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ParticipantHi Anita,
As you know, I am always hopeful. I feel he and I both know there was a time when everything was very easy and right. Our lives were very intertwined. He was my best friend. The challenges of this past year have harmed me in ways that will take some time to undo. Trust being one of them. I protected my heart after my abusive ex, and when you let someone in, and they end up harming you again, you feel you cannot trust anyone…not with your heart.
He says “we waited until our lives were at the end of our existence in this world. Our youth long gone.” Which I can only interpret as we came together later in life to be together until the end. Our youth (past) is long gone.” My thought was….I’ve been saying this for a year!
I’ll be honest in saying it feels good that he thinks of me, and, as my psychologist would say, of course he is. But, I need to know what’s going on in therapy. That question will be asked this weekend when he contacts me.
ParticipantHi Anita,
She has never tried these things. I have brought up yoga to her before. With COVID and the absence of classes being held inside or outside (too cold), she would need to stream from YouTube or the like. I can try to have her perhaps do a class with me, but she’s very reluctant to any form of exercise, which is not good. I talk with her about the mind body connection and the benefit of exercise. Sometimes she’s so down she could care less.
I just got back on my treadmill yesterday after losing interest in a few months because of the bf issues, and how I didn’t feel like doing anything. In the past, my treadmill was part of my daily routine; if I missed a day it bothered me. Now, as I ease back into it, I’m cutting myself a break. Ease back…baby steps. Yesterday I just decided I needed to get me back, and that was the first thing I thought of…my treadmill.
I mentioned to my daughter that I got back on the treadmill, and how she might benefit from that as well. She wasn’t too keen on the idea.
I also have decided that I’m going to learn how to play the piano. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and a friend told me there are great classes on YouTube, even for beginners. That will be my gift to myself. I just need to get the portable piano. Who knows, maybe even my daughter will want to learn as well.
Bf still contacts me. He dreams about me and thinks about me when he wakes up. I know he misses me. This would be much easier for me if this was not during holiday time.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Yes, what you describe is my daughter, and I have heard of complex PTSD.
I read a book entitled, “No Comfort Zone; Notes on Living with PTSD” written by Marla Handy, who has C-PTSD. And yes, as you describe, this is different from PTSD that is associated with war veterans. The difference described in the book is that the war veteran had a normal life, was thrown into an abnormal life (war), and now has to get back to the normal life they had before war. The C-PTSD individual has no “normal” to go back to. Trauma from a young age. Now they have to break the connections their brains made and reform those connections. Hence, therapy.
My daughter is trying her best to move forward. She is no longer cutting. She has issues going on job interviews because her old coping skills of recognizing threats takes over. She battles this. At this point I’m thinking about having her go on disability (SSI) to have some kind of income, because I’m it.
I’m hopeful that she will have a fulfilling life. She’s a kind soul and deserves a good life.
ParticipantHi Anita,
If you recall, my ex-spouse was an abusive alcoholic. His abuse was not just directed at me but at the kids as well. My son was older when the abuse started to get really bad. As the ex began to increase his drinking to a daily consumption, his abuse escalated. An abuser gets worse when intoxicated, but not all alcoholics are abusers. My daughter was quite young, 6ish when she realized what was going on, so her brain made many connections that need to be undone.
My son left for his undergrad education in 2008, but did come home on weekends. While he was at college, that’s when the abuse got really bad. My ex needed to drink in the morning, or he would sweat and shake, and it continued throughout the day, even at work. He was a highly functional alcoholic until his last year of life.
My daughter was exposed to him smashing objects, verbally and emotionally abusing me, and physically abusing me as well. He also verbally and emotionally abused the kids. I couldn’t go out unless my son was home to take care of my daughter; she feared her father. The few times that I did go over a friends house down the block, my daughter would hide from her father in a closet, call me, and tell me to come home. He would talk very loudly in the house about what he thought about me, and then wanted to talk with my daughter. That’s when she would hide. There was one time ex was in the garage with her and I heard her start to cry. As I opened the house door leading into the garage, he screamed in her face, “If you don’t stop crying, I’m going to punch you in the f’n face!” I was horrified. He’s punched holes in walls….you name it…he did it. He always asked her if she wanted him to move out. I told him she’s a little girl and she’s not to make decisions for him. And I will be the one who says, and has said, you need to move out. After finally did move out in 2010, I found a note in the garage from him, which be probably wrote while drinking, “K – I’ll slit you’re f’n throat.” Oh Anita, I could go on and on.
I got over the bit of PTSD I had after he moved out. It took awhile before my body didn’t jump when I heard the garage door opening. It was my son coming home. Ex was already moved out.
My daughter still has dreams of her father screaming at her and hiding from him. She screams in her sleep at times. She’s starting to have dreams of her, at her present age, yelling back at him…fighting back. In her dreams she used to be a little girl, now she’s moved into adulthood. Her therapist said that’s progress. She has a very high fight trigger when she feels like she’s being cornered or mistreated.
This is something that she will always live with. She needs to learn to cope with her triggers. It’s still hard, and I don’t know if she’ll ever live a normal life. I am hopeful, as always, hopeful Katie. I could write a book.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantHi Anita,
This morning I made a point of putting my holiday wreath on my door before leaving for work. I need to not have what’s going on in my life put my house in gloom during the holidays. Will they be different this year? For sure. I thought of putting up a real tree, but now I’m not so sure. I bought that artificial tree before bf and it’s my tree. He helped me, while he was with me, put up the lights and the star on top. My daughter helped me decorate, and when my son came home for the holiday, there was always one ornament for him to put on the tree. I’ve always bought a new ornament for both my kids to put on the tree each year. It’s tradition.
I still have one good cry a day, but I’m taking it one day at a time. I’m trying to focus on my daughter, not so much on bf. I need to get her to a good place, and this will in turn help me get to a good place, hopefully.
I hope you enjoyed your walk. Cloudy here in the Northeast and quite cold.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I do see what you mean about keeping him out of her life so that he cannot hurt her more than she is hurting now. I do want her to talk with her therapist to discuss what she wants. Closure can be very therapeutic.
My therapist thought it best to ask bf what he’s working on in his therapy. Let him tell me what has been discussed with his therapist. In other words, don’t give him an answer to build upon.
Today was a bit of a downer for me. I’m exhausted mentally. I’m in front of the fireplace doing some online holiday shopping. I am so not into going into the store with too many people and COVID, plus all the holiday fanfare in the stores just gets me down. I get what I need and leave.
Now with the COVID numbers so high in the hospital, I feel like I need to come directly home after work and shower. No stops along with way, which works in my favor.
I do miss him and so wish he didn’t screw everything up. But, what’s done is done. No going back.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I’m starting to wonder how qualified this therapist is. For him to tell that story and then have him practice forgiveness is crazy. Even acceptance would be a bit off.
My therapist, who is a psychologist, would probably ask him very professionally why he feels he has anything to do with or should be concerned about any part of my life, especially when I was a teenager and we had no relationship at all. I think my therapist would be a bit aggressive with this, not nasty aggressive, but want to know where he feels he has a right to judge my past as a young woman. Who should judge his past? He’d hold his feet to the fire so to say.
But, I think my daughter wants answers. Her father died and left so many unanswered questions for her, and I think she will want to pursue this with bf. And she has every right to.
ParticipantHi Anita,
You’re right….what is there to expect from someone who has no sense of guilt, who feels he was wronged, who plays the victim. As advised by my therapist, I will ask bf the next time he communicates how his therapy is going and see what response I get. “Good” would not be good enough.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I was thinking about that…..lasts. You never know when something may be your last. I recall the last time I told my father I loved him. He was in the hospital (back and forth from rehab for a few months), and we talked and I told him I loved him, which I had not said since I was a child. I didn’t realize that was my last. My dad shortly after was unconscious and sent home on Hospice care. He died 2 days later.
I try very hard to always let those in my circle know how I feel about them. I guess in a way, knowing there could be a last. Perhaps I also become too vulnerable.
My daughter was quite upset last night. I think she felt her “last” with bf as well. The difference is she misses him but is also angry; she feels she trusted him and now lost that trust. I completely understand. I asked her if she discusses this with her therapist and she said not really. I told her to discuss it. I’m thinking that bf owes her more than just an apology. I’ll wait to see what her therapist says. But in bf’s mind, I’m sure he’s thinking “I’m sorry” is enough. (My daughter heard her father say I’m sorry way too many times. She told him to stop saying I’m sorry and start changing what you say and do.) She had to grow up way to fast.
Bf communicated with me this weekend. No mention of the past; told me he misses me. I feel like there are so many other things going on in my life that it’s making it harder to deal with my emotions related to bf. My daughter and her issues, my son leaving next Oct for Japan for 3 years (this was our last Thanksgiving together for 3 years), my mom aging and my reluctance to visit her, knowing bf’s in the same town. I’m once again feeling this heavy weight.
This weekend I will put up my Christmas tree. I’ve been dragging my feet a bit on this because bf and I always did this together. But, my mom reminded me that that has been for the past 5 years. I’ve had Christmases before him and will have Christmases after him. My mom is my inspiration. She so misses my dad but has the ability to keep going.
Participantwe may never do them together again. I may never catch him smiling at me when I’m casting my line. I may never have him hold out his hand to touch mine as we’re riding bikes. I may never help him cover the fig tree again.
ParticipantHi Anita,
The walk was refreshing. I try to focus on my surroundings and not so much of what’s in my head.
Of course the usual memories come forward…..2 people riding bikes together; we rode together. A couple working together as a team on fixing their car side view mirror; we worked very well as a team, fixed many things together. A woman fishing; we loved to go fishing. His ex actually never let him go fishing, something he loved. One spring I said, let’s get our fishing licenses, we’re fishing this year. It was something we loved to do together, even if we didn’t catch a thing.
Such a shame, such good memories. These memories at this point don’t make me smile; they make me well up with tears.
I came home, pet the cat, and tried to busy myself with paperwork. This is just so crappy. I hate feeling this way.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I do see your point. He’s not an innocent child and it should be so easy as to just grow up. He is making decisions and behaving as he would as an adult. I believe you have mentioned this before.
Today I don’t feel like doing much of anything. I’m actually feeling a bit down and have spent most of the morning with my cat hanging out in front of the fireplace. It’s Saturday and I know I don’t need to feel pressured to do anything, but still feel very unproductive.
My mom texted me this morning that she was having her first cup of coffee and wished I was there with her. I miss her but feel the trip to her house at this time would be so emotional for me and I don’t know what to do about that. As I said, bf and her live in the same town, as it’s the town we grew up in (it’s about 1.5 hours north). My trip to see her would be the same trail I would follow to see him, except once I reached town, I would turn left to see her; turn right to see him. It’s the trip I will need to take on Christmas Eve. Mom has Christmas Eve.
I think for now I need to get outside and take a walk. As much as my cat is enjoying my company, I need to do something to pull myself out of this hole. If I left myself, I could cry all day.
ParticipantHi Anita,
When he and I were together, we would go to my mom’s to visit her (they live in the same town). She absolutely loved him. She loved talking with him, she loved to see how connected he and I were, and she felt that I finally found the happiness that I so deserved after such a horrific marriage. I really think he is wondering what her opinion is of him now. I believe he still wants to feel accepted by her. But, that acceptance comes with a stipulation…me. My mother is concerned of how I am doing, not him. She wants happiness for me; she’s indifferent about what happens to him in his life. She has told me many times that he blew it. He had someone who loved him very much, someone he could have had a happy life with, but let childish issues get in the way of that.
My dad passed away in 2009 at the age of 72 (my mom was 68 at the time). My mom is going to be 82 in January. She talks about how life is short. She didn’t plan on having my dad taken away so soon; they didn’t have enough years together in retirement. Most of her retirement has been without him. She values life and relationships. And the fact that bf doesn’t value those things she feels makes him a fool. I miss my dad. He probably would have told bf to his face that he should man up and stop being a child. My dad did not show much affection, but he had a protective way about him and was quite a force to reckon with.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I hope you had a nice holiday.
My Thanksgiving Day started out very well. I was happy to see family, my mother, my son…those I haven’t seen in awhile. My kids and I seemed to not stray too far from each other; knowing that the three of us aren’t together that often and wanting to stay close. Thankfully, no one mentioned the “bf” because my family knows what’s going on. And, it wasn’t important for them on that day. After all, he was welcomed into the family but was not family.
When it was getting close to time to leave, there was talk about my great niece, who is 2, getting a new bed because my my nephew and his wife are expecting child #3 in January. Great niece is getting a queen bed just like a little queen. Then my niece was talking about her king size bed and how there’s so much room that when her fiance moves while sleeping on one side, she doesn’t feel him move. She was talking about how great that was. This was the only time I kind of felt a lump in my throat. My “bf” and I at his house slept in a twin bed with plenty of room. We always wanted to be next to each other, holding each other. At my house I have a king size bed and we were always in one small spot in that bed..way too much room.
When my kids and I said our good-byes to the family, we got into the car and I couldn’t hold back the lump in my throat. I started to cry; told them I just need a moment. They understood. Then, I wiped my tears and we drove home.
I heard from “bf” yesterday. He asked if my mother wondered why he wasn’t there. I told him my mother has been aware of the situation for awhile so there was no question asked. I guess he doesn’t realize my entire family knows that we aren’t together. Why he was wondering what my mother’s reaction was, I don’t know. I was talking with my mom last night and told her he had asked that question. She said “my answer would be ‘grow up'”. She made me chuckle.
Now onto the next holiday, which again will be a challenge. But I do get to see my son again in a few weeks. He mentioned he was coming home one weekend to get some work done for a company he’s worked for before.
ParticipantHi Anita,
Tonight on our way to Dunkin Donuts, my daughter said I seem quiet and am I thinking of “bf”. I said was but trying not to focus on it too much. She reminded me that I have a lot to be thankful for, and reminded me of our Thanksgiving from 2011. My son, who at that time was her age, 22, had a head injury, concussion, and areas of bleeding requiring 2 brain surgeries. His traumatic brain injury left him without any disability; however, he was in and out of the hospital for about a month. This was during the time when I was going through a divorce with my abusive alcoholic ex. That was the worst Thanksgiving ever. I waited in the ICU waiting room for my son to come out of surgery. He could have died.
My daughter has had her own struggles in the past with suicidal thoughts. She’s come a long way but still has a long way to go.
Amazing how my daughter today I guess recognized my struggle, and found something to try to have me put things into perspective. I always thought the 3 of us (her, my son, me) were a powerful force. I will be with them tomorrow and be thankful that they are both with me. We’ve gone through hell together and somehow always make it out. I have to always remember this….we are stronger than we realize.
I wish you a pleasant Thanksgiving.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by