Forum Replies Created
“He sent me an email that said he loved me enough to walk away that I deserved better. WHAT does that mean?!?!”
There is nothing to read into. Thankfully, he has been honest with you. Now you are free to walk away and find who and what you really deserve. He can’t be forced or pushed or pressured to give what he doesn’t have. You mentioned he had an ex-wife, well she is an ex for a reason. At least you are a former girlfriend rather than an ex wife. I can understand that after losing your mom and your job, you need someone. Unfortunately, he just isn’t willing to be that someone. “Is this Karma, and for what?”. You might feel like you are being punished but you aren’t. You didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this. You are being taught some tough life lessons on letting go and moving forward. Take what you have learned and be grateful for the experience. This is from the Peace and Loveism site ” In life you’ll realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you. But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.”
Below are some articles that may bring clarity about your relationship. I am in a similar situation with my boyfriend and I have found deep down I just want him to want me. I asked myself if he wanted me the way I want him to want me, if he loved me the way I want him to love me, would I want him then? The answer painfully was no, I’m just addicted to tragic romance and unstable relationships. I just need validation and assurance that I am loved. I am recreating situations I had with my parents, where they neglected me and I wanted more than anything to gain their love and approval. So I subconsciously seek out people who aren’t available and try to force them to be available so I can feel worthy of love. Meanwhile, I reject the ones in my life who willingly offer their love because if I acknowledged them then it would shake the false belief that I am unlovable. Now, I am learning to love myself and truly love others without the need to change them. I hope that you can stop punishing yourself and find peace. Sending lots of love your way Caroline!
ParticipantBuddhist Wife,
Thank you for taking the time to look up these links for me. I am sure they will be helpful. I have always felt that my mom was a bit selfish but never thought to classify her as a narcissist. I know she has a victim attitude and anything that happens isn’t ever her fault. Even when things happen to others , she somehow makes it about her own suffering. My heart really goes out to her as I have watched her age. I feel really bad for her because she is stuck in these patterns and is unable to see her blind spots. In a way, I am thankful to her because she has really inspired me to grow. Seeing that she has matured on the outside but still remains unripened on the inside is really heartbreaking. I decided I would do what it takes to grow.
“The second issue is about forgiveness. I have to say that I think it is possible to forgive and not have someone in your life. I think it is possible to say, I release this burden which is weighing me down emotionally, but I cannot allow you back in to my life”
I agree with you here. Whether I see him or not, I simply want to forgive. I heard forgiveness is for the forgiver and I truly just want to let go. For now, especially since I am feeling so vulnerable, I think it is best not to see him. If I could see him without expectations, it would be different. If I see him, I want to confront him, I want to talk about it, I want to know why, etc. Ideally it would be great if I could get those answers but I know this wont happen. In additional, I often wonder even if I get those answers will it change the way I feel inside. I am sure I will receive no apologies from him as he got caught (he did this to someone else as an adult) and was actually arrested and showed no remorse. I was more understanding of him as a kid since he was only seven years older than me and our family really set no type of boundaries. But to see that he continues to do this really makes me sick and makes me feel guilty. Like maybe if I told the police when I was younger, rather than my mom, he would have stopped then and not continued.
Parting from my family, which I did once before for over a year, will be very hurtful. I stopped all communication all together. Me being the one they could always count on and use anytime they needed money or favors, not having me around anymore really made them think. My uncle actually one time said to my mom to stop pushing me so far because there would be a day where they wouldn’t see me anymore. I took his advice and just left. After I re-entered their lives, they have been more respectful but it is a struggle at times to set boundaries. I have noticed that since I have been undergoing this healing process, I have actually withdrawn from them more. For some reason it just feels better to keep them at a distance until I can get some stable ground and not be so angry. What is sad is that I am a very family orientated person so not having an ideal family or close family really hurts. However, I have learned to create families where ever I go. People really appreciate this about me and feel very loved in the homey community that I create through my friendships. My house is sort of like home away from home for many of my friends. I am thankful for their friendships and communities like Tiny Buddha!
Thank you for your advice and your warm wishes!
Thank you for the information about sexual fulfillment. I really want to get to a space where I can fully enjoy it and not be afraid of release or not go off into my own head space. As far as my partner goes, I sort of suspect he has some sexual healing to do too. We will pick up this book and hopefully just learn to love and please each other without any need for power struggles or fantasy or anything extra. I have read briefly about how spiritual sex can bring healing and I would really like to experience that spiritual union that can arise from sex. Thank you for the insight!
Thank you so much for your honesty and insight. You especially hit the nail on the head with the anger. I want to release it because it feels like it is burning me and hurting me but at the same time I feel if I let go of anger it would somehow justify what happened and make it okay. I didn’t really realize that this was why I was holding on to it.
