I am a a fully qualified and certified, holistic health & wellbeing practitioner. I that provide services and therapies to raise your state of mind, empower you and clear, rebalance and recharge you on all four levels of your being. Emotional, mental, physical and spiritual, so you are able to bring in more joy and abundance and align with the life you desire.
Forum Replies Created
October 11, 2018 at 6:43 am #230309
Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Cesar,
I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. Anxiety is a very difficult thing to live with but it can be overcome. Anita has given you some really great advice. To heal you need to continue with your therapies. If you don;t want to keep spending money, then you can engage in other things> Such as what Anita advises. Mindfulness and Guided Meditations would be really great for you as it teaches you how to be in the moment. When we get anxious it because we are worrying about the past and the future and attaching stories and other worries and scenarios that haven’t even happened to them. Calming your mind and placing yourself in the present moment will help immensely. But you do have to stick with them.
On another note, I also agree that your anxiety stems from childhood. Trauma in our past can be a big factor in stresses and conditions that we deal with today. If you have had this since childhood, it is very possible that this is where it began. And I feel that looking into this would help you truly overcome your anxiety completely. Speak to somebody about your past and childhood and see what they can pick up. Also try some Guided Meditations on healing your “Inner Child”.
I wish you all the best
January 23, 2017 at 10:48 am #125984Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Rebeccca, well done for having the courage to come forward with your feelings. It takes alot to be able to speak about these things and to seek help. Congratulations on seeking professional help and also Yoga. They will all be of great help in your recovery. Meditation is another really great way to help you calm your anxiety and relax your body and mind. It will also tie nicely in your Yoga practice.
Yes, your anxiety will go away. You are already working on it which is such a positive thing as you are already on your way. Anita is right by saying that you need to find out where your anxiety is stemming from. Hopefully your psychotherapist will be able to help you with this. Another thing that you could do would be to have a Gratitude Journal. They are great for helping you focus on things that you are grateful for and help focus your thoughts onto positive ones instead of negatives that may contribute towards your anxiety. Starting the day with a positive affirmation or Gratitude Journal with help you anxious feelings ease in the morning. Visualisation Exercises could be beneficial too. Visualising vividly exactly how you want your life to be. Writing these down will help with the visualisations. You can take small manageable steps towards this every day. Also a great exercise to do would be “Allow and Release Exercise”. It consists of working through your emotions and feelings rather than burying them or fight against them. One of the reasons for anxiety is not completely working through negative emotions and burying them instead so any trigger can set them back off. Also anxiety can stem from living in the future or past and not being in the present. Again, Meditation and Yoga can greatly help with this. Try this Allow and Release Exercise whenever you feel anxious about something.
*If there is a situation that is upsetting you or making you feel anxious or sad, go to a place where you can be quiet and be alone. Spend some time thinking about the situation and noticing how it feels in your body.
*Instead of following the process you normally follow ( attaching past events and futures worries, questioning why and how and expanding the thought of fear or sadness), Stop…and put the intention in your mind not to continue with this thought process.
*Breath deeply and focus on your breathes as you breath in….and out….in…and out….
*Bring your awareness from your mind and fro your emotions to your body. How do you feel in your body at this moment? How intense does this emotion feel? Is there any tension or elevated heartbeat?
*Now observe how this emotion feels in your body fully
*Try and name the feeling/emotion you are having if you can. “this is how anxiety feels in my body”. Notice it and feel it fully. If you can’t name the emotion/feeling just state that “this is how i’m feeling now, in my body”.
*Can you notice what prompted it? i.e “I am feeling this emotion/feeling because I am afraid of being alone.” Affirm to yourself, something positive in your life or a counteraction thought. i.e I will never truly be alone, I have myself and i am comfortable with being in my own company and I have many friends and family that are there for me.
*Try not to take your attention back to your mind by attaching any stories, fears or judgements to it. Just sit in it and be. State that this is merely a fearful feeling/emotion.
