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“And do you remember when you first experienced this feeling of unfairness in your life?”
I don’t really recall when it started but it may go back to when my father abandoned us during a cold winter, taking with him things such as my clothes, toys, my mother’s stuff. I was at most two years old then so those memories aren’t continuous but rather scattered (but still vivid) pieces. I do not recall this particular incident though but it may be relevant.
What I do remember well is that when I was little, I mostly cried over things I found very unfair. I didn’t cry or complain much when I was punished for something I knew I did wrong. When I saw myself, my friends or my mother being subjected to treatment I considered unjust, it made me feel pretty bad. Likewise there was a lot of disrespect and harm coming from my father, his mother and the woman he lived with over the years.