Also I have been directing this anger to my boyfriend unfairly. He does things that reminds me of my abusers. I feel kinda of awkward and uncomfortable around him now because after I told him I needed a break from sex, he still tried to pursue it. Particularly, one night he actually initiated oral sex (which he doesn’t do very much unless he finishes too quickly…a lot of the time it seems he does it out of obligation). I was surprised and allowed it for a bit but then stopped it because I just felt weird. Plus, he was expecting sex afterwards which made me feel like he was only servicing me to get laid. So I told him it had nothing to do with him but I just needed time to heal. I told him I was tired and got ready for bed. I was halfway asleep, turned on my side, when he started to try to come on to me again. I was clearly not in the mood, didn’t move my body position and was completely dry. I didn’t say anything even though I normally would have because I just wanted to see how far he would go. He didn’t stop even when he asked me if it felt good and I didn’t reply. It was over quickly and I just felt completely used, especially since when I initiate at times he physically can’t get it up or just flat out rejects me. BTW I am starting to initiate sex as a form of empowerment because I used to and still struggle with feeling ashamed about my sexual desires. I saw them as meaning I deserved my abuse. I don’t understand why when I want it he can’t give it but when I don’t seem to want it this arouses him. So now I feel like there has been a violation of trust. I told him that was unacceptable. He was apologetic and knew he should have stopped. I am still a bit angry at him. In a way I was just wanting to see how he would react in such situation. I know deep down he didn’t intend on hurting me and he is a good person. I just really don’t know what to think of what happened. So now I feel like I have no safe haven with him, my mother or anyone else.
I have read a few of your replies on this forum and have been so uplifted by them. The love you have found for yourself and others really inspires me to be better. Thanks for sharing your light and for your words of encouragement!
First of all I am sorry to hear of the losses and setbacks you have experienced this year. I cannot even begin to imagine how devastating losing your mom, boyfriend and job must be. You can replace your boyfriend and your job but your mom you cannot replace so this must be extremely hard for you. I suggest to give yourself all the time in the world to grieve. Be kind and loving to yourself. Allow the sadness to come and engulf you because otherwise you will not be ready to embrace your new chapter in life. Know that pain and sadness is a major part of and a catalyst for growth. Although this year has been difficult for you, I feel that maybe your losses will bring you closer to you. Without your identity as a worker, girlfriend and tragically a daughter (even though you will always be your mother’s daughter), you will be able to get in touch with who you are. I feel that through your pain and unexpected/new found independence you will find a reservoir of strength that you never knew existed. This is a time to close out the old and the let the tears wash all the hurt away to embrace the new. A time of rebuilding and renewal. Through your loss you are sure to gain. The fearful part is not knowing where or how. So you are called to trust, trust in the universe and in yourself. Thank you for your courage to reach out and although you may feel lonely and unsupported, know that you are surrounded by love. Good luck on your journey.
Here are a few quotes for you:
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” ― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
“Grief does not change you. It reveals you.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
“Anything you lose comes round in another form.” ― Rumi
ParticipantHola Linds,
I can relate 100%. I am an ENFP which means we are great starters of everything but rarely finish anything. To make it worst we have many interests and are good at most of everything we try. When I was younger, my many interests and pursuits didn’t bother me. However, looking back and realizing I never really tried anything consistently enough to produce results made me feel like a slacker. So before I could modify my behavior I had to discover why I was consistently inconsistent. First, I am genuinely excited by new things, people, places, etc. Secondly, I also love to be challenged. Lastly, I have too much energy to sit still. So I realized I was addicted to the high, enthusiastic sensation that came with the new. I was excited by the challenge and put lots of energy into. However, after I was no longer challenged I lost interest. After the new became familiar, I no longer wanted to look at it. I spent so much energy in the initial stages that I would burn out. Also I felt like if I stuck to one new thing long enough then I would miss out on other new opportunities.
So I realized I had to pace myself. Discover one new thing at time. So I have tricked myself by saying I am only going to do this today. Then tomorrow I tell myself the same thing, I am only doing this for today. Rather than thinking, I am going to do this 3 times a day for the next 6 months. Also I told myself if I could be consistently inconsistent then that meant I could be consistent. This gave me lots of hope for myself. When I began to dig even deeper into this issue, I found some other truths. I was trying to distract myself from myself. I was addicted to the new because I could not tolerate the present. Also I was a bit excessive about my pursuits and didn’t really filter what I tried. I put a lot on my plate at once. Thus I had to know myself more in order to choose things that were right for me. I didn’t like to finish anything because then it was over, I would have nothing to come back to. So I had to learn to be happy with the way things are without needing to add a new element. I had to learn to let go and say goodbye so that I could actually finish something. I had to learn to be and feel alive so that I didn’t need to constantly chase that high feeling of making new discoveries. I think curiosity is necessary and discovering new things is necessary and it helps you grow. I just realized that my underlying intentions for doing so weren’t exactly pure. So I am trying to do new things in moderation and focusing on the present not the new possibilities because that is in the future. I am also trying to meditate to help me focus. I really don’t want to be a jack of all trades and master of none. I would prefer to be a jack of all trades and at least a master of one.