*Sit with the feeling for a while longer, noticing and experiencing it fully. Feeling how it feels in your body only. After a while the feeling should start to dissapate and reduce or at least become more bearable.
*You can now take your awareness way from your body and back into the present moment.
The more you do this, the easier it will become and the quicker you will be able to move through your anxiety or negative feelings and emotions. It will eventually get to the point where you will be able to do this sub-consciously and automatically without even having to focus on it.
I hope this helped in some way
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me on:
Insta: trucolours_on_instaGood luck on your journey
January 23, 2017 at 9:41 am #125976Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Poppy, I have read all your posts. Congratulations on how far you come. And for making the time to work towards your higher good. I can relate from personal experience to what you are saying. I think “Mindfulness” will very greatly help you with all of your concerns. It will also be very beneficial for you to have studied this going into a career of counselling. There are many courses regarding this that you can do. Just make sure its an accredited and certified course if you choose to do one.
I wish you all the best in your journey
January 23, 2017 at 9:25 am #125974Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Selizabeth. Firstly, I want to say well done for having the courage to speak out about your thoughts and feelings and seek help. It is not an easy thing to do. I also want to say well done for taking the first step and wanting to be able to appreciate yourself for who you are based on your own feelings. You are not alone when you speak of feeling this way. There are many other people with the same beliefs about themselves. I myself, had the same beliefs a few years ago. I now love and appreciate myself for who I am and am so grateful and blessed for everything I have in my Life. And most importantly, I am now able to love myself unconditionally, even with flaws that I may feel have. I am telling you this as I want you to see that it is possible to totally change your mind set and thoughts about yourself and your life.
If we base our self esteem on others, we will never truly be happy or feel that feeling of gratefulness about ourselves. This does not come from outside sources, only from within. Another thing that I want to say is that nothing that goes wrong, is because of your appearance. There are many many reasons why things can go wrong, sometimes its because of outside reasons and sometimes they just do. It is not aways our job to understand this.
Have you ever tried a Gratitude Journal? These can help you notice things that you are grateful for every day and help shift your thoughts into a more positive place. Another thing that you could do is Visualisation exercises. They consist of picturing your life the way you want it, (it helps to write these things down also so you can clearly see it in front of you). Picturing important scenarios turning out successfully and also repeating Positive affirmations to yourself daily. Also, every time you have a negative thought about yourself, replace it with a positive one. Something about yourself that makes you feel happy. If you can’t think of anything, just say the opposite of the thought that you had. You don’t have to believe it at the time and you may feel silly saying it but just remember, no one can hear you. You are just reaffirming to yourself, something positive rather than something negative. This will help you shift your negative thought patterns into positive ones. Another good exercise to do would be an “Allow and Release Exercise”. This consists of you being fully in your emotions so you are able to work through them rather than bury or fight them. I think you need to get to the core of why you are feeling this way. You will then be able to positively change your thoughts permanently about your self-esteem.
I am a Mindfulness/Life Coach. I can help you with this free of charge if it is something you would like.
You can contact me on:
Instagram: trucolours_on_instaGood luck on your journey Selizabeth
January 23, 2017 at 8:29 am #125967Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Greenshade, You are not alone with your feelings. Many people feel anxious when things are going well because they are so afraid that this feeling wont or can’t last. We end up worrying about the future and attaching past events or experiences on it that reconfirms to us that it can’t or won’t last. And as you said, we end up sabotaging the outcome ourselves because of our behaviour or worries we attach to the situation. This usually stems from the fact that we find hard to accept change and endings. We are so afraid of endings that we do anything we can to try and hold on to certain situations in our lives. The thing about this is that no matter what we do, or how hard we try, things will always change and have some sort of ending. It is the natural process of life, and we can’t fight against it. We just need to realise that change and endings are not always bad. For example, the world would have no seasons if there were no change or endings. There would be no endings to problems, grief or pain. Changing our thoughts from fighting it to acceptance will greatly help the way you view situations in your life. Of course, I am not saying that everything will end quickly or badly. We don’t know what the future will bring so attaching our fears onto it, only puts us into a negative state and makes us worry and not be able to enjoy what it is that we are afraid of losing. And worse, sabotages the very thing we are trying to hold on to.
