
Reply To: Alone

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I want to also add that the reason those shows were popular is because that is what most women are even if it is on a smaller scale. They demand Valentine gifts when men who clearly shop once a year and clearly do not want to be in a store buying their “payment” which is classier than money I guess for what they want. Just because they don’t have all the material things those tv charactors have doesn’t mean they don’t do the very same manipulative things. Weddings would be “old fashioned” if they didn’t promise money or Princess of the day. Everything that just contains meaning is “old fashioned.”

Why should they get their spouse’s medical insurance and then vote to have it taken away from struggling single people?? “Who do they think they are?” Obviously someone told them how amazing they were and the whole world should just step aside especially women who they view as lesser.

The only voice I have had since I was a teenager was Madonna.

  • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Lisa.