As far as waking up with different emotions, I think we all do this. We are living beings and our feelings are going to fluctuate. Just accept them and know that this really means nothing about who you are. They are just fleeting emotions. Emotions are always in motion. Being an ENFP means I am dominated by my emotions. My emotions dictated how I dressed, what I ate, etc. It wasn’t a matter of what I wore but what I felt like wearing or what I did but what I felt like doing or what I ate but what I felt like eating. This was so bad that if I was asked to do something at work, I wouldn’t do it right away simply because I didn’t feel like it. I realized this was a very juvenile attitude and I couldn’t base my whole life on my fluctuating feelings. So now I just embrace what I feel without DOING anything about them. I simply accept that I feel happy today, I feel sad today and then I choose to move on. So if I feel sad or fearful, I say okay great I feel sad and fearful and now I am headed to work. It is not about ignoring your feelings but about accepting them without the need to change it. I wish you the best of luck in discovering yourself and recreating yourself. Here is a quote for you while you undergo your exciting rebuilding process: “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
Mucho Amor y Cariño,
Thank you for sharing your struggles on this forum. I can’t really offer my advice but I can offer my experience. I too struggled and continue to struggle with feelings of low self worth. Although others consider me to be highly attractive, smart, funny, lovable, etc, I never believe them. I kept this hidden for a very long time, even to myself. When I started my spiritual quest and opening up my heart more, these feelings of inadequacy and low self worth started to rise to the surface. I had to dig really deep to figure out the source. I have everything that people would want: a good job, attractive and kind boyfriend, great network of friends but I still feel crappy and like I deserve none of it. I always felt that boyfriends just wanted me for my body and that they never really loved me. Many have tried to prove their love to me and it was never enough. I always felt like friends were only around because of the things I did for them. I felt like no one really loved me but just wanted to use me. I felt undeserving of good things. Most of all I felt like a fraud because my outside life didn’t match what I was feeling on the inside. I portrayed this confident and “perfect” persona. Really it was all a cover up.
So when I began to try to eradicate these feelings with positive thoughts it wasn’t working. I became depressed and gained a lot of weight to fill the void inside and also so that men would not be attracted to me. I began to truly see myself in a terrible light, even to the point of not deserving life. I realized that these feelings were not the illness but a symptom. Earlier childhood sexual abuse and verbal abuse really impacted my view of myself. I looked at myself through lenses smeared with shame and guilt. I felt despicable and immediately was disgusted by anyone who claimed to love me because I could not love myself. As hard as it was, I wrote all of these feelings down as bluntly as possible. For example, I don’t deserve love, no one will ever love me because I am ugly, and I deserved to be abused and lucky to receive it. I just wrote until I couldn’t write anymore. I was disturbed and shocked to see the final result. I couldn’t believe all of these nasty, illogical feelings that I had about myself. Revealing these buried feelings were quite painful and hard to swallow, however I felt like a burden was lifted. I showed them to my boyfriend and he couldn’t even began to comprehend how it is that I saw myself in that light and he said you know none of it is true. I said I know that but I don’t feel that. This was the epiphany moment for me. I had to change my feelings not my thoughts. I had to have a change of heart. I saw every interaction I had with another person through my warped perspective and I used any kind of normal behavior as “evidence” and reconfirmation of how I felt. I started realizing it had nothing to do with others but because I felt this way I was always going to “see” that people are using me or don’t care, etc.
Looking at the list really helps me realize just how untrue these emotions are. I wouldn’t recommend writing this list out until you are truly ready. Also seek help from a professional to help you because they will be able to give you an objective perspective. Things didn’t get better for me immediately but change takes time and patience. Just admitting these feelings alone were half the battle. You took the plunge and opened yourself up today so you are already half way there. Seek ways to improve your situation but do so wisely. If your weight bothers you, work on losing it but do so kindly. Love your body the way it is now and appreciate all that it has endured. Don’t lose weight in the mindset that I am an ugly person and I must lose weight to be beautiful. I did this. I gained weight because I felt ugly on the inside and I needed it to match my outside and I didn’t want men close to me because of my abuse. Also it would confirm the negative beliefs that I held of being unattractive. Then when I lost weight, I was my own worst enemy criticizing myself for being fat and ugly. I lost too much weight again making myself unattractive. Looking back, I created a lot of situations in my life to confirm what I was already feeling inside. I would say to take a deep look inside because no matter what your external circumstances may be you will still feel worthless if you don’t find the root cause of your feelings of low self worth. It took me time to realize this. Once you do find it, accept it. Be understanding of how you got there. Accept that we all carry hurt, pain, self sabotaging tendencies and be thankful that you have room for improvement. Just don’t confuse improvement with perfection. Also weaknesses are only windows of opportunity. You said that you had nothing to be proud of. I want to say that I am proud of you for opening up and for sharing. Because you were brave enough to share with us, I was brave enough to share of myself. Thank you and I send my warmest wishes to you and all the love in the world!