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Dear Felix,
=Well, when i post about the new development that time i did write “on progress” on the story caption…. do u think it’s still okay?
Yes, it’s okay.
=When the people who replied to me thinking that i’m busy, that time i tell them “yea after graduating from uni, this is what i do now”. Does this sound deceiving?
Yes, this sounds deceiving because from your reply, they might have concluded that you were busy working on that project when you weren’t. Do you see the difference between being proud of your company’s achievements (which is totally fine) and taking credit for something you haven’t done (which is deceiving)?
If you see the difference, and you also understand what motivated you to brag and deceive people sometimes (your low self-esteem), you can correct your behavior, and also forgive yourself for your past actions.
that time she even crave for my attention. And she even said that she gets jealous when i said i get close with a girl.
This girl obviously liked you and at a certain point was even jealous of other girls. But that was in the past, when she was younger. Don’t forget that she was a teenager then and might have felt one thing, but now she feels something else. People change as they mature. Most recent what she told you is not to expect anything in the romantic sense from her, neither to expect that she won’t look at other boys at the university.
Also i feel jealous that she gets to meet lots of new people in uni for the next 4 years, whereas me….. i’m just helping my parents business everyday and i didnt meet anyone new… like even if i met meet anyone new it wont be as many as her…. how lucky she is…
Now that covid restrictions are being lifted, you can meet new people too. Perhaps less people than being at the university, but still enough to meet a nice girl whom you like and who likes you back.
Do u think if i still keep thinking about her in my head (this is an assumption) for the next 4 years…. but i wont text her except for her birthday until she graduates….., Would it be a wrong choice for me?
Yes, it would be a wrong choice because you’d glue yourself to her, and she’s already told you she moved on, and there’s very little chance that you’d end up together. So it would just be suffering for you. Instead, you can use your time to work on yourself and open yourself to a possibility for true love. But first, work on developing more self-love and self-esteem, because that’s how you’ll be able to meet a girl who truly appreciates you for who you are.