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ParticipantSorry post looks to be submitted twice.
Please go through both the articles entirely.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
ParticipantHi k.k.,
Mark has suggested a good technique for forgiveness.
Along with that I suggested you to practice Ho’oponopono to help restore harmony within yourself and with others.
Best wishes,
ParticipantHi k.k.,
Mark has suggested a good technique for forgiveness.
Along with that I suggested you to practice Ho’oponopono to help restore harmony within yourself and with others.
Best wishes,
February 23, 2018 at 8:08 pm in reply to: Should I be proud of my achievements if they were obtained through luck? #194181VJ
ParticipantHi Leocube,
Life works on Cause and Effect. What you do to others comes back to you. This ‘doing’ also includes thinking, acting, speaking. What goes around comes around. As you sow, so shall you reap. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction. Now, I understand it is hard to believe these particularly if we think that I haven’t done anything good to anyone in this life. It is not that straight forward. Life is a complicated matrix of energy. The actions that I am talking is not only about this current life but about all the lives that your soul has traveled in another bodies till it came here. The actions do not determine only the “doing good to others part”. It also includes thoughts, feelings, emotions, belief systems, perceptions, programs, memories, charity you might have given to others, your behaviour with other people, what kind of thoughts you are producing in a situation when someone has done something wrong to you, and much much more. It is something that determines your overall consciousness. All these things together form a complex matrix of energy. Think of this matrix of energy as a cloud. This cloud is with you wherever you go whatever you do. Think of it just above your head. The cloud keeps forming with every single thought and act described above. And when the “right” time comes this cloud bursts into forming various situations, circumstances, events, people drawn towards you. These may be favourable to you or may be not depending on what your cloud was like. These situations for people may last for their entire lifetime or part of it. For some their initial life may be havoc but later on heal their karma and have a great life. Some people’s entire life is havoc and in the next lifetime they have a wonderful life throughout right from their birth. We (except God or the Universal Intelligence) do not really know how and when it happens.
That which you are calling as luck is nothing but the return of this energy coming back to you which you had sent out earlier (whenever that could be). So the lucky situations you are encountering are all yours and only yours and you deserve it fully.
The ultimate truth is whatever is happening to anyone is exactly the way it should have happened….and so it is happening that way.
All I suggest you is to not get complacent. The meaning of complacent I am referring to here as feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder or work towards anything or give anything back to the world (may even be by cooking nice, hygienic, tasty food for others) because by doing this too you are creating your own karma forming your own cloud.
Take care,
ParticipantHi Jim,
Life is really an illusion.
(Image credits:
You may be seeing a person looking at you in this picture. But I am seeing a person looking sideways. Or vice versa.
Just like your peers, you think that your peers are their own parent’s children. This is an illusion. What is the guarantee that today I am the blood child of my parents. May be in the baby ward in the hospital when there are so may new born babies I got exchanged by the nurse with some other baby and today I am in another house and not of my own parents. In fact in our country this happens so frequently that the mothers request the nurse to tie a band on her baby’s wrist as soon as s/he is born. Even then there is a problem. What if she forgot to do that and eventually at the baby ward tied the band to the wrong baby. Or what if she remembered but gave it to her colleague and she tied it to the wrong baby. There is absolutely no guarantee of anything at all in this world. It is just our perception. It is just that I think that I trust that I may be the child of my parents. And it is just that my parents think that I was the one who was born to them. Of course there may be tests to confirm this. Then I ask what if the blood dna samples got interchanged in the laboratory. The list of this illusion of life can go on and on. I can only trust this illusion of life. And none of that matters whether you are the blood child of your parents or not. Irrespective of who my biological parents are, I am here in this world for the exchange of energies with other people, for the dance of life forms in this universe. These energies are nothing but compassion, forgiveness, honesty, truth, joy, enthusiasm, serenity, hope, gratitude, kindness, cheerfulness, pride, confidence, inspiration and of course Love.
As a superficial example, if either you or may be your partner is not able to conceive a child for some medical reason. Doctors now leave you with an only option of adoption, if you ever need a child. Your partner (or you) desperately out of longing, out of love, for a child, now need a baby. In this case you are going to think of the only option of adopting a baby. It hardly matters whether you are that baby or not. It is just a way, a medium, for you to come into this world and play out the interchange of energies. And you are so very lucky to have a wonderful adoptive parents as you mentioned. There are so many people on this forum stating about their problems with their dad, their mother , their “biological” family.
Whatsoever may be your Life-situation you are that piece without which the totality of life is not at all complete and that’s the exact reason the Divine has created you. If I tell you God created the Universe out of Love “how remarkable it is that God looked at all the wonders of creation and realized the missing piece was you.”
(Image source:
Take care,
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
ParticipantHello Jen,
I can understand your situation and yes it is truly frustrating.
While you carry out your conversation with other members on this thread, I suggest you to take a look at the below-
1) Below is a nice article on this topic
2) The 21 points in the below link are from the members on TinyBuddha.
Those points are on the very last post (#123585) of that thread.
Clicking this link will directly take you to that post #post-123585
Take Care,
ParticipantHi JFlow,
1) I am going to suggest you the same thing that Mark suggested.
“Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates:
At the first gate, ask yourself “Is is true?”
At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?”
At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?”
~ Rumi
Before saying anything allow your mind to pass through each of the 3 gates and say it only when there is a YES at each gate. In due course of time and practice, it will become fast enough to pass through these filters before saying anything.
Save the below image and keep it in your mobile and refer to it quite often.
2) Also I suggest you to take a look at the 1st among the ‘Four Agreements’
1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.
More details on how to use the 1st Agreement is in the below link and also in other places of the web.
Best wishes,
ParticipantHi Matt,
Glad to know that you have started to work on it and it has started to work on you :).
But if you still have doubts after reading the links then to answer your questions-
“Am I apologizing to myself for not being able to forgive? “
Yes. You are taking responsibility for even thinking those thoughts of unforgiveness towards your mother. In reality neither you nor your other has done anything wrong. As stated in my earlier posts everyone is behaving exactly as they are supposed to behave depending on their own thoughts, feelings, emotions, belief systems, upbringing, etc. Everything is happening exactly as it should have happened. (for eg; who knows probably this situation has come to you to turn off your logical mind and become more spiritual which will help you in leading your future life. Nobody knows except Life itself.) Or may be it was your karma, destiny, fate to undergo this.
You need not worry much as to whom you are asking to forgive you. It is upto you. If you have a God figure in your life then you can go ahead and ask God. Or ask Life or The Universe. Or simply chanting to nobody all by yourself just like involuntarily chanting the alphabets A to Z. Hardly matters. You can even think of your mother in your head when chanting. Your intent to forgive your mother is enough to activate the Universal Law Of Intention. That will do the rest.I’ve tried repeating it a few times and I feel something, but will it help me forgive my mother?
Yes definitely. Not only it will bring you forgiveness towards your mother but will also bring more love within you and begin to change other areas of your life as well. If you do it diligently you may even notice a positive change in your mother’s behaviour towards you or your behaviour towards your mother.You want to be free of the emotions of anger and resentment towards your mother and that is what this is going to do.
Yes I agree it is sometimes difficult to not think logically and analytically. But I wish life was so easy and things were in our control all the time.
Do the practice continously and diligently and watch the changes happening in your thinking and in your life.
Take care,
ParticipantHi Matt,
Each of your questions are very well explained and answered in both the above links so I suggest to go through the entire article.
At the same time do not allow the analytical egoic mind to ask you questions whether it will work or not. Simply do the practice and the rest will follow.
ParticipantHi Matt,
I you want a mantra to meditate without bothering about having it in your head but not sinking in your soul then practice the ancient Hawaiian technique of Ho’oponopono.
Ho’oponopono can help restore harmony within yourself and with others.
Best wishes,
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
ParticipantHi gj,
Java is not one of the technologies to easily code in. And like you said nor there are going to be many resources on the web that give answers easily.
So what you are facing is legitimate. It is not that something is easy and still you cannot do it.It is usually the fear of shame or embarrassment that causes more emotional pain than the actual problem itself. What if I tell you to drop that shame? Ok, let others see your flaws. What if you become so vulnerable about your flaws that nothing more is left to be shameful about? What is remaining to be shameful about when you are brutally shameful about all of your flaws? That is the time when you begin to be more creative. All of what you have mentioned about your definition of “failure” is imaginary. They are your mental constructs. They are mind movies. They are not true. What is the worst thing that will happen if you lose this job? The worst thing? Are you going to come on the streets begging for a living?
Have you ever seen a guy who cannot code in Java and has come down to the streets begging? Ok you said you can survive the income part. So you are more worried about supporting your parents and sibling. You said your family needs you. But you are always there for your family right! Where are you going? You mentioned you can survive the income if you lose your job, so then what is the problem and how are you not for you family? Even if the extreme happens – losing a job is really not a negative thing. There are several hundred companies that I have seen who are willing to recruit people who are laid off, on career gaps, and are willing to join immediately. It has become a normal thing now.Don’t keep an outcome oriented approach. Focus more on the process itself. Do whatever it is best that you can do just for that day. Live in day-tight compartments. When you go to sleep ask yourself even if I may have not got the required outcome, have I at least given my best shot today? If the answer is yes that’s good. If the answer is no then give your even best the next day, but without focusing on the outcome and only on doing the actual process that ultimately leads to the outcome. Without being in the valley you cannot reach the mountain right? How can you even identify a mountain if there were no valleys. Its all part of the game of life.
“Don’t let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle
Focus more on just that tiny one thing that you have at your hand and your outcome will automatically be the desired one because the outcome is just the result of those tiny little moments/tasks.
Again if you say that how will I get a desired outcome if I am not efficiently able to do the process itself. This again means that your focus has drifted on the outcome.
If you feel no gratitude mentally why not from tonight before going to bed deliberately list out 5 things your are grateful about. It need not be from the bottom of your heart if you are not able to at first. Do this for the next 21 days. If you think you have reached a stage where you think you do not have anything now to write to be grateful about – How about being thankful to God for your eyes to be able to read this right now? Like them you will find so many things in the vastness of this Universe.
Like you I am also from a middle class family….in fact was in a lower middle class family and the only source of income was me. At the beginning of my career I was working on a subject which was extremely frustrating to me. No knowledge about how to do anything. Every minute of thought was about leaving the job. Nobody to help, nowhere to go. But gradually in due course of time I sailed through. Today its the same work I am doing since over a decade for multiple companies and everything is going ok. I sometimes feel thankful for that struggle. It is only the initial period that is difficult. This is a routine thing that happens to everyone in their own area of work. Don’t take it seriously. Give your best, whatever possible you can.
Your boat in the storm will struggle to move but it will not drown.
Warm Regards,
ParticipantHi Bea,
What will be the problem if your grades are low?
February 16, 2018 at 7:32 pm in reply to: 7 years have passed by, and i just can't forget my ex! #192897VJ
ParticipantHi ZC,
Yes, when someone or something is on our mind for a long time it is all karmic. To repay your karmic debts and settle your karmic accounts you need to dissolve the karmic links with that person, thing or place.
Do both of these ‘energy healing exercises’ and see yourself finding peace in this situation and getting back towards your current partner.
1) From what you have explained it appears you still have the energetic cords (ties) of attachment with this person. These cords are invisible since they are at an energetic level. They are also called as psychic ties and they are especially in relationships. The cords of attachment need to be dissolved.
Please go through the below links to know more on what it is and what to do- upon Archangel Michael with his golden sword is a very famous way of cutting negative cords-
There are many ways of doing this. Simply do a web search on “cutting energetic cords of attachment”
If you prefer something visual then there are videos on YouTube too.
2) Forgiveness Exercise:
Example: IFORGIVE YOU , YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME, THANK YOU. Chant the above as many times as possible. You can do this whenever you are not able to do the 1st one….or even when you are cooking, washing dishes, standing in a queue, lying down on the bed, or whenever those thoughts about him bother you.
Warm Regards,
ParticipantHi CarpeDiem,
“I keep thinking about her mostly all the time. I am not able to let go…its been almost one year that we broke up. I am just not able to find a solace anywhere.”
One year is a good long time to forget or detach with someone or something.
Do both of these ‘energy healing exercises’ and see yourself finding solace in this situation.
1) You might have energetic cords (ties) of attachment with this person. These cords are invisible since they are at an energetic
level. They are also called as psychic ties and they are especially in relationships. The cords of attachment need to be dissolved.
Please go through the below links to know more on what it is and what to do-
( upon Archangel Michael with his golden sword is a very famous way of cutting negative cords-
There are many ways of doing this. Simply do a web search on “cutting energetic cords of attachment”
If you prefer something visual then there are videos on YouTube too.
2) Forgiveness Exercise:
Example: IFORGIVE YOU , YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME, THANK YOU. Chant the above as many times as possible. This is very effective. You can do this whenever you are not able to do the 1st one….or even when you are cooking, washing dishes, standing in a queue, lying down on the bed, or whenever those thoughts bother you.
Warm Regards,
ParticipantHello Miss Healing,
Below is a channel for the guided meditations you might be looking for.
( have searched the ones relevant to what you inquired for and they are listed below.
But I suggest you to open the homepage mentioned above and search for the ones that suits your situation the most. Use the search lens icon beneath the red subscribe button and NOT the main top search as that will take you to the entire YouTube search.GUIDED MEDITATION: Ease Anxiety & Worry
( MEDITATION – Banishing Depression
( MEDITATION – Anxiety Relief
( MEDITATION for Anxiety and Stress
( Meditation – Guided 10 Minutes
( Meditation – Guided 20 Minutes
( Breathing Guided Meditation 10 Minutes
( visuals and the music are beautiful. These are best used via headphones. But since you want to do it along with your partner, you can either keep a tablet pc or a laptop in front of both of you with some good speakers and do it together. You don’t need to teach him anything as Rick’s soothing guided voice will do the rest.
At a later stage both of you can do it with one end of the wired headphone in your ear and the other end into his 🙂
Take care,
VJ -
This reply was modified 7 years ago by