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Dear Anita,

Sorry for very late reply..

For these weeks i just shock Anita..

1. Everything i know before is just a tiny little information.. now i know more than that day.. i thought he is loyal to me. But do you know, instead of him watch porn regularly, now it’s become bigger. He create secret social media account and chated another girl. That i think that girl is not his type.. but i don’t know why he chated her… i feel really dissapointed this time. But i decide to keep silent for a moment. The hurt i feel is so deep and i don’t know how to heal it..

What should i do anita..? There’s a baby inside my womb.. why he have the heart to do it.. even he didn’t meet the girl, but in my thought. The chance for him to cheat is big.. i don’t know how many woman that he chated before this.. i feel i can’t trust anyone anymore… in front of me, he tried to manipulate everything that look like he loved games. But behind me, he did that.  Can’t give me attention by words, but he tell that girl that she is cute.

I think anythink at point 2 until 5 is not really matters anymore. This thing is really destroy my heart..

Help me please Anita…