Forum Replies Created
June 28, 2019 at 10:27 am in reply to: What are ways you constructively cope with jealousy/envy? #301241
ParticipantKevin thank you so much, you’re reply is beautifully written from a whole, spiritual standpoint and I truly appreciate that perspective. I like what you said about just “being” and not “being something” that was very comforting and soothed me. I am constantly trying to be this or that and it is completely exhausting. That is why I appreciated your view of “Is it ME who is telling me I need to improve, or is it my ego, socretal conventions and standards, marketing images etc. which are making me feel that way” sometimes it is hard to differentiate, but I am definitely going to practice this type of thinking to redirect my painful emotions, and will return to this conversation.
ParticipantIt sounds like you guys had a lot of chemistry and you understand each other in a way. But it low key seems like he just wants someone at the end of the night, or not even that maybe just someone “there” casually. All these games you guys played with each other were petty and unnecessary to me personally. Manipulating someone to see if they care or get their attention is disgusting to me. But believe me we’ve all been there and done that girl.
Anyway I just think for future reference, the best “game” to play is be honest with yourself! You already know what you want, you want something serious. So the next time you meet someone GET TO KNOW them before pursuing anything that is relationship-y that goes for sleepovers, sex, etc. Go out and have fun with them but just call it a night after that and go home. Just be real about your intentions and respect yourself. (Not saying your not just remember what some choices can do ya know?) Like my boyfriend (M25) and I (F22)got together we rushed into it. We texted/snapchatted everyday for like two weeks before we decided to go on a date(We had known each other through friends so he wasn’t a stranger) but after that first date dude we just rushed everything. I think I started staying over at his house like a month after all of this, it wasn’t the best start to a relationship, I regret it somewhat. Although I still love and enjoy our relationship, I just wish I would’ve taken things a little slower physically and built a stronger friendship so we could really have a solid friendship along with our relationship.
May 22, 2019 at 1:06 pm in reply to: I'm Straight But People Are Starting To Think I'm Lesbian #295213Alexandria
ParticipantOh and btw this has not affected my love life at all. I’m not sure if you are concerned about this or not, but I am currently dating a man and have been for about a year. Before that I have had another long term relationship with a guy, and another significant one that lasted about 3 months, some guys in between these that I ended up having a lot of good times with just were not compatible.
There is a guy out there that is waiting for a girl like you please do not change for anyone!
May 22, 2019 at 1:04 pm in reply to: I'm Straight But People Are Starting To Think I'm Lesbian #295211Alexandria
ParticipantHi Lilly,
I (I am 22 years old) have been through this situation, not exactly but very similar. I tried to seem more feminine or be more loving and open and it just felt wrong to me. (I am more of a logical, quiet, down to earth, tom boy type girl.) I don’t like talking about furniture/decor, I don’t like talking about cooking, I don’t like jewelry. I like talking about spirituality, makeup, horses, love, romance, friendship etc. I am a deep person I can care less about what most women around me talk about (no offense to any of them I love them.) Which if you talk about that stuff great! I was just trying to point out something that in the past has made me feel less feminine or lesbian. I noticed that I tried to start changing myself because I am a straight woman and wanted to be viewed as that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being lesbian, the questioning angered me because it started making me question “Are my interest different from straight women?” “Should I change the way I talk, act, present myself?” “Am I feminine enough for the man I want?” “Am I a women that likes men or women?” “Am I doing this life thing wrong?” And many more questions.. It eventually just lead me to be whoever the f*ck I wanted, WHO I AM. I have decided I don’t need to change the way I am to be “seen” or “viewed” in a different way. I am the way I am, I try to better myself everyday, but not in the way of being viewed differently. But me as myself growing into the (straight) women I want to be. Which is confident, loving, nurturing and can tell someone off if they ever make me question myself ever again.
By the way the people that have asked me they didn’t ask me in a kind way or concerned way, they asked me in a very mocking undermining way. First it was a guy that I denied because he was disgusting and pushy, this other guy in my middle school class because I played football with the guys and hung out with them (secretly crushing on a guy in that group) and then my mom which hurt the most. I had taken a weekend trip with my best friend and her girlfriend and my mom basically asked if I liked girls because I stayed in a tent with them. It was all very confusing I had never questioned my sexuality before these moments and that is what made it sting so much.
I don’t know if this helps, but I hope it brings a little perspective.
March 28, 2019 at 11:01 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286787Alexandria
ParticipantI’m not sure if I phrased the above conversations right the last few days my brain has been a bit foggy.
I will not ever let my boyfriend completely take care of everything, I just meant as we have been talking about it. I’ve expressed my concerns about not being able to pull a lot of weight do to my work hours, and he expressed that it’s okay if I just pay for the groceries and the bills like gas, internet, etc.
March 28, 2019 at 10:58 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286783Alexandria
ParticipantThank you Mark, I always appreciate your input and perspective. You seem like a good natured and put together person, I like your advice. I feel the same in a way, I do want to be able to be independent and take care of things finanically, whether that means waiting til I graduate and get a better job or working my hours while I am in school I’m not sure.
But, that being said. I have not wanted and made the internal decision to not move out with my friends for a few years now, and I always saw myself moving out with a SO rather than with friends, or with no one at all just by myself. But moving out by myself is not something I can financially do right now and probably not during school which is a good portion of the year.
March 27, 2019 at 12:04 pm in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286625Alexandria
ParticipantYeah that sounds about right now. Thank for this Anita.
March 27, 2019 at 11:08 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286603Alexandria
ParticipantI really like your observation. I am going to think about this for a few days.
I’m worried to talk about it because after awhile I didn’t fight it anymore and I think most will see that means it was consensual.
The first time it happened (with the first family member) ended that day. They never tried to do it again, I was very young at this point probably 5 or 6.
The second time it happened was with two other family members one 6 months younger than me and one 3 years older than me, by that time I was 11 and that continued to happen maybe for a year or 6 months I just know it happened maybe 3 other times. Sorry if that was confusing it didn’t keep happening for 8 years the first time it happened I was 6, and then stopped. Didn’t happen again til I was about 11 and continued maybe that year my memory is foggy because of everything.
March 27, 2019 at 10:30 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286593Alexandria
ParticipantThey specifically don’t make me uncomfortable, my mom and I have a good relationship. And I’d say my step dad too. He just doesn’t talk much, but I don’t either. Our interactions are always easy and comfortable, we don’t expect a close relationship from each other. He’s very helpful with my schooling and expenses.
I don’t know if I’m wanting to move out soon, but within the next year possibly. My boyfriend really wants to move out with each other, he talks about it a lot. I get scared just because I’ve never moved out with someone before or even on my own. Plus most of my income goes towards school, car insurance, those type of expenses. I don’t work very much during the semester so I worry if I can pull my weight. My boyfriend has always said he will take care of everything though if I can’t with some things.
March 27, 2019 at 9:51 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286587Alexandria
ParticipantBeing at home makes me feel grounded, comfortable and I can feel myself regaining my energy back. I can light a candle, I don’t have to talk to anyone, I dont have to do homework, I sleep wonderfully (most the time) I can just completely let it all hang out, I don’t have to be beautiful I can just put on an old t shirt and just be a human rather than a working woman!
One thing that doesn’t make me comfortable at home is living with my parents, I eventually want to move in with my boyfriend and be able to have pets and just those kind of other comforts.
March 27, 2019 at 8:36 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286565Alexandria
ParticipantI can’t think of a specific conversation. She has a comment for almost everything someone says.
What I can tell you is that I do suffer when I am in the shadows, I was feeling really good about everything yesterday. But now the icky thoughts are coming back this morning. That I am not who they (him, his family, etc.) want me to be. This may be true, this may just be my mind. It’s a really sad thing to think about, I felt like me and my boyfriend had such a good start, and I really liked his family and they really liked me. But after this trip, I don’t feel apart of the family anymore and I don’t feel like I am the right girl for my boyfriend.
March 26, 2019 at 1:11 pm in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286481Alexandria
ParticipantIt wasn’t a pleasant experience at all. In fact, I feel like his family and him (my boyfriend) kinda want me to be like that girl. I’m not sure why it’s just how I feel. I was raised by independent and honest women, I myself am that way. I do not kiss ass or baby people to get them to like me, never have never will. And by god I will not baby my boyfriends ego! The brothers girlfriend we will call her Sandy, she MOTHERS the brother (her boyfriend). I am not going to do that in any of my romantic relationships, that is a complete turn off for me.
March 26, 2019 at 11:03 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #286465Alexandria
ParticipantHey, I couldn’t use internet the whole time I was out there. I decided I’d write back and update on everything. It wasn’t a good vacation. I mean there was a few good moments but I am never doing that again. I need land and internet, and just being grounded.
Anyway, the whole family (I feel) likes the brothers girlfriend more than me. For some reason there is something I find ingenuine about her, she’s constantly feeding off the attention of others and is kind of like a chamelion if that makes sense. I am honest and real, I’m not going to kiss anyones ass for approval or fake something that is so obviously forced.
I didn’t have any of my resources so I wasn’t behaving or acting my best that is for sure. My boyfriend thinks everyone loves and me and everything is okay I wasn’t acting weird. But I felt discomfort and not belonging the entire trip. It makes me sad because I look back and I feel guilty for not being able to be in the moment and be more grateful when I was out there but when I am far away from home for too long I get grumpy and uncomfortable it’s just how I am, I am also quite the introvert and need time for myself completely alone. I don’t know why I thought this would be different. It really made me consider whether this is the family I want to marry into.
At some points I felt a connection but most of the time the other girlfriend really just had their attention and energy. I kind of just felt like a shadow.
This trip has inspiried me to live my life unapologetically. I am the way I am and I do not need to change for approval or attention. As soon as we got back my boyfriend and I went on a hike, and I’ve been back to my yoga routine. I’m thinking about going to counseling because I hate not feeling enough and I felt that way the whole trip it was the heaviest feelings I have ever felt. Anyway, I wanted to get that all out. Despite everything that happened, I feel inspired and ready to embrace the way I am and take my life back.
March 11, 2019 at 11:25 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #284125Alexandria
ParticipantI will do that, I’m not sure how much social I can be today because of school. But I will do that over the next few days and report back. Thank you Anita.
March 11, 2019 at 10:07 am in reply to: Anxious about social occasions, worried about future. #284097Alexandria
ParticipantWhat I mean by powerful women, I mean a women who is inspiring, full of strength and just wakes up and decides its going to be a good day, takes oppurtinities, isn’t afraid to speak for herself and talk to others, gets through everything with the grace of knowing herself and knowing her capabilities, someone who shows other women to take care of theirselves, and lifts other women up instead of being judgemental or tearing the other down. These are just some qualities that I have been wanting to integrate, reading fiction books about these type of women make it easier to demonstrate in my life in a way.