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Haha… I totally get what you mean by how you felt making that drive. I haven’t driven through my ex’s town either since we broke up and I almost had to drive through and right past his house to take my daughter to a swim meet and my mind was going nuts over it. I was just all kinds of anxious and it didn’t even make any sense. haha. We ended up having a snowstorm that day though so the meet was cancelled. Made me realize how hard I’ve been avoiding anything to do with him though.
Anyway, yeah, you definitely, definitely at the very least need to have a talk with her about boundaries and her attitude ASAP, even if you don’t break up with her right then…. and if she fights you over that, it’s very good reason to break up with her right then and have her start working toward moving out faster. She needs to understand that what she is doing and how she is responding to everything is pushing you further away. She is responding in really petty ways and her jealousy is basically out of control with that “I’ll just take my kids there, me and them.” You can’t change that you visited a place in the past (before you even met your girlfriend!) with your ex, so it’s a silly thing to even get upset about, but it shows you where her head is at.
The other thing is… you’re not trying to keep her or win her back, so you have absolutely no reason to put up with how she’s acting and her behavior is going to produce the exact opposite result that she wants, and she neeeeeds to understand that. There’s absolutely no way for you two to even have a hope of a healthy relationship with her acting like that. So, at the very least, even when you do break up, having this conversation about her behavior will hopefully help her learn a lesson that will be beneficial for her future relationships. A breakup might be good for your girlfriend if it spurs her to change, like breakups do with so many people. I personally have a much, much better mindset and better priorities than I did 2 years ago because I got a kick in my butt to change my situation and how I was thinking. Sounds like your girlfriend could use the same thing. She definitely needs to get out of victim mode, like life’s just handing her lemons. Meanwhile, she’s the one growing the lemon trees.