Who’s to say that your thoughts or feelings about something will stay the same in months to come? We seem to attach fears onto outcomes in the future when they may not even happen at all. And who’s to say that it won’t be our thoughts and feelings about the situation that will change, not the other persons or situation. How often have you feared an outcome so severely that it kept you awake all night, merely to find out that it was’t half as bad as you thought it would be or didn’t even happen? One of my favourite quotes is from a man called Bob Twain. He said “My life has been filled with terrible tragedies, most of which never happened”. He is basically stating that we always fear the worst and most of the time these things we fear, never even happen or are not as bad as we have been fearing.
Try and learn to be in the moment. Meditation is a great way to do this. If meditation isn’t your thing, there are many other ways that you can practice being in the moment instead of living in the past or future. Google “how to be in the present moment.” Mindfulness is an amazing way to achieve this. It will greatly help you appreciate what you are experiencing in the present. It will also enhance your feelings of joy and gratitude about the situation and life in general.
I am a Mindfulness/Life Coach (amongst other things) and will be happy to help you, free of charge if it was something you wanted.
You can contact me on:
Instagram: Trucolours_on_instaI wish you all the best in your journey.
January 23, 2017 at 7:26 am #125963Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi James. As I said before, Meditation is a great way to relax. Falling asleep is your bodies natural reaction to relaxing. Maybe try Meditation sitting up or at a different time of the day. There are other types of Meditation you could try also. Waking Meditation is one I really love. You are fully alert when doing this. In fact, it consists of you walking around in an awakened meditative state, with your eyes fully open.
*Plan a time of the day when you have some free time.
*Decide where you want to take a walk. Somewhere in a park, woods anywhere near nature is really nice as it has that peaceful element. But it can be anywhere you feel peaceful that you don’t need to be alert for traffic etc.
*Make the intention to let your thoughts go as soon as you start walking
*Set out for your walk alone
*Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Listen to your breathing, how it sounds as you breath in…and how it sounds as you breath out. Feel the rise and fall of your chest and the slight sensation of the beating of your heart. Notice how your body feels as you breathe in….and out..feel your body relaxing with every breath.
*Now take your attention away from your body and take in the colours and sounds around you. Notice how bright they are and how clear the sounds are. Sounds around you that you have not paid attention to before. Feel the breeze or the sun on your face.
*Notice that you are now viewing your walk and nature around you
*Don’t think about what you are seeing and hearing, just be in them, almost if you are part of it all.
*Now focus only and stay aware, all the time of what you can see, hear and feel. Notice how much is happening, all in the same moment.
*Your attention is only in this moment
*When you are ready or finished your walk, notice your thought processes start to return.The more you do this, the more you will be able to appreciate what you are doing. And the easier it will become to truly be in the moment. Don’t beat yourself up if you find it hard to concentrate or you find it difficult to keep your thoughts away. Just start again if this happens, don’t force you thoughts away, just let them come and go, like clouds, passing through your mind. Keep bringing your focus back onto your breath or the sounds around you. If you find it really difficult, just congratulate yourself for trying and taking the time out to practice this. Make the intention to next time try again, for a little longer. And come back to it at a later day or time.
Meditation will greatly help you become more internal. So will sitting with your feelings and truly feeling them rather than pushing them away and burying them. Every time you feel that you can’t forgive yourself, ask yourself:
*Why you feel this way?
*Were your actions at the time for your higher good ?
*Was it in your control to change it?
*If you could do it differently how would you have done it?
*How can you change it next time?
Then think of something about yourself that you are grateful for. Something that you are proud of yourself for doing. Or something about yourself that makes you smile. Send yourself love and compassion and feel grateful that you are trying to work towards your higher good.
Do one thing every day if you can, that you love to do or that makes you feel good. It can be something as small as just reading a book or writing down your feelings for the day or even watching some comedy clips. Having the intention to be more internal and forgive yourself more is a great start. It is the first step in truly honouring yourself.Good luck in your journey James and if you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me
January 22, 2017 at 6:48 pm #125930Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi James, my name is Natalie. I am a Mindfulness Coach (amongst other things). Congratulations and well done for having the courage to speak out. It is not easy to speak about and ask for help about personal issues in our life. Meditation is a great way to help over come your ego. Although some people find it easier to do than others. Some people can delve straight in while others need some time to build up to it. Falling asleep is a common thing for beginners as Meditation is so relaxing, it takes you away from the daily issues and concerns of life and allows you to be fully within yourself.
The questions that you are asking are more common than you think. At some point in our lives, most of us have asked the same questions. It is actually a good thing as you are questioning who you really are and what your purpose is. You are interested in truly finding yourself and making a real progression in your life. Complicated relationships can leave us with many emotions and questions about our worth and our lives. Writing about your feelings is a great idea and will greatly help you work through them. You will always know the truth in any situation if you listen to your instincts. The truth always has a different feeling within your body than something that is not the truth or is not for your higher good. In order to accept what you find, you will have to learn to be able to accept yourself fully and without judgement. There are many ways you can learn how to deal with your emotions and how you can work with your ego in collaboration rather than against it. You are already part of the way there as you have some understanding about how it all works. Speak to your Meditation coach and ask if they have any advice for you. They are great people with vast knowledge on expanding your self and quietening your ego. I will also be happy to help, free of charge, if it is something you would like. You can contact me on:
Instagram: trucolours_on_instaGood luck on your journey
Love, Light & Blessings
NatalieJanuary 22, 2017 at 6:10 pm #125924Celestial Bliss
ParticipantHi Jackie, My name is Natalie. I am a a Mindfulness Coach (amongst other things). Firstly, well done for having the courage to speak about your situation and for asking for guidance. It takes a lot of courage to speak out and seek help. I do agree with you that you are giving this person mixed messages. We tend to do this when we have feelings of guilt, pity or are reluctant to put up boundaries. We are afraid that our actions will hurt another person so give them the message that we feel that they want, regardless of our own feelings and wants. However, what we don’t realise is that it is only hurting both parties more and prolonging the pain. Your actions are coming from fear which is a negative place to be and will only result in more of the same emotions.
No one wants to hurt someone that we love or care for on a deep level. But what we don’t realise is that sometimes, if we act against our emotions and feelings, our actions will only hurt them more, whilst being detrimental to ourselves and others around us. It turns into a downward spiral and leaves us feeling anxious, guilty and resentful because we are not being true to ourselves. I do believe the best thing here would be to totally step away. By going back to this person, you are only reaffirming to him that his actions and behaviour are a positive influence on your decision. The guilt and resentment that you are feeling is stemming from not listening to yourself and honouring what you feel would be best for you. You may also feel guilty because deep down in your heart you feel that you are not acting in his higher good. To let go of this situation and step back would greatly benefit both of you and your lives.
You need to be totally honest with yourself about what you want here. Sometimes it helps to write this down as it has more confirmation and helps us really acknowledge what we are feeling. Write down:
What outcome you truly want out of this situation?
Why you want it?
When you will achieve it?
What will count to you as a successful outcome?
What do you need to remember?
Who will it benefit in the long run and why?Once you write this down. Make an intention to yourself to stick to it. Leave it up on your fridge or a place that you will see it every day. This will help you stay on track, remind you why you are doing it and reaffirm all the positive things (if followed) that the outcome will bring.
There are ways that will help you let go of your attachments to this situation and help you work through your emotions and move forward. If you would like help with that, I will be happy to help you free of charge.
Email me on OR
Instagram: Trucolours_on_instaI hope this helped in some way.