this to try and reprogram my own psyche. When I wish for him to comfort me, I, uncomfortably, make myself go give him comfort, and usually this also soothes me, and probably my own inner child. I also have this plush stuffed animal he gave me, and when I lived with him and felt very anxious while he would talk to our roommate and not come to bed, I would just comfort the stuffed animal and try to visualize calming my scared inner child. This seemed to work. But I like your idea to comfort him, cause I think that not only helps me heal but can help him to feel safe and loved as well.
A recent relationship tiff that came up last night when my partner came to hangout with me after work and stayed the night.
- We have fun with eachother and wrestle around but last night he got a little too harsh and after a third time of just feeling pinned down and tickled/ pinched (i hate being pinched) I freaked out and felt shut down and thought the only solution was him coming to apologize and comfort me. He did not come to comfort me when I pulled away and instead I had some time to think about why I disliked that so much and why I suddenly felt so uncomfortable. My dad was the oldest of 6 brothers, and I often stayed with my dads mom during the work week. They were like older brothers and they would rough house with me, not aware that I was just a little girl, not one of them. they would pin me down and tickle me until i cried or could not breathe, but I was laughing which somehow seemed to give them permission when I was in pain. I think this is what I was triggered by when the wrestling turned into tickling and pinching, evening typing that out makes me uncomfortable. When I was able to tell my partner this he said he felt like he was always consoling me for something he did wrong. This put me into deep thought. He is so delicate about talking about this stuff and says it stresses him out, so I feel I have to very carefully approach the conversation about trauma and triggers, he is receptive but it feels like I am draining him, and I also feel pressured to know exactly what I want to say, when in actuality in these moments I am formulating thoughts and ideas but apparently cant do that with him. After a while of sitting in thought I told him about my uncles, but he still felt like he was always consoling me for something he did wrong. I told him he did something small that was made bigger in my head because what I went through and that I felt bad he got that harsh of a reaction as if he was hurting someone he loved very badly. I then went to lay with him and comfort him, which he reacted very softly to and like he needed that.
- But then, so he often self medicates with Marijuana, it helps him with his adhd and sleep paralysis. Since being with him I have been smoking with him in evenings quite often, but I know I need to ween off but I think I am addicted to the routine of it. Anyways, we smoked and (this is not the first time) I suddenly felt as though he was a stranger. He was getting into my bed and I felt uncomfortable sleeping with him. this happened after I said some things thinking they were funny (here the comedy aspect kicks in) and he didn’t react at all, which made me feel self conscious and then he said something he thought was funny and I did not get it at all. usually when i smoke on occasion with friends we laugh and laugh, but with him its like we get awkward and unfamiliar. To remedy this I rubbed his back as he faced the other way to sleep, this way no talking and I could keep reminding myself that it was ok and I could be comfortable with him. The whole thing is so sad to me, because it is not just marijuana that makes me feel this estranged way towards him. I have felt this strange feeling before where it’s like we are awkward and I try to shed light on it by just being real and asking like why is it awkward right now? and his response is always that he had no idea that it was. It just makes me feel so alone, and I believe is the feeling that initially leads me into wondering if we are a good match, then blaming it on the lack of comedic sync and spiritual intuition, like him not being able to sense that the energy is off between us and awkward. Since he doesn’t sense it it makes me wonder if it is just in my head? This is actually a very consistent question I ask myself and makes me wonder if this is my intuition saying he is wrong for me or I am making this up and it is just an intrusive thought from something that happened in my past that therefore would be present in any relationship. infact this is the whole title of this forum and it’s taken till now to actually get to
“Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships”
October 11, 2023 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #422990seaturtle
ParticipantI completely feel the same way about there being different soulmates in our lives in different forms. I have found this in a friend, my sisters and my mom. But something interesting I’ve noticed is that these soulmates can sometimes be distracted with other things and lead me to not feeling that connection at times. My best friend is dating someone who I would not put up with, and since this boy came into her life (I can’t even call him a man) she has been so consumed that I don’t feel that soulmate connection with her at the moment, which hurts my heart. Same with my sisters and mom, it comes and goes. Which is why I want this to “come” with my boyfriend. I have had the smallest glimpses but over all I don’t think our souls are mates, but instead recognize eachother.
Some time ago I became much more selective about who I spent my time with. I read a book called “the empaths guide to survival” and in it I learned how much of an empath I am and how I take on other peoples energies. This all lead me to notice I was already selective about the people I spent time with and taught me that this was a useful instinct that I had developed. Although interesting on this topic is I’ve found I can become “overly” controlling of my environment, such as getting to the point I just refuse to go places cause certain people are there, which affects having much of a social life. This bothered my boyfriend when it came to our roommate, his college football friend. Short story for context:
It’s actually bizarre, so we moved here from WA state and a week before our move BOTH our cars were stolen. Still to this day I don’t quite see why in the universe this happened, like what the good in it is. Because it lead us to have to buy new cars with our savings and due to then lack of funds I couldn’t get my own apartment as planned, so naturally I ended up staying with him for about a year (just moved into an apartment with a friend a couple weeks ago). Living with him was what he originally wanted, but when I said I wasn’t ready, he found a roommate.
Anyways, his (still) roommate is not someone I typically would have spent alot of time with for various reasons, I felt he takes from the energy more than he gives and I felt drained when he was around. I complained to my boyfriend about this more than I should have. On “overly” controlling my environment, I feel I can be selfish by simply not wanting certain people, even movies/music in my life, fortunately my partner is very easy going but that also concerns me that he may just be unaware of what drains him. Because the pattern ends up me calling the shots a lot, our date nights depend on my mood, the music, most of the movies we watch, it’s all my comfortable preferences, when does this become selfish? I have wondered before if I am a narcissist and a taker in life, am I crafting the environment to only be suitable for me and he may not know it now but is my partner building resentment and he doesn’t even know it and one day he will come out and say “we only ever do what you want and I’m sick of it.” That unpacked more than I was planning but I will let it sit and not edit it like I want to go back and do because I want to see your response (Helcat)
Interesting on meeting eachothers needs, how much should we need one person? Like I’ve heard it’s healthy to rely on multiple ppl for different aspects of your life so you don’t overwhelm one person. Do you think this is true?
I’d love for you to elaborate on how you see that I am more decisive than I think, because I often get stuck there.
“Do you notice a pattern in how you feel about your partner and how your parents raised you?”
- Above I mentioned a fear of being/becoming a narcissist. I believe both my parents are on this spectrum. My mom cheated on my dad several times, she slept with a guy I was suppose to go on a date with. all these acts had different reasons, she was emotionally neglected from my dad, she was “protecting” me from a bad guy who she told not to go meet me on our date to which he responded he would stay with her then… anyways, how could she not be a narcissist with her ends justify the means behavior and careless acts to my Dad who did love her, at least was very committed after forgiving several disloyalties. I have forgiven my mom, it has been several years since, and somehow after shutting her out for a year at 16 years old after her cheating came to light to me and the divorce happened, I missed her. We were once so close and I somehow felt my heart needed her in my life, that it would be worse for me to cut her out completely, so we began to mend our relationship and still with faults, she recognizes her faults which is redeeming enough for me, although I keep her at a distance and unfortunately cannot share much with her because she still has an “end justify the means” mentality so I don’t trust her. My dad is highly superficial, he made alot of money after the divorce his company exploded in the best ways. He now is with a 6 year gf who is just like him. no talk of emotions and they cheers a jack and coke every night they aren’t at a four seasons resort. When my car was stolen his name was on the title still, about to be tranfered to me a week later, he took all the insurance money and justified not giving any of it to me cause he paid for my insurance while I was in college, even though I paid for part of the car and had well over a thousand dollars worth of things stolen from inside the car. I emailed him about this after finding a way to move here without his financial help, a very honest email about how I felt left in the dust and screwed over by my own father. He responded to the email that it was too much for him to emotionally take on, and never truly responded. I have also found a place in my heart to keep my dad though, after all, my mom hurt him so bad and I could not leave him too, and him and I had a heart to heart on christmas and I told him I understand he’s only human and made mistakes with me growing up but at the end of the day I wanted a friendship with my dad. Ever since, he’s the only family member to visit me in AZ, just him alone, it was very special and he truly entered my world and just was real for a minute and didn’t talk about the news or something that makes him sound smart and in control. He’s actually in town for a golf tournament this weekend and is making time for me friday evening so I am excited to see him, I love challenging myself to be real with him, cause he is someone I didn’t know how to be real with for a very long time.
- I noticed I would get anxious when my partner didn’t inform me exactly when he’d be home or when he spent “too much” time with our roommate before coming to bed. I could recognize this was unreasonable but I couldn’t stop the feeling. I started to recall how emotionally absent my dad had been growing up, it was like I expected my partner to disappoint me which was giving me the anxiety before it even happened, by “it” I mean being emotionally abandon. He notices I still don’t fully trust him but I keep just thinking it will happen eventually
- My fathers love being conditional I think makes me doubt my ability to unconditionally love and be loved which is a root of a lot of problems
- My moms over coddling makes it hard for me to be uncomfortable, and I had to learn to deal with my own emotions later in life which, I still feel control me at times.
“Throughout your life you were taught that you deserve to have anything you want from your mother. Meanwhile, your father taught you that you should reject people when they “let you down”.
- this feels so true and honestly is probably why I don’t fully respect her and am much more real and harsh with her than my dad who I just never want to bother. My younger siblings feel the same about both of them, we have talked about, and I have even tried to express to my dad, we feel we can take our stress out on my mom and she takes it and consoles us, then we go to my dads house and he gets a much more put together version of us. He claims he doesn’t want it this way and wanted me (when I lived with him alone from 16-20, whole other story about the turmoil I was in not talking to my mom and having a dad who did not understand a growing woman in any way and did alot of things I would never repeat to a child in the future) yet he would make fun of me if I was sitting at home watching tv mid-day I would not hear the end of it, judging me, saying everything you need to to get across the point ” you are lazy”
- The one about my father scares me more. He was very critical, I left a dish in his sink at his house, or left my backpack downstairs, basically left any trace of myself in “his” house, he would get upset. infact while I lived with him I went through alot of suicidal thoughts and running away attempts, never known to him because of this criticism that I did not understand. Every 3 months, not an exaggeration, we would have what he began to call “house cleaning” where we would sit down and he would list all the ways I had exemplified being “ungrateful” at his house. The shoes by the door, dishes in the sink, bakcpack/clothes downstaires, my messy bedroom, messy car, how I didnt think about him and cook him dinner. This all has followed me, I worry my partner doesnt think of me, when he doesn’t put the toilet seat down my head tells me he doesnt think about me at all. My dad would accuse me of planning my showers around avoiding talking to him, or if I was upstairs when he got home I was expected to come had conversation with him (all things I felt were a wifes place not mine as a 17 year old girl who just wanted to text boys and draw in my room) but if I didnt do these things they would come up at “house cleaning.” man as I write this all our I realize how messed up it is and how I never want to treat anybody like this. If my boyfriend is showering by the time I come over I think, “wait why couldnt he plan his shower so he would be out when I got here, he must not care very much about our time together.” I know it’s ridiculous right? all these are ways my mind just was exhausted living with him and I needed to get away from, well now I am realizing I needed to get away from myself… I need to journal more, alot of this has not been surfaced yet so thank you for challenging me with your questions Helcat.
- I think i do get the impulse to reject when I am not given what I expect from my boyfriend in particular when it comes to attention or any of the things mentioned above. Last weekend he was an hour late to my house and him being late is a pattern in our relationship and it would bother anyone, but I do feel it bothers me more than most, I suddenly feel myself closing to him and I can’t be touched and I get upset that “he caused me” to shut down cause I don’t want to be. Terrible cycle that makes me afraid to be disappointed because I am afraid to shut down, so I literally fear him being late or doing anything that triggers this shutdown.
“For example, he should be perfect and share my favourite interests with me, spirituality and comedy. But he doesn’t! So maybe he’s not the right person for me.”
- In the grand scheme I can see that pointing out these things is a form of rejecting him and pushing him away because he’s not doing them aka I am not getting what I want, but why am I rejecting him at all? I think there could be a deeper reason that I am pushing him away, that manifests itself into “oh we won’t work because of comedy, spirituality,” cause although valid needs, isn’t something in the relationship lacking if I am feeling there is something missing? it may not be spirtuality or comedy, but there has to be something right? or would I push anyone away right now and the whole problem is me and our relationship would be fine if I stopped self sabotaging…
I wonder about all the ways I act out of past trauma.
This is actually a specific topic I like to talk about but my boyfriend doesn’t understand the point
October 10, 2023 at 1:31 pm in reply to: Telling the difference between gut and fear in relationships #422941seaturtle
ParticipantDear Helcat,
Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough responses!
To answer your question, yes I am young and this is my first long term relationship. I am 24 and he is 26. I’ve had about 5 previous relationships but I ended each of them after about 3 months cause that was just how long it took me to realize they weren’t right and end it well. With my current partner, at that 3 month mark that feeling of wanting to break up was replaced with this light peaceful feeling that I could relax with him and almost like a voice was telling me he would be around for a while. It has never been a forever feeling though, but even now a fear of breaking up is that I want him in my life.
Even as I type this I feel so sad that he could maybe not be the one, but I just don’t know if he is what I want. I want someone who is as spiritual as me, and wants to laugh as much as me. I love to make others laugh and vise versa, some of my best friends were made that way and many past crushes I have had stemmed from our ability to make each other laugh. My partner now is the first man I have fallen for and that not be a reason. At first I thought we could just go to comedy clubs and watch comedy movies to get that into our relationship, but it’s almost as if that has been a band-aid until now and I just want him to make me laugh so bad. And I want to have deeper more spiritual conversations, but he is so caught up in this world, he is not superficial, but he is an ex pro football player that has the work ethic of a multi-millionaire, he works works works. I do admire him for it but when I want someone to be present with me he is often not able to be. I wonder if he ever will be or will ever have the spiritual or emotional capacity that I desire in a partner, but I am terrified of wasting my time waiting…
You asked me why am I with him if I have all these uncomfortable doubts, well I hope it is starting to make sense as to why. He has so many things I do want in a partner that I’ve wanted to wait for him, to be more emotionally and spiritually connected to me, to grow into being my soulmate, because as of now that is something I can sadly, but confidently admit, he is not currently my soulmate. I don’t see him at the depth I have seen others and definitely don’t feel seen in as deep a way as I crave.
He accepts my flaws and loves me inspite, which touches me so deeply because I didn’t receive unconditional love from my father. However this is just the type of person my partner is, he has many friends I don’t necessarily like but he accepts those parts of them and finds the positives and keep them around, so am I even good for him or is he settling?
My dad is a success oriented man and if I wasn’t doing things to his standards I received a very cold version of him, versus his warm personality when I was doing something he defined as efficient and effective. My partner consoles me when I have panic attacks and I have always been alone in those, or when my mom was around, had her comfort. But my mom over-gave comfort, she didn’t allow me to suffer when I was growing up, which led to me having a hard time making decisions in my adult life. Both my parents were very protective, they didn’t let me make my own mistakes and pick myself up (my mom would pick me up and do whatever I wanted to prevent sadness), which I believe is playing a role now in my fear of breaking up, and indecisiveness in general, not just my relationship.
My mom has always said, you have to teach a man to love you. That makes me cringe even saying that, but is it true? does our current society not raise emotionally and spiritually intelligent men naturally? seems ridiculous our human experiences can’t be that significantly different. I guess what I am wondering is, should I expect a man to already have all these attributes or is there some waiting that is involved in the best relationships, but also how does that compare to the general knowledge that loving someone for what they could/will be isn’t true love?
I fear that if I break up with him I will realize when it’s too late that he infact was ideal but I didn’t have the capacity to accept him and love him unconditionally back. Like maybe he is meant to be with a future version of me and not the present, which is funny cause my whole young life I prayed to meet my partner young so we could grow together, but then my young-met parents divorced and my aunt and uncle who also met young, that I looked up to, have a type of relationship I would never want.
ParticipantDear Alberta,
I definitely know I have a great base to nurture and this could be a solid relationship. But then why do I crave to have the same sense of humor and be on the same spiritual journey. Is it just my own issues you think? and leaving him would just be some trust and commitment issues flaring up and running away from something good?
ParticipantSome encouragement for you.
I just read through this entire thread and just wanted to put my two cents in because I don’t think it was mentioned and I relate.
I relate to you Dave in that my parents did so much for me, that it has caused me to wrestle with laziness and lack of motivation past a certain point. I am in a relationship where I do sometimes feel he is doing work around me, wakes up at 5am and comes home at 8pm, but never complains he’s just a hard worker, and former college athlete, which I think plays into it. I have found that it affects my self confidence, makes me feel like I am not doing enough, but then when I do more I exhaust myself and slow back down. I am only in year two of my relationship, and no kids so your tale is a warning to me I feel.
He swears that he doesn’t think I am lazy, but admits he does judge lazy people, but he also struggles to take a break. Do you relate at all? It is so important for our SO to appreciate us, and potentially what you brought to the table for her was some relaxation, and she didn’t see you as inferior, but perhaps more free than her to rest. Does this resonate at all?
Yes there are always things to improve on and lack of motivation is a big one, but have you thought about why you weren’t motivated? We may be similar in that if someone criticizes me, it only makes me want to quit altogether, whereas when I am encouraged I shine, and when I am valued I am even more encouraged and it just builds on itself. If she lost sight of what you brought to the table, breaks from work and just genuine fun, then she started to not value you, which could have caused a downward spiral –> you don’t feel valued, you aren’t inspired/motivated, you start to forget what you did bring to the table and slowly lose yourself to lack of motivation and all this turns her off and sounds alarm bells to her mother brain.
Along with the alone time you now have where you can self discover and be a good example to your sons (which I strongly agree with the above post, speaking as a woman, will make her see you in an attractive light) also perhaps take the time to re-find what you did bring to the table! and bring it back 🙂 She fell for you for a reason, she said you were falling apart 5 years ago, not even the majority of the relationship! You did not fool this woman for (14 minus 5) 9 whole years! Give her, and yourself, some more credit, you were compatible, equals, and it is possible for you guys to re-tip the scale.
Goodluck to you Dave I truly am rooting for you